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网友发表时间 427820



1. 关系代词作宾语时的省略:当关系代词在定语从句中用作动词宾语或介词位于句末时的介词宾语时,可以省略。如:

Is there anything (which) you wanted? 想要什么东西吗? (/365)

Who is the man (that, who, whom) you were talking to? 刚才和你讲话的人是谁?(/364)


This is the room in which I was born. 这是我出生的那间房间。

I wanted to find someone with whom I could discuss music. 我想找一个能和我谈音乐的人。

2. 关系代词作表语时的省略:当关系代词that在定语从句中用作表语时,可以省略。如:

China is not the country (that) it was. 中国已不是过去的中国了。

Tom is not the boy (that) he was. 汤姆这孩子已不是以前那个样子了。(HM)

3. 关系代词作宾语补足语时的省略:当关系代词that在定语从句中用作宾语补足时,可以省略。如:

Im not the madman (that) you thought me. 我并不是你所认为的那个疯子。(that作宾语补语)

4. 关系代词作主语时的省略:一般说来,关系代词作主语时是不能省略的,但是在以下几种特殊情况,也可省略(不过这样的用法中学生只要能理解即可,考试时最好不要这样使用):

① 当定语从句为there be 结构时,作主语的that可以省略。如:

Ive told you all (that) there is to tell. 该告诉的我都告诉你了。

② 当主句为there be结构时,在定语从句中作主语的that, which, who有时可省略。如:

Theres a gentleman (who) wants to see you. 有一位先生要见您。

③ 当主句为it is结构时,在定语从句中作主语的that也可省略:

Heres a little book (that) will tell you how to raise roses. 这是一本关于玫瑰花栽培的小册子。




1. 无需呼应的情况:若主句谓语动词的时态为现在时或将来时,宾语从句的谓语动词可根据句意的需要使用任何所需要的时态。如:

He knows where they live. 他知道他们住哪里。

No one knows where he was born. 没有人知道他出生于何地。

Tom says that hell never get married. 汤姆说他永远不结婚。

2. 主句为过去时的情况:若主句谓语动词为过去时,宾语从句的谓语动词应用相应的过去时态。如:

She asked me if Id slept well. 她问我睡得好不好。

I didnt know whether they liked the place. 我不知道他们是否喜欢这个地方。

He said he was going to accompany her home. 他说他将陪她回家。


Oh! I didnt know you were here. 啊! 我不知道你在这里。(you were here指说话的当时)

Hello! I didnt know you were in London. How long have you been here? 你好! 我不知道你在伦敦。你来这里多久了? (you were in London其实是指说话的当时)


She said shell be back tonight. 她说她今晚回来。

He said that the meeting is Tuesday. 他说会议于星期二举行。

3. 从句为客观真理的情况:当宾语从句的内容是客观真理或客观事实,可以不受时态呼应的限制,即使主句谓语动词为过去时,从句仍用一般现在时。如:

The teacher told the students that light travels faster than sound. 老师告诉学生,光的速度比声速快。

When we were children, we were told that China is in the east of the world. 我们还是小孩子的时候,人们就告诉我们说中国在世界的东方。


1. 表特指

所谓表特指,就是说此时的what 在用法上大致相当于the。如:

What money I have will be yours when I die. = The money I have will be yours when I die. 我一死我的钱就都给你。

What possessions I have are yours.=The possessions I have are yours. 我的所有的财产都是你的。

2. 表微量


What ideas he has are his wifes. 他仅有的一点想法都是他妻子的。

What friends she has are out of the country. 她有的那些朋友全在国外。


What few friends she has are out of the country.=The few friends she has are out of the country. 她仅有的几个朋友都在国外。

What little free time he had was spent with the family.= The little free time he had was spent with the family. 他仅有的一点空余时间都是与家人在一起度过的。



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