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1、对…大有裨益have a good influence on exert a positive effect on


3培养 cultivate=foster

4、学校教育 schooling 家庭教育 upbringing=parenting

5、给。.动力去做 give motivation to do=motivate sb. to do

6、青少年 adolescents=youngsters=youth

7、老人 senior citizens=the aged=the old = the elderly (adj)

8、严重的 serious=severe

9、学到 obtain=gain=learn acquire 获取

10、方法the approach to sth/doing =with this method= by means of = in this way

11、忍受 be fed up with =put up with=bear=stand 一般常用否定,多于can’t 连用

12、想要 look forward to=long to/for=want to

13、喜欢 have a great passion for=be fond of

14、忙于做某事 be engaged in=be busy in…

15、忙 as busy as a bee=busy

17、很多次 a hundred times=many times

18 。首先 to begin with=initially=firstly=first of all

19、便宜的 economical=cheap

20、充分利用 get the most use of =make the best of

21、但是on the contrary=oppositely=but=however=nevertheless

22、刻苦学习 study diligently=study hard (副)

23、非常 extremely=very =rather

24、重视 attach importance to=place emphasis on=pay attention to

25、 根据 according to=based on

26、偶尔 from time to time=occasionally=once in while

27、丰富,富有 wealthy=rich=abundant

28、忽略 lose sight of=overlook=ignore

29、少数a handful of= a few

30、同时 meanwhile=in the meantime=at the same time

31、建设 be under construction=construct=build

32、目前 for the meantime=at present=nowadays

33、违反交通规则 violate traffic regulations

34、卓越成就 remarkable achievements

35、考虑 take…into account/consideration=think about

36、采取措施 take a series of effective measures to do

37、 只要 on the condition that =as long as

38、认为 hold the view that =think /maintain/argue/claim that

39、不遗余力地去做 spare no efforts to do=try one’s utmost to do

40、结果 as a consequence =as a result=In consequence

41、决不能 on no account=under no circumstances can we 倒装

42、与…交流意见 compare notes with sb.=communicate with sb.=exchange opinions with sb

43、即将来临 round the corner=approaching=coming

44、奉献 contribute to=dedicate to=devote to

45、提及 refer to=talk about/of=mention

46、在…的进程中 over the course of=during the process of

47、支持 be in favor of=approve of=be for=advocate

48、对某事痴迷 be caught up in=be crazy about=be absorbed in=be addicted to

49、毫无疑问It’s beyond argument that=There is no denying/doubt that.。 without doubt = undoubtedly

50、关键,重要之处在于 the key to doing sth. lies in…=It’s of vital significance to…

58…。可以用做…的例证sth. can serve as a convincing example to illustrate …

My experience of…。. is a good case in point to illustrate…

59、有意义 make a difference=make sense

60、由此以至于 。.so that.。=…,thus making it …=…,resulting in/leading to the fact that…














Nowadays,there are more and more __in some big is estimated that(1)。

Why have there been so many __?Maybe the reasons can be listed as follows.

The first one is that(2)。Besides,(3)。The third reason is(4)。

To sum up,the main cause of __is due to(5)。

It is high time that something were done upon one thing,(6)。

On the other hand,(7)。All these measures will certainly reduce the number of __.









Generation gap between parents and children

Nowadays,there are more and more misunderstanding between parents and children which is so-called generation is estimated that(75 percentages of parents often complain their children's unreasonable behavior while children usually think their parents too old fashioned)。

Why have there been so much misunderstanding between parents and children?

Maybe the reasons can be listed as first one is that(the two generations,having grown up at different times,have different likes and dislikes,thus the disagreement often rises between them)。Besides(due to having little in common to talk about,they are not willing to sit face to face)。The third reason is(with the pace of modern life becoming faster and faster,both of them are so busy with their work or study that they don/'t spare enough time to e_change ideas)。To sum up,the main cause of __is due to(lake of communication and understanding each other)。

It is high time that something were done upon one thing(children should

respect their parents)。On the other hand,(parents also should show solicitue for

their children)。All these measures will certainly bridge the generation gap.



In recent years,__has caused a heated debate on

(1)。The factors for

(2)。First of all,

(3)。Then,there comes a case that


(5)。Especially when

(6)。Indeed,these unique points can be collected theo remind people that

(7)。In this way,we should behave just like

(8)。The impact of Television

In recent years,with the development of science and technology,80 percent of all homes in China have satellite TV,offering as many as 50 has caused a heated debate on(the impact of television on children)。Many parents are worried about the impact of so much television on factors for(parents'worry is that children are indulge in television and spend too much time on it.)。First of all,(with so many programs to choose from,children are not getting as much e_ercise as they should)。Then,there comes a case that(some studies have show that e_cessive watching of television by millions of children has lowered their ability to achieve in school)。Moreover,(the effect on children/'s minds are more serious than the effect on children/'s bodies)。Especially when(the children are too small to judge what programs are suit to them)。Indeed,these unique points can be connected to remind parents that(they should pay close attention to and responsibilities for supervising their children/'s TV viewing)。In this way,children will not be influenced too deeply.



Currently,__has been the order of the does demonstrate the theory---nothing is more valuable than __.It is clear that

(1)。If you

(2),as a result,your dreams will come the contrary,if you

(3)。Failure will be following with turns out that all your plan falls one can deny another fact that

(4)。You don't have to look very far to find out the truth,in respect that we all know

(5)。It will e_ert a profound influence upon

(6)。With reference to my standpoint,I think








The importance of self-confidence

Currently,self-confidence has been the order of the does demonstrate the theory---nothing is more valuable than self-confidence.

It is clear that(self-confidence means trust in one's abilities)。If you(are full of self-confidence,it will bring your creative power to play,arouse your enthusiasm for work,and help you overcome difficulties),as a result,your dreams will come the contrary,if you(have no confidence in yourself,there is little possibility that you would ever achieve anything)。Failure will be following with you。It turns out that all your plan falls through.

No one can deny another fact that(self-confidence gives you light when you are in dark and encouragement when you are dismayed)。

You don't have to look very far to find out the truth,in respect that we all know(the secret of Madame Curie lies in perseverance and self-confidence,the latter in particular)。It will e_ert a profound influence upon(the achievement of one/'s ambitions)。

With reference to my standpoint,I think(he that can have self-confidence can have what he will)。

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