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《牛津小学英语》6B Unit 1 第一课时(精编5篇)

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牛津小学英语6B教案——Unit4 Review and check1


本单元是前五个单元的复习单元,着重归纳了这五个单元的词汇及日常交际用语。由于学生已有一些英语基础,教师可以在复习一至五单元的单词及语言点的同时,复现book 3a中出现的有关词汇及习惯用语。教师应激发学生的学习兴趣帮助学生更好地掌握所学知识。

在前五个单元中,要求学生掌握字母aa-kk。 教学中,教师应采用灵活多样的教学方法,充分调动学生学习的积极性和主动性,避免分化现象在该阶段出现。

本册教材look and learn板块中的单词部分是复现book  3a的同类单词。复习前,教师可根据学生掌握情况加以区分归类,复习时力求做到要求明确,重点突出,以便学生牢固掌握单词。














the first period :review  unit 1—unit 3

teaching contents :

unit 1, unit 2,unit 3.

teaching aims :

enable the ss to understand and say 21 words .

enable the ss to understand and use the communicative words .

raise the ss interest to learn english .

teaching steps :

step1  warm up

sing songs: a b c song ,family song .

say a rhyme : it’s his key .

step 2 revision .

for school:

复习文具类单词时,教师应充分利用学生桌面上的实物,以自由谈话的形式进行问答:what’s this /that in /on …?

what’s this /that in english?

it’s a /an …

in a room .

play a game :think and guess .



s1: what’s this? guess ,please .

s2:is this a copybook ?

s1: no, it isn’t .

s2: is this a storybook ?(this is a storybook ,i think )

s1: yes ,it is .


members .

让学生自由组合成“家庭”,向同学们介绍各位成员:this is my grandfather/grandmother …


sa : is this your grandfather?

sb: yes ,he is .this is your uncle ,i think .

sa: no ,he isn’t .he’s my father .who’s she ?

sb: she’s my aunt .

step 3 have a rest .

play a game :抛“魔盒”

第一位学生边问is this /that a …抛出手中的“魔盒”,接到盒子的学生根据盒面呈现的物品图象作出肯定或否定地回答,继续边问边抛,以此类推。

step 4 practice .

listen to the tape and repeat .(from unit 1 to unit 3)

read the dialogue aloud .

look at the picture and try to act .(c look and say)

practice the dialogue in groups .

step 5 home work .

listen to the tape four times ,from unit 1 to unit 3.

the second period : review unit 4—unit 5

teaching contents:

unit 4,unit 5.

teaching aims :

enable the ss to understand and say 20 numbers .

enable the ss to understand and use the communicative sentences .

raise the ss interest to learn english .

teaching steps:

step1 free talk and motivation.

sing a song: twenty green bottles .

free talk .

教师以“excuse me ”展开对话,充分运用unit 1,unit 2,unit 3 ,unit 4, unit 5中的不同句型、单词进行连锁操练。

step2 ,revision .


a. 教师出示手语,学生根据手势快速说出相应的数字。(可以采用开火车的形式进行)

b. 用扑克牌或数字卡片复习数字类单词。


s1:what’s one plus two ?

s2: it’s three /it’s four.

s1: that’s right /sorry ,you’re wrong .it’s three .

a rest .

play a game :速记电话号码。


step 3 practice .

at the picture and try to act .(unit 4 c l→←ook and say )



t: how many keys can you see ?

ss: i can see five keys .


to the tape and repeat .(unit 4,unit 5)

step 4 ending .

the third period :unit 6     a  b

teaching contents:

unit 6   a  listen and number ,b  listen and answer .

teaching aims :

the ss can understand what they have listened .

the ss can use the words correctly .

teaching steps:

step1. warm up

greetings .

t: may i come in ?   ss : come in ,please .

t: good morning /afternoon ,boys and girls .

ss: …

say a rhyme :jack has a clock .

step 2 revision .

tape knife stapler

copybook storybook

crayon  pencil  storybook computer  key  radio

bookcase fridge

tv clock

tv  clockk 教师板书school bag和room ,让学生围绕这两个中心词充分发挥各自的想象力,说出自己知道的与此有关的单词,并分类写下来,鼓励学生主动到黑板上填写。,

school       bag               room

step 3 presentation

ask and answer



what’s the time ? 另一个回答:it’s …

在ask and answer的基础上完成练习a listen and number .

