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人教版小学英语面试试讲课稿 小学英语面试试讲教案试讲课稿3篇

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人教版小学英语面试试讲稿 小学英语面试试讲教案试讲稿篇1



teaching aims(



1 knowledge objects: make students read the important words and sentences

2 ability objects: make students master the grammar in the text________

3 moral objects:improve the interests in studying english and_________ teaching important points(教学重点)

words:___________ ___________ ___________


________________________________________ teaching difficult points(教学难点)master the grammar use the words in their lives ____________________ teaching aids(教具)

cards、projectors _________ __________ ________ teaching procedure:(教学过程)step1 leading-in step 2 __________........step n homework blackboard design(板书设计)








上课的重要依据,通常包括:班级、学科、课题、上课时间、课的类型、教学方法、教学目的、教学内容、课的进程和时间分配等。有的还列有教具和现 代化教学手段(如电影、投影、录像、录音等)的使用、作业题、板书设计和课后自我反思与评价等项目。由于学科和教材的性质﹑教学目的和课的类型不同,教学 设计不必具有固定的形式。

































在这个过程中,教师不仅要研究教材的知识体系、学生学习教材的状况(接受水平、心理特点和思维规律),而且要按照课程标准的精神,分析教材的编 写意图和教材特点,分析教材的知识结构、体系和深广度,特别是要以整体为背景,分析各部分教材的特点,明确教材的要求,教材的重点难点,分析知识的价值功 能,酝酿设计教学过程,确定教学方法。教学水平的提高,在很大程度上取决于对教材的钻研。


1.一般现在时 the present tense

2.一般过去时 the past tense

3.一般将来时 the future tense

4.一般过去将来时 the past future tense

5.现在进行时 the present continuous tense

6.过去进行时 the past continuous tense

7.将来进行时 the future continuous tense

8.过去将来进行时 the past future continuous tense

9.现在完成时 the present perfect tense

10.过去完成时 the past perfect tense

11.将来完成时 the future perfect tense

12.过去将来完成时 the past future perfect tense

13.现在完成进行时 the present perfect continuous tense

14.过去完成进行时 the past perfect continuous tense

15.将来完成进行时 the future perfect continuous tense

16.过去将来完成进行时 the past future perfect continuous tense -up ins!goodmorning,boysandgirls!sitdown,please!dgirl,areyouhappytoday?imhappy,anenglishsongtogether,ok?whatsyourfavouriteseason?clapyourhands,!wonderful!tation letslearn sandgirls,asonisitnow?yes,?ne,!thispicture!whatseasonisit?why?ne,od!er,er,inter,icanskate,me,please.小学英语面试试讲教案模板

ikesummer,ikewinter,pring,ng,anttrees,er,ican....inwinter,ican..,icanalso....inspring,ican...,andicanalso....great!ed?llright?allofyouhavedoneagoodjob!groupwork asonisitnow?yes,pring,outyou?whatwouldyouliketodo?idliketo....uldyouliketodo?pleaseworkingroups,ready?whowantstobethereporter?you,ful!idation dgirls,areyouhappythiscla?letsplayagueinggame,ok?iwantoneofyoutocomehereandactthephrases,theotheraythephrasewithican...oridliketo...forexample,....areyouclear?letbegin!,continuethisgameaftercla,ok? e,everyone!thankyouforlistening

人教版小学英语面试试讲稿 小学英语面试试讲教案试讲稿篇2















以讲解、分析、体温、概括为主体,抓住化合价变化跟电子得失的关系着一关键,通过氢气与氧化铜反应,钠在氯气中燃烧等例子,从得失氧、化合价升降、电子的转移等一一揭示反应的实质,这样在教给学生知识的同时又教给学生分析问题的方法,有助于培养学生能力,在教学过程中通过讲 练 提问 讨论 归纳















化合价降低,得2e,被还原氧化剂 还原剂




接受电子 失去电子

化合价降低 化合价升高

被还原 被氧化

具有氧化性 具有还原性








人教版小学英语面试试讲稿 小学英语面试试讲教案试讲稿篇3

help oneself to

can’t help doing be of help =helpful r time/day sb/sth to do



1)he was very upset )his strange behavior upset his upset about sth upset sb’s stomach 练习:

---what made her so _____?---losing her new ng esome d what ____harry most was to see his room in a d ng he was ___ to know that his plan was turned onting his surprise s


an ignorant person

he ignored my notice and went on drive ignored the traffic down

when your friend is angry ,you should calm him a deep breath –it will help to calm you down.练习:

wait till you are more ’s better to be sure that than ed n ed the excited girl quickly down down down down facing danger ,the teacher told the children to keep

got to(haven’t got to)=(don’t have to)

