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教学目标是学生能理解对话,并能用正确的语音语调朗读对话;根据对话的情景进行对话角色表演;能在语境中初步运用I’d like some… Have some…,too.来交流食物信息。

1. 能够在图片和教师的帮助下理解对话大意。

2. 能够听、说、认读三个有关食物的单词juice, egg, bread。

3. 能够在语境中运用I’d like some … Have some… 句型表达自己想吃的食物以及为别人提供食物建议,交流有关食物的信息。

4. 能够按照正确的语音、语调及意群朗读对话,并能根据对话的情景进行对话角色表演。



1. 理解对话意义,并能用正确的语音语调朗读对话。

2. 初步运用新句型I’d like some… Have some…, too. 来交流食物信息。


1. 学生能够在教师的带动下,自主地调动关于食物的词汇储备,复习相关词汇运用。

2. 学生能够在语境中理解生词juice, bread的意思,并能够正确发音。



(1)Let’s sing

Sing a song: Old MacDonald. 教师播放歌曲,与学生齐唱,通过歌曲帮助学生复习已学过的与动物相关的单词。

T: Good morning, boys and girls.

Ss: Good morning, Selena.

T: Before the class, let’s sing a song, Old MacDonald.



T: Look! In this picture, I see some people near the farm. Who are they?

Ss: Sarah, Chen Jie, John, Chen Jie’s father and mother.

T: Yes. What are they doing?

Ss: They are having a pic.

T: Good! They have a pic. Can you see some food? What are they?

Ss: milk, eggs …

T: Yes, they have milk, eggs. What else? Look at the bottle, what’s in it?

Ss: 果汁、橙汁、juice …

T: Good! It is juice. 果汁。Please, read after me, juice.

Ss: juice


T: Would you like some juice? Would you like some bread? Can you guess what we are going to learn? Please choose from the topic below. 1.颜色 2.动物 3.介绍他人 4.食物

(教师板书:1. 颜色 2. 动物 3. 介绍他人 4. 食物)

(3)Main scene

教师播放主情景动画,引出本课题目Let’s eat!


2. 呈现


教师使用课件呈现单词juice,并由juice导出句型:I’d like some juice. 并在板书中明确juice和some juice,提示学生juice的不可数复数形式。


利用Brainstorm头脑风暴的形式,引导学生说出一些学过或自己知道的关于食物的单词,如egg, ice cream, juice, apple, pear, noodles等,从而引出并学习新单词bread。鼓励学生尝试用I’d like some … 说出自己想吃的食物,进一步练习使用句型:I’d like some … 教师再把相应的食物图片发给学生,在交给学生的时候,教师使用句型Here you are.



教师播放Let’s talk板块的图片,引出Mike和Mum在吃东西的情景,组织学生看图猜想,猜猜图中人物在说什么。

T: Well done! Look! Who are they? Yes, they are Mike and Mike’s Mum. They are eating, too. Can you guess, what are they talking about? Look at the picture, what may Mike say? Will Mike say “What’s your name?” And what may he say? Now discuss in groups. Let’s go!

T: Maybe. / Good try. / It could be …


T: Now let’s check. Mike says, I’d like some juice, please. What may mum answer? Read after the tape.

③Role play


T: Well done! Now let’s act.

设计意图:在正式学习课文前的看图猜想活动,有效地激发学生的思维,让学生发挥想象,对图片进行预测。带着问题去听录音,帮助学生的注意力更加集中,达到有针对性地注意对话内容、理解课文。再通过跟读、朗读、分角色表演,有意识地培养学生按照争取的语音、语调及意群朗读的习惯,并进一步加深巩固本节课的重点句型I’d like …

3. 操练活动

(1)Passing the message

游戏:Passing the message传悄悄话。

按照座位顺序,每一列学生为一组。每组的第一位学生上台抽取一张图片(不得让其他学生看到),明确图片内容后放下图片回到座位,听到教师说One! Two! Three! Start! 后,以说悄悄话的方式,运用句型I’d like some … Have some …, too. 将图片上的食物信息传递给下一个学生。每组的最后一名学生到讲台处找出对应的食物图片并说出该句子。速度快又准的小组获胜。

设计意图:此教学步骤的目的是操练句子I’d like some juice/bread, please. 和Have some bread, too. 通过传悄悄话这一游戏,既可以帮助学生加深对单词的音形掌握,又培养学生的良性竞争和团队合作意识。



设计意图:通过句子接龙这个游戏,帮助学生复习、巩固、运用关于食物的单词及句型I’d like some …

4. 拓展

以四人小组为单位,做小演员,运用句型I’d like some … 和Have some … 看图设计Mike和Chen Jie的对话,渗透中西方早餐文化的异同。每组可设计多组对话,每位组员将Mike和Chen Jie的角色各演一次。

T: Good job! Look at the picture, can you act Mike and Chen Jie? Four people a group, try to act it!

T: Well done! Can you find out the differences between Mike and Chen Jie?

T: What do you have for breakfast every day?


