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新目标九年级英语教案示例第十三单元The First Period Te【第一篇】

新目标九年级英语教案示例第十三单元The First Period Teaching Plan

Unit 13 The First Period Teaching Plan Language goals 语言目标 1. Words & expressions 生词和短语 tense, some adjectives of feeling 2. Key sentences 重点句子 Loud music makes me tense. (P103) Loud music makes me want to dance. That movie made me sad. Ability goals能力目标 Enable the students to talk about how things affect them. Emotion & attitude goals情感和态度目标 Enable the students to understand the effect of things upon them. Strategy goals 策略目标 Personalizing. Culture awareness goals 文化意识目标 Different music makes people different feeling. Try to understand the differences between Chinese and English. Teaching important points教学重点 The usage of make. Teaching procedures and ways教学过程和方式 Step Ⅰ Lead-in T: Most of us like music. A piece of soft music makes us feel relaxed, a loud music may make us feel boring and an exciting one makes us happy and excited. If you and your friends are at a restaurant with loud music on, you could hardly hear what your friends are saying. How does the music make you feel? Now look at the picture on Page 102. There are two restaurants in the picture. In one of the restaurants, a loud music is broadcasting; while in the other, we can only find a quiet and comfortable place. Which restaurant do you like? Would you feel the same as the two girls do in the picture? S1: I’d like to go to the Blue Lagoon because I don’t like loud music. It makes me angry. This loud music may drive the guests away. S2: I’d like to go to the Blue Lagoon too because I like quiet music just like the girl in the picture does. It makes me feel at ease. S3: I’d like to go to Rockin Restaurant. I like loud music. It makes me feel excited. This loud music makes me want to dance. S4: I’d like to go to Rockin Restaurant too. I think loud music makes me feel energetic. This loud music makes me feel encouraging. T: So, the things in the restaurant may affect the people eating there. According to some science study, it is our own feelings that works, but not the things around us affecting us though different things may have different effect upon us.    Step II Listening (1a, 1b: P102) Ask the students to listen to Amy and Tina talking about the two restaurants and do the exercises. T: Next we’ll hear a dialogue between Amy and Tina. Now listen and find out how the music in the two restaurants affect them. Play the recording and check the answers.   Step III Speaking (1c: P102) Ask the students to talk about how music affects them.  T: For Tina and Amy, different kinds of music affect them differently. Now work in pairs and talk about how the two restaurants would affect you. Sample dialogue 1: S1: I’d rather go to the Blue Lagoon Restaurant because I like quiet music. S2: Me too! Loud music makes me mad. S1: I agree! Loud music makes me feel bored. Sample dialogue 2: S1: I’d rather go to the Rockin Restaurant because I like loud music. S2: Me too! Quiet music makes me dizzy. S1: I agree! Quiet music makes me feel relaxed.   Step Ⅲ Practice (2a, 2b: P103) Task 1: Listening Ask the students to read the pictures first. T: It’s true that things around us affect us greatly. For example, examinations may make you feel nervous. Summer vacation makes you feel relaxed and happy. English lessons makes some feel boring. Now look at the pictures in 2a on Page 103. Who is in the picture? Ss: Tina and Amy. T: What is happening in each picture? Now talk about how things affect them. S1: The two in Picture 1 are having meals. They look very happy. S2: The people in Picture 2 are crying. They are watching something. S3: In the third picture they don’t look happy. They are listening to music. S4: In the fourth picture, the girl looks very angry. She is looking at her watch. Maybe she is waiting for someone at the bus stop. Ask the students to listen to what Tina and John said how different things affect them.  T: Now listen to the recording and find out. Play the recording. Ask the students to number the pictures and check the things Tina and John said. Check the answers then. Task 2: Speaking (2c: P103) T: Now pretend you are Tina and John. Work in pairs, make dialogues after the model and then act out. Sample dialogue 1: S1: Did you have a good time with Amy last night? S2: Well … yes and no. she was really boring last night. S1: But why? S2: She kept on asking me what she could do if she failed the entrance exam. That made me angry. Sample dialogue 2: S1: Did you have fun with Amy last night? S2: Well … yes. We had a good dinner in a very cosy restaurant. And the music made me happy. Sample dialogue 3: S1: Did you have a good time with Amy last night? S2: Well … yes and no. The dinner in the restaurant near the cinema was very good. But the film made me cry.    Step IⅤ  Grammar Focus (P103) Task 1: Ask the students to read the following sentences first. Then help them to write out the sentence structure. makes my eyes ache. You have made me feel safe. You may take a horse to the water, but you can’t make him drink. What makes you change so quickly? make + 宾语 + v. makes good men better and bad men worse. Trying to comfort her only made things worse. But we won’t make it too formal. Well, sit down and make yourself comfortable. He makes me angry. It’ll make me so happy if you’ll accept it. This made the street as light as day. make + 宾语 + adj. work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. He had a lot of interests which made him a best friend. She made herself the center of the meeting. Make that a rule. He made her his girl friend. make + 宾语 + n. made them so frightened? This has made them interested in physics. You should make your views known. You must make yourself heard. I did not make myself understood by you. make + 宾语 + pp.   Task 2: Show the following pictures and ask the students to make sentences. First Period Teaching Plan TITLE=新目标九年级英语教案示例第十三单元The First Period Teaching  The snow makes backyard white. First Period Teaching Plan TITLE=新目标九年级英语教案示例第十三单元The First Period Teaching  S1: Swimming makes us strong. First Period Teaching Plan TITLE=新目标九年级英语教案示例第十三单元The First Period Teaching  S2: The war makes people (the girl) frightened. First Period Teaching Plan TITLE=新目标九年级英语教案示例第十三单元The First Period Teaching  S3: The dog makes us feel funny. Task 3:  Translate the sentences with the word “make”。 1.这条坏消息让那位老太太生气了。 2.那些美味的`食物让Tom感到饿了。 3.阴雨天气把我留在了家里。 4.工厂巨大的噪音让我感到紧张。 5.这么长时间的等待,真让我感到生气。 Sample answers: 1. That piece of bad news made the old woman angry. 2. The delicious food makes Tom feel hungry. 3. Rainy days make me stay at home. 4. The great noise from the factory makes me tense. 5. Waiting for such a long time made me kind of angry.   Step VI  Homework Ask the students to list the things around them and then describe how the things affect them.