指导学生练习b listen and answer .check .step 4 ending .


computer  key  radio

bookcase fridge

tv clock      school         bag                         room tape knife stapler

copybook storybook

crayon  pencil

the fourth period : unit 6 c look and say

teaching contents :

c look and say

teaching aims:

enable the ss to understand and use the communicative words .

encourage the ss to have gook cooperation  with one another .

teaching steps:

step 1 warm up

sing the songs : family song .

twenty  green bottles .

step 2 revision .

touch your body .


what’s ten plus four ?    it’s           a  fourteen .

b  six

what’s nine minus two ?  it's           a  eight .

b  twenty

what’s thirteen minus five ?  it’s        a  eighteen

b  eight.

read and match .

该吃午饭了。                that’s your uncle ,i think .

现在几点了。                 you can go home , now .

你可以回家了。               what’s the time now ?

我猜 ,那一定是你的叔叔。    time to have lunch .

step 3 presentation

the t shows the wall picture .(c look and say )

do you know who they are ?

group work .

ss discuss : what are they saying ?

check .

picture 1

su hai : may i come in ,mike ?

mike :  come in ,please .

picture 2

su yang : is she your grandmother ?

mike : yes ,she is /no ,she isn’t .she’s my …

picture 3

mike : this is my grandfather .

su hai, su yang : nice to meet you …

try to act .(学生自由选择任意一幅图练习表演,不必拘泥于已学过的对话)。

step 5  do the workbook .

listen and respond (鼓励学生用多种不同的应答语)

listen and check .

listen and judge .(注意指导学生听准时间)

listen and draw .

listen and draw (练习前要充分复习所学的字母)

step 6 good bye .

它山之石可以攻玉,以上就是一米范文范文为大家整理的5篇《《牛津小学英语》6B Unit 1 第一课时》,希望对您有一些参考价值。

《牛津小学英语》6B Unit 6教学设计2


教学目标:part c and e.


能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语 which season do you like best? i like… why? because it’s…

能听懂、会说、会读和拼写句型 what’s the weather like…?

教学难点:能听懂、会说、会读和拼写句型 what’s the weather like…?



step 1 pre-task preparation:

1.  revision: a dictation.

try to dictate the following words: weather, spring, autumn, winter, hot, cold.

2.  say a chant:

spring, summer, autumn and winter,

which season do you like best?

spring, spring, i like spring best.

summer, summer, they like summer best.

autumn, autumn, we like autumn best.

winter, winter, we all like winter.

summer is hot, winter is cold,

autumn is cool and spring is warm

spring is sunny, summer is rainy,

autumn is cloudy and winter is windy..

step 2 while-task procedures:

and answer:

t: which season do you like best?

s1: i like spring best.

t: why?

s1: because it’s windy. i can fly a kite.

pair work “which season do you like best?”

work “which season do you like best?”

open at page 41 c ask and answer:

t gives ss a model: picture 4:

t: which season do you like best?

s2: i like winter best.

t: why?

s1: because it’s cold. i can make a snowman.

answers: picture 1-4.

step 3 post-task activity:

about the weather:

t: what’s the weather like in spring?

s1: it’s warm and rainy.

t: what do you usually do?

s2: i usually go rowing and fishing.

the form:

seasonweatheractivityspringwarm rainygo rowing and fishing

step 4 homework:

about the weather with your parents.

the internet about the weather in new york.


which season do you like best? i like… why?

because it’s…

what’s the weather like…?


牛津小学英语6B教案——Unit4 Review and check3

一。 教材析












复习第一与第二单元 的内容,为下面教学作准备


2.小组合作制作自己的简历(见 p36),并与classmate比一比i am as tall as .   i am taller than .

goes to school earlier than .    ……

教学part a



model 1: who can you see in the pictures?

can you say sth about them?




教学part b





4.完成report ,并写一写。


unit 4 review and check

taller, higher, older ,faster,

braver , later, ……

bigger , ……

heavier, earlier, ……

better, farther, ……



(run) faster than his father.

