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1、知识目标:教会学生利用所给内容提出建议并学会正确应答。Could you please do something? What shall we do、Where shall we do ? Why don’t we do…..?Let’s do……





重点:征求他人意见Shall we…?How about doing …?What shall we do ?Where shall we do ? Why don’t we do…..?Let’s do……

以及Where 引导的特殊疑问句



(2)练习和巩固:,和学生一起训练Ask for suggestions and make suggestions学习操练单词并结合这些句型进行训练。分组进行操练。








正确使用Could you please do something? What shall we do ?Where shall we do ? How about doing…? Let’s do…以及Where 引导的特殊疑问句

能正确应答:That’s a good idea or That’s not a bad idea.能使用学过的词,词组和句型来提出建议并学会正确应答




复习Unit 7








1.一般过去时常表示在过去某时发生的动作或存在的状态(包括过去的习惯动作),常与一般过去时连用的时间状语有:just now, a moment ago, yesterday, last week/month/year, the day before yesterday及表示过去的时间状语从句。

I met her in the street the day before yesterday.

Ex. Hangzhou is a nice city. My dad me there when I was about ten years old.

A. pulled B. caught C. took D. brought

2.过去进行时常用的时间状语有:at that time/moment, at this time yesterday, at +点钟+yesterday,时间状语从句。

What were you doing at seven yesterday?

Ex. I on the computer when Jim came to see me yesterday evening.

A. draw B. drew C. was drawing D. am drawing


She wrote a letter to her friend last night.

She was writing a letter to her friend at nine last night.

Ex. –Why didn’t you give me a phone call?

-- I . But nobody answered the phone.

A. do B. did C. will D. have



Tom was studying in Paris last term.


John was always coming to school late.


It was a dark night. The wind was blowing hard and the rain was falling heavily. A young man suddenly appeared on the riverbank. He wanted to cross the river.


I was taking a walk when I met him.

5)go, come, leave, start, arrive等动词可用过去进行时表示过去将来的含义。

I was leaving for Wuhan that day.

Ex. (1)It was warm, so I (take) off my coat.

(2)John (take) a photograph of me while I (read).

(3)Jane (wait) for me when I (arrive).

(4)Sue wasn’t hungry, so she (not eat) anything.

(5)It was hard work to carry the bags. They (be) very heavy.

(6)When I was young, I (want) to be a bus driver.


表示动作发生的频率程度的副词叫做频度副词,如seldom, always, often, sometimes等。一般常用在一般现在时中,放在be动词,情态动词及第一个助动词之后,实义动词之前。

He is seldom ill.

You must always remember this.

Do you usually go to school on foot?


Sometimes she goes to school by bus and sometimes she goes to school by bike.


1.– Does Liu Hua ever guess the meanings of English words?

– No, he guesses the meanings of new words. He uses his dictionary all the time.

A. usually B. always C. never D. sometimes

2. English people use Mr. Before a man’s first name.

A. never B. usually C. often D. sometimes

3. If you want to learn English well, you must use it as as possible.

A. often B. long C. hard D. soon

4. She always gets up early and so she is late for school.

A. sometimes B. usually C. never D. often

5. I believe what he says.

A. don’t always B. always don’t C. not always D. always not

6. –I hate vegetables. I eat them.

– But they’re good for your health. You should often eat them.

A. seldom B. often C. usually D. always

7. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.

A. never B. often C. seldom D. always

8. –Does Liu Hui do his homework in the afternoon after supper?

– . He does his homework after supper.

A. Yes, usually B. Yes, always C. Never, always D. No, sometimes

9. The rich are not happy.

A. never B. sometimes C. usually D. always

10. She always finishes her homework on time. She leaves it for tomorrow.

A. never B. sometimes C. usually D. seldom


1.反身代词不能表示“某人的(东西)”之意,因为反身代词没有所有格形式,不能作定语。表示“某人自己的”,须用one’s own.

I saw the accident with myself eyes.(F)

I saw the accident with my own eyes.(T)


Herself is a teacher.(F)

She herself is a teacher.(T)


He himself went to see the artist.(F)

He went to see the artist himself.(T)


teach oneself自学enjoy oneself玩得高兴help oneself随便吃

say to oneself自言自语hurt oneself伤着自己dress oneself自己穿衣

by oneself独自地for oneself为自己Ex.

1. Be careful not to hurt . It’s a new knife.

2. I don’t need any help. I can do it all by .

3. –Did you enjoy ?

– Yes, we enjoyed very much.

4. She thinks more of others than of .

5. He is too young to teach English.

6. Help to some cakes, children.


1. I hope to see you next week.

hope to do sth./that从句

She hopes to get a job overseas.

I hope you won’t be late.

