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四上Unit One  My Classroom .8 教材分析:本单元围绕“In the classroom”展开教学,内容为有关教室的单词、短语、句子。因为教学内容为学生身边的事物,教学相对直观。 window,picture 等在三年级的字母教学中学生已接触,分解了记忆难度。本部分在进行话题扩展时,有关颜色的词汇及句式Where is …? How many…?学生已经学过。学生从本单元开始字母的书写,教师需要进行规范指导。优势在于学生在过去的一年中的认读环节,已牢牢地记住了他们的面孔,化解了写的教学难度。 教学目标: 1. 能力目标: (1).“能够简单的描述自己的教室”,如:This is my classroom .It’s big. (2). 能够说出教室中设施的颜色,如:The door is green .The windows are yellow … (3). 能够听懂并发出打扫教室的一些指令,如:Clean the classroom / door /window /board/ … (4). 会唱歌曲“In the classroom”。 2. 知识目标: (1)掌握A至I大小写字母,熟悉其中例词的发音。 (2)认读A、B部分Let’s learn, Let’s talk 中的单词和句子。 (3)理解Let’s do, Let’s chant 等部分的内容。 (4)了解Story time, Good to know 等部分的内容。 3. 情感、策略、文化等有关目标: (1)情感态度:注重合作精神。 (2)文化目标:了解西方国家相互尊重、体谅对方的有关文明礼仪。  教学重、难点分析: 1. 本单元重点学习有关祈使句的用法,其中难点在于B部分Let’s talk 的祈使句中一系列 动词词组的口头表达。教材在A部分Let’s do 活动中做了铺垫,教师在教学过程中要 反复利用这一活动,让学生通过活动感知新的语言点,减轻教与学的难度。 2.另外,本单元A、B部分的Read and write 字母例词中的部分单词在教学中要予以特别 的关注,如:beef, doctor, farmer 等第一次出现的单词均为第五单元和第六单元中要求 写的单词。  课时分配: 第一课时:A  Let’s learn Let’s do C  Let’s sing 第二课时:A  Let’s talk Let’s chant  C  Good to know 第三课时:A  Read and write   第四课时:B  Lets learn Let’s play C  Let’s find out Story time  C  Task time 第五课时:B  Let’s talk Let’s play C  Let’s check 第六课时:B  Read and write                 四上U1A1(词汇课) 2010.8 教学内容:A  Let’s learn Let’s  do  C  Let’s sing  我的设计 教学目标:1.能听说读单词board/window/light/floor/picture/classroom.   2.能听说读做Let’s do部分的指示语。   3.会唱歌曲“In the classroom”。 教学重点:学习What’s in the classroom?及相关单词:classroom, window, door, picture,  board, light。 教学难点:1. window一词注意w的发音,不要与v的发音混淆。   2. 在回答“What’s in the classroom? ”时,注意单词复数的读音。 教学准备:录音机和录音带,教室内具体实物(若无可借用自制图片picture, light等), A Let’s learn部分的单词卡。 教学过程:  Step1 Preparation 1. Listen to the song“Hello!” 新学期的第一节课,让学生在欢快的歌唱中互相问候,并在快乐的学习氛围中投入到本节课的学习。 talk 紧接生生之间的问候,通过Hello/How are you?/Nice to see you 等亲切自然的师生问候增进师生情感。 3. Revision 师利用实物导入对学习用具的复习,问What’s this in English? Whats in the pencil-case? 复习book. ,desk,chair …. 在学生回答出问题后,教师可再追问:How many pencils/pens…?使学生能用复数进行回答。如:What’s in the pencil-case? A ruler, two pencils…并为学习句子 What’s in the classroom?做准备。 Step 2 Presentation 1.单词导呈 (1)教学classroom 师利用手势(手指教室)说This is our classroom. We are in the classroom.. Many desks and chairs are in the classroom.板书领读classroom, classroom ,in the classroom引出句型Whats in the classroom? 的学习,让生能听懂明白此句。 (2) 教学board 师手指黑板说A board is in our classroom. This is our board.板书领读该单词,并利用动作学习词组clean the board让学生听说做该动作。 (3)教学window 师手指窗户问生What’s in the classroom?帮生回答A window .板书领读,并利用动作学习词组clean the window让学生听说做该动作。注意把clean the window (手拿抹布)与clean the board(手拿黑板擦)区别开。 (4)教学picture 师手指教室墙上一幅画(或准备一画)问What’s in the classroom?帮生回答A picture.板书领读,并利用动作学习词组put up the picture让学生听说做该动作。  (5) 教学light 师手指教室内一灯问What’s in the classroom?帮生回答A light板书领读,并利用动作学习词组turn on the light让学生听说做该动作。继而再问How many lights in our classroom? 