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网友发表时间 438710



The intensive work of materials scientists and solid-state physicists has given rise to a class of solids known as amorphous metallic alloys or glassy metals. There is a growing interest among theoretical and applied researchers alike in the structural properties of these materials.

When a molten metal or metallic alloy is cooled to a solid, a crystalline structure is formed that depends on the particular alloy composition. In contrast, molten nonmetallic glass-forming materials when cooled do not assume a crystalline structure, but instead retain a structure somewhat like that of the liquid an amorphous structure. At room temperature the natural long-term tendency for both types of materials is to assume the crystalline structure. The difference between the two is in the kinetics or rate of formation of the crystalline structure which is controlled by factors such as the nature of the chemical bonding and the ease with which atoms move relative to each other. Thus, in metals, the kinetics favors rapid formation of a crystallines structure whereas in nonmetallic glasses the rate of formation is so slow that almost any cooling rate is sufficient to result in an amorphous structure. For glassy metals to be formed, the molten metal must be cooled extremely rapidly so that crystallization is suppressed.

The structure of glassy metals is thought to be similar to that of liquid metals. One of the first attempts to model the structure of a liquid was that by the late J. D. Bernal of the University of London, who packed hard spheres into a rubber vessel in such a way as to obtain the maximum possible density. The resulting dense, random-packed structure was the basis for many attempts to model the structure of glassy metals.


In the early 1990s,the word” Internet” was strange to most people. But today, Internet has become a useful tool for people all over the world. Maybe Internet has been the greatest invention in the field of communication in the history of mankind(人类) Communicating with others on the Internet is much faster. We can chat with a person who is sitting in the other part of the world. We can e-mail our friends and they can read the e-mails within a minute. Giving all kinds of information is probably the biggest advantage of the Internet.

We can use search engines to find the information we need. Just type in a keyword or keywords and the search engine will give us a list of suitable websites to look at. We can enjoy a lot on the Internet by downloading games, visiting chat rooms or surfing (浏览)websites. There are some games for free. We can meet new and interesting people in the chat now. We can also listen to music and see films. Now ,there is a lot of service on the Internet such as online banking ,job finding and ticket buying. We can also do shopping and find nearly all kinds of goods. Sometimes we can find something that is quite good but very cheap.

many main advantages of the Internet are talked about in the passage? A. Three. B. Four. C. Five. D. Six. fact doesn’t the passage provide? A. We can find almost anything we want to know on the Internet. B. Some games on the Internet are free. C. We can buy most things we need on the Internet. D. Goods on the Internet are more expensive than those in real shops. title best gives the main idea of the passage?

A. Online Shopping B. Exchanging Information on the Internet C. The Advantages of the Internet D. Surfing the Websites on the Internet 答案: BDC (2010.四川省自贡市 第 三部分 阅读理解B 满分10分) You want to know about my staying in America, right? Well, to tell you the truth, it is really an eye-opening experience study here. In China, I had English classes five times a week since fifth grade. However, I di


Itzhak Perlman was born in Israel. But his music has made him a citizen ofthe world. He has played in 26 every large city. He has won fifteen GrammyAwards and four Emmys. Perlman suffered a terrible disease which hurt his 27 atfour. Today he uses a wheelchair or walks with crutches(拐杖). But none of the se28 him from playing the violin. As a young child,he took his first lessons atthe Music Academy of Tel Aviv. Very quickly,his 29 talent was recognized. At theage of thirteen he went to the United States to 30 on television. His playingled him to the Juilliard School in New York.

His music is full of power and strength. It can be 31 or joyful,loud orsoft. But people say it is not the music 32 that makes his playing soparticular. They say he is able to show the joy he 33 in playing,and thefeelings that great music can express.

Anyone who has attended(出席)his performance will tell you it is exciting towatch him play. His face changes 34 the music from his violin changes. He smilesand closes his eyes when the music is light and happy. He often 35 dark when themusic seems dark and frightening.

Itzhak Perlman has received many honours,and continues to receive honoursfor his music.