练习:he has got to be back at 7:00.(变为一般疑问句)

have to work on weekend.(变为一般疑问句)

concerned about _______________

be concerned in/with ______________

as far as sb/sth be concerned

as far as i am concerned,he is good at /show concerned about/for _______

concerned +n.忧虑的n./pron+concerned 有关的练习:

the meeting was concerned _____reforms and everyone present was concerned ____their own ,for ,with ,about ,with holiday=on vacation

on leave

on busine

on show

walking the dog =while you are walking the dog

while reading the book,he nodded from time to time.=while he was reading the book, he nodded from time to heated,the ice can be changed into water.= when it is heated , the ice can be changed into permitted,i will go abroad.= if i am permitted,i will go it is seen from the mountain,i found the villiage was beautiful.=when seeing from the mountain,i found the villiage was beautiful.=when i see from the mountain ,i found the villiage was [v.]

walk the floor walk a patient walk a horse walk a bicycle loose

get burnt/hunt/injured/married/charged

get changed 练习:he got ____while ____ the ,putting down

,putting out

,putting down

,put out

exam =end-of-term exam _____

he cheated the children out of their ’t cheat it an believes is a sb into doing_______

cheat sb out of sth

cheat sb into the belief that_______ 练习:now in some universties,the students will be dismied if ____once in an



he lived by ____last


d cheat have done =ought to have done ________

shouldn’t have done =oughtn’t to have done _________

you will tell him that he should have )we ___last night,but we went to the concert instead, so we failed in the examination. study study have study have study 2)he looks ___him the bad news so have told tell n’t have told n’t tell 3)li ming is coming ___the book to him ’t havemailed ’t mail n’t have mailed ’t have mailed

4)my english-chinese dictionary has ___have taken it?

pre-reading: the reason why…is that……

the reason for doing sth is that…… the reason isthat……

the reason that/which he gave me is ……

explained to me is….练习:1)the reason____which he wanted to reason with them still 2)this is the reason ____he explained to me just

e which 3)the reason___he is late is____there was a break down on the ,why

e,that ,because ,that 4)give your reason ____ changing the

5)he didn’t turn up at the party_____some e e of 6)there is no ____for this while you are on ation 2 make a list of put sth/sb on the list

a name list a price list 3 share sth with sb share insth do you think a good fiend should be like?

what is your teacher like?

what is the weather like?

what is the football match like?—wonderful!reading: g_______a feeling of cold/hunger gs词的记忆

upset/angry/pleasure/delight/love/hate/fear/…… through___________ go短语:

go against

go up go down

go wrong go without

go in for as time goes by


he has gone through a lot.―i can’t go throug these exercises in two hours.‖ tom went through his salary in three dare not go through the woods police went through the pockets of the frank made her diary her best made him our tries his best to make his claes lively and he said at the meeting made him raised his voice to make himself wang tired tried toid make me stayfor who won’t work should be made to work.练习:

paul doesn’t have to be made always works learn arned ng war ii=the second world war away hide-hid-hidden-hiding hide sth from sb hide one’s feelings the sun is hidden by the thief is hiding behind the have you hidden behind you? you are hiding sth important,aren’t you? i had to hide from series of questions a series of pictures

a series of stamps this publishing film is planning ______school series new of a series of

aseries new new series of

there ____a series of car accidents at the been those series ofstamps_____incomplete,while this series are ,is ,is , are (背诵)i don’t want to set down a series of facts in a diary as most people do, butj i want this diary itself to be my friend,and i shall call my fiend )as most people do 2)wanted…to be 3)call +o+oo(call sb sth)a man calling himself man called tom

i wonder if it’s because i haven’t been able to be outdoors for so long that i’ve grown so crazy about everything to do with )nature:_______

________ 练习:

my two dogs have quite is rather fierce while the other is pretty ges s 2)outdoors______ 3)crazy

be crazy about/on____-be crazy for________ drive sb crazy/mad______ go crazy________ like crazy_______ :un:_______a look of wonder

no wonder much/much too not do

don’t/doesn’t dare to do 1)i wonder how you___-that to your to say

(3)as a result of he was late______ the heavy was late ______it rained realized she was crying____what he said e e of …or../neither nor…

i want to visit either paris or cat was neither in the room nor on the the end of by the end of in the end(finally/at last)(1)______we reached an agreement.(2)______last term we had finished ourexperiments.(3)______this year,he’ll leave for beijing.(4)______this year,he’ll have left for the next century=in r

nly he r, i won’t forgive him.区别:(1)but

i want to buy a new cd by she ,but i have no money.(2)however= no matter how 句式:however+adj/adv/+主语+谓语

however hot it is,he will not take off his english speakers can understand each other even if they don’t speak the same kind of english.其他用于让步状语从句的从属连词:though,although,while,as 用法拓展:

even if=even though

even if it rainstorm tomorrow,we will leave for beijing.用if,as if,even if填空

(1)______i had money,i wouldn’t buy it.(2)______i had money,i would buy it.(3)it looks _____it is going to ever before up

the seeds haven’t come up question hasn’t come watched the sun come up with number of/a number of the number of….:the number ofundergraduates has increased over the number of….: a great number of/ a large number of/a small number of a number ofteachers are on leave.(1)all the number were present but_______them left earlier.(2)i really want to know _____ the ly adv.用法拓展:actuality actuality=in fact=in point of fact t adj how many people were present at the meeting?.用法拓展:(1)t at present(2)vt.赠与,授予

