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教学目标 学习询问人或事物的的特殊疑问句和教室内各事物名称

教学重点 What’s this/that? It’s a/an… book,bag,chair,desk…

教学难点 This/that 的变化运用;a/an的运用

教具 多媒体、录音机 课时 1


T: What’s this in English?

S: It’s a book.

T: How do you spell it?

S: B-O-O-K.

Work in pairs. Ask and say.

S1: What’s this in English/

S2: It’s a desk.

S1: What’s that in English?

S2: It’s a pen.

S1: How do you spell it?


1) Listen and repeat.

2) Compelete the sentences and read.

3) Write the sentences.

Complete part3


Good afternoon, my dear judges, I am ______, from ______, it is my great honor to have this opportunity to talk about my teaching ideas. My presentation consists of five parts.

Part 1 The analysis of the teaching material

This lesson is a reading passage, which focused on the topic of __________________, such a topic is related to our daily life, so it is easy to arouse the Ss’ learning interests.

My teaching objectives include the following parts.

First, the knowledge objective :By the end of this lesson, Ss can learn the new words and new phrases:______________________________________ 其他参考活动:Debate----当话题有矛盾双面


Do a survey――调查

Understand the main idea of the article;

And master the usage of ___________________(某个语法点)

Second, the Ability objective:

skim for the main idea of the article and

scan for the specific information,

predict some information and

understand the whole article, and

enlarge the relative knowledge by reading more materials in library or from internet, write a report of the topic, etc. Third, the emotional objective:

to develop the spirit of cooperation through teamwork and pair-discussion;

arouse Ss’ interest in English learning

Forth, the Cultural awareness

Fifth, the Important points:

to get an overall understanding of the whole text,

and develop their reading skills such as anticipating, skimming, scanning, summarizing language points…..… (具体课型用具体例子阐述)

the usage of the______________________( 语法或句型)

While the Difficult points:

Are enable the Ss to use the new words and phrases to express their ideas in daily life, and develop the ability of skimming and scanning.

master the usage of ____________________________( 语法或句型)


Part 2 The analysis of students

The Ss have learned English for some years. They understand some words and simple sentences. They are curious, active, and fond of game, competition, and various activities. They enjoy learning through cooperation in a relaxing atmosphere.

Part 3 Teaching methods

In this lesson, My teaching methods include

audio-visual teaching method, communicative teaching method, and task-based teaching methods. Besides, a computer, blackboard, a tape recorder, a projector are needed as the teaching aids.

Part 4 Teaching procedures

There are five steps in my teaching procedures. But before teaching, I will divide the whole class into 4 groups to

do competitions while finish different tasks in this lesson.

Step 1 Warming-up and leading in (3mins)

Free talk; talk something related the topic of the article.




Teaching Aims:

the Ss to talk about their hobbies and interests.

the Ss write a composition

students realize how important the sports are

4. useful expressions

o My favorite sport is … because …

o I like … because …

o I became interested in it when …

o My favorite athlete/footballer/sportsman is …

o I like him/her because …

o I practise …

o In the future I hope to


Teaching Important Points:

the Ss to talk about their hobbies and interests.

the students to write a composition

Teaching Difficult Points:

to talk about hobbies and interests.

to write a composition about their favourite sports.


The General Idea of Th is Period:

This period has two aims—to encourage the Ss to think and talk creatively about their hobbies and interests and to organize their ideas into a composition and to enable the students to write a report about their favou rit e sport.

Teaching Aims:

the Ss to talk about their hobbies and interests.

the Ss write a composition

students realize how important the sports are

4. useful expressions

o My favorite sport is … because …

o I like … because …

o I became interested in it when …

o My favorite athlete/footballer/sportsman is …

o I like him/her because …

o I practise …

o In the future I hope to

Teaching Important Points:

the Ss to talk about their hobbies and interests.

the students to write a composition

Teaching Difficult Points:

to talk about hobbies and interests.

to write a composition about their favourite sports.

Teaching Methods:

in pairs and in groups.

Teaching Aids:

multimedia computer.

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 Revision

Read the words loudly and have a competition

Step2 lead in

Show some picture in which the teacher is doing something she likes to arouse students interest

Step3 pre-writing


Making a Survey on Others ’Interests or Hobbies

Q1:What is your favourite sport?




Q2:How you became interested in that sport:




Q4:What do you do to improve your skill?




Q5:Who is your favourite athlete? Why do you like him or her?




注意:1.划线部分的连接词是把不同的思想连接在一起。(first, although, apart from 除—之外)but)

2.方框里面的连接次为了增加一些信息(especially, , too, as well)


1. 审题:1)审体裁;2)审人称;3)审时态;

2. 列提纲

3. 连 词成句

4. 复查纠错。

Step4 while-writing


B层同学要求:句子结构 正确,时态使用正确。

C层同学要求:句子结 构正确。



题目:My favorite sport

要求:1. Begin by explaining which sport you like best and why.

