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1.—Daming, sit down please.


A. OK       B. Thank you

2.--Hi, Xiao Ming!Nice to meet you.


, thank you           ’m fine,too.

to meet you, too       are you?

friend Daming is in___________.

Two           two       Two   D. Class two

4..---_______ colour are the cats?


; They’re        ;They’re

;They’re        ;It’s

is Mr Black. _____is a Chinese teacher.

many ______are there on the desk?

Ping and Peter ______good friends.

A. am

father’s sister is my _______.

B. sister

9.--Are there_______desks in the dining hall?

--No, but there are______tables in it.

; any    ; some      ;any       ; some

library is next______our classroom.


I’m Sherry ,I’m a (n)__31__ and I’m from New York .I’m _32__. I’m  __33___Class 7,Grade 7 .The girl is Mary. __34__ is Chinese .She is from Hangzhou ,a beautiful __35___ .She is __36___years old ,too. She __ 37___ in Class 8 ._38___ are friends . I like China __39___I like Chinese food. My favourite ___40___ is green ,but Mary likes yellow .

11.         C、America

12. years old   year old   years’ old





’t     ’t

19..A. but      B .and


Section A 1a—2c

学习目标:1、熟悉掌握词汇name clock 等



学习重点: 使学生学会打招呼和介绍自己,并询问他人姓名的句型。

Nice to meet you . What's your name ? My name is ......


一、自主学习(教师寄语:Knowledge is power.)

学习任务一: 熟悉掌握词汇name ,clock



3、小组竞赛,展示( 看谁总结的多, 写的准确)

学习任务二: 学会介绍自己并询问他人姓名,能够利用所学知识进行打招呼。


A: Hello , I am Gina , What's your name ?

B: My name is Alan .

2、小组竞赛, 两人一组,询问他人姓名,介绍自己。


学习任务三: 能听懂听力对话并能对根据听力对话进行自由交际。

1,、听录音, 给1B 的对话编号。


3、小组竞赛, 展示对话交际。

二、合作共建(教师寄语:Many hands make light work. )

小组讨论我们所学的英语名字和汉语名字的区别, 如何用英语拼写


三、系统总结(教师寄语:No man can do two things at once.)




(一) 单项选择。

1. _______your name ? My name is Gina .

A. What B. What's C. Who D. which

2. Good morning , Miss Wang ! _____________!

A. Hello C. Nice to meet you D. Good morning

3. I _______Sally , What______ your name ?

A. am ,is B. is , am C. is , is , am

4. ______name is Li lei .

A. I B. I am C. My D. you

5.— _______, What's your name ?

— John Green .

A. Hi B. Ok C. sorry D. Excuse me

(二) 写出下列单词的完全形式, 并写出汉语意思。

I'm _________ __________ what's __________ ________

name 's ___________ __________


时钟 _______ 我的 ________ 你的___________ 名字_______ 遇见_________


1. 见到你很高兴。 _________________________________.

2.我叫王小雨。 ____________________________________.

3. 你叫什么名字? ____________________________________

(五) 根据情景补全对话。

A: Good afternoon !

B: ____________________!

A; I ______Lucy . _________your name ?

B: My ______ is Jim . Nice to ______you !

A: _______________________________.

五、课后反思(教师寄语:Never do things by halves)

任务 熟练掌握 基本掌握 没掌握

第2课时 Unit 1 My name 's Gina.(总第2课时)

Section A (1a—2c)




学习重点: 询问他人姓名及介绍他人姓名的句型。

一、自主学习(教师寄语:Knowledge is power.)

学习任务一: 熟练读 写本课6个单词。




学习任务二: 运用句型:What's his / her name?

His / Her name is .... 进行自由交际。


my nane ( ) your name ( )

his name ( ) her name ( )


A:Hello! What's your name?

B:My name is Gina.

A:Nice to meet you.

B:Nice to meet you,too.

A:What's her name?

B:Her name is Jenny.


4. 对抗组开展竞赛,展示自己的对话。

学习任务三: 听听力完成2a,2b.



3. 小组为单位,熟读2b中的名字。


二、合作共建(教师寄语:Many hands make light work. )




三、系统总结(教师寄语:No man can do two things at once.)


_______ _______

What's _______ name? _______ is ....

_______ ________



(1)我的时钟 (2)你的问题

(3)他的名字 (4)她的回答


(1)_________ is your name ?

(2)Nice to m________you.

(3)His a _________is good.

(4)L______! His clock is beautiful(漂亮的) .


1. _______, What's his name? His name is John Green.

A. Hi B. Oh C. Sorry D. OK

2. She is a girl(女孩).What's ______ name?

A. her B. she C. she's

五、课后反思(教师寄语:Never do things by halves)


(一)My Friend(我的朋友)

I have a good friend. Her name is May. She is 12 years telephone number is 87634966 Her birthday is March 5th. She is good at English and often plays the piano. She likes reading books and listening to the music. Her hobbies are reading and listening to music. She is a nice girl. We often help each other. We are good friends.

我有一个好朋友。她的名字叫梅。她12岁。她的电话号码是87634966 。她的生日是3月5日。她擅长英语和汉语。她经常弹钢琴。她喜欢看书和听音乐。她的爱好是读书和听音乐。她是一个好女孩。我们经常互相帮助。我们是好朋友。

(二)My Day(我的一天)

以 My Day(我的一天)为题,写1篇短文

I get up early at six every day. After doing some morning exercises, I read English for twenty minutes. At seven I have breakfast. After breakfast I take my schoolbag and go to school. Our class begins at eight, and we have four classes in the morning. After lunch at 12 o’clock, I take a short rest in the classroom. We have three more classes in the school at five , I go back home. I often help my mother do some housework. Sometimes I watch TV. After dinner, I begin to do my homework. Then I take a shower. I go to bed at nine thirty.


