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海伦凯勒的故事 海伦凯勒英语故事【汇编4篇】

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In 1882 a baby girl caught a fever that was so fierce she nearly died. She survived but the fever left its mark she could no longer see or hear. Because she could not hear she also found it very difficult to speak.

1882年,一名女婴因高发烧差点丧命。她虽幸免于难,但发烧给她留下了后遗症 她再也看不见、听不见。因为听不见,她想讲话也变得很困难。

So how did this child, blinded and deafened at 19 months old, grow up to become a world-famous author and public speaker?


The fever cut her off from the outside world, depriving her of sight and sound. It w()as as if she had been thrown into a dark prison cell from which there could be no release.


Luckily Helen was not someone who gave up easily. Soon she began to explore the world by using her other senses. She followed her mother wherever she went, hanging onto her skirts, She touched and smelled everything she came across. She copied their actions and was soon able to do certain jobs herself, like milking the cows or kneading dough, She even learnt to recognize people by feeling their faces or their clothes. She could also tell where she was in the garden by the smell of the different plants and the feel of the ground under her feet.


By the age of seven she had invented over 60 different signs by which she could talk to her family, If she wanted bread for example, she would pretend to cut a loaf and butter the slices. If she wanted ice cream she wrapped her arms around herself and pretended to shiver.


Helen was unusual in that she was extremely intelligent and also remarkably sensitive. By her own efforts she had managed to make some sense of an alien and confusing world. But even so she had limitations.


At the age of five Helen began to realize she was different from other people. She noticed that her family did not use signs like she did but talked with their mouths. Sometimes she stood between two people and touched their lips. She could not understand what they said and she could not make any meaningful sounds herself. She wanted to talk but no matter how she tried she could not make herself understood. This make her so angry that she used to hurl herself around the room, kicking and screaming in frustration. 海伦五岁时开始意识到她与别人不同。她发现家里的其他人不用象她那样做手势而是用嘴交谈。有时她站在两人中间触摸他们的嘴唇。她不知道他们在说什么,而她自己不能发出带有含义的声音。她想讲话,可无论费多大的劲儿也无法使别人明白自己。这使她特别懊恼以至于常常在屋子里乱跑乱撞,灰心地又踢又喊。

As she got older her frustration grew and her rages became worse and worse. She became wild and unruly . If she didnt get what she wanted she would throw tantrums until her family gave in. Her favourite tricks included grabbing other peoples food from their plates and hurling fragile objects to the floor. Once she even managed to lock her mother into the pantry. Eventually it became clear that something had to be done. So, just before her seventh birthday, the family hired a private tutor Anne Sullivan.

随着年龄的增长她的怒气越为越大。她变得狂野不驯。倘若她得不到想要的东西就会大发脾气直到家人顺从。她惯用的手段包括抓别人盘里的食物以及将易碎的东西猛扔在地。有一次她甚至将母亲锁在厨房里。这样一来就得想个办法了。于是,在她快到七岁生日时,家里便雇了一名家庭教师 安尼沙利文。

Anne was careful to teach Helen especially those subjects in which she was interested. As a result Helen became gentler and she soon learnt to read and write in Braille. She also learnt to read peoples lips by pressing her finger-tips against them and feeling the movement and vibrations. This method is called Tadoma and it is a skill that very, very few people manage to acquire. She also learnt to speak, a major achievement for someone who could not hear at all.


Helen proved to be a remarkable scholar, graduating with honours from Radcliffe College in 1904. She had phenomenal powers of concentration and memory, as well as a dogged determination to succeed. While she was still at college she wrote ‘The Story of My Life. This was an immediate success and earned her enough money to buy her own house.


She toured the country, giving lecture after lecture. Many books were written about her and several plays and films were made about her life. Eventually she became so famous that she was invited abroad and received many honours from foreign universities and monarchs. In 1932 she became a vice-president of the Royal National Institute for the Blind in the United Kingdom.


After her death in 1968 an organization was set up in her name to combat blindness in the developing world. Today that agency, Helen Keller International, is one of the biggest organizations working with blind people overseas.



The little bird flew away, feeling a little tired, just trying to find a place to rest. Suddenly, ”whimpering,“ there was a sad cry in the distance. Who was this?