新目标九年级英语教案示例第九单元 Period 1 Vocabulary【第二篇】

新目标九年级英语教案示例第九单元 Period 1 Vocabulary building

Unit 9 Period 1 Vocabulary building   Language goals 语言目标 1. Words & expressions生词和短语 invent, scoop, adjustable, operate, mistake, thin, sprinkle, sweet, salty, crispy, sour, discover, annoying, special, ancient, legend, boil, fire, nearby, remain, notice, produce, pleasant, throw, thousand, century, taste, smell, create, divide, shoot 2. Key sentences重点句子 (P71) Who invented them? They were invented in 1863. Ability goals能力目标 Enable the students to understand and use the new words of this unit. Emotion & attitude goals 情感和态度目标 Enable the students to be aware of different inventions around them. Strategy goals 策略目标 Enable the students to use what they know to explain new words. Teaching important points教学重点 Understand and use the new words and phrases. Teaching procedures and ways 教学过程与方式   Step I  Lead-in T: Good morning / afternoon, boys and girls. This week we will begin a new unit about inventions. You can see inventions all around us, from TV to car, from food to clothing. We should say nobody can live without them. Don’t you think so? Can you imagine one day without inventions? Ss: That’s impossible. T: Yes, we live in a world of inventions. These inventions make our life easier and more comfortable. In this unit, we will learn some inventions and their history. First, let’s get to know some new words.   Step II  Card Game Ask the students to play a card game to help them remember the new vocabulary of this unit.  T: Close your books. Here are some cards. On each card there is a word with English spelling. When I hold up a card, you must tell me what it means in Chinese, how to read it and some words related to it. Are you clear? Show the cards to the students one by one. Correct their mistakes in pronunciation and understanding. …   Step III  Practice the new vocabulary Ask the students to explain in their own words the words in Section A in the workbook. T: Very good. Please turn to Section A of workbook, the first part. Discuss these words in groups and explain their meanings in your own words. Sample answers: S1: Invent: There was not such a thing in the world. Someone made it and then there is such a thing. So we can say someone invented it. S2: Discover: There is a thing. But people don’t know it or few people know it. Someone find it and make it known to people. We can say someone discovers it. S3: Scoop: When it is a noun, it means a short-handled tool for taking up and moving something. When it is a verb, it means lifting something with a scoop. S4: Mistake: If I say 2 and 2 is 1, you can say I make a mistake. S5: Annoying: make one angry, unhappy or uncomfortable. S6: Adjustable: that can be made more helpful or useful. S7: Microwave: very short wave. S8: Braces: something used to tighten. Ask the students to circle the words in the table. T: Very good. Now please find these words and circle them in the table. Volunteers? Show a hanging chart with the same table to the students. Ask them to come to the front and circle the words in the table in the hanging chart. Check the answers and correct the mistakes if there are any.   Step IV  Words about food taste(1a, 1b: P71) Ask one student to come to the front to do a blind taste test. Show a bag to the students. T: Look, there are 4 kinds of food in it. I will let one of you come to the front and taste them. But I will use a piece of cloth to cover his or her eyes. After tasting, he or she has to tell how each food tastes and what food it is. Are you clear? Sophie, please. Cover Sophie’s eyes and give her the food one by one. Sophie tastes each food and tries to guess what it is. S: It is sweet. I think it is an apple. They are salty and crispy. I think they are potato crisps. It is sour. I think it is a tomato. It is salty. But I don’t think I have eaten this food before. It is delicious. T: Do you enjoy the food? Now you