学生通过观察然后回答 There are…lights in our classroom. (6)教学floor 教师拿拖把做拖地动作询问学生What am I doing?引导学生说I’m sweeping the floor.板书并领读floor师手指教室地板问What’s in the classroom?帮生回答,并利用动作学习词组sweep the floor让学生听说做该动作。 2.听读正音 放录音,生指单词跟读 3.合作学习(1)全班齐读,小组齐读,个别读  (2)小组内兵教兵,此时教师辅导检查后进生 Step3 Practice 1.快说单词(练习说) 师手指教室内( board/window/light/floor/picture/classroom)实物 , 让学生快速说出(由集体到个人) 2.听听画画(练习听) 师或生读或说单词让学生迅速画出 3.快读单词(练习读) 师迅速出示写有board/window/light/floor/picture/classroom的`单词卡让学生快速读出(由集体到个人) ’s do (1)放Let’s do 录音,师生边听边做动作 (2)说Let’s do 部分指示语,让个别学生做动作 (3)师做动作,全班用英语说出,然后个别学生说出 (4) 两人一组,一说一做 Step4 Production 利用所学句型What’s in the classroom?及单词board/light/floor/window...小组讨论教室内用品并记录,然后小组内一人汇报,看哪一组找的最多。通过此环节让学生学以致用,并让学生有成就感。 Step 5 Progress 1. Listen, draw and say (1) 教师发给每个学生一张图画纸。 (2) 教师说一段话,学生根据所听到的内容在纸上作画。所听内容:This is my classroom. What’s in the classroom? A picture, two boards, two doors, three windows, six lights, many desks and chairs. (3) 请学生说出自己所画的内容,核对答案。 2. Sing the song “ In the classroom” (1)复习the song “Happy new year”, “Happy new year”与“In the classroom”两者曲调一致,让学生熟悉旋律。 (2)教学the song “In the classroom”。 3. Homework 让学生制作本课单词卡,并画上相应图画 。                                 四上U1A2(对话课)   教学内容:A Let’s talk Let’s chant Good to know   我的设计 教学目标:1.能听懂会说有关描述教室的句子,如We have a new classroom .Let’s go and have a look. We have 6 new lights. Where’s my seat? It’s near the door.并能在实际情景中运用。 2.能跟着节奏吟唱歌谣。 3了解西方国家互相尊重体谅对方的礼仪文化。 教学重点:能听懂会说有关描述教室的句子,如We have a new classroom. Let’s go and have a look .We have 6 new lights. Where’s my seat? It’s near the door.并能在实际情景中运用 教学难点:1. 怎样让学生在有限的时间把散乱的知识点记住。 2. 学生对our 和my 的表达要比理解稍难些。 教具准备:录音机和录音带,教室内具体实物(若无可借用自制图片), A Let’s learn单词卡。 教学过程: Step1 Preparation  the song“In the classroom”,活跃课堂气氛。 2. Revision of Let’s learn 拿出单词卡问What’s in the classroom?让学生读出并快速指出。 3.做做Let’s do Step 2 Presentation 1.教学our new classmate 谈话导入:教师询问一生的朋友,谈及他们日常经常在一起做的活动,最后总结说So, he is your good mate.让学生理解mate是“同伴”的意思,如果学生所提到的朋友恰好是本班的同学时,教师就可以顺势说You and your friend are studying in the same class. So he is your classmate, too.板书并领读该单词,然后指一名学生说。is his classmate. ....is her classmate引出。is our classmate. 2. 教学We have... 拿着Zhang Peng的图画向全班介绍This is Zhang Peng , our new classmate. To him, our classroom is new. Who can introduce(介绍) our classroom to him.引导学生用句型We have a new classroom. We have four windows. We have six new lights. We have a computer.来介绍班级情况,教师板书领读这些句型并做造句练习。 3. 教学Lets go and have a look 教师用问句What’s in our classroom?让学生用刚才学习的句型描述教室内的物品,继而教师故作怀疑状Really? Let’s go and have a look.板书领读操练该句,板书时注意上下语境的搭配。 A: We have a new classroom.  B: Really? Let’s go and have a look. 4. 教学 near 师指一名靠近前门的学生说Your seat is near the door指另一名靠近窗户的学生说Your seat is near the window.板书领读near并造句。问一名靠近后门学生Where’s your seat?帮助回答It’s near the door.操练该句。 Step 3 Practice 1.听音答题 师说Amy, Mike and Zhang Peng have a new clas


