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牛津小学英语3B Unit4 教案(精编5篇)

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《牛津小学英语》3B Unit 1 B Look and learn1

教学内容:h. sing a song     练习册c、d、e、f部分



2.理解歌曲内容,能准确唱出歌曲i wish i was taller。






step1 warm up

1. greetings

2. sing a song.

①listen to the tape.  ②简单介绍歌词大意。  ③sing after the tape.(2遍)

3. free talk


step2 revision

1. listen and repeat.(a部分)

2. listen and answer.(d部分)

①who’s younger, su hai’s aunt or su hai’s mother?

②is the man is black su hai’s uncle?

③is su hai’s father stronger than su hai’s uncle?

④who’s older, su hai’s father or su hai’s uncle?

3. listen and write.(b部分形容词及其比较级)

4. look and write. 出示c部分图片,指导生写出对话。

5. choose and write.

bird,    girl,    skirt,    t-shirt

the tall   in the yellow    and the blue    has a    .

step 3 do exercise.(练习册)

1. look, read and write(c部分)

①指导看懂题意。             ②指导读懂表格内容及句子内容。

可采用问答形式帮助学生理解如:t: who is taller thon jack? who is younger than jack? who is heavier than tom?…

③生自由练习。              ④read and check.

2. look and write.(d部分)


如:p1: who’s taller the boy or the girl.

p2: who’s stronger, the policeman or the doctor?

p3: who are heavier, the oranges or the pears?

p4: whose hair is longer?…

②生自由阅读并补充句子。     ③read and check.

3. look, read and write.(e部分)

①talk a bout the pictures.

t: what are they? who’s heavier? whose ears are longer? whose nose is shorter? who’s stronger?

②read the passage in pairs.

③complete the sentences.             ④read and cheek.

4. read, write and answer.(f部分)

①read the dialogues in pairs.

②指生对话                    ③指导理解对话内容

④answer the questions.

a: who is taller than john?         b: is marg stronger than john?

c: what is john good at?           d: where are they going?

⑤生自由阅读并完成练习        ⑥check it.

step 4 homework

1. read the text two times(a部分)

2. write the words two times(b部分)

3. make dialogues use the sentences of part c.