2. Give reasons for why you like the athlete be st.

3. What you do to improve your skill.

4. Fini sh by saying what you hope to do with this sport in the future.

注意:1. 100词左右。

2. 卷面整洁,书写工整。



Check their compositions again and write one.

Sum up what we have learnt in this un it.




1) New words: dumplings, want,, make, nice, cook, vegetables, love

2) Language: What are you doing?

I’m making some dumplings.

Do you want some rice?

Yes, please.

No, thank you.

3) Talking about Chinese and western food


Aim1, 2, 3


New lesson


look, listen, talk about, CAI


pictures, word cards, a recorder, food



1. Review the text of Module 5, Unit 1

2. Remember the text.


1. Review the food words.(: noodles, soup, make, cakes, rice, fish)

2. Ask and answer: Do you want some…?

Yes, please.

No, thank you.


Activity1. Listen and say.

1. Learn the new words.( dumplings vegetables, want,, make, cook, love)

2. Word Game: Who is the quickest?

3. Learn the new sentences: I’m making…。/I’m cooking…

4. Distinguish “cook” and “make” and do more examples, :

I’m making soup/cakes/noodles.

I’m cooking rice.

5. Ask and answer: I’m making…。/I’m cooking…(dumplings/vegetables)

6. Play the tape, pause it after each utterance, get ss to repeat the sentences.

7. Read the text together.

it out.

1. Look at the slide and read the sentences.

2. Ask the students to read the dialogue together.

3. Ask them to practice in pairs, then make the dialogue.

四、Exercises Listen and point.

1. Look at the pictures of AB Unit2 Ex 1,point ,ask and say.

(: What are they? Who is he? Who is she? What are they doing?)

2. Listen and number, then point.

3. Review the text, and then try to remember.


1. Rememeber the following words: make, cook, want, love, vegetables

2. Read Part 1.

3. Copy the following sentences:

What are you doing?

I’m making cakes.

Do you want some?

Yes, please.


What are you doing?

I’m making cakes.

Do you want some?

Yes, please.


is +单数可数名词/不可数名词+ 地点状语。

There are +复数名词+地点状语。


There be句型的否定式在be后加上not或no即可。

注意not和no的不同:not是副词,no为形容词,not a/an/any + n. 相当于no+ n.

There be句型的一般疑问句变化是把be动词调整到句首

There be表示“某处存在某物或某人”;have表示“某人拥有某物/某人”


①Is/ Are there ……near here/ around here/ in the neighborhood?

②Where is/ are……?

③How can I get to……?

④Could/Can you tell me the way to……

⑤Which is the way to……



Cross是动词,相当于go/ walk across

Through是介词,表示从物体中间或里面穿过 go through the door

Over是介词,“横过,越过”表示从物体上空越过,跨过 fly over

for help/ advice

/ on the street

6.在某条大街上习惯用介词on on Bridge Street

from,next to,between…and…,behind

front of在…(外部的)前面→behind在…后面 in the front of在…(内部的)前面

in town→be out of town

far from

walk along go straight go up/ down


one’s/ the left

the first crossing/ turning



Some times 几次,几倍 some time 一段时间(前面用介词for)

空闲的 free time

自由的 as free as a fish

免费的 The best things in life are free.


goes quickly.

19.表“一些”在肯定句中用some. 在疑问句和否定句中用any。




在英语中询问“怎么样?”是个很常见的话题,牵涉到不同的意思和不同的句型,只有以恰当的句型去适应不同的意思,才能体现 “原汁原味”的英语。常见的相关句型有:

一、在询问、提出建议或征求对方意见时,用“What (how) about...?”的句型,about 的后面可以接名词、动名词或代词。如:

I'm going to fly a kite this afternoon. What about you?


What about playing chess now? 现在下棋怎么样?

二、要询问某人或某事现在的情况(如身体状况,学习状况等),用“How is (are)...?”的句型。如:

How's everything there?


How's your father? Is he much better now?


三、要询问人的外貌、品德(重点指客观印象)或天气情况,用“What's ... like ...?的句型。如:

What's the weather like today? = How's the weather today?


— What's his mother like?

— She's tall and thin.



四、要询问对某事物的感觉和喜欢的程度时用“How do you like ...?”的句型。如:

How do you like the cartoon film “Mickey And Mouse”?


How do you like Hangzhou?


五、要询问对方对某事的看法和态度或想法时,用“What do you think of ...?”的句型。如:

What do you think of the supergirls?


What do you think of the plan?


六、要询问对方工作学习进展现状情况或与人相处得如何时用 “How are you getting on with…?”的句型。如:

How are you getting on with your English study?


How are you getting on with your classmates?




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