5. 小结与评价


(2)教师针对学生的早餐食谱设计进行反馈,再一次使用I’d like some … Here you are. 加深学生对本课时单词和句型的感知,同时也作为本课的小结。

T: Do you want to be healthy? Can you design a menu for your breakfast? Now design and talk about it with your neighbor.


6. 作业

(1)同桌两人一组,表演Let’s talk对话。





本节课是Module3中Unit7的第一课时,整篇对话以谈论学生的理想职业为主题,语言知识点不多。关于职业的话题在二年级的时候,学生曾经学习过,所以有关职业的单词学生是比较熟悉的。而有关话题的内容在三年级是没有展开学习过的,只是在三年级三会学习过单词teacher,上个单元学习了shop aistant、cook和movie star。因此,老师就从简单复习上个单元英雄话题入手,从英雄的职业引出今天的主题。本节课最大的难度是单词、句子的朗读、理解和运用。所以,老师在授课时,注重创设各种活动让学生练习和运用。同时适当地采取小组合作的形式,让学生有更自由的空间、更充足的时间去练习、运用、互帮和合作。






“三会”掌握单词:grow、grow up、postman、bank、manager

2.句型:What do you want to be when you grow up?I want to be a ….


















Part 1:Preparation

Activity 1:Free talk

The teacher talks about the hero with the students.

Activity 2: Gueing game

Show a shadow of a the students listen to the

descritiones and gue who is Mi Xian’s elicit the topic.

Part 2: Presentation (Text learning)

Activity 1: learn the new words

1: Look at the teacher’s actions and gue the jobs.

2: There are 5 box has an object in the students gue the jobs according to the the students practice the sentence “I want to be a ….”

work: Look , read and match

The students stick the words beside the pictures, read the words and tell their friends their own future jobs.

3:Show the card and check, then the group members tell the cla their own future jobs.

Activity 2: learn the drills

teacher ask a question : What do you want to be

when you grow up? Then the students answer.( learn the


the drills in cla and practice in groups.

and answer in groups.

together: What do you want to be when you grow up?

I want to be a about you?I want to be a can help you.

Activity 3: learn the dialogue

the students listen to the dialogue for the first time and tell the teacher who are talking about future jobs.

the students read the dialogue by themselves and fill in the form in groups.

the answer.

Part 3: Practice ( Text practicing: reading and acting it out) Activity : Read the dialogue

the dialogue after the tape in cla.

in groups.

in cla.

Part 4: Summarize

Let the students tell the teacher what they have learnt today.

Part5: Development

Let the students talk about themselves.


Unit 7 Our Future Jobs

what do you want to be when you grow up? I want to be a ….






bank manager

wantbe whengrow up


一、 教学目标:

1. 知识目标:能够认读书写单词:same , circle ,

2. 能力目标:能运用句型Line A is longer. Is line A the same as line B?I think so. I don’t think so.通过事物的比较发表自己的看法。

3. 字母组合: ll , ng , nk 在单词中的发音。

二、 课前准备:

1、 单词卡片(宝藏图): tell , till , long , sing , English , angry , think , sink . 单词卡单词按照划线部分发音相同的为一个颜色。提前卷好了,用一根细线系住。

2、 课件

3、 课堂活动用书第三题。

三、 教学步骤:

Step one : warm-up Review unit 1


2. 和学生说今天的比赛很特别,回答问题积极而且好的同学,不但能给大组加分,还能获得宝藏图一份。

Step two : 导入

同学们比赛,老师引导学生快速读一遍课文,看谁读的又快又好,学生在读的时候,老师观察学生,读完后老师找出以为读得快的学生,邀请学生到台前,表扬说:I think he is quick .

再找另一个读得更快的学生请他到台前,说:But she is quicker .

老师马上问问题看学生是否理解:Who is quick ? Who is quicker ?


2.再邀请两位学生,He is tall, but she is taller.

看板书,老师指一下简单领读单词。She is short , but he is shorter.

看板书,老师指一下简单领读单词。问:who is taller ? who is shorter ?学生回答。is taller/shorter.老师用:

I think so. 或I don’t think so. 来发表自己的观点。

再找两个长得一样高的学生问:who is taller ? who is shorter ?

学生可能会说不出来,老师引导说:He is the same as she.看板书,老师领读并检查小火车,这里谁答对了奖励一张宝藏图,共送出去三张。

Step three: 课文的处理

1.课件展示,先出示一条线A,老师问:What is it ?

学生: line。老师: Yes , it’s line A .

再出示一条B,老师问:Which is longer?学生答:Line B is longer.

老师问:Which is shorter?学生答:Line A is shorter.

老师试着问:Is line A longer? / shorter? / the same as line B? 并且出示课件。

学生回答,老师问:Do you think so?

引导学生用I think so. I don’t think so.发表自己的观点。


2. 课件展示,先出示一个圈A,老师问:What is it ?

学生: circle。

老师: Yes , it’s circle A . 再出示一个圈B,老师问:Which is bigger?学生答:circle B is bigger.

老师问:Which is smaller?学生答:circle A is smaller.老师试着问:Is circle A bigger? / smaller? / the same as circle B?

并且出示课件。学生回答,老师问:Do you think so?引导学生用I think so. I don’t think so.发表自己的观点。每个问题学生回答出来则给他的大组加一分,并且表扬。

3.学生做的很好及时表扬,并出示课件问What can you see ?

