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Youth is a long running water account, carefully bound by us, carefully collected by us. Those who walk away, those who don t care, those shining memories, those who fail flowers, those who cry after failure, will always be our driving force. Cherish now have youth, try to give it a hug, it will be more radiant.

When youth comes, want to know to cherish and enjoy, when youth away from us, want to smile at the time away. We want to let every moment of youth to stay in every moment of life, when my left hand is not your right hand, then, youth will not have!

I, love the world, love peace, love youth more! Just because I love them, so, I have them, for every day, I am very fresh, very curious, curious to feel the youth in my heart, I want to listen attentively!

My own youth to make their own decisions, I will cherish my own youth, iam happy!

Have youth never regret!


This is a fog like rain and like the wind season, this is a charming day, this is a golden age.

17 years old, this just have a thunder smile, there are pages to stimulate the desire to know, there are test tube collision out of the music of the operator, there are sports on the body change line ...

Great Marx said that there is no flat road on the road of science, only those who do not dread the fatiguing climb along the rugged mountain road, there is hope to reach the peak of glory.

Beautiful dream at the age of seventeen. But I know, although life to have a dream, but the dream is unreal, and the reality is eternal, steadfast, step by step a footprint, unswervingly forward to the goal of people, it is possible to laugh to the end, laugh best!

17 - year - old flower season as bright as sunrise, because there is the light of the soul in the radiation, flower season as fragrant as flowers, because there is wisdom and gems in the company ...

The flower season of seventeen years old is like a flower, like a mist, like a poem, like a song. We have the distress of hesitation, more ideal, struggle and pursuit.

Seventeen years old, like the song of the years!


Life is full of taste, there is always called happiness;

All things in the world, there is one thing called happiness.

Happiness is a rainbow for some people, but a white cloud for others.

Happy to find, to find their own preferences. The world is not a lack of happiness, but a lack of looking for happiness eyes. Li na s French network champion, the Ouyang Xiadan news anchor, the male and female singing of Pan Qianqian, all is trying to find, so that success, enjoy happiness. Socrates once said, ” the happiest thing in the world is to fight for the ideal. “ this ideal. In Lu Xun s heart, is to save the Chinese callous conscience; In Xu Song s heart, is to use music to treat people sad; In Liu Xiang s heart, is to supplement China s track and field vacancy, for China s glory. Friends, take the initiative, take the initiative, look for preferences, look for the most real happiness from the heart.

Happiness should be moderate, moderate to inner satisfaction. Life continues, happy just right! ” life is a mirror, you smile to her, she also smile to you. “ colorful people waiting for the rabbit, won a joy, immersed in a long dream come true, long-term savings of depression like a volcano broke out unscrupulously. Finally excited nerves, and even jumping out of the building examples abound, because small loss, why? ” picked up the sesame, lost watermelon. “ how can love. ” when a man smiles, the world loves him; When he laughed, the world was afraid of him. “ Tagore so tell you! Fan Jin high school, ecstatic. Later, really became a madman, became a household name of the negative teaching materials. Funny, pathetic, pathetic! Ask, how far can such happiness go? Not far away, so happy can t hurt. So, happy to moderate, don t have to make public, contentment is often happy.

Happy to be simple, simple to life. ” learn from time to time, Xi Zhi also said? Is it not delightful to have friends coming from distant quarters? “ more than two thousand years ago Confucius told people happy very simple truth. Happiness is very simple, simple to learn progress is happy, simple to family reunion is happy, simple to ” learn and time Xi Zhi“ is happy ...

Life can t be smooth, if not happy, eat a candy, tell yourself today s day is sweet, is happy. Although smile is not necessarily happy, but smile is a kind of transmission, is the baton of happiness. Therefore, please smile, gently corners of the mouth up. ” the days of melancholy need to be calm. Believe it, happy days will come. “ happy with Pushkin s good wishes! When someone asks, ” are you happy? “ cried aloud confidently: I am very happy!

Life is hard to avoid bumpy, let happiness into clouds to decorate your sky!

Happy for a lifetime, sad for a lifetime, happy to live, why not?


关键词:高中英语 写作能力 英语日记










曾经有一位参与陕西省高考英语试卷批改的老师说,没有大的语法错误和表达切题完整的基本上都可以得到20分,稍微有一些精彩高级表达的都能轻松得到24分。语言是人类最主要的交际工具。按照大英百科全书对语言的表述为:System of conventional spoken or written symbols used by people in a shared culture to communicate with each other.由此可 见,它有以下几个特点:1.系统性; 2.习惯性;3.实用性;4交际性;5.文化性。如此复杂的一个语言系统,包括书面语言,如果仅靠给学生讲解,让学生写作文、记模板、背范文肯定是不行的。平时不重视基本功的训练,不进行学生自学能力的培养,教师为教(考)而教,学生为学(考)而学,已经失去了语言本身的意义。到高三阶段,临阵磨枪,再进行大量的反复练习,要求学生使用高级词汇、复杂句子结构,到最后效果可想而知。









(1)在左上角写日期、星期。如:September 13th,2010,Sunday,或写为:Thursday,September 10th,2009。













it is really hard to say which is better than the other, city life or rural life, because each has its merits and shortcomings.

living in a city, people have certain advantages. first, people enjoy various entertainments, both foreign and domestic. second, there are more cultural activities in a city. third, city dwellers gain acceto better information service and educational facilities. however, problems exist. the overcrowded population, traffic jam, housing problem, industrial pollution and other issues may result in depression, nervousneand diseases. laving in the country, people can enjoy living in pure nature. they lead a si-mp-le and trouble free life. but rural life may not be that perfect. people usually lack cultural activities. they are relatively ill informed . things go fairly slowly there. and people misome golden opportunities of ma-ki-ng a fortune. the chances of their children being admitted to colleges are slim.

obviously, whatever life they lead, people can never feel perfectly satisfied, for conveniences and inconveniences always coexist. people wish that they could enjoy the pleasures of both lives. with the rapid economic development, nowadays city dwellers can relax themselves in the country during vacation; and country people have chance to experience city lifestyle when they come to cities.

life in the city is very different from life in the villages and on the farms. people in large cities are much more careful to respect the privacy of the individual. sometimes this feeling seems to be one of indifference, but it is a convention of city life to curb one's curiosity about the personal affairs of strangers. villagers and farmers are likely to show a great deal of interest in all their neighbors. opportunities for bright young people are greater in the cities and there has been a steady stream of hopeful jobseekers from the villages and farms to the large metropolitan areas.



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