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1.初步学习单词banana和orange,复习apple、pear的发音,复习歌曲Good morning.

2.初步感知sweet 和Do you like to eat? 的含义。





1.复习歌曲“Good morning to you.”

T: good morning, boys and girls.

Let’s sing the song “good morning to you”, Ok?

C: Ok.


T: Look! I have a beautiful basket. There are some fruits in it! Look, that’s…

C: 香蕉   T: Yes, This is a banana.   请幼儿跟读

T:(尝一口)Banana is sweet. Follow me. Banana is sweet. Do you like to eat banana?

C: Yes.   T: If you want to eat banana, Let’s sing the song “I like banana.” Ok?

C: Ok.

T: Ok, very good!

Act:   Monkey: Mrs. Gao, Miss Gao.

T: Let’s have a look, what’s coming?

C: Monkey.

T: Monkey, Yes!

M: I want to eat…(着急说不出来)

T: Oh, The Little monkey wants to eat the banana, but she can’t speak English.

Can you say it in English? Let’s tell her together, Ok? Ok, what’s this?

请幼儿一起说:This is a banana

T: Yes, Monkey. Banana, Do you know?

M: Yes, I know.

T: If you want to eat the banana, you’ll say it in English once more. I’ll give it to you, ok?

M: Ok! I want to eat the banana.

T: Ok, here you are. Bye.

M: Bye, Thank you

T: You’re so great to help the monkey to solve the problem. Now I’ll introduce a good friend to you.

QiQi (手偶琪琪): Good morning children.

Today I bring you a kind of fruit, I’ll give it to you, but I want to tell you it’s English name before I give it to you. But I can’t speak English.

T: It doesn’t matter, Now, I’ll teach you the word. Then let’s teach Qi Qi together, Ok?

C: Ok.

T: Orange, orange, orange is sweet.   What do you like? Do you like to eat orange?

Please say it to your friends beside you.

请小朋友之间相互说:“I Like orange. This is an orange.

T: Now, Do you know what this is? What’s this?

C: Orange.   T: Ok, Let’s tell QiQi together. This is an orange.

Qi: I know I know. This is an orange. It’s for you.

C: Thank you,

Qi Qi.

Qi: You are welcome

T: Let’s play a game, I’ll ask one of you to touch in my basket.

Then you’ll tell the other friends. What have you touched. Ok?

C: Ok.   T: What’s this?

C: Apple (orange, pear, banana).

T: Oh, The fruits are sweet. Do you want to eat?

C: Yes.

T: Ok, Let’s sing the song “I like fruits”, Ok?

C: Ok.

T: Ok, before eating the fruit you must say: “I like…”, understand?

C: Yes.

T: Ok, come here.   音乐起,请全体幼儿一起来,老师拿水果边吃边说,游戏结束。




一.Warm-up Time . 课前热身(2分钟)

英语歌曲:Open shut

二.Story Time .讲故事展示知识点(3分钟)

1.听故事(有一个天使 Angel最喜欢拿着望远镜看东西啦。有一天,她又举起了望远镜,看… …)

图片一:一副早上的图画,天使高兴的说:Morning ,Good morning她回头笑着对妈妈说:Good Morning to you,妈妈也笑着说:Good Morning to you 早上好。

图片二:天使又看,哦,中午啦:Afternoon , Good Afternoon 她又回头跟妈妈说:Good Afternoon to you,妈妈又笑着说:Good Afternoon to you 下午好。

图片三:这回天使看的更远啦,啊:Evening ,Good Evening 她又回头跟她的妈妈说:Good Evening to you. 妈妈笑着说:Good Evening to you 晚上好。

2. 知识点回顾,看短语读音。并说明在什么情况下使用这些语言。


1. 指令游戏: what is this ?

2. 判断游戏:Angel ,Angel , what do you see ?

四、Music Time (5分钟)

1. 身体律动

T : Let’s act .

Good Morning to you 手做圆的动作在右侧,半蹲

Good Afternoon to you 手做圆的动作在头顶

Good Evening to you 手做圆的动作在左侧,半蹲

2. Let ’s chant. (跟着磁带慢做动作)

3. Let ’s sing . (跟着磁带跟唱,打拍子)


今天我们借着Angel的望远镜,认识了很多日常用语:Good Morning .Good Afternoon .Good Evening .好了我们也玩累了,跟老师们说Good – bye.


教学要点:短语:Good Morning

Good Afternoon

Good Evening





短语:Good Morning




一.Warm-up Time . 课前热身(2分钟)

英语歌曲:Open shut

二、Story Time .讲故事展示知识点(3分钟)

1.听故事(有一个天使 Angel最喜欢拿着望远镜看东西啦。有一天,她又举起了望远镜,看)

图片一:一副早上的图画,天使高兴的说:Morning ,Good morning她回头笑着对妈妈说:Good Morning to you,妈妈也笑着说:Good Morning to you 早上好。

图片二:天使又看,哦,中午啦:Afternoon , Good Afternoon 她又回头跟妈妈说:Good Afternoon to you,妈妈又笑着说:Good Afternoon to you 下午好。

图片三:这回天使看的更远啦,啊:Evening ,Good Evening 她又回头跟她的妈妈说:Good Evening to you. 妈妈笑着说:Good Evening to you 晚上好。

2. 知识点回顾,看短语读音。并说明在什么情况下使用这些语言。


1. 指令游戏: what is this ?

2. 判断游戏:Angel ,Angel , what do you see ?