b部分词组     c部分句型及图片



牛津小学英语3B Unit4 教案2

《牛津小学英语4b》unit 4 参考教案常州师范第二附属小学 王蕾一、本单元教学内容类别语音项目要求语音辅音字母组合th在单词中的发音听读、辨认词汇apples, oranges, bananas, peaches, grapes, watermelons, pears, some听得懂、会说、会读、会拼写日常交际用语can i help you?these or those?听得懂、会说、会读句型what are these/ those?they’re….how many kilos?… kilos, please.听得懂、会说、会读、会写歌谣会朗诵二、本单元教学重点和难点:*△ 1.能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词apples, oranges, bananas, peaches, grapes, watermelons, pears, some。2.能听得懂、会说和会读日常交际用语can i help you? these or those?*△ 3.能听得懂、会说、会读和会写句型what are these/those? they’re…. how many kilos? … kilos, please.*△ 4.初步掌握名词复数的词形和读音的变化。5.了解辅音字母组合th在单词中的两种不同读音。6.能有表情地流利的诵读歌谣《i like fruit》。(   *为教学难点,△ 为教学重点。)三、教材内容分析:本单元的核心教学内容是“认物”,主要学习句子what are these/ those? they’re…。book4a中已经出现what’s this/ that? it’s…句型。教学中教师可以采用以旧带新的方法,从单数句式引出复数句式,还可以通过单复数形式比较找出它们之间的区别。本单元主要出现了水果类单词,除lemons, strawberries, grapes三种水果是第一次出现以外,其余八种均在book3a第三单元中出现过。教师可通过句型do you like …? yes, i do./ no, i don’t.的问答教授这三个新单词,并适当补充一些学生感兴趣的水果单词,如甘蔗(sugar cane),荔枝(lichee)等等。本单元出现的是这些单词的复数形式,涉及到词形、读音的变化,是教学中的难点。教师可以对名词复数的词形和读音进行归类。与本单元所出现的水果类单词紧密结合的是在商店里购物的常用语can i help you? how many kilos? these or those?等。在教学中教师要注意创设购物情景,让学生熟练自如的运用这些购物的基本用语。另外可以根据学生的具体情况适当补充一些其他购物用语或让学有余力的学生课后去收集这类交际用语,以扩充他们的知识面、锻炼他们的自主学习能力。四、课时安排: 四课时五、教学过程设计:period 1teaching aims and difficulties:1. 能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词apples, oranges, bananas, peaches, grapes, watermelons, pears。能听得懂、会说、会读单词pineapples, lemons, strawberries, mangoes。2. 能听得懂、会说、会读和会写句型what are these/those? they’re….3. 学会有表情的朗读歌谣《i like fruit》。teaching procedures:step 1. warming-up------- greetings.------- daily : point to the teacher, student, policeman, nurse, doctor, dentist, farmer, : teacher, student, policeman, nurse, doctor, dentist, farmer, etc.(do the action while speak out the word)t- s  s- sstep 2. presentationt: do you like doctors/nurses/ policemen/ farmers/…?s: yes, i do. ( no, i don’t.)t: do you like your english/ chinese/ math teacher?s: yes, i do. (no, i don’t.)t: thank you. miss wang likes apples. do you like apples?s: yes, i do. (no, i don’t.)t: what do you like, then?s: i like pears/bananas/pineapples/watermelons/peaches/oranges/mangoes.step 3 new words, chant and structures learningwords learningt: oh, i see. now, i’ll play a game with you. it is called” touch and guess”。 who’d like to come to the front and have a try?s: i : , come here. please touch and guess what are these in the bag?s1: : let me see. oh, you’re right. now i’ll change the fruits, please wait a minute. ok, who’d like to try now?s: i : , you : (touching the fruits)t: what are these?s2: : i’m sorry you’re wrong. who can touch and guess once again?s: i : ok, , you : : i’m sorry you’re wrong, either. let me show you: what are these in the bag? ( take out the fruits in the bag) look, they’re lemons. say after me, : : lemon. ( point to one lemon)s: : lemons. ( point to all lemons)s: : ok, boys and girls. what are these in the bag?s: : yes, you can also say: they’re : they’re lemons.( teach the words “grapes” and “ strawberries” in the same way.)t: ok, now let’s do ‘’point to …” once again, but this time we don’t point to the students act in different jobs, we point to the fruits. are you ready?s: : good, here we go! point to the lemons, grapes, strawberries, : lemons, grapes, strawberries,   s-s2. new chant learningt: you’ve done a great job just now. ok, it’s time to say a chant. do you like it?s: : ok. listen to the tape carefully.(play the tape recorder)s: (learn the chant)t: now, let’s say the chant by ourselves. strawberries, strawberries, red and sweet. one, two, start!s: ( say the chant and clap their hands together.) structures learningt: very good! excuse me, what are these in the bag once again?s: they’re : do you like lemons?s: yes, i do. ( no, i don’t.)t: thank you. boys and girls, can you guess what are those behind the bookcase?s1: they’re lemons, : : they’re : no, you’re wrong. ok, i can give you a hint: they’re red and : they’re : yes, how clever! you’re right. do you like strawberries?s3: yes, i : can you guess what are those behind the door? they’re yellow and : they’re : : they’re : i’m : they’re : bingo! you’re right. do you like mangoes?s3: no, i don’ 4. practicet: now, please use the fruits you brought here to make a dialogue with your desk mates. if you didn’t bring anything, you can talk about the pictures on page 33 in your english book. pay attention to use the new drills in your dialogues. now, i’d like to give you an example. please listen carefully. excuse me, what are these?s4: they’re apples?t: do you like apples?s4: yes, i : what are those over there?s4: they’re : do you like lemons?s4: no, i don’: oh, i see. i like lemons. may i have one?s4: sure, here you : thank : not at : (work in pairs.)t: ask some pairs to act their dialogues out. t: take out your books and turn to page 30, let’s read after the : (read after the tape, and then read in groups/ pairs.)step 5. consolidation