2. There are many different ways to show respect to older people.

show respect to …

I have the greatest respect for you.

I respect you for your honesty.

3. All the buildings are supposed to provide special facilities for people in wheelchairs.

be supposed to do

You’re supposed to pay the bill by Friday.

provide sth. for sb.

Can you provide some drinks for us?

4. Do you give up your seat to an older person on a bus or a subway?

give up sth.

She didn’t give up her job when she got married.

5. Don’t you say “Please” when asking someone for something?

ask sb. for sth.

Jim always asks mom for some money.


1. He hopes a doctor when he grows up.

A. / B. to being C. to be D. being

2. There are some people who don’t show respect the old in society.

A. to B. in C. at D. of

3. Bill give a lecture on Saturday afternoon.

A. is supposed to B. was supposed to C. be supposed to D. supposed to

4. The government will provide food and drinks the people who suffer poverty.

A. to B. for C. with D. on

5. The doctor asks the old man to smoking for it is bad for his health.

A. give up B. put up C. get off D. put down

6. She always asks her mother something to eat.

A. to B. for C. at D. on



1. doesn’t, she, early, get up , mind


2. likes, by, brother, my, travel, train


3. like, take, to, I, a, bus


4. in, live, they, the, prefer, country


5. at, home, I, today, stay, to, prefer


6. feel, like, I, grandparents, my, visit



Ⅰ.Teaching aims and demands:

Students learn to make comparisons and discuss preferences.

Ⅱ.Key and difficult points:


theater, cinema

trendy, quality, comfortable, close to

seat, screen, jeans, performer, radio station

new, big, friendly, fun, boring, popular, cheap, service, creative, clothes, clothing, store, music, piano, actor, music video, TV show

Target language

What’s the best cinema?

Showtime Cinema. It’s the cheapest.

Jason’s has good quality clothes.

It’s better than Trendy Teens.

Jason’s is the best store in town.


Superlatives with –(i)est, the most

Irregular comparisons good, better, the best, bad, worse, the worst


The superlative degree of adjectives.

Ⅲ.Teaching aids :

A tape recorder

Ⅳ.Teaching methods:

Audio-lingual method; Communicative Approach; PPP

Ⅴ.This unit is divided into five periods.

Period 1

Teaching contents:Section A 1a ,1b ,1c ,2a ,2b , 2c .

Teaching goals :

1. vocabulary: comfortable , seat , screen , close , close to , quality , theater , cinema , radio , radio station .

2. 能力目标:掌握一些形容词的比较级和最高级。

Difficult points :特殊形容词的比较级和最高级。

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Leading in

Revise the comparative forms and superlative forms of some adjectives.

Step 2 Pre-task

SB Page 71, 1a.

Ask Ss to explain what the word or phrases means in their own words. Then ask Ss to decide which of the things are important or unimportant .

Step 3 While-task

SB Page 71 ,1b .

Ask some Ss to read the sentences, then play the recording .Correct the answers .

SB Page 71, 1c.

Ask Ss to make a list of real movie theaters they know .In pairs ,Ss read the conversation in the box ,then get them to make their own conversations according to the list of real movie theaters .

Step 4 Post-task

SB Page 72, 2a & 2b .

Ask some Ss to read the phrases and sentences. Play the recorder, Ss listen and write down their answers.

Check the answers.

Step 5 Role play

SB Page 72 , 2c .

Have Ss work in pairs . Check the progress and offering help as needed .

Ask some pairs to say their conversations to the class.

Step 6 Homework

Preview the grammar box .

Period 2

Teaching contents :Grammar focus, Section A 3a,3b,4.

Teaching goals :

1. Vocabulary : teen ,bargain , delight , by bus .

2. 能力目标:学习进行简单的比较并表达自己的。好恶。

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Revision

Task 1 Dictation: words and expressions.

Task 2 Revise the Grammar Focus.

Step 2 Reading 3a

Task 1 Read the directions.

Task 2 Ask students to read the article on their own, and circle the words and phrases they don’t understand.

Task 3 Ask students to read the words and phrases they don’t understand, ask other students to explain.

Task 4 Ask students to read again and complete the chart.

Task 5 Check the answers.

Step 3 Writing and speaking

Task 1 Read the directions. 3b

Task 2 Ask students to say the names of stores in your town and write the names on the board.

Task 3 Ask students to work with partners as they talk about the stores and fill in the chart.

Task 4 Ask the two or three pairs of students who finish first to put their charts on board.

Step 4 Group work 4.

Where are we going for lunch?

Task 1 Ask the class for the names of three places to have lunch near the school and write them on the board. And elicit answers for one of the restaurants.

Task 2 Divide the class into small groups. Ask them to choose three restaurants and fill in the chart.