Theme: Letters from Abroad

Function: Understanding different cultures.

Target Language: Simple past tense. The man wore women’s clothes. The actors told lots of jokes. We laughed a lot. Simple future tense ‘be going to’ We are going to see you in three weeks. Mum bought new chopsticks for you.

Vocabulary: wore (wear), women, actor, told (tell), joke, funny, after, show, ready, soon, bed, room, history, question, borrow, evening

Pronunciation: / / / / / / / /

Song: Postman


1. Tell the Ss that you are going to mime some things you did yesterday and the Ss have to look and guess what you did.

2. Continue like this. Yesterday I ate an apple.

He borrowed some books.

She went to the park.

3. Say some sentences with ‘now, tomorrow, yesterday.’ We are going to see you in three weeks. Dad is going to put another bed in my room. We bought a bike for you. We are having our English class. He is play football.


1. Listen and say.

A. Listen to the tape and read this letter.

B. Read the letter again and answer the questions:

C. What is Dad going to put in Simon’s room?

Who bought new chopsticks?

Who read a book about Chinese history?

What did they but for Daming?

2. Look and say.

A. Yesterday he ate a hamburger.

B. He played football.

C. Now he is eating an apple.

D. Now he is playing table tennis.

E. Tomorrow he is going to eat a banana.

F. Tomorrow he is going to go swimming.

3. Listen and repeat.

( qu sh th th)

quick she this thank

quarter English with mouth

三、Activity book:

1. Write a letter to Lingling. Use the words ‘went/ wore/ saw/ drank/ ate’

Dear Lingling,

Last week I went to the zoo. I wore a red sweater. I saw some animals. I drank some juice. I ate an ice cream.



2. Listen and repeat:

A. Quick! Cut it in quarters!

B. She is English.

C. Eat with this spoon!

D. I say ‘Thank you’ with my mouth.


Write a letter to your friend.



课题 Lesson 1

重点 句型What are they?以及其回答They’re… ;

难点Are they…?问句的结尾应读升调


Let’s practise部分的图片

Learn to say的教学课件。



1) 教师和学生用所学的日常用语打招呼Hello!Hi!Nice to meet you. What’s your name?

How old are you? What is it?

2) 学生之间用日常用语打招呼。


1) 教师呈现小鸭子图的一部分(一只小鸭子的头),问:What’s this?多数学生可以答出:It’s a duck.