t: i know my father and mother like apples. do you know what fruit do you father and mother like? after class, use the words and sentences we have learnt today to ask your father and mother what do they like. if you don’t know how to say the fruits’ names, you can go and ask the greengrocers or bring them to the school and ask me. then finish this table. next class, i’ll check it out. that’s all for this class.homeworkoral work: 1)read the content on page 30 and 32 .           2) practise the chant on page 37 and try to make a similar ) finish the table below:fruitsfathermothergrandfathergrandmotherlike    don’t like    written work: copy the new words and finish part e of the 2teaching aims and difficulties:1. 能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词some。2. 能听得懂、会说和会读日常交际用语can i help you? i’d like some…how many kilos?…kilos, please.   渗透询问价格的日常交际用语: how much …? … 能正确表达每重量单位的单价。teaching procedures:step 1. warming-up and practise: point to…. (review the new words which are taught in last period)) say the chant with ) ask some students to say the chants which are written by : watermelons, watermelons, red and : lemons, lemons, yellow and : grapes, grapes, purple and :…3) check the table which should be finished after last : excuse me, . what do you father and mother like?s1: they like : excuse me, . what do you grandfather and grandmother like?s2: they’re like : oh, i see. i like peaches, 2. presentationt: with the table in your hand, i think we can do some shopping now. we can buy some fruits for our father and mother. boys and girls, what are these on the desk?s1: they’re : they’re : they’re : they’re : they’re : look, i also put some fruit over there. d o you know their names? if you don’t know, you can ask : excuse me, miss wang! what are those over there?t: they’re sugar : what are those over there, miss wang?t: they’re lichees. s3: what are those over there?t: they’re :….step 3. new structures learning1. 重量单位和每重量单位单价的正确认读1公斤/千克:one kilo (1 kg)       公斤/千克: three point five kilos1磅:one pound (1 p)         5元/千克:five yuan a kilo (5元/kg)元/磅:three yuan five jiao a pound (元/p) i help you? i’d like some….  how many kilos? …kilos, : now, i’m a shop assistant. you can buy fruits from me. can i help you?s: i’d like : how many kilos?s: two kilos, : ok, here you : thank you. goodbye!t: bye!t-st: i also like to buy some fruits for my father and mother. who’d like to be the shop assistant?s: i : ok. you, : can i help you?t: i’d like some strawberries for my mother. s1: how many kilos?t: one kilo, please. how much are they?( take out the purse in order to help the student understand the meaning of this sentence.)s1:ten : here you are. and i’d like some sugar canes for my father, too. s1: how many kilos?t: three kilos, please. how much are they?s1: ten : no, eight : : here you : thank you. goodbye!t: see    s-sstep 4. practicet: now i’ll divide you into four groups. you can do some shopping in the classroom. the students of group one are the shop assistants in lianhua supermarket. group two are the shop assistants in rt-market. group three and four are the customers. ok, you can go : (do the shopping.)t: ok, the students of group one and group two also like to buy some fruits. so let’s exchange now. the students of group three are the shop assistants in lianhua supermarket. group four are the shop assistants in rt-market. group one and two are the : (do the shopping.)step 5. consolidationt: now please open your books and turn to page 31. let’s read after the tape. are you ready?s: : ok, here we : ( read after the tape, then read in groups/ pairs.)today we have learnt how to buy fruits in english. that’s all for work: 1) read page 30-32 after the tape .          2) 利用33页上给出的句型,根据33上四幅图的情景与同桌合作编一个小对话,要求真实可信。written work: finish part d of the workbook.  period 3 teaching aims and difficulties:1.熟练掌握“四会”单词apples, oranges, bananas, peaches, grapes, watermelons, pears。2.能听得懂、会说和会读日常交际用语these or those?3.能结合实际情景正确运用can i help you? i’d like some…these or those?how many kilos? …kilos, please. 等句型。teaching procedures:step 1. warming-up and revisions1. review the chant < i like fruits>.2. review how to say the kilos and : how much a kilo? ( take out the card: 5元/kg)s: five yuan a : how much two kilos?s: ten yuan two : how much a pound? ( take out the card: 元/p)s: two yuan five jiao a : how much four pounds?s: ten yuan four : (more practise.)step 2. presentationt: some students told me they haven’t bought fruits last class. so let’s give them a chance to continue. , come here, : can i help you?s1: i’d like some strawberries for my : ok. how many kilos?s1: one kilo, : ok, here you are. s1: how much are they?t: eight yuan five : ok, here you : thank you. goodbye!s1: bye-bye!t-s   s-sstep 3. new structures learning1. how about…? here’s the : ok, all of us have bought things in the classroom now. i’m very happy. oh, i forgot one important thing, i haven’t bought things for you, my students. i must buy something for you. who can be the shop assistant now?s: i : ok, you : can i help you?t: i’d like to buy some sugar canes for my students. how much a kilo?s1: six yuan a : en, how about five yuan a kilo?s1: ok. how many kilos?t: let me see. five kilos, : here you : how much are they?s1: twenty-five yuan, : here’s the : thank you. goodbye!t: see you!t-s 2. these or those? the … ones, : i have bought some sugar canes for my students, they’re so heavy. i still want to buy some pineapples and strawberries for my students. who can buy them for me?s: i : ok, you please. t: ( act as the shop assistant.) can i help you?s2: i’d like to buy some pineapples for my teacher. t: these or those?( point to the pineapples.)s2:the big ones. how much a kilo?t: the big ones are ten yuan a : five kilos, : ok, here you are. fifty yuan, : here’s the : thank you. goodbye!s2: bye!s-t  step 4. practicet: thank you. you’ve done a good job. now, class, i’ve opened a company. the customers can book all kinds of fruits in it. i have to buy the fruits for them now. oh, the telephone is ringing. i have to answer the telephone. who can buy the fruits on the cards for me : i : ok, this card is for you.  …( give the cards to some students.)card 1:  apples   3元/kg     2 kilos  card 2:  pears    元/kg     4 kiloscard 3:  strawberries    4元/kg     1 kilo…s-sstep 5. consolidations: hand in the fruits to : thank you very much. the fruits are for you. that’s all for this work: read and practise unit 4written work: copy the new words and drills.  period 4teaching aims and difficulties:1. 了解辅音字母组合th在单词中的两种不同读音。2. 能在实际情景正确综合运用can i help you? i’d like some…these or those?how much …? … about…?how many kilos? …kilos, please. 等句型。teaching procedures:step 1. free talkwhat are these/ those?how much …? … many kilos? … kilos, 2 act the chant < i like fruits>step 3了解辅音字母组合th在单词中的两种不同读音。thin  think  three  thank …ththere  those  that  this…step 4  listening practise !. finish the workbook of unit the 5 practice可结合四年级的综合实践活动,开展一次购物实践活动。由学校统一批发一些水果,然后把这些水果分到若干个水果专营店里,英语老师(或邀请学校内其他英语较为流利的老师)担任售货员,让学生在实际情景中用英语购买他们喜欢的水果。