四、Music Time (5分钟)

1. 身体律动

T : Let’s act .

Good Morning to you 手做圆的动作在右侧,半蹲

Good Afternoon to you 手做圆的动作在头顶

Good Evening to you 手做圆的动作在左侧,半蹲

2. Let ’s chant. (跟着磁带慢做动作)

3. Let ’s sing . (跟着磁带跟唱,打拍子)


今天我们借着Angel的望远镜,认识了很多日常用语:Good Morning .Good Afternoon .Good Evening .好了我们也玩累了,跟老师们说Good – bye.



1. 能够听、说、读、写词语:drew(draw的过去式), piece, paper 和 scissors.

2. Target Language:I drew a dragon on a piece of yellow pape

I painted it.


1. 重点:重点掌握4个四会单词。用英语描述大明制作风筝的过程。

2. 难点:几个动词的过去式,了解词语:sticks 和 strings 的意思。


1. 单词卡片,彩纸等。

2. 多媒体课件。



2. warm up:

Enjoy a chant and do the actions:

Black,black. Stand up.

Pink,pink. Sit down.

Brown,brown. Touch the ground.

Orange,orange. Touch the head.

White,white. Turn around.


2. 新词呈现:

T: Boys and girls, I have so much colorful paper. Look, a piece of red paper, a piece of yellow paper, and… 引导学生回答a piece of green paper… 接着板书a piece of 并学习,然后让学生利用自己手中的彩纸来练习a piece of yellow/red/green paper等等。

然后老师拿起准备好的图画(在一张黄色纸上画着一条龙)进行如下对话: T: Look, what’s this?

S: a dragon

T: I drew a dragon on a piece of yellow paper. (板书句子并领读)

T: What did you draw?

S: I drew a … on a piece of … paper. (学生快速在自己的彩纸上画一些简单的图画并根据自己的画操练重点句型)I drew an apple on a piece of yellow paper, I drew a book on a piece of red paper……..

3. 进入文本:

T: Well children, I drew a dragon on a piece of paper. Daming drew a dragon, too.

Now, let’s watch the video and then finish the exercise.


1 Daming drew a dragon on a piece of red paper. ( )

2 Daming cut the paper with knife. ( )

(2) 打开课本,听录音,完成句子。

(3) 听录音跟读。


4. 主题升华,渗透情感教育。

T: Daming’s kite is very beautiful. Do you like kite?

S: Yes.

T: So we should love Chinese traditional art, love our country.

5 listen and say,then sing.

T:Daming’s kite is very beautiful. Now let’s fly the kite together.(师生同欣赏同唱)

6. 操练

What did Lingling do?(读一读并连线)


T: Mother’s Day is coming. Fanfan made a card for her mom. Look at the pictures and discuss how she made a card.

(1) 根据图片小组讨论如何制作母亲节卡片

(2) 用日记形式写下制作过程。

Tuesday April 27th, 2010 sunny

Mother’s Day is coming. Yesterday I made a card for my mom.

I _____ a flower on a piece of yellow ______.


I ____ the paper with________.

I wrote“I love you, mom!” on it.

Then, I finished my card.


8. 作业





Main scene Part A (let’s try let’s talk)


1.能正确听,说,朗读“Who is ...?-- He/She is...What’s he/she like? -- He/She is... Is he/she…?--Yes,he/she is. No, he/she isn’t.”

2.能正确听,说,认读表示人物外貌与性格特征的形容词: old ,young,funny,kind,strict,polite,hard-working,clever.

3.能听懂,会说,会表演Let’s talk 的内容并在真实场景中运用。


重点:学生能够表演Main scene 和let’s talk的交际内容,能够根据实际 情况用英语讨论他人外貌与性格特征。

难点:用英语准确询问并回答人物特征,如:“Who is …? He/She is…What’s he/she like? He/She is … Is he/she…?Yes,he/she is. No, he/she isn’t.”


教师自制的单词卡 、录音机、录音带


Step1. Warming-up

’s look and say the names.(教师出示本单元通过多媒体播放一些卡通图片,分别展示年老,年轻,滑稽,有礼貌,工作努力,聪明,严格等外貌与性格特征,让学生认读,说一说这是谁,怎么样。)

’s listen and sing”Who’s your teacher?”

Step2. Presentationen.

1.学习Main scene

(1)出示Main scene中的部分教学挂图,让学生观察。


Dialogue1: Who can you see in the picture?(Wu Yifan,Amy,Oliver and a teacher.)

Dialogue2: What are they talking about?(The teacher introduces classmates to each other.)

Dialogue2:Who is a new student?(Oliver)



2.学习let’s try let’s talk

(1)listen and tick.听录音,完成探究学习第一题。

(2)创设情境:这节课我们和Oliver,WuYifan一起去了解Mr Young。

(3)看let’s talk部分的课文插图,听录音,模仿朗读,理解意思。

(4)根据let’s talk内容尝试分角色朗读对话。

(5)学生两人一组,完成“Talk about your teachers.”


a survey.

T: Who’s your... ...? Ss:... ...

T:What’s he/she like? en.

Step3. Consolidation


S1: Who’s that... ...? S2:... ...

S1:What’s he/she like? S2:He/she is…

S1:Is he/she... ...? S2:Yes,he/she is. No,he/she isn’t.

Step4 Homework


a new dialogue and act it out。


Unit one What’s he like?

Main scene Part A (let’s try let’s talk)

Who is he?-- He is our music teacher.

What’s she like? -- She’s very kind.

Is he young?--Yes,he is.




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