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Helen Keller is the American writer and educator. In 1882, when she was more than a year old, because a high fever, brain damage, from then on, her eyes could not see, ears to hear, then, even words also said not to come out. She grew up groping in the dark.

At the age of seven, the family hired a private tutor for her, is also affect Helen Sullivan teacher of life. Sullivan eyes also almost blind in childhood, to understand the loss of the light. Under the guidance of her hard work, Helen touch to learn sign language, touch the braille card learned to read, then with the hand to touch other people's lips, finally learn to speak.

Sullivan teacher in order to let Helen close to nature, let her roll on the grass, in the field to run and jump, sow the seeds in the fields, climbed up the tree to eat; Also take her to touch newborn piglets, also to the river to play water. Helen under the care of teachers love to overcome barriers to blind and deaf, finished college.

In 1936, and her elbow fifty years of the teacher left the room, Helen was very sad. Helen know, without the teacher's love, there would be no today, she was determined to give the teacher to her love. So, Helen, big and small cities around the United States, travel around the world, for the disabled people on the road, with all my heart to serve those unfortunate people.



海伦凯勒她那种面对厄运,顽强与黑暗世界奋斗的精神,实在让我敬佩。起初我实为不解,究竟是怎样的一种信念,支撑着她勇敢向命运抗争?自从我学了《海伦凯勒》这篇文章,我终于从中找到了我要的答案。 本文记叙了海伦凯勒幼时不幸生了一场突如其来的重病后,双目失明,双耳失聪,就在这时富有爱心和充满智慧的沙利文老师来到了小海伦凯勒的身边,为她开启了那扇丰富多彩的知识大门。






a person who is deaf when he is born, is usually dumb as well. there seems to be nothing wrong with his mouth and tongue, but he cannot speak. this is because, as he is deaf, he cannot hear other people, and therefore has nothing to imitate. he may try to make sounds himself, but he cannot hear his own voice. however, even though he finds it difficult to speak and cannot hear, he can see. he can therefore learn to read. nowadays he can also be taught to speak because we have modern methods and equipment, but we did not have these when helen keller was born.

helen keller was born in a small alabama town in 1880. when she was nineteen months old, she fell ill and had a fever. she became blind and deaf. she could not municate with anyone, and no one could municate with her. she grew frustrated and angry. she threw things and broke things.

then in 1887, a teacher, annie sullivan arrived at the home of the kellers to be helen"s tutor. though miss sullivan herself had been blind, she had been partly cured, and although she could not see very well, she was not blind. she remained as helen"s tutor and friend for fifty years.

miss sullivan began to work with helen. she taught her to make different movements with her fingers. the movements represented the letters of the alphabet. helen learned to make the movements, but she did not understand their meaning. she did not know that the letters were related to something in the world. but, one morning miss sullivan took helen to a water pond, and she put helen"s hand under the water. at the same time she spelled the letters w-a-t-e-r on helen"s other hand. at that moment, helen understood. later in her life, she said, "somehow the mystery of language was revealed to me. i knew then that w-a-t-e-r was the wonderful cool something flowing over my hand"

helen was smart and learned quickly. soon she knew many words. when she was eight years old, she went to a school for the blind in boston, and she learned to read books written for blind people. she even went to college and had a full education.

she wrote many books, too. although other people had written books about her, people agreed that her own books are the ones that best explain how it feels to be deaf, dumb and blind. her best book is the story of my life. perhaps you have read it. though it was written in 1902, it still is a very exciting book. even if you have not read it, you may have heard of helen keller.







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