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There is a temple at the foot of Nanshan,and an ancient banyan is in front of it.

One morning,a young monk gets up to clean up the courtyard and sees the fallen leaves from the ancient banyan are everywhere,he can't help worrying and look at the tree to sigh.

For his sorrow is on the toppest,he throws down the broom and rushes to his master's room ,then he knocks on the door to plea for interview.

His master hears it and opens the door,when he sees the disciple's worried look,he thinks something takes place,so he hurries to ask him:“ My disciple, what does you worry about so much in the early morning? ”

The young disciple is full of doubt and tells him:“Master, you persuades us to be diligent to cultivate our moral character and grasp the truth day and night,but, even I learn them well ,it is hard to avoid to that ,so-called me, so-called Dao, aren't they just like the defoliation in autumn or the deadwood in winter? and they will be buried by a heap of loess?”

After hearing it ,the old monk points at the ancient banyan and says to the young monk:“ My disciple ,you don't need to worry about fact, the defoliation in autumn and the deadwood in winter will climb back to the trees silently and become the flowers in spring and grow up into the leaves in suer at the time of autumnal winds is blowing strongliest and the snow falls down most heavily.”

“Why don't I see it?”

“It is the reason that there isn't any view in your heart, so you can't see the bloom .”

Facing the withering defoliations and imaging they will be in bud,it needs to have an immortal of spring heart, an optimism of heart.

There are always some miseries you will meet in your whole  and strike you when you are unprepared, but we don't need to worry day after day for the arrival of this day, and feel sorry to yourself.

Treating the life with the attitude of the optimism, it can not only dissolve the agony and misfortune , but also bring a kind of pleased mood to you everyday and make your life bright and flourishing .

As long as the view is in the heart,aren't the paths full of fragrance of flowers everywhere?


Silence 沉默

Silence is soundlessness; silence exists in different forms.


An empty head or a blank mind which leads to speechlessness--that is silence.


Enthusiasm fades like dying embers and thus leads to cynicism and indifference to life, which arouses neither happiness nor sadness, neither worries nor anger, and which costs people their interest in and desire for anything--that is silence.


Despite all the experiences of love and hate, of disorientation and reorientation, of order-giving that was answered by hundreds and call-issuing that was not answered by a single soul, there is not a word uttered, but only a clam eye that watches on this world--that is also silence.


Worries and sufferings, tastes of changes and vicissitudes of the world, footprints left in mountains and valleys and noises of rivers and oceans cherished in the heart are all but hidden unrevealed--that is still silence.


Either an invaluable Italian violin or a reed whistle cut out casually would remain silent if they are not played, although the connotations of their silences differ greatly. For even though they are never touched by anybody, you can still imagine the vastly different sounds they can possibly produce.


A flawless jade ornament, or a coarse, gross brick will always remain silent if it is left untouched, but who can draw an equal sign between them?


Indeed, for a living being there is no such thing as true silence, for silence itself is a revelation of the mind and the heart, an echo of the soul of a different form.


Some people use silence as a disguise of the emptiness of the head.


Some use it as a means to depict their disorientation and melancholy.


And some use it as a way of expressing their angers and sorrows.


Silence usually is ephemeral. It reminds one of the bronze bells dangling from a pagoda's eaves; on windless days they are a decoration upon the age-weathered beauty, but with wind they give out wonderful tinkling and jingling metallurgic sounds, as if echoing age-old stories of long, long ago.。.


Do you not think the same of silent people?


They say that "silence is golden", but of what nature is this "gold"? It can include integrity, honesty and kindness; it can stand for indifference to and detachment from fame and fortune; but it can also act as an excuse for hypocrisy, slyness and cowardice.。. the glittering of gold may not necessarily be the most brilliant lustre in the world.

“沉默是金”,是怎样的一种“金”呢? 这个“金”字中,可以包含正直、善良,可以代表淡泊、超脱,也可以是虚伪、圆滑、怯懦的一种托辞……金子的光泽,未必是世界上最动人的光泽。

Can it be that permanent silence is only represented by death?


Perhaps even death cannot represent true silence, for the carrier of the soul can turn into dust, so that the sincere and wise voices from the bottom of the heart will trigger long-lasting echoes in the seas of human hearts.。.



A man had a little daughter—an only and much-loved child. He lived for her—she was his life. So when she became ill, he became like a man possessed, moving heaven and earth to bring about her restoration to health.

His best efforts, however, proved unavailing and the child died. The father became a bitter recluse, shutting himself away from his many friends and refusing every activity that might restore his poise and bring him back to his normal self. But one night he had a dream.

He was in heaven, witnessing a grand pageant of all the little child angels. They were marching in a line passing by the Great White Throne. Every white-robed angelic child carried a candle. He noticed that one child‘s candle was not lighted. Then he saw that the child with the dark candle was his own little girl. Rushing to her, he seized her in his arms, caressed her tenderly, and then asked, “How is it, darling, that your candle alone is unlighted?” “Daddy, they often relight it, but your tears always put it out.”

Just then he awoke from his dream. The lesson was crystal clear, and its effects were immediate. From that hour on he was not a recluse, but mingled freely and cheerfully with his former friends and associates. No longer would his darling‘s candle be extinguished by his useless tears.


there was once a lonely girl who longed so much for love. one day while she was walking in the woods she found two starving songbirds. she took them home and put them in a small cage. she cared them with love and the birds grew strong. every morning they greeted her with a wonderful song. the girl felt great love for the birds.

one day the girl left the door to the cage open. the larger and stronger of the two birds flew from the cage. the girl was so frightened that he would fly away. as he flew close, she grasped him wildly. her heart felt glad at her success in capturing him. suddenly she felt the bird go limp. she opened her hand and stared in horror at the dead bird. her desperate love had killed him.

she noticed the other bird moving back and forth on the edge of the cage. she could feel his great need for freedom. he needed to soar into the clear, blue sky. she lifted him from the cage and tossed him softly into the air. the bird circled once, twice, three times.


"This is a chance of a life time," I declared to my friend Stacy as I locked the door of my office and left the restaurant I managed. "It's every twenty-seven-year-old woman's dream to live in New York City, and in a few months I'll know if I get the transfer."

I watched the moonlight glisten on the waters of Laguna Beach. "I'll miss it here, but living in the Big Apple is everything I've ever wanted - a dream come true."

We met a group of our friends at a local cafe, and I jabbered on about the possibility of my move. Laughter erupted from a nearby table. I watched as a handsome man captured the attention of his friends with his engaging story. His broad, warm smile and air of confidence held me in a trance. Stacy nudged me. "You're staring,

Three months later my friends and I gathered at the same restaurant. "To life in the Big Apple!" they cheered as we tapped our glasses together. "My chance of a lifetime!" We talked for hours. I told them of my plan to save money by moving out of my beach cottage and renting a room for the few remaining months. Our friend offered, "I have a fellow South African friend who is considering renting one of the four bedrooms in his house. His name is Barry. A great guy." He scribbled on a napkin. "This is his number. He's a forty-two-year-old confirmed bachelor. Says he's much too busy being a single dad to be a husband."



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