根据学生反映,如果学生说出来vase , 则大力表扬并引导Can you see a vase ?

简单讲解vase,并拿起课本让学生只给老师看。如果学生说出来head , 则大力表扬并引导Can you see two heads ?

简单讲解head,并拿起课本让学生只给老师看。 学生回答,老师问:Do you think so?引导学生用I think so. I don’t think so.发表自己的观点。这里谁答对了奖励一张宝藏图,共送出去5张。

5. Boos open listen and repeat , then read in small groups , 每幅图find a pupil 领读,这里领读的小老师各奖励一张宝藏图,共送出去8张。

Step four : 当堂检测,学生是否明白两个事物作比较,做活动用书第三题。

Step six : review .复习今天的重点知识,看板书齐读一遍。

Step five: 字母组合: l l , ng , nk 在单词中的发音。

将手里拿宝藏的学生请到台前,打开他们的宝藏,拿相同颜色单词的两个同学站在一起,listen and repeat


Step six:chant ,listen and learn ,listen together, 加动作拍手齐唱,最后可以找表演得好的同学到台前表演。



Module 8 Discussion

Unit 2 Line A is longer

line longer

circle shorter

vase bigger

head smaller

the same as





2词汇:Sports Day、for、metre 、every day 、good luck 、come on

2句型:What are you going to do for Sports Day?

I’m going to …






简单了解一般将来式特殊疑问句“What are you going to do for Sports Day?”,及答语。




用新单词Good luck制成奖励用的卡片,充分利用单词卡片,并根据教学需要自制课件,对教学和教材资源进行有效整合。






T:Hello,boys and girls。

(Students answer)

T:How are you?

(Students answer)

T:I’m fine,thank you 。

Today,I take many “Good luck!”(Show them)。If you can do well,I’ll send one to you 。

(Lead reading it 。 Students spell it and the teacher write it on the blackboard。)


Show the chant about “Every Day ”use courseware:

Every Day

We’re going to play football。

We’re going to play football every day。

We’re going to play basketball。

We’re going to play basketball every day。

We’re going to swim。

We’re going to swim every day。

We’re going to play table tennis。

We’re going to play table tennis every day。

We’re going to run。

We’re going to run every day。

T:Now let’s have a warmer 。

First,students read it by themselves。

Second,the teacher lead the reading of it 。

Third,say the chant and do the actions 。

Claping hands when say every day 。

New lesson:

Lead in:

Show the picture of Sports Day use courseware。

T:Look at this picture,what are they doing?

(Students answer)

T:Yes,they are having a Sports Day。

Show “Sports Day”card。

Lead reading it 。 Students spell it and the teacher write it on the blackboard。

T:We are going to have a Sports Day。

The teacher write it on the blackboard and lead reading it 。

Tet’s have a look,what can we do on our Sports Day?

Show the pictures of sports use courseware。

No。1 is play football。

No。2 is play basketball。

No。3 is play table tennis。

No。4 is swim。

No。5 is run the 100 metres。

Show “run the 100 metres”card。 Lead reading it 。 Show “metre”card。 Lead reading it 。 Students spell it and the teacher write it on the blackboard。

T:What are you going to do for Sports Day?

Show “What are you going to do for Sports Day?”use courseware。 Show “for”card。 Lead reading it 。 Students spell it and the teacher write it on the blackboard。

The teacher asks some students“What are you going to do for Sports Day?” Show “I’m going to …”use courseware and lead them to answer。(Send one“Good luck!”to who can do well 。)


Talk about “What are you going to do for Sports Day?” in groups。Then show their teamwork in the front of class。(Send one“Good luck!”to who can do well 。)

T:I’m going to run the 100 metres 。

I’m going to run every day。

Show “every day”card。 Lead reading it 。 Students spell it and the teacher write it on the blackboard。

Students learn the text by themselves:

First,students read the text by themselves and draw out the new words。

Second,find the new words in word list 。

Third,read the text again and answer the question “What’s Daming going to do for Sports Day?”

Show “What’s Daming going to do for Sports Day?”use courseware。 The teacher asks some students“What’s Daming going to do for Sports Day?” Show “He’s going to …”use courseware and lead them to answer。(Send one“Good luck!”to who can do well 。)Then show answers “He’s going to run the 100 metres 。” “He’s going to run every day。”

Listen,repeat and point。

First,listen,repeat and point。Pay attention to the() new words。

Second,look at the last three pictures。

1)Listen,repeat and point。

2)Act out one picture by one picture 。

Pay attention to “come on ”,“Good luck!”。

Show “come on ”and “Good luck!”cards。 Lead reading them one by one 。 Students spell them and the teacher write them on the blackboard one by one。

New words:

Read the new words one by one use the word cards。


Through the blackboard design,summary this lesson。


?First,listen,repeat and point five times。

?Second,teach your parents what you have learned today。

Blackboard design:

Module 8 Sports Day

Unit 1 What are you going to do?

We are going to have a Sports Day。

What are you going to do for Sports Day?

I’m going to …



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