can take off the cloth. The last one is Pizza, which is popular with westerners. You can take it with you and go back to your seat. Thank you. Sophie goes back to her seat. T: Hi, class. What are the four different tastes of the food Sophie had? S: They are sweet, crispy, salty and sour. T: Yes. They are words used to describe different tastes of food. Try to use them to describe the food in the picture of 1a, Section B. Ask the students to read the pictures of 1a in Section B and describe how the food tastes. T: Now, look at the four pictures. What are they? Ss: They are potato chips, lemon, ice cream and tea. T: You are right. Please use the words we’ve just learnt to describe how they taste. S1: Potato chips are crispy. Lemon is sour. Ice cream is sweet. Tea is sweet. T: How about you? Do you have a different idea? S2: Potato chips are crispy and salty. Lemon is sour. Ice cream is sweet. Tea is sweet. T: Good. I think S2’s answer is better. Now let’s repeat the description together. Ss: ... Ask the students to write the name of a different food after each word in 1b of Section B. T: Now, write the names of different foods after each taste as many as possible. I think this is an easy job for you. Think of the food you eat everyday at home or in restaurants. Collect the answers and put them down on the blackboard. Sample answers: sweet: apple, orange, banana, honey, orange juice, cakes and candies crispy: salad, potato chips, lettuce and cucumber  salty: pizza, French fries, olives sour: grapes, pickle and vinegar   Step V  Do a quiz Ask the students to finish the following exercises in 10 minutes. T: Next we’ll do a quiz. Your task is to finish the exercises in 10 minutes. Anyone who does his best without looking at the textbooks will be invited to my home this Sunday for a pizza meal. When I say “begin”, you can begin. After you finish, hold up your hands and let me know. Are you ready? One, two, begin! Fill in the blanks with the words you’ve learnt according to the Chinese. 1. Who _______ the telephone? ( 发明) 2. When was the car ________? (发明) 3. It ______ _______ _______ scooping really cold ice cream. (被用来……) 4. What do you think is the most _______ invention? (令人烦恼的') 5. The potato chips were invented _________ ______. (错误地) 6. The customer thought that the potatoes weren’t ______ enough. (薄) 7. The customer was happy __________ _______ ______. (最终) 8. The customer said they weren’t _____ enough. (咸) 9. The chef ________ lots of salt on the potato chips. (撒) 10. The tea was invented ______ ______. (偶然地) 11. This beverage was _______ (发现) over 3 _____(千) years ago. 12. ______ _______ (根据) this legend, people _______(煮) water to drink over an open fire. 13. He ______ ______ the river yesterday. (掉进) 14. She ______ beautiful after these years. (保持) 15. The emperor ______ (发现) that the leaves in the water _______ (发出) a pleasant smell. 16. Dr Naismith ______ (分) the men in his class into two teams. 17. Dr Naismith _______ (创造) a game to be played on a hard wooden floor. 18. Many young people _____ _____ (梦想) becoming famous basketball players. 19. Here is a ________ present for you. (特别的) 20. Can you _______ the computer? (操作) Sample answers: 1. invented 2. invented 3. is used for 4. annoying 5. by mistake  6. thin  7. in the end  8. salty 9. sprinkled 10. by accident 11. discovered, thousand 12. According to, boiled 13. fell into  14. remains 15. discovered, produced 16. divided 17. created 18. dream of  19. special 20. operate T: Lily, you are the one who finished the exercises fastest and correctly, so I will invite you to my house and I will cook some pizza for you.   Step VI Homework Review new words and phrases learnt in this period. Finish the following exercises on homework paper. Homework paper 1. Fill in the blanks and translate the sentences. (1) When ______ the car ______? (被发明) (2) What ____ the heated ice cream scoop _____ ______? (被用来……