牛津小学英语3B Unit4 教案3

牛津小学英语4b/unit9教案 常州市怀德苑小学黄蕙颖 教学内容:《牛津小学英语》4b / unit 9第一教时教学目标:1.  能听懂、会说、会读、会拼写单词 a knife, a plate, a glass, a cup, a bottle, a table, an egg, bread,   能听懂、会说、会读、会拼写句型where’s  the/ my…?it’s …3.能听懂、会说和会读日常交际用语 what’s  for  breakfast?教学重点:1.能听懂、会说、会读、会拼写单词   a knife,   a plate,  a glass,  a cup,  a bottle,  a table, an egg,  bread,  能听懂、会说、会读、会拼写句型where’s  the/ my…?it’s …教学难点:where’s  the/ my…?it’s …课前准备:教具准备:课前准备本课单词图片、一些餐具及食品、录音机和磁带。教学过程:step 1:  review1.       free         复习句型  what’s  in /on /near …?              there’s / there  are …  step2:  presentation  and  practise1.       (1)t: what’s  for  your  breakfast?s: milk / eggs / noodles / bread / rice…教单词的拼写 bread, rice, an egg.学生用what’s  for  your  breakfast?问答         (2)t:exceuse  me, where’s  the  milk?                 it’s  in  the  bottle.(指着桌上的实物说)         (3)老师出示图片用同样的方法教cup和  t: when we eat some western food,  we always use these things.  老师拿出餐具放在桌上,左手拿*,右手拿刀,做吃西餐的样子,说  “this  is  a  plate / a knife / a fork.”   学生模仿老师说。3.  (1)t:where’s my glass?it’s on the desk.看着实物教单词glass         s1: where’s the  glass ?s2: it’s  on  the  desk..          学生问答。(2)老师拿出图片要求学生看图用“where’s the …?”句型问答。(3)t:where’s  my / your  egg?        it’s in the desk /near the book..     要求学生拿出自己的东西用“where’s  my / your / his / her …?”进行问答。step3:  a short break1.       sing  a         play  a  game.听音,让学生说出该餐具的名称,小组比赛,哪组说得既快又准确。step4: learn to say1.       学生听录音机,跟读课文。2.       老师拿出一张图片,图片中有许多东西摆放在某个位置上,要求学生练习where’s  the …? it’s  on / in /near …句型。3.       play a game要求学生把带来的餐具或食物放在老师准备的一个包的上面、里面和旁边,另一个学生去猜,分组比赛。step5: homework1.           copy  the  words  and             read  the  drills  after  the  tape.板书设计:                   unit 9   breakfast where’s  the / my  …?             it’s  on / in / near  …        教学内容:《牛津小学英语》4b / unit 9第二教时教学目标:1.       能听懂、会说、会读、会拼写单词 a        能听懂、会说、会读、会拼写句型where are  the/ my…?they’re  on / in / near  …there’s  no … on / in / near…3.       能听懂、会说和会读日常交际用语 have  some  juice         了解字母组合wh在单词中的读音。 教学重点:能听懂、会说、会读、会拼写句型where are  the/ my…?they’re  on / in / near  …there’s  no … on / in / near… 教学难点:正确使用where are  the/ my…?they’re  on / in / near  …句型。 课前准备:教具准备:课前准备本课单词图片、教学挂图、录音机和磁带。教学过程:step 1:  review1.  free    play  a    at  the  picture  and  spell  the  words.          step2:  presentation  and  practise1.       t: where’s  the  rice? it’s  in  the  bowl.(出示图片)          用实物教单词bowl, spoon和chopsticks。          出示图片要求学生用where’s  the  spoon / rice…?句型问答。      : where’s  the  spoon?s: it’s  in  the  : where  are  the  chopsticks?   they’re  near  the  bowl.学生问答“where  are  the  chopsticks?”句型。      3.(1)老师出示一些图片 s1: where  are  the …? s2: they’re  on / in / near…(2)t: look, this is my fridge.(出示图片)       教授单词fridge     t: where  are  my  apples?       they’re  in  the  fridge.         t: where  are  your  bananas.         s: they’re  in  the  desk.     要求学生拿出自己的东西用“where  are  my / your / his / her …?”进行问答4. (1) t: where’s  my  tea?           s:it’s  in  the  cup.           (老师拿过空杯)           t:there’s  no  tea  in  the  cup.           学生用there’s  no… on/ in / near…造句。        (2) s: there’s  no  milk  in  the  glass.           t: have  some  juice  ’s  a  carton  of  juice  on  the  desk..           学生模仿对话练习。step3:  a short breaksing  “in  the  classroom.”step4: learn to say1.       t: what’s  for  lunch?s: :where’s  the  rice?s: it’s  in  the  white  bowl.出示单词what  where  which  white,归纳字母wh 组合的发音wh 发/w/还有:wheel, why…wh 还可发/h/的音有:who, whose…2.       