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掌握四会词汇:holiday bring give song tomorrow


教学重点:四会掌握holiday bring give song tomorrow  Christmas tree, Christmas lights, Santa 等词组和单词




Step 1:  Free talk.

Step 2:  New lesson .

’s Christmas? It’s a Western holiday. Christmas, say it, please. On a holiday, people don’t work. Children don’t go to school. Talk about the  holidays.

2. Christmas is special. Why? Because we have some special things. Look, this is a special tree. It’s a Christmas tree. Point to the Christmas tree in the front of the blackboard. On Christmas, we can see a special man, too. Look, here is he. (Show Santa.) Do you know his name? His name is Santa. Please discuss it in groups and answer.

Step 3: Practise in groups. Answer some questions: What  holiday is it? What do you see?

Step 4: The text on Page 56.

the words on the blackboard with actions: invite, bring, give, sing, carol (a special song at Christmas). The students learn to say it.

2. Please look at the pictures and listen what do they do on Christmas? Then the students answer.

will you do on this Christmas ? Please talk about it in groups. Then you can come to the front and make a role-play.

after the audiotape.

Step 5: Students read the text and match the let them have a discussion.


Lesson 19 Christmas is coming!

Christmas tree  Santa  Christmas lights

When is Christmas?  It’s December 25th.

holiday bring give song tomorrow


Unit  4

Free  Time ( 12)

Aims:1、Understand and use:swim/play table tennis/play football/play the piano/ride a horse/stand on your head/roller blade.

2、Say the sentences:I can (swim/......)

I can‘t (stand on your head/......)

3、Can you(ski)?Yes,I can./No,I can‘t.

4、Sing the song:My sister,my brother and me

5、Write about the children.()

Difficult:Aims 1、2、3、4

Focus : 5

Teaching Aids : Cards 、 CAI、 Radio、 Tape.

Teaching steps:

Class begins.

T:: Hello,boys and girls.

Ss : Hello,Miss Bao.

S : Sit down ,please.

T: Introduce can try?please come to the front.

Step 1:warm-up.

1、 T:Let‘s warm-up .

Sing a song:Welcome,welcome,welcome back.

T:Are you ready?


Step 2 : Guess.

1、 T:Now let‘s go on to learn the new lesson: Free it.

2、T:(CAI) Look ,listen,read and act.


3、T:(CAI)Play:Guess the next one.(Music)


4、T:Let‘s play:“Miss Bao says”。

If I say:Miss Bao says,You can say and act.

If I don‘t say :Miss Bao says,You can‘t say and act.

If you wrong or slowly,please sit down.

Do you know?


Ss:Winner,Winner,You are winner.

Step 3: Sing the song:My sister,My brother and me.

1、T,Ss:(Act and sing the song...)

2、T:Let‘s play:If you agree ,please sit down.

T:Can you play football?.....

Ss:Yes, I can.

No,I can’t.

3、S:I can ...,...,...,and.....

S:I can‘t...,...,and......

Step 4 Interview with me..

1、T:You ask,I answer.

Ss:Miss Bao,can you swim/play the piano/.....?

T:Yes,I can./No,I can‘t.

2、 Say the sentences:Miss Bao can...and...

3、 She can‘t...and.......

4、P 14、  T 12. Write about the children.

A、Please do youself.

B、In Groups.

C、Check the answer.

Step 5:The end:Sing the song,My sister,my brother and me .




这节课是Unit 4 Free time的最后一课时,是一节 练习课。这个单元是关于自由时间里的10种体育运动项目的学习.这节课的目标;1是要求学生懂得并运用这10种体育项目;2是会说I can....,和I can‘t...;3是对Can you(ski)?会回答Yes,I can./No,I can‘t. 4是会唱,表演歌曲:My sister,my brother and me..5是完成第12题的练习。重点是目标1、2、3、4,难点是目标5.针对这些目标,我做了很多准备工作;10种体育项目的卡片,录好2个音乐磁带,做了精美的多媒体课件。

在教学中,首先让几个同学用英语自我介绍,正式上课了,我和全班同学一起热身边唱边表演歌曲:Welcome back.下面通过几个英语游戏突出重点,出示多媒体课件,点学生看体育项目逐一读出单词,并做出相应动作,然后放节奏强劲的音乐让学生猜猜看下一个是什么项目,在课件里我设置了超链接,谁也不知道下一个到底是什么,这就不仅训练了学生的说,也训练了他们的快速敏捷的思维,极大的调动了他们的积极性,并且得到成功的惊喜,猜对了得一个奖品。接着做英语游戏“Miss Bao says...”,我发指令,学生做动作,如果我说了“Miss Bao says...”,学生就要说和做相应动作,师拍一下手就停止动作;如果我没说“Miaa Bao says...”就不能说也不能做动作,这个游戏旨在巩固他们对10种体育项目的掌握,既让练习不单调也训练了学生的反应能力,最后决出优胜者,全班学生竖大拇指拍掌表扬他:Winner,winner,you‘re winner.

