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高一英语周记 高一英语周记【5篇】

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After a few autumn rains, off the cool autumn, ushered in the cold winter. We wrapped ourselves like dumplings, the leaves of the roadside trees have fallen, grass also began to hide in the soil, even the little animals began to hibernate.

In winter, the temperature drops, we shrink the neck cold, hand hidden in the clothes pocket, hands and feet become stiff, people don t want to exercise. But as sunshine teenagers, daily exercise is essential. Because of the cold weather, the school cancelled many sports and changed to long-distance running in winter. Every day the bell rang, we went to the corridor outside the classroom line up, and then orderly walked to the playground in class order. After all classes in the playground set, such as the radio will ring loud slogans, one, two, three, four ..., the teacher began to run along the playground with a grade, a grade followed by a grade, when all the classes run up, grade one and the last grade six just became a big circle. We also with the slogan of the radio, chorus shout “ one, two, three, four”。 At that time, the playground on the neat running sound, there was a burst of slogans, the voice of the earth - shattering, our lazy spirit are on the way, in return for a new look of spirit.

After a few laps, although we are tired panting, but our body has become strong, limbs also become flexible. Long distance running is not only a sport, but also a healthy game of the project, bringing warmth and happiness to the cold winter.

Let s run happily together in this cold winter!


This is a fog like rain and like the wind season, this is a charming day, this is a golden age.

17 years old, this just have a thunder smile, there are pages to stimulate the desire to know, there are test tube collision out of the music of the operator, there are sports on the body change line ...

Great Marx said that there is no flat road on the road of science, only those who do not dread the fatiguing climb along the rugged mountain road, there is hope to reach the peak of glory.

Beautiful dream at the age of seventeen. But I know, although life to have a dream, but the dream is unreal, and the reality is eternal, steadfast, step by step a footprint, unswervingly forward to the goal of people, it is possible to laugh to the end, laugh best!

17 - year - old flower season as bright as sunrise, because there is the light of the soul in the radiation, flower season as fragrant as flowers, because there is wisdom and gems in the company ...

The flower season of seventeen years old is like a flower, like a mist, like a poem, like a song. We have the distress of hesitation, more ideal, struggle and pursuit.

Seventeen years old, like the song of the years!


一、  起始阶段多用图片和实物帮助学生记忆单词


二、八、九年级阶段巧妙采用 “适当集中法”

随着学习的不但深入,学生接触词汇量的增多、词义的复杂化,再要继续使用实物或图片就难以表达出其中一些含义。这时采用 “适当集中法”进行教学就会效果更好。做法如下:

1. 要选择合适的时间。每经过一个暑假或寒假,我们的体会就是教学难度陡涨,因为学生长时间的英语环境缺失,学过的词汇遗忘率很高。所以我建议开学后的第一周,最好是在教学新内容的同时适当的帮学生复习以前学过的内容,尤其是词汇。集中教学新单词最好从第二周或半期考试的后一周开始。

2. 要选择合适的内容。开学后的第二周可将前半期的全部词汇集中教学,也可以根据学生的实际情况选择一个或两个单元的单词集中进行。半期后也如此。

3. 具体方法和步骤。首先老师要告知学生集中教学词汇的目的、要求以及操作方法。尤其要让学生明白这种教学对他们本身每个个体的严格要求,要让他们学会克服这种方法的前期难度,要在心理上做好准备与老师紧密配合。老师除了介绍这些外,千万别忘了告知学生运用音标记忆单词的方法。其次是每一堂单词课前,老师可以提前把本堂课要教的单词按拼读规则进行排序,书写出来或打印分发,人手一份。上课时先让学生自己拼读,将不会的圈点出来,然后抽学生读,将学生读错的或比较难的单独写在黑板上或进行勾画,作为重点反复教读,直到学生都掌握。最后在学生读熟了这些新单词后,老师用事先准备的单词卡片随意抽认。方法是看到英语单词学生需迅速说出词义;看到汉语意思,学生需读出对应的单词,并且将它拼写出来,以达到当堂记忆、消化巩固的教学目的。










尽管艾宾浩斯和上冈失雄所用的实验材料不尽相同,遗忘的百分比也不完全一样,但是我们可以从中得出以下三个结论:1 遗忘现象是客观存在的;2 任何一种未经复习所固定下来的知识都会逐渐忘却的:3 在识记后短时间内遗忘率最高。


1 要根据记忆原理和遗忘曲线的规律,科学地安排教学内容和复习工作。2 一方面分散教学难点,反复操练教学重点;另一方面尽量将瞬时记忆转变成长期记忆;将机械记忆转变为理解记忆;将有意识记忆与无意识记忆有机地结合起来。3 最大限度地提高旧内容的复现率,兵做到适时复现,这是英语教学中防止分化、提高质量的关键。4 复现不是机械的重复,而是旧内容的逐步深化。5 增强理解记忆,多次循环复习,尽量吧问题说得简明扼要,使学生在理解的基础上对所学内容记得快,记得准。因为记忆的过程不是上升的直线,而是迁回的曲线。学英语不能企图一次吧单词、语法记牢而终身不忘,必须多次复现才能巩固,总之,应及时地运用各种方法对所学知识进行复习。例如:强调学生记忆单词,在多年的英语教学实践中,我始终觉得不少同学单词记忆得快,但忘记得也快。主要原因是:(1)英语属于拼音文字,与中国的象形表意文字差别太大,要记住它的音、形、义,又要记住拼写法,不知道从何下手,从而产生畏惧情绪。(2)没有养成一个记忆单词的习惯。(3)缺乏主动学习的自觉性。因此,在英语教学义开始,我就向同学们说明:(1)英语单词是需要反复记忆的,不做艰苦、努力的记忆工作,要学好英语是不可能的。同时还告诉同学们“想要记住的东西总是能记住的。”这一句名言。(2)注意在班里形成记单词的良好风气。(3)运用开音节这一读音规则记忆。(4)通过句型记忆。(5)建立一套检查学生记忆单词的制度。(6)进行各种单词和短语的测试。


After the heavy rain, everything is so fresh, let a person enchanted. After the heavy rain, light rain, we pass by, splash.

” jingle bell“ class, I hold an umbrella under the dining room for lunch. Is walking up the potholes, you like the wind and I pass by, you go, leaving a splash.

It s so damn, my new clothes, new shoes, my books are all splashed with water dirty, I m really a fire emit three zhangs. Be sure to give the boy a hard lesson.

” you give me to stop. “ the little boy on a bicycle stopped when he heard it. I came forward to give him a lesson. ” hey, how do you like this little boy, you don t know that there is a puddle? See you do good, make me dirty, which class are you, I have to find your teacher. “”

The boy was silent, low head, silent.

I saw his head like iron ball heavy lift then looked down at him, but the little boy flushed, like a ripe apple, tears in his eyes. How can a boy so easily shed tears? Don t I speak too much language.

“ little classmate, it s okay, sister just scare you, sister is not really looking for your teacher, is bad sister. ” the little boy finally raised his head,“ sister, I m sorry, is my bad, see you this beautiful one, all because of me and dirty. Forgive me, I m sure I won t.

” I forgive you, sister don t blame you. " the little boy with a bright smile, I also smiled. Forgive a person will be so happy. The rain stopped and the rainbow came out.

Relax your heart and be tolerant of everything. you will have unexpected gains. even on rainy days, you can see the sun.



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