2.       (do) tom swim       (slow) than lu tao.

traffic is         (heavy) than yesterday.

4. i’m as         (tall ) as my mother.

ling does        (well ) in english than su yang.

unit4  review and check  (第二课时)

一。 教  材  分 析












在比较中看谁最能认真听, 一方面养成倾听的习惯,另一方面引出does ……的句子教学。

one by one : who is taller, or ?

2.四人一组比赛,快速问答i go to bed at 8:00.   i go to bed at 8:30.

who goes to bed later, or ?  goes to bed later than .  i get up at ……,.i get up at ……. who gets up earlier, or ? gets up earlier.……

go to bed earlier than ?  does get up later than ?

4.复习动物类单词(用动物用比较)are bears as big as elephants? 并积极地参加比较工作,要求快速地问答。

教学part b

在前面复习的基础上,很流利地快速问答, 同时养成仔细观察的习惯。





教学part c


1. 在预习的基础上自己检查自己的答案。

2. 读一读

3. 评一评



unit 4 review and check

who goes to bed later, helen or mike ?

does the boy ……?

yes, he , he does not.

are the orange in the ……?

yes, they , they aren’t.



1. 高山比吉姆强壮。 gao shan is                jim.

2. 凯特比苏珊小半小时。

kate is                             susan.

3. 沿着这条路走,在第三个拐弯处右拐。

go        the        ,         right       the third       .

unit 4  review and check

一。 语音

(    ) work  (    )  world  (    ) horse

(    ) along  (    )  let  (    ) old

二。 英汉互译

米                                2.在南京路上

3.一样高                             4.在第三个拐弯处

5.向右                               6.动物表演

7.穿蓝衣服的男孩                     more exercise

9.擅长画画                          10. 遇到问题


chris: so, what did you do this weekend, kate?

kate: oh, kiane and i went for a drive in the country on saturday.

chris: that sounds nice. where did you go?

kate: we drove to the lake and had a pic. we had a great time !

how about you? did you do anything special?

chris: not really. i just worked on my car all day.

kate: that old thing ! why don’t you just buy a new one?

chris: buy then what would i do every weekend?

kate: did you do anything on sunday , chris?

chris: no, i just stayed home all day. what about you? what did you do?

kate: i met some friends.

chris: oh, where did you go?

kate: we went to a great outdoor concert. then  we had dinner out and went dancing.

chris: i sounds like you had a busy weekend !

kate: yeah, i guess i did.

第四单元 unit 4

一。 教学内容

单元要求tall, light, young, old, heavy


strong, slow, low, fish, late, be good at

2、stops, turn, left/right, post, office, get on/off, along, street

3、twin, minute, centimeter,child, cute, also,chat

1、far,traffic,well,jog, do well in, have problems with, do more exercise,animal show, go for a walk

2、city, crossing, away, suddenly, shout, thief, shopping center, middle school, out of, train station, history museum.


i’m as tall as you.

su yang’s (twenty minutes)younger then su hai.

whose school bag is heavier, yours or mine?


that’s true.  well done.

jim is not as fast as ben. mike runs as fast as ben.

2、go along this street, and then turn right at the third crossing.

how far is it from here?

it’s about a kilometer away.

you can take bus

how many stops are there?

how can i get to the shopping center?


who’s taller than david?

gao shan is taller than david.


ben runs faster than jim.

do the boys jump higher than the girls?

does jim swim slower than david?

2、can you tell me the way to…please?



二。 教学要求

1. 通过复习,要求学生掌握四会单词、词组和句型。

2. 通过本单元复习操作,要求学生能综合运用所学的日常交际用语。

《牛津小学英语》6B Unit 1 第一课时4


1、能正确地听说读写词语children, hill, show, fish

2、能正确地听说读词语camping site, a tin of ,camping trip, tent, pot, stove, blanket, telescope, towel, tin-opener.

3、能正确地听说读写句型what do you / they have? i/ we/ you/ they have… what does she /he have? she /he has…

4、能正确地运用对话中的日常交际用语 look, …and… are  coming. great!






