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Hands-free phone use by drivers 'distracting' 研究称使用免提电话同样会使驾驶员分心

研究人员发现,在开车时使用手机免提功能通话和拿着手机通话对驾驶员注意力的。干扰不相上下。主要研究人员称,此研究结果为禁止在开车时使用任何方式接听电话提供了充分的证据。以下是 Richard Westcott 的报道。

You might think that going hands-free in the car is much safer than holding the phone in your hand. This research suggests that, although it's easier to physically control the car using both hands, the conversation itself could be dangerously distracting for your brain.

Psychologists at the University of Sussex say that when drivers are forced to visually imagine what they are talking about on the phone, they're using a part of the brain they'd normally use to watch the road. So asking a simple question like "where did you leave the blue file?" can mean a driverconcentrates on an area four times smaller than normal, because their brain is imagining the room where they've left the file instead of checking forhazards.

Drivers who took part in the research also took just under a second longer to react to a pedestrian stepping off the pavement and to an oncoming car on the wrong side of the road.

Having a passenger next to you is less distracting, the researchers argue, because you both stop talking when the driver needs to concentrate.



Do you often(like to) listen to music?



(1)When do you listen to music?


(2)How much time do you spend listening to music every day?

(1)What kinds of music do you like to listen to?

(2)What's your favorite kind of music?

列举常见的音乐类型:Classical music(古典音乐)、Pop music(流行)、Blues(蓝调)、Rock & Roll(摇滚)、Jazz(爵士)、Rap(说唱)、folk(民歌)

(3)What kinds of music are (most) popular in China?

—当然是folk了。你也可以说说“Square dance(广场舞)”,很具有中国特色。


(1)Have you ever been to a musical performance/concert?

(2)Have you ever learned to play a musical instrument?

列举常见的乐器:Piano(钢琴)、Accordion(手风琴)、Violin(小提琴)、Viola(中提琴)、Cello(大提琴)、harp(竖琴)、Chinese lute(琵琶)、guitar(吉他)、harmonica(口琴)、accordion(手风琴)、saxophone(萨克斯)。.。


(1)Who is your favorite singer?

(2)Do you want to be a singer?


As we slowly drove down the street on that cold December evening we spotted the porch light. "This must be the house." I told our "Positive Teens In Action" group. We pulled up in front of an older home with the porch light glowing. We gathered up our song books, walked up the steps, and knocked on the door. We heard a faint voice from inside say, “Come on in. The door is open." We opened the door.


There in a rocking chair sat an elderly woman with a big smile on her face. "I've been expecting you." she said weakly. Ruth was one of our Meals On Wheels stops I had arranged; along with the usual church members who enjoyed carolers. We handed Ruth the basket of goodies the teens had assembled earlier that evening. Then I asked Ruth what carols she would like to hear. Ruth's face was beaming as she joined in singing each song.


As we hugged Ruth good-bye she said to me with tears glistening in her eyes, “The day you called I was still in bed. I had just finished praying. I asked God if it would be possible to have some Christmas Carolers come to my home and sing this year. Thank you for being the answer to my Christmas prayer."


Wow, what an awesome experience to have the opportunity to be the answer to someone's Christmas prayer.




It hurts to love someone and not be loved in return. But what is more painful is to love someone and never find the courage to let that person know how you feel.

A sad thing in life is when you meet someone who means a lot to you, only to find out in the end that it was never meant to be and you just have to let go.

The best kind of friend is the kind you can sit on a porch swing with, never say a word, and then walk away feeling like it was the best conversation you've ever had.

It's true that we don't know what we've got until we lose it, but it's also true that we don't know what we've been missing until it arrives.

It takes only a minute to get a crush on someone, an hour to like someone, and a day to love someone- but it takes a lifetime to forget someone. Don't go for looks; they can deceive. Don't go for wealth, even that fades away. Go for someone who makes you smile because it takes only a smile to make a dark day seem bright.

Dream what you want to dream; go where you want to go; be what you want to be, because you have only one life and one chance to do all the things you want to do.

Always put yourself in the other's shoes. If you feel that it hurts you, it probably hurts the person too.

A careless word may kindle strife; a cruel word may wreck a life; a timely word may level stress; a loving word may heal and bless.

The happiest of people don't necessarily have the best of everything they just make the most of everything that comes along their way.

Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, ends with a tear. When you were born, you were crying and everyone around you was smiling. Live your life so that when you die, you're the one smiling and everyone around you is crying.



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