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We have done a survey on three activities in our school. The results show that 50 students in our class agree that students should wear school uniform, while others don't think it is important to wear school uniform in school. I think as a student, wearing school uniform is essential for me.

Wearing school uniform is a symbol of social identity, but ordinary clothes can leave a good impression on the school. On the Internet, the students have different opinions, but they strongly agree to use the computer to surf the Internet. In the school of the century, the Internet is an important tool in everyone's life.

It helps students learn how to search information and use e-mail online. Students have different ideas about group learning. They agree that it is a good plan for other students not to study in groups In my opinion, learning together has a positive impact on people.

Students can learn knowledge they don't know from others and improve their learning shortcomings. On the other hand, there will be better relations in groups. All these three activities are good for students and worth carrying out,.



In a movie theater, a spectator stood up and walked along a row of seats. A few minutes later, he went to the hall and asked the man in the front row: Excuse me, was it your foot that I stepped on when I went out just now? No, no, it's OK. I just want to make sure this is my row.




Recently, a lot of bad news about college roommates has been reported, such as stabbing and poisoning. In my opinion, these are the alarm bells for students to establish a good relationship with their roommates. I think it is very important to maintain a good relationship with roommates.

I have several reasons to support my view. First of all, good roommate relationship can not only help students learn, but also can help students learn Help them live. We all know that if you treat others well, others will do the same to you, unless someone doesn't accept your attitude.

In college, students need to help each other to improve their learning level. It's teamwork in the dormitory. They still need each other.

For example, when they are sick, if you have a bad relationship with your roommate, you will They will never enjoy the treatment. Establishing a good roommate relationship can help students establish a good personality. Most modern children are spoiled.

When they live in the dormitory, they are always the princess or prince in the family. They are hard to get rid of their bad temper. They still think that others should treat them well, or they are hard to notice that they are mean to others, which is causing trouble for roommates If they know how to establish and maintain a good roommate relationship, they will certainly become a person with good personality.

It is very important to establish and maintain a good roommate relationship. It is conducive to students' learning and living environment, and helps them become a better person. More importantly, many tragedies can be avoided.




A few years ago, it was fashionable to talk about the generation gap. Parents complained that their children did not show due respect and obedience. When children complained that their parents did not understand them at all, many critics believed that it was an integral part of our society.

One of the reasons for the generation gap was that young people had the opportunity to choose their own life in traditional society, children and their parents Living in the same area, married with people they knew and recognized by their parents, and often continued their family career in our society. People tend to move out of their homes at a very young age, marry or cohabit with people their parents have never met, and choose different occupations in our upward mobile society. Parents often expect their children to be better than them, however, to children These ambitions are another reason for the division between them.

They often find that they have little in common. The speed of change in our society is another reason. In traditional culture, people value wisdom, but in our society, a lifetime of knowledge may be out of date.

Young people and old people seem to live in two very different worlds, separated by different skills and abilities. There is no doubt that the generation gap will remain a feature of our lives for some time to come. Its root causes lie in the freedom and opportunity of our society, as well as the speed of social change.




A good environment can make people feel happy and healthy. Improving the environment means improving our lives. We should plant more trees and flowers around us.

We shouldn't cut them down. We should stop factories from discharging waste water into rivers and discharging waste gas into the air. Whenever we see garbage on the ground, we pick it up and throw it into dubbins.

Never spit in public places or draw pictures on public walls. This is our protection ring I want to thank you for all the help you have given me in the past semester. You have always been patient.

When I asked you questions, you listened to them carefully, explained everything you showed me so thoroughly, practiced and memorized new words and usages in different ways. I felt encouraged and became more comfortable speaking English. You make practice so interesting that I am always eager to participate and practice my English has improved so much.

How can I thank you? I can't wait to continue learning about my English in your class next semester.





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