为了突破难点,首先让学生起立在多媒体背景音乐中一起表演唱歌曲:My sister,my brother and me,旨在复习句型I can...,I can‘t...,he can...,she can...,然后通过游戏“If you agree,please sit down”,(假如你同意就请坐下),我说:Can you...?会的坐下并说Yes,I can,不会的站着后说No,I can’t,这个游戏在训练学生会用能懂10种项目,会说句型,接着让学生问,Can you ...?我答Yes,I can/No,I can‘t.让学生对句子的问和答都进行了训练,对结果进行记载,让学生总结我会什么和不会什么,这就与第12题练习联系起来了,接着水到渠成让学生完成练习,看图写句子,先让他们自己做,再由小组长带头交流,再全班看课件里的正确答案读一读。




《剑桥少儿英语》Unit4 Free Time



One period ( 45 minutes )


Students in Grade Nine have mastered some vocabulary and grammar knowledge, some students can use simple English to express their own thoughts,but it is difficult for a small part of students to communicate in English. So I put the students of different levels in a group, let them help each other, try to make every student get different levels of harvest.



Emotion & Attitude Goals:

good study habits.

history of inventions and be proud of our country. Encourage students to be a little inventor

3. Help students to study actively.


1. Through the inventions that we can see everywhere to introduce the topic, stimulate students interest.

2. Design various activities, organize students to discuss, so that every student can get different levels of harvest .

3. Work in pairs and groups.


Knowledge Goals:

1. Key words : invent invention inventor calculator

language : --When was it invented ?

-- It was invented in ….

3. Grammar : The passive voice : was /were + done

am /is /are + done

Ability Goals:

the key words correctly and understand their meanings.

listening skills.

up conversations with the target language and try to improve speaking skills.

to communicate with others in English.


1. key words and target language.

2. The passive voice.

3. Help the students to improve cooperation ability.


A recorder、Multimedia



一[U1] 、Lead-in

T: I get to school by e-bike every day. How do you get to school ?

S1: I get to school by bike.

S2: I get to school by bus.


T: Bus, car, taxi, bike, they are all useful inventions. What do you think of inventions?

(Ss answer then teacher have a summary:)

T: Now we live in a world of inventions. These inventions make our life easier and more comfortable. In this unit, we will learn some inventions and their history.


二[U2] 、Presentation

Show the picture to teach new words:invent /light bulb/inventor invention

This is Edison. He invented the light bulb. He was a great invented about inventions all his life.

Make sure the students read the new words correctly and understand their meanings.

Show pictures in 1a

T: Do you know these inventions? Can you say them in English? What’s this in English?

Ss: It’s a telephone/computer/television/ calculator/ car.

Teach the new word: calculator


三[U3] 、Groupwork 1a

T:There are five inventions in this part . Which one was invented the earliest and which one was invented the last ? Guess the dates and discuss in what order they were invented.

Help them to discuss by using the following sentences:

I think the television was invented after/before the telephone.

I agree/ disagree.

Let each group choose one student to write their result on the blackboard.


四[U4] 、listening Practice 1b

T: Which group has the correct result ? We’ll listen to a girl and a woman talking about the five inventions.

First, review the expression of the year.

Then, play the recording the first time, Ss only listen and try to catch the main idea..

Next, play the recording a second time. Say, listen to the recording and match the inventions with the dates.

Finally, check the answers:

d 1876 a 1885 e 1927 c 1971 b 1976

Clap for the groups that have correct results.


五[U5] 、Pairwork

Practice conversations in pairs using the information in 1b like this:

A: When was ithe car invented ?

B: It was invented in ….

Then ask some pairs to display their conversations in front of the class.


六[U6] Summary

T: In this class we’ve learned to talk about the history of inventions with passive voice. Now let’s have a discussion about the passive voice in groups.

Make sure students can master the structures of the passive voice and then each group writes five sentenses about the passive voice.


七[U7] 、Practice

Show the excercises:

1、Edison was an _______(invent), he_______ (invent) many useful and important _______(invent) all his life.

2、He is calculating a math problem with a _______ (calculate).

3、Stamps _____ for sending letters.

A. used B. are using C. are used

4、Chinese ____ by more and more people in the world now.

A. is spoken B. is speaking C. spoke

5 The factory ____ in 1985.

A. is built B. was built C. built



人类一出生下来最早发育成熟的器官―耳朵! 这显示出胎教的重要性,同样, 幼儿在早期习得语言也要经历一段所谓的沉默期(Silence Period)这是儿童在发挥双耳的作用, 经科学证实3―6岁儿童的双耳最灵敏, 对声音的`模仿力也最强,儿童在学习语言的过程中,对声音,图像的加工处理过程大量运用的是潜层意识(Subconcious), 这就是为什么现行学校教育中纯粹靠智力活动学不好英语的原因,这些活动包括如讲解,分析,背诵,填空练习等…, 我们都已习以为常,习惯了这种方法,



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