present sth to sb=present sb with sth than+ are more than clamates they are close friends.(3)more than+adj./adv i’m more than glad to meet you tale of two cities is _____a helps us to understand the history of that more than more than than than no more than more….than… no more…than not more than based on/upon his thought was based on the 1600s in the early/late 1600 the film was set in_____.a,the1954 1954s year 1954 use of/make good/full/better/the best of everyone of us must make full use of our poible use should be made of advanced should consider____use can ___such ,be made of ,be made of , be made from be made of lary build/develop/enlarge one’s vocabulary have a large vocabulary big change in english usage happened whennoah webster wrote the american dictionary of the english language,giving american english its : giving american english its own grandfather died,leaving him a lot of european football is played in more than 80 countries making it the most popular sports in the 背诵

today the number of people learning english in china is increasing v.统治,支配,命令,掌握


rule over the people/rule a country

by rule

make it a rule that/to do

obey/follow/break/work out a rule learning the language: d n/v 命令,指挥 the judge commanded commands a great sum of d sb to do command that+(should)do under one’s command be in command of the teacher commanded that he go out of toid go out of the as/for example such as 用于列举事物,所列举的事物的数量不等同于被列举的总量,否则就应该用that is或namely,for example.用举例说明,一般列举同类人或物的“一个”例子。

for example可位于句首,句中,常用逗号与其他部分隔开:such as 只为与所列举的事物前,其后不跟逗号。

用such as,for example,namely填空

(1)students,______tom and mary,should be learnt from.(2)wear something simple,______a skirt and blouse.(3)he knows six language,_____chinese ,french,english,spanish,ruian and well as/as well as well as well as 用as well,as well as填空

he is a profeor,and a girl is might just______tell me the expect her to do the homework____look after the one’s way to about to do….when..i was about to go out when the telephone the language: rd the standard of living by standard e it or not /a/an/some/any/all/many such +n..no such things sb/sth 1)i _____an answer to my letter within a few for 2)-do you think the stars willbeat the bulls?- have better players,so i _____them to ally/specially the jacket was made ____for the has been____hot this ’d like to go to help people,____when they are in ht,especially ht,specially htly,specially htly, especially /recognize i____him ten years ago,but he had changed so much that i can hardly____him ,knew ,recognize ized,know ized,recognize this day /request demand sth from sb

request sb to do sth demand to do

request that demand that he was_________toattend the ed ted she demanded john g obey visitors____not to touch the request t requested though/even if we won’t give up _____we should fail 10 if r forward to doing you !here comes your rushed the they 3 warming up e_____ imagine sb/sth

you can’t imagine how i mied you e sb/one’s doing -chose-chosen choose sth :he chose his wife for her from: you have many books to choose chose to study -way fare/ a round way fare/a one way ticket are you leaving?how are you going to /where are you staying? pre-reading,reading,comprehendin -dreamed/dreamt_______

dream of/about dream of being the best student

dream a …dream

dream a beautiful dream

dream up y te from_____ graduate_________it’s two years since he on a trip was my sister who first had the idea to cycle along the mekong river begin,where it ends de ______persuade sb to do/into doing

try to persuade sb to do/into doing sb to do/advise doing i _____him not to stay up too late,but he still didn’t go to bed until ded

d ed ted customers sometimes can’t help _______into buying something they don’t persuade persuaded advise advised up_______ grow up to be_______ gh she didn’t know the best way of getting to places,she insisted that we find the source of the river and begin our journey on doing

he insisted on my going that

the old man insisted that i had taken his wallet and that i go to the police station with about_________care for_________ ine to do

be determined to do_________

determined one’s mind

never mind

make up one’s mind

absence of mind

read one’s mind _______what do these figures say?

my watch says radio say a heavy rain in the seems /seemed that/as if…. an altitude of______

at a depth of_______

at a height of_________

at a price of_______

at a speed of_________

excited about /at/by

to do excite/excited/exciting/excitement ence 1)_________2)________

an ________worker/teacher determined person always tries to finish the job no matter how hard it matter who knocks,don’t open the r hard i tried,i failed to work out the maths matter what you say,i will not change my mind._______mother will wait for him to have dinner r late is he

r he is late r is he late

r late he is e the shop______,all thet-shirts are sold at half closed down down closing down closed down awake midnight age encourage sb to do

he encouraged me to have a rage sb from doing sth

we ought tobe focusing on discouraging kids from the evening,we always stop to make to do/doing /join in/join sb in sth

will you join us for dinner?

i will never forget the day when i joined the you join me in a walk?

will you join us in the discuion?

he is eighteen and he is old enough to____the part in in 知识拓展:

join in eg: i hope you’ll all join in the can hardly wait to see hardly wait to do/for sth

can not wait to do/for sth


hardly hadi reached the bus stop,_______the bus usual up a tent fun it is!

have fun/for fun close to one thing,for another familiar to/with… e….with/to was about 600 years ago ____the first clock with a face and an hour hand was



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