3.12-13 Grade 7(上)

Units 1-12


Grade 7(下) Unit 1---12 Grade 8(上) Unit 1-8 Grade 8(上) Unit 9-12 Units1-3

Grade 8(下)

1、考点疏理日常交际用语; 2、时刻的表达方式; 3、情态动词can的用法; 1、考点疏理日常交际用语; 2、问路的表达方式; 3、征求意见句型; 1. 现在进行时。 2. 不可数名词 1、考点疏理,日常交际用语; 2、一般过去时; 3、祈使句 1、考点疏理,日常交际用语; 2、形容词、副词的比较等级

Units 4-6

Grade 8(下) 1、考点疏理,日常交际用语; 2、have to 的使用























Units7-10 Grade 8(下) 八年级自测 评讲试卷 Units1-3 Grade 9 Units4-5 Grade 9 Units6-7 Grade 9 Units8-9 Grade 9 Units9-10 Grade 9


Units11-12 Grade 9 Units513--15 Grade 9 导引测试 1,使用复习导引


4、代词分类及使用 名词、代词、数词 2、可数名词,不可数名词;


冠词、介词和连词 2、冠词的使用;



动词 形容词和副词 1,使用复习导引 2、在句中的使用; 3、比较等级; 1,使用复习导引



构词法 1,使用复习导引 2、合成法;




并列句和复合句 句子种类和 There be 第二次质量检测


三、综合训练 考试

讲卷 讲评试卷 听力训练 听力训练 听力训练 听力训练 听力训练 考查 考试复习导引专练 考试复习导引专练 自习时间:评卷 考试复习导引专练 考试复习导引专练 考试复习导引专练 1、听对话、选图画; 2、听对话、回答问题 1、听对话、选图画; 2、听对话、回答问题 1、听短文、选答; 2、听短文、填表格 1、听短文、选答; 2、听对话、填表格 1、听短文、选答; 2、听对话、填表格 1.对学生听力全面检测 直接引语与间接考试复习导引专练;


阅读训练 阅读训练 阅读训练 完形填空 完形填空 完形填空 书面表达 考查 科普、生活、故事、寓言类 人物轶事及科普文章 任务含回答问题,填空,完成句子等类型的阅读 1.解题技巧指导 2.县四套模拟题(二) 方法、技巧训练 训练学生理解能力,综合分析能力和运用语言的实践能力 作文训练 1.生活常识:电话记录,请假条,便条、通




写作表达 写作表达 写作表达 考查 看图作文 话题作文 从审、编、写、查等方面训练解题技巧 听力、完形填空,阅读理解,写作考查








1.第一学期完成unit1-unit12, 第二学期利用3周时间完成九年级课本。


3. 以学生为主体,坚持讲练结合的教学模式。并注重感情投资,利用学生的心理优势,多关注,多表扬,树立学生的自信心。













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