listen and repeat. read after the        open  the  books, read  unit 9  after  the  :   the  words  and    unit 9.板书设计:                   unit 9   breakfast where  are  the / my  …?they’re  on / in / near  …there’s  no … in /on / near …教学内容:《牛津小学英语》4b / unit 9第三教时教学目标:1.复习本单元所学的食物和餐具用品单词。2.进一步掌握句型where’s / where  are …?和there’s  no…in/ on…3.熟练运用本单元的句型及日常用语。教学重点:1.熟练掌握食物和餐具用品类单词。2.能综合运用本单元学过的单词、句型和日常交际用语。教学难点:能正确运用where’s / where  are …?及其答语。课前准备:1.教具准备:课前准备12张图片、录音机、磁带和实物投影仪。2.教学准备:教师准备好盘子、鸡蛋、香蕉等,学生自带一些与本课内容有关的食物和餐具等。3.板书准备:黑板上预先写好unit 9  breakfast教学过程:step 1:  sing  a  songsing “ in  the  classroom.”step 2:  review3.  free    t: draw  some  pictures  and  write  their  names.老师说本单元学习过的食物和餐具,学生画出来,然后拼出这个英语单词。step3:  ask  and  answer1.       (1) t: i’m  hungry.  i  want  to  eat  eggs.  but  where’s  the  egg?学生看到放在盘中的鸡蛋回答。学生问答“where’s  the  egg?”(2)     老师在盘中再加上一个鸡蛋。t: where  are  the  eggs?s: they’re  on  the         老师用实物投影仪打出小刀在沙发上的图片,要求学生问答。s1: where’s  the  knife?s2: it’s  on  the  sofa.然后出示其余五幅图片用where’s / where  are  the …?句型问答。3.       t: where’s  my  banana?s: it’s  on  the  : where  are  her  apples?         s: they’re  in  the  fridge.         老师要求学生用where’s  my / your / his / her …?句型和  where  are  my / your / his / her …?句型进行问答。4.       say  a  rhymepizza  and  bread ,  they  are  western    and  noodles,  they  are  chinese    and  juice,  they  are  soft    and  pears,  they  are  nice  fruitsstep4:  look  and  : i’m  thirsty.  i  want  to  drink  some  : there’s  some  coffee  in  the  : oh, there’s  no  coffee  in  the  : have  some  juice  “there’s  no  coffee  in  the  cup.”2.用实物投影仪打出瓶中没有牛奶等六幅图片,要求学生练习句型there’s  no … in/ on…  a  dialogue要求学生用where’s / where  are  the …?句型和there’s  no … in/ on…句型编写小对话,并表演。step5: homework1.  copy  the    the  dialogue.板书设计:                   unit 9   breakfast where’s  the  egg / knife…?         it’s  on  the  plate / sofa…         where  are  my  eggs / apples…?         they’re  on  the  plate / sofa…         there’s  no … in / on/ near… 学内容:《牛津小学英语》4b / unit 9第四教时教学目标:1.  复习巩固本单元单词 a knife, a plate, a glass, a cup, a bottle, a table, a fridge,  an egg, bread,   复习巩固本单元句型  where’s  the/ my…?it’s …                        where  are  the / my…?they’re …         there’s  no … in / on/ near…3.  能听懂、会说和会读日常交际用语 can  you  use  chopsticks ? no, i  can’t. but  i’d  like  to  try.        watch  me.  let  me  try  again. 4. 会诵读歌谣  it’s  one  in  the  afternoon.教学重点:  复习和巩固本单元的单词和句型。课前准备:教具准备:课前准备本课单词图片、学生自带实物。教学过程:step 1:  review1.       sing  a  song: western  food  and  chinese         act  the  dialogue.学生用自带的实物表演对话。step2:  presentation  and  practise1.(1)t: look, here’s  a  pair  of  chopsticks.          can  you  use  : yes, i  can.学生问答“can  you  use ….?           (2)s: can  you  use  the  knife?t:no, i  can’t .but  i’d  like  to  try.  please  you    me.  is  this  right?                s:no.                t: let  me  try  again. is  it  right?s:yes.老师在对话中可解释i’d  like  to  try.和watch  me.等句的意思。2.听录音,理解对话,并分角色朗读。  and    students  look  at  the  pictures.  read    they  translate  the  meaning. at  last, they  read  the  :  a short breakplay  a  gamet: close  your  eyes.  where’s / where  are  the…?step4:   a  rhyme.        learn  to  say  the  rhyme“it’s  one  in  the  afternoon.”        off  the  workbook./estep5:   a    the  drills.板书设计:                   unit 9   breakfast              can  you  use  chopsticks?  no, i  can’t.             but  i’d  like  to  try.      watch  me.                      let  me  try  again.