2) 呈现图的整体 :四只鸭子, 教师自问自答: What are they? They are ducks.教师带读“What are they?” 强调they的发音要咬舌头。

3) 引导学生看图用What are they?提问,教师回答:They are ducks.强调ducks中[s]的音。小组进行问答练习。

4) 教师将几本书卷起来拿在手中引导学生用What are they?提问,然后找学生回答,教师要适时提醒book-books的演变。

5) 教师出示图片:4 ducks、5 desks、3 bikes、3 clocks、7 books。学生两人一组用What are they? They are…进行问答练习。

6) 请尽可能多的同学到前面作展示,教师要及时纠正学生对话中关于名词复数变化的发音。


1) 教师出示Learn to say部分的视频课件, 学生观看,了解对话情景。

2) 教师提问:Are they ducks? Are they geese? Are they swans?学生回答:Yes,they are.或No, they aren’t.

3) 播放对话跟读课件,学生逐句重复听到的句子。教师适时强调Are they…?读升调。

4) 学生之间进行对话练习:一个人扮演儿子,一个人扮演爸爸。

5) 请几组学生到前面展示。


1)学生将课前准备的Let’s practise部分的图片排列在桌子上,问:What are they?教师说:They are … 学生迅速选出有关内容的图片并举起, 比比看, 谁的反应快。


请一位同学选择任意一张图片到前面,不让其他同学看到图片内容,提问:What are they?班内其他同学用They are…猜猜图片内容。猜对的同学可以到前面来请班里的同学猜自己的卡片。此活动也可以以小组为单位进行。


Lesson 1

What are they? They’re (Let’s practise部分的图片,下方标有相应的单词, 复数变化)

duck + s = ducks cake + s = cakes



Step 5 Summing up and homework. ⑴小结本课时学习内容,完成自评表。 Read,tick and write.  Can you retell the dialogue? Yes,I can retell it well. Yes, but not very good. Sorry, I can’t.       T:Teachers do much work for students. So we should love our teachers. Let’s say something to our teachers. I want to say to the teachers: _______________________________. ⑵布置家庭作业。 ①完成下列阅读理解。 (A)判断正误,正确的写“T”,错误的'写“F”。 I am Ann. I am in Grade Five. Mrs. Heart is our principal. She’s fifty. She’s strict, but she is kind. Mr. Liu is my new teacher. He’s a university student. He’s tall and strong. He’s a basketball player. He’s my new teacher. (  ) 1. Ann is a teacher. (  ) 2. Mrs. Heart is old. (  ) 3. Mr. Liu is young. (  ) 4. Mrs. Heart is a basketball player. (  ) 5. My teacher is strict. (B)阅读理解,选出正确答案。 Tom is an American boy. He’s thirteen years old. He’s very tall and strong. He likes reading comic books. He likes playing basketball, too. He is good at math and music. He has a lot of friends at school. They often chat (聊天) with each other on the Internet (网上). Tomorrow is Tom’s birthday. His mother buys a lot of food for him. His classmates bring him lots of wonderful things. They are going to have a birthday party at school. (  ) 1. Tom is a boy of ___________ in the USA.   A. 11  B. 12  C. 13  D. 14 (  ) 2. He ___________ math and music.   A. be good at  B. do well in  C. is good at  D. studies (  ) 3. He has ____________ good friends at school.   A. some  B. a lot of  C. much D. / (  ) 4. He often talks ___________ his friends on the Internet.   A. to  B. of C. about  D. at (  ) 5. Where will they have the party? ___________   A. At home  B. At school  C. At the hotel  D. At the park ②让学生做Read and write部分的活动手册配套练习。 师生先共同讨论一位老师,体育老师王老师虽年长但很能干,从而引出谚语:人不可貌像。You can’t judge a book by its cover. 教师让学生分小组课外讨论其余几位老师,下课时分小组表演。 Talk about your teachers with your partner. A: Who’s your --- teacher? B: Mr/ Miss --- A: What’s he/ she like? B: He’s / She’s --- and --- Subject Family name   Thin   Short Strong Tall old Young Kind Funny Chinese Miss Cai                 Math                   Science                   Art                                             六、板书设计 Unit 1 My New Teachers Who’s your English teacher? Mr Carter.   What’s he like? He’s tall and strong.



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