2、板书准备:写好课题 unit 8


step1. warming up

1. greetings

t: good morning, boys and girls.

s: good morning, miss yin.

t: how are you?

s: fine, think you. and you?

t: i’m very well.

2. free talk

t: i like masks. do you like masks?

s: yes, i do.

t: what masks do you like? i like m masks.

s: i like…

t: i like flowers. what do you like?

s: i like…

step2. presentation

1. t: do you like pumpkin lanterns?

s: yes, we do.

t: i like pumpkin lanterns, too. i like having camping trips. do you like having camping trips? look, they’re having a camping trip. (出示挂图)

teach: a camping trip

(贴课题 a camping trip)

t: boys and girls, do you like having camping trips?

s: yes, we do.

t: this class let’s have a camping trip.

s: it’s great.

t: but, what do we need for a camping trip? let me see. we need a towel and a blanket. (复习a towel  a blanket)

t: what else do we need?

s:we need …(复习a pot  a stove)

2. t:i have a towel, do you have a towel?

s: no, i don’t.

t: what do you have?

s: i have…

t: show your … to me, please.

s: ok.

teach: show … to …

t: i have a pencil. what do you have?

s: i have a …

t: show your … to me, please.

s: ok. here you are.

t: i have an english book, what do you have?

s: i have a …

t: show your … to me, please.

s: all right.

t: what else do we need? think over. oh, we need something to eat. we need some fruit.

teach: some fruit

: look, i have a tin of fish. (出示实物) i’m very hungry. but i can’t open it. i need a tin-opener.

teach: a tin of fish

t: do you have a tin-opener?

s: no, i don’t.

: who can ask me?

s: miss yin, miss yin, what do you have?

t: i have a box of chocolates.

teach: a a box of chocolates

: what do you have?

s: i have …

t: show your … to me, please.

s: ok. / all right.

t: does he/ she have a…

s:yes, he/she does.

t: what does she /he have?

s:she /he has…

teach: what does she /he have? she /he has…

in pairs.

ask two students.

t: what do you have?

s: i have…(问2组)

t: (问全班) boys and girls. what does she /he have?

ss: she /he has…

make a model

work in pairs, four in a group.

step4. watch the vidio

step5. homework

copy the new words and sentences.

《牛津小学英语》5a unit8第二课时 part a 来自第一范文网。

《牛津小学英语》6B Unit 6教学设计5

unit 3  asking the way

连云港市赣榆县实验小学  董淑鸿


本单元的核心教学内容是“问路”,围绕这一话题展开各项语言活动。重点学习问路中常涉及的相关用语can you tell me the way to…?how far is it from here? how can i get to…?及其答语。本单元a部分通过创设情景,展开一段有关问路的情景对话;b部分主要学习表示场所的词组以及与问路相关的动词词组;c部分和d部分是本单元的句型结构部分,重点学习句型及其答句。要求学生能够四会掌握这些句型;e部分重点复习了本单元的重点句型turn…at the…crossing和一般过去时;f部分是一个趣味猜迷游戏,可以让学生在听听、看看、做做、玩玩中活动;g部分为语音部分,让学生了解字母组合ou在单词中的读音,提高整体认读能力;h部分是一首歌曲,可以联系本课内容进行填词唱歌。


1、能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词stop, turn left / right, post office, get on / off, along, street, way。

2、能听懂、会说、会读单词city, crossing, away, follow, suddenly, shout, thief, shopping centre, middle school, primary school, out of, train station, story museum, kilometre, road, minute, only。

3、能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型:can you tell me the way to…,please?

4、能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语和句型go along this street, and then turn right at the third crossing. how far is it from here? it’s about a kilometre away. you can take bus how many stops are there? how can i get to the shopping centre?


6、能演唱歌曲excuse me。


1、能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词stop, turn left / right, post office, get on / off, along, street, way。

2、能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型:can you tell me the way to…,please?


1、能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词stop, turn left / right, post office, get on / off, along, street, way。

2、能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型:can you tell me the way to…,please?




第一课时:b look, read and learn及 c look and say

第二课时:b look, read and learn及 d read and talk

第三课时:a listen, read and say

第四课时:e read and number及f play a game

第五课时:g listen and repeat及h sing a song









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