(三) My family(我的家庭)


Hello,everyone!I'm ! This is my family photo. This is my grandmother. She is 58. This is my father. He is a teacher. He is 36. and my mother is 36, too. Who’s that boy? Oh, he is my brother. He is 13 and I am 12. My brother and I are students.


(四) 请根据以下条件写英语作文:






Today is Monday. I get up at 6:00. I have my breakfast at about 6: I clean my room, wash my face and brush my teeth. I have noodles for breakfast. I go to school at 6:40. We have five classes in do morning exercises at 10:25. At 11:30, I’m very hungry. I have lunch at school. I go to bed at 12:00 in the room. We have three classes in the afternoon. I have history ,art and math. I go home at 5:30. I do homework after school. My sister、brother and I watch TV at 8:00 in the evening. Then I wash my face and brush my teeth. I go to bed at 10:00.



Unit 1


1. Good morning/ afternoon / evening 早上/下午/晚上好 Good night 晚安(晚上告别)

2. glad / nice to meet / see you 见到你很高兴 (回答也一样)

3. welcome to + 地点 欢迎来到…… (回答:Thank you 或者Thanks)

’s + V(原) 让我们做……

5. stand up 起立 sit down 坐下

6. this is----- 这是…… (用于介绍第三者的用语)

7. How do you do ?你好 (回答也是:How do you do ? )

8. How are you ? 你好吗? Fine ,thank you .and you ? 很好;谢谢;你呢?

I’m OK / I’m fine , too . 我也很好。

you = see you later = see you soon = good-bye 再见

me 打扰一下;请问

’m -----= my name is ---- 我是……

12. be from = come from 来自

English 用英语

you spell it ? Yes / No 你能拼写它吗? 能/不能

’s OK / That’s all right / You’re welcome / Not at all 不用谢

16. …… years old ……岁

number 电话号码 QQ number QQ号码 ID number 身份证

same (相同的) 反义词是 different (不同的)

例: We are in the same grade, but we are in different classes.


1. What is your name ? 你的名字是什么?

2. Where +be + 主语 + from? 某人来自于哪里?(回答:主语+be+地点)

Where are you from? I am from quanzhou.

3. How old + be + 主语? 某人几岁? (回答: 主语 + be + 数字 )

例: How old are you ? I’m forteen.

4. What is your telephone number? 你的电话号码是多少?

(回答:My telephone number is----或者It’s -------)注意:读出号码的时候要逐个读出。

5. What class / grade +be + 主语 + in ? 某人在哪一个班级/年级?

例:what class are you in ? I am in Class Five. (注意:Class 和 Five需要大写)

what grade are you in ? I am in Grade Seven.(注意:Glass 和 Seven需要大写)

6. What’s this/ that (in English) ? 这是什么? (回答:It’s a/an + 单数名词。 这是……)

What’ re these/ those (in English) ? 这些是什么?(回答:They’re + 复数名词 这些是……)

7. How do you spell it ? 你怎么拼写它? E-R-A-S-E-R, eraser. (注意拼读方法)

Unit 2

+ has/ have ( an /a ) + adj + 五官 === sb’s 五官 is / are + adj (描述长相)

例:Lily has a small nose. = Lily’s nose is small.

know = I see 我明白了

’s right 那是对的

the same look like 看起来相像 look different 看起来不同

例: Jim and Lilei look the same.== Jim looks like Lilei. .

5. look at + n 看某物 look for +n 寻找某人/某物 look after +n 照顾某人

两者都…… all 三者或者三者以上都……

Both 和 all位于 be动词或情态动词后,位于行为动词前。

例: We are both students. We both have black eyes. We can both speak English.

7. give sth to sb = give sb sth 把某物给某人; (注意:如果sth是it或them,只能用前者)

8. have different looks == look different 有着不同的长相 (看起来不相像)

have the same look. ==look the same 有着相同的长相 (看起来很相像)

there 在那边 come in 请进 go out 出去

10. in + 颜色 或 in a/an/the +颜色 + 衣服 表示穿着……颜色的衣服

常常接在名词的后面,表示穿----颜色衣服的…… 如 the girl in red is my sister.

11. too + adj 太……

和 shoes 做主语,谓语动词用复数;但a pair of pants/ shoes作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式

例: His shoes are black. A pair of shoes is under the bed.

13. in the morning/ afternoom/ evening 在早上/下午/晚上 at night 在晚上

shopping = go to the shop 去购物 类似的有 go swimming go fishing go skating 等等

sb. ( to ) do sth == help sb with sth 帮助某人做某事 注意:sb 用代词时必须用宾格

school 中学

+球类 play the 乐器

of 认为,想 think about 考虑 I think + 从句 我认为……

I think he you are right. 否定式常否定主句,但翻译时要否定后面的从句

例:I don’t think he can come. 我认为他不会来了。(不能说:我不认为他会来)


1. What do/does + 主语 + look like ? 询问人的长相

例: What does your English teacher look like ?

’s -----and ------? ……加……是什么?(回答:It’s ------)

例:What’s red and yellow? It’s orange. What’s two and five? It’s seven.

+ 东西 + is this/ that ? Whose + 东西 +are these/ those ? 这/这些 是谁的……?

例:Whose coat is this ? It is mine. Whose shoes are these ? They are hers.

is the letter from? 这封信来自于谁? It’s from Lily. 它来自于莉莉。

color be + 东西? (回答:It’s +颜色 或者 They’er + 颜色)

例:What color is your dress? It’s black.



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