I flew close to worry, it was a little squirrel. ”Little squirrel, why are you crying so sad?“ he asked softly. ”The little squirrel said sadly,“ my two companions starved to death two days ago. You see, the trees here are almost all cut off.” The bird looked around, and it was not right. The place had been here before, and she said, “it used to be a thick forest, and the air was fresh. Many animal friends like to get together here... ”The little squirrel cried even more bitterly. The bird watched the little squirrel cry and said, “dont cry, you still go to find a place where you can live, and then you say goodbye to the little squirrel.

The little bird went on flying, and felt thirsty. He flew to a small river, and just wanted to drink water, but there came a painful groan from the water. Dont drink the water, the water... The pollution is serious, you see... Look, my brothers and sisters are almost dead... ”Because I was so thirsty, I didnt look at it closely, but I couldnt help but gasp. The river. Many of the fish were poisoned to death, and even if they did not die, they were doomed.

Bird trying in vain thirsty, continue to fly ah fly, insist on not to live any longer, finally came to the human residential, she finally can your thirst, she meet to drink a full, and then began her journey.

The little bird flew on and on, but today, what happened? She felt very tired, she seemed to have a cold, she had difficulty breathing, she flew, she could not hold on any longer, she slowly fell to the side of the hut. In her coma, she seemed to hear the distant factory “thundering” of the machine, not far away, a chimney blowing smoke... She even vaguely saw a very high sign that read: death zone.

Then she heard death scream: come, there are so many of your friends here... Poor in vain, she wished to say to mankind, “mankind, mankind, cherish the earth, that is to cherish yourselves! ”

Can you hear the bird, man?


In the garden there were three butterflies, one red one, one yellow one, and one white one. Every day the three good friends played together, it was great. One day just as they were playing, it suddenly began to rain. The three butterflies’ wings were drenched by the rain, their whole bodies were trembling with cold.

The three butterflies few together to a red flower, and said to it: “Big Sister Red Flower, let us hide from the rain under your leaves.”

The red flower said: “The red butterfly can come in, but the others must leave.”

The three good friends shook their heads together: “We’re good friends, we came together, and we’ll leave together.”

They flew off to a yellow flower, and to the yellow flower said, “Big Sister Yellow Flower, let us hide from the rain under your leaves.” The yellow flower said: “The yellow butterfly can come in, but the others must leave.”

The three good friends shook their heads and said: “We’re good friends, we came together, and we’ll leave together.”

Then, they flew away to the white flower, and to the white flower said: “Big Sister White Flower, let us hide from the rain under your leaves!”

But the white flower said to them: “The white butterfly can come in, but the rest must leave.”

The three good friends still shook their heads together and said: “We’re good friends, we came together and we’ll leave together.”

At this time, Old Man Sun saw what was happening, and he hurriedly chased the black clouds away and made the rain stop.

The sky was finally clear, and the three friends again went again to play and dance among the flowers.


During the Spring and Autumn period, Nobleman ZhiBo of the Jin state eliminated the Fan clan [in battle]. There was a person who sought to take advantage of the defeated [and thus absent] Fan clan to steal some things from their house, and he saw that in their yard dangled a large bell. The bell was molded from the finest bronze, its shape and design were very fine indeed. The thief was extremely happy, thinking to take this refined bell and carry it back to his own house. But the bell was both big and heavy, and howsoever he tried, he couldn’t move it. He thought and thought, and came up with just one solution, which was to break the bell to bits, then take the pieces separately back to his house.

The thief found a sledgehammer, and swung at the bell with all his might. A loud “gong” sound rang out, startling the thief. The thief panicked, thinking this [enterprise] was spoiled, thinking “that kind of noise is tantamount to telling people that I’m here stealing the bell, isn’t it?” He was worried, and he flung is body at the bell, stretching his arms around it to try to still the sound, but really how could he stop it? The sound went on and on, ringing far and wide.

The longer he heard it, the more afraid he became, and withdrew his hands to press them against his ears with all his strength. “Yi, the sound has lessened, I can’t hear it anymore!” The thief became happy again, “How wonderful! If I cover my ears well, the sound can’t be heard!” covered his ears well, he couldn’t hear the sound at all! He immediately found two pieces of cloth and stopped up his ears, thinking that this way, no one else could hear the bell’s sound either. So he began smashing the bell, hitting it again and again, the ringing of the bell being heard even in far away places. People heard the bells sounds and came in great numbers, catching the thief.



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