读书是一种绝妙的艺术。读一本好书,让我们得以明静如水, 开阔视野,丰富阅历,益与人生。手捧书籍,与书同行是一种难以名状的好享受。读书可以涵养其性情,高尚其情操,建康其情绪,培养正面人生的心态。国民阅则反映了一个国家的国民素质。阅读应该随着社会发展而发展。然而,我国书市上的出版物当中存在着良莠不齐的现象,有些杂志趣味趋于低俗,不能给人们带来优秀的思想文化和美的享受。伴随着网络技术的发展,大学生的注意力也在慢慢从书本转移到网络。并且在今天这个追求快节奏的社会里,现在人们追求的是一种 “快餐文化” ,快餐文化下得阅读氛围,使人们越来越浮躁。所以阅读人群可能面临着逐步减少的状况。这对我们个人,甚至对整个社会的整体的素质的发展都会造成不良的影响。一个大学生综合素质的提高,仅局限于对课本知识的了解是远远不够的。 而大学生这个对社会起着重要作用的团体阅读现状又是怎样的呢? 所以我们小组对常理工在校大学生开展了问卷调查, 以了解大学生的阅读状况。


对我学院各年级的学生读书状况的调查结果显示,有35%的学生平均每天读书时间超过1小时,只有6%的学生平均每天读书时间超过3小时,其余65%的学生平均每天读书时间都少于1小时。大部分人只是偶尔进行课外阅读,有的人表示从不进行课外阅读。由此可以看出,大部分人不够重视课外阅读,大学生的课外阅读情况不理想。 大多数被调查者都认为, 自己在大学里面有很多事情要忙, 以至于没时间或者没心情去进行课外阅读,

在对大学生读书内容调查中发现,大多数学生喜欢看的书都是杂志和通俗小说, 大部分女同学平

时的课外阅读是杂志,而超过一半的男同学经常阅读科幻小说; 四分之一的学生选择了经典名著类别的书籍,他们认为这些书籍是真正的精华,能让他们汲取到真正的养分。调查结果显示,喜欢军事类、历史性读物、时政书籍的学生也有不少。很多学生读书目的不明确,没有结合自己的需要选择图书,使得所读的内容零散不成体系,没能收到好的效果。盲目的选择图书不仅限制了自己的视野,而且不能使自己的见识与知识储备得到应有的扩充。大学生的读书类型多种多样,但针对性不强,不能有效的提升自己 问卷调查显示,大学生读书功利性逐渐加强。很多技能型、实用型的书籍占书架上的大部分比例。在这些书籍中,英语四六级考试书籍、计算机等级考试书籍、所学专业过级考试书籍等成为他们的首选。在当今信息技术迅猛发展的今天, 大学生能沉得下心去品味那些经典的长篇名著 的人比较少。 当今的快餐文化已经影响到大学生的阅读习惯。 而我们当代大学生应该做 的是, 坚持阅读有深刻教育意义的经典名著, 因为经典名著能带给我们深厚的文化底蕴, 能陶冶情操,净化心灵,使人明智。故建议大学生应该多回归现实生活,不过度依 赖网络,多花点时间进行经典名著阅读。


调查发现, 文学书籍依然是当代大学生课外阅读兴趣中最主要的读物,这与文学自身的特色

与优势有关。《参政消息》作为大学生最喜爱阅读的报纸,反应了当代大学生最关心的仍是现实社会与事实政治。也反映了当代大学生渴求多了解中国,了解世界的思想状况。《读者》是大学生最 喜欢阅读的杂志。在紧张而有枯燥的专业学习之余,大学生们希望阅读一些高质量的休闲、娱乐杂志。






作为大学生的我们更应克服功利性的读书,扩展自己的读书范围受就业压力的影响,同学们的读书功利性越加严重。但如今的社会需要的不仅仅是有专业技能的人才,更需要具有高尚的道德情操的和较强的综合能力的人,一个人要树立崇高而远大的理想,才能在未来的竞争中立于不败之地。克服了功利性目的,我们可选择的阅读范围就会广阔得多,人生的路也会越走越宽。我们对待 阅读不要太功利,只注重读书对自己的现时作用,却不懂得厚积薄发,读万卷书 才能行万里路的道理;因此,要建立正确的阅读的价值观。随着社会的发展,生 活的压力很大, 各方面的诱惑也很多, 在生活中我们更需要保持一块心灵的净土。




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