Task 3 Ask the groups which restaurant they decided on. Why did they decide on that restaurant.

Ⅵ Homework

1 Revise the target language.

2 Finish off the exercises on work book.

Period 3

Teaching contents :Section B 1a , 1b, 2a , 2b , 2c .

Teaching goals :

vocabulary: positive , negative , dull , performer

Teaching procedures :

Step 1 Leading in

Check the homework.

Step 2 Pre-task

SB Page 74, 1a .

Point to the sample answer in the chart and ask a student to read the pair of words to the class.

Ask Ss to complete activity 1a on their own .

Correct the answers .

SB Page 74 , 1b .

Explain that positive words are words that you can use to say good things about people ,ask Ss to say only good things about people as they talk with partner .

Ss work in pairs to talk about the people they know .

Ask several Ss to say their sentences to the class .

Step 3 While-task

SB Page 74 , 2a .

Ask Ss what a “talent show” is and ask Ss to tell what people do at talent show .

Point to the five pictures .Ask different Ss to say what the people are doing in each picture .

Play the recording .Ss listen and write the correct name .

Check the answers .

SB Page 74 , 2b .Play the recording and ask Ss to write what different people say about the performers .

Correct the answers .

Step 4 Post-task

SB Page 74 ,2c .

Ask two Ss to read the sample conversation to the class .Then Ss work in pairs .

Step 5 Homework

Ask Ss to write their questions and answers in activity 2c on the exercise books .

Period 4

Teaching contents:Section B 3a ,3b ,3c ,4 , selfcheck.

Teaching goals :

1. vocabulary: province , still , enough , distance , farthest

2. 能力目标:学习进行简单的调查。

Teaching procedures :

Step 1 Revision

Task 1 Dictation

Task 2 Revise the content taught.


Who is the most creative student in our class?

Who is the wisest student in our class?...

Step 2 Reading 3a

Task 1 Read the instructions and the words in the box to the class

Task 2 Read the article to the class.

Task 3 Ask students to read the article on their own.

Task 4 Ask students to fill in the blanks.

Task 5 Check the answers.

Step 3 Reading and Writing 3b

Task 1 Read the instructions.

Task 2 Have students complete the article on their own.

Task 3 Ask students to read what they wrote to the class.

Step 4 Writing 3c

Task 1 Ask a student to read the beginning of the article.

Task 2 Ask students to say the names of famous performers they might write about. Ask them what words they could use to describe each performer.

Task 3 Ask students to write their articles on their own.

Task 4 Ask some students to read their articles to the class.

Step 5 Pair work 4

Task 1 Read the instructions.

Task 2 Ask two students to read the sample conversations to the class.

Task 3 Ask students to interview each other.

Task 4 Ask some students to perform to the class.

Step 6 Self check

Task 1 Fill in the blanks.

Task 2 Read the information about the three cities and describe which is the best city to visit for a winter vacation..

Task 3 Just for fun: read and act out.

Ⅵ Homework

1. Ask students to write their opinions with reasons about activity 2 of Self check.

2. Revise the words and target language of this unit.

3. Finish off the exercises on work book.



1 、教师准备教材配套的录音带。

2 、教师准备字母卡A—Z。

3 、教师准备中国、加拿大、英国、美国四国的国旗。

4 、有关奥运会入场式的录像带。






教师做动作,要求学生说出与教师所做动作不同的单词。如:教师做tall的动作,学生说:short 。



(2)教师出示中国、加拿大、英国、美国四国的国旗,教师带读China,Canada,United Kingdom,America。

(3)教师播放Let's chant部分的录相,在活泼动感的chant中让学生了解国旗的同时初步感受四国国名的简称或全称的发音China,Canada,United Kingdom,America。



(5)教师将写有大写字母的卡片发给部分学生,每人一张,说:P,R,C.拿着这三个字母卡的学生要按顺序站成一排。用同样的方法让学生找出CAN UK和USA(教师在发给学生卡片时,可有意准备两个A,C,和U以备用)。





(2)让学生听Let's say部分录音,并跟读。

(3)让学生听Let's chant部分的歌谣录音,一句一句的跟读。将China,Canada,United Kingdom,America四个国家的国名板书于各国国旗下。告诉学生PRC和USA是中国和美国的简称,完整的形式为:the People's Republic of China(即:中华人民共和国)以及the United States of America(即:美利坚合众国)。而平时多使用China,America两个单词。


4 、课堂评价(Assessment)


5 、扩展性活动(Add—activities)

展示各国国旗,学习其他国家的缩写和读音。如:日本JPN Japan,

澳大利亚AUS Australia俄罗斯RUS Russia等等。


Unit Six At the Zoo


China Canada United Kingdom America.



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