《牛津小学英语》3B Unit3案例4

教学内容:《牛津小学英语》6b unit 3 asking the way e read and number及f play a game


1. 进一步巩固本单元所学的与问路有关的词汇和句型。

2. 正确地听、说、读单词bookshop,out of,follow,shout,stop thief及不规则动词过去式的读音。

3. 复习巩固一般过去时态,注意新旧知识的滚动训练。


1. 培养学生初步的阅读能力。

2. 归纳并掌握本部分出现的不规则动词过去式及其读音。

3. 鼓励并培养学生讲述自己身边曾发生的故事。



step1 warm up

1. listen to the song:excuse me

2. free talk


how can i get to the…?

can you tell me the way to…?

how far is it from here?

how many stops are there?

step2 revision

1. 出示a部分挂图,师生问答,讨论会话。

2. 让学生分段复述a部分内容。

3. 分角色有感情地朗读课文。

4. 出示本单元的四会单词,请学生朗读并拼读(开火车进行)。

5. 教师指地图请学生接龙问路。

step3 presentation

1. 学习e read and number。




see→saw          steal→stole           run→ran

hear→heard        come→came          say→said

begin→began       catch→caught         get→got

④出示e部分挂图,创设情景让学生理解,并引出三会单词的学习。(suddenly, out of, shout, thief.)




