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剑桥幼儿英语二级上Unit2 Lesson4第五课时总第十三课时

Total Objective1.复习上节课交际词汇:slide,swing,seesaw,merry-go-round 2.掌握交际句型:Where do you play?On the swing/slide/seesaw/merry-go-round.

Are you happy?Of course,I am.

StepsTeaching ObjectiveActivityTeacher's LanguageResources Warm Up利用歌曲,带动幼儿情绪,活跃课堂气氛。歌舞:

I have morning!

Girls and to meet you.

Let's sing.一级歌舞资源:I have apuppet.



2.教师说单词,幼儿做动作。Let's play games.

Do it like me.




1.小纸人Mary和幼儿打招呼(可复习第一单元交际句型,r如Nice to meet you.

How are you?May Iplay with you等交际句型)

2.出示游乐场情景挂图,并将小纸人Mary贴在swing上,告诉幼儿Mary is on the swing.

3.教师和Mary对话,对话内容为Where do you play?On the you happy?Of course,I am.


同样的模式教授on the slide/on the seesaw/on the ,I am Mary.

Nice to meet you.

Look at me!

Where is Mary?

On the swing.

Are you happy?

Of course,I 游乐场情境挂图

2.自制小纸人Mary Application在应用中使幼儿巩固并掌握交际句型。打电话游戏:


seesaw,merry-go-round单词卡的地方。老师和幼儿以打电话的方式,进行交际句型的应用练习。Let's play agame.

I need four kids.

Who want to try?1.电话模型



Let's chant.()


Let's chant.



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Teaching aims and demands:




Important and difficult points:

●交际句型:What’s this?

Who’s jumping?


●学习音素: 元音字母Aa, Ee, Ii, Oo, Uu

Teaching procedure

Step1 Warm up

Review can ask Ss: What’s your name ?How old are you ?

What’s his name ? How old is he ?

Step 2 Sing the song

Hang the alphabet picture on the blackboard ,teach the Ss sing the alphabetsong ,then teach the Ss to learn the letters .

Step3 Jump and say

Prepare some capital letter cards(including these words:BAG ,BEN ,KIM ,DOG, BUS),some small word cards before class.

After Ss sing the song ,ask three Ss to the front ,each one hand a capital letter card and stand in a line .First,three Ss jump together ,then jump one by one ,and then jump together again .At the same time ,other Ss say “bag ,b-a-g,bag ”,then repeat .

After this ,teacher find another six Ss to the front ,each one hand a word card including the letter “A”,such as “cat ,bag ,hand , lamp ,man ,mat .” Teacher first let the first student jump and say “Bag! Bag!bag ,bag ,bag ”。Other Ss repeat . Finish other word cards in this way .

Next ,ask the Ss of group2(BEN )jump and say like what group1 just did .

Step4 Presentation

Teacher can bring something to the class ,like a cup ,a brush ,an apple ,etc. Then the teacher hand a cup and ask a student “What’s this ?”and “What’s that ?”

Step5 Say the vowel sounds

Ask the Ss of each group to stand in front of the blackboard ,just let the vowel sound jump, meanwhile ,teacher points at the sound and asks Ss “What’s this?Who is jumping ?”

Step 6 Practise

See Part2 of this unit .Ss can read after the tape ,and then practise in pairs .Act it out in front of the class.

Step7 Chant

Before doing this part ,teacher can give each student a letter card in disorder ,one letter can be written more than once on the cards .When chanting ,those Ss should stand up if they hear their letter in hand is chanted.

Step8 Find the big and small letters

Give big letters to a part of Ss and small letters to the other part .Let the Ss with small letters run and find the big letters .If success, the big and small letters will stand together in front of the class .At last ,Ss will read these letters .


*Listen to the tape of Unit2 and read the alphabet

*Make four simple dialogues using “What’s this ?” ,“What”s that ?”

*Write down the 26 letters on your homework book .



Teaching Plan Topic Class Teacher Date Unit 4 (Period 4) Do you often play football? Teaching aims and demands *Teaching materials: Part 7, 8 *revision: Do you often go to see films? No, not often. Do you often get up late? Sometimes I do, and sometimes I don’t. *New words and expression_rs: clean my teeth, have my breakfast, have my classes Important Points and Difficult Points *Important points: the phases in Part 1 and Part 2 *Difficult points: Read and comprehend Part 3 Teaching Procedure Step 1 Greeting and warm up 1. Greetings & singing 2. Revision (Fill in the blanks):


The first class

Teaching aims and demands :



Important and different points:


What colour do you like? I like blue.

Do you like black? Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.

●学习颜色:black, gray, white, orange, purple, brow, yellow, blue, green ,red ,pink


Teaching procedure:

Step1 Warm up

Review can sing the alphabet song together before class.

Step2 presentation

Prepare some balloons, papers and pictures with different colours。The teacher can “blow the balloon and hang them up in front of the blackboard. Teacher can say: “Look here, I’ve got many ballons. What colours are they? They’re black, gray, white, orange, purple, brown, yellow,blue, green, red and pink. I like orange, green, and blue.” Teacher pointing at the balloon while saying this kind of colour。Teacher should says slowly and clearly, so that the Ss can understand well. This action can be repeated more than once. Then the teacher can ask the Ss: “ What colour do you like ?”Ss can say: “I like blue.” Teacher can ask Ss in another way : “Doyou like blue?” If Ss say,“Yes ,I do.” Teacher can give the student a balloon without blowing as a gift。Then repeat this action more than once.

Step3 Drill

See ’s talk about the picture. Ss can read after the tape. Then practice in groups to discuss the colour you like.

Step4 Practice

教师可以让穿各种衣服的学生站成一排,然后问某个学生What colour do you like ?如果学生说I like blue,老师就让这个学生站到穿blue 衣服的学生的后面。然后再让该学生问其他同学,以此类推。最后看哪个颜色后面站的学生多。

Step5 Show colourful clothes

教师可让穿各种颜色衣服的学生站到前面来,站成一个圆圈,背朝里,然后让学生慢慢地转动。教师总是指着对着大家的那个颜色问What colour is it ? 学生们回答It’s white.或It’s black等。

Step6 Drill of Part2

See read after the tape ,then practice in pairs .

Step7 Chant


Step8 Guess the right colour

See Part5 .3个人一组,打开教材,其中一人当裁判,一人闭上眼睛,另一个人抓住闭眼睛学生的手,将其手放在一个颜色上问该学生,What colour is it ?如果闭眼睛的学生说,It’s red .猜中了,裁判记上一分。共猜5次,最后看谁猜的分数多。


*Read after the tape of this unit twice .

*Do the exercises of this unit.

*Use five kinds of colour to copy one sentences and decide which colour you like best, second ,third ,fourth ,and fifth



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