2. play a game.


t:now, i’m at the hotel. i’m going along guangzhou road, turning right at nanjing road. then i’m going along nanjing road. the place is on my left. guess! where am i now?

s:you are at / in …

t:you’re right.




step4 consolidation

1. 复习e部分出现的几个不规则动词的过去式。

2. 分组比赛朗读e部分内容。

3. 强调几个三会单词及动词过去式的读音。

step5 homework

1. 背诵本单元四会单词、句型,达到能默写的程度。

2. 熟读课文,并试着背诵对话。

3. 巩固不规则动词的过去式。

板书内容:unit3 asking the way

1. bookshop, out of, follow, shout, thief.

2. see→saw          steal→stole           run→ran

hear→heard        come→came          say→said

begin→began       catch→caught         get→got


牛津小学英语3B Unit4 教案5


1、review numbers: one; two; three; four; five; six; seven; eight; nine; ten; eleven; twelve.

2、new phrases: have lunch; watch tv

3、new sentences: what’s the time?

it’s …

it’s time to …


1、new phrases: have lunch; watch tv

2、new sentences: what’s the time?

it’s …

it’s time to …


1、课件; 2 、material things.


一、exchange greetings:

二、warming up:

step 1

have free talk with ss:

1、good afternoon. good afternoon.

how are you?   fine, thank you.

2、excuse me. what’s this in english?        it’s a …

3、who’s she / he?  she’s / he’s …


step 1

review numbers:  one; two; three; four; five; six; seven; eight; nine; ten; eleven; twelve.

1、(1)(课件)show a picture: 7;

(2)ask 2 or 3 ss to read it one by one.

2、(1)(课件)show a picture: 2;;

(2) ask 2 or 3 ss to read it one by one.

3、in this way, review the numbers left.

step 2

teach and learn to say dialogue: what’s the time?

it’s …

1、(1)(课件)show a number: 4:00

(2)ask ss, what does it mean?

teach word: time (时间)

(3)make a dialogue: what’s the time?

it’s …

<1> t asks, s answers.

<2> teach the sentence: it’s …

<3> teach the sentence: what’s the time?

<4> s asks, t answers.

<5> work in pairs.

step 3

teach new phrases and learn to say dialogue:

new phrases: have lunch, watch tv.

dialogue: what’s the time?

it’s …

it’s time to …

1、(课件)show a picture: 表示7点的钟

make a dialogue: what’s the time?

it’s …

(1)   work in pairs.

2、同一幻灯片上出示另一张图片:go to school.

make a dialogue: what’s the time?

it’s seven.

it’s time to go to school.

all right. / ok.

(1) s asks, t answers.

(2) teach the sentence: it’s time to … (是…的时候了。)

(3) s asks, t answers.

(4) t asks, s answers.

(5) work in pairs.

3、(课件)show a picture: have lunch 且时间为12:00

make a dialogue: what’s the time?

it’s twelve.

it’s time to have lunch.

all right. / ok.

(1) t asks, s answers.

(2) teach the phrase: have lunch.

(3) work in pairs.

4、(课件)show a picture: watch tv 且时间为8:00

make a dialogue: what’s the time?

it’s eight.

it’s time to watch tv..

all right. / ok.

(1) t asks, ss answer.

(2) teach the phrase: watch tv

(3) work in pairs.

5、(课件)show a picture: go to school, have lunch, get up, go home, watch tv.

且有时间:6:00, 7:00, 12:00, 4:00(下午), 8:00(晚上)

make a dialogue: what’s the time?

it’s …

it’s time to …

all right. / ok.

(1) work in pairs. (choose one picture or one time, make a dialogue in paies)


1、review numbers from 1 to 12.

2、read new phases .

3、learn to make dialogues using sentences learnt.


unit  4         time

what’s the time?

it’s …

it’s time to go to …

教学反思:通过本单元的学习,学生们掌握了时间的询问“what’s the time?”及数字1-12等。在教授过程中,学生对情景式的教学掌握很快,并能将所学编成对话灵活运用

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