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◆ 学会询问和回答东西是谁的? 学会表示感谢及应答用语。

◆ 掌握单词look mine welcome.

◆ 熟练运用句型 Is this your bag? Yes, it’s mine.

Thank you. You’re welcome.


◆ 提高语言的综合运用能力。

◆ 能够在生活中自如运用本课的重点句型。


◆ 要学会帮助别人,要学会对别人的帮助心存感激。


◆ 正确的语音、语调


◆ 录音机、教学课件



T: Good morning, class.

S: Good morning, teacher

T: How’s the weather?

S: It’s sunny (cold, hot…)。


T:Change the drills into another one quickly.

S:Get ready for the race.

T:Show the exercises:

This is your bag.

Do you like my coats?

Is this her pencil?

Yes, it’s his computer.

No, it’s not its food.

S: Give the answers:

This is yours.

Do you like mine?

Is this hers?

Yes, it’s his.

No, it’s not its.

三、New lesson:

T: Do you want to know whose bag it is?

S: Yes, I do.

T: Let’s go on to learn lesson Three.

S: Prepare to learn new lesson.

T: Listen to the tape, and then tell me how to

read these words and these drills.

(Show the words and the drills on the blackboard.)

S: Listen to the tape carefully.

T: Who wants to read them?

(Look mine welcome)

S: Read the words as best as they can

T: Who can remember the drills with the word


S: Read the drill: Look at this.

T: Do the action according to my order.

Look at the desk (cat…)。

S: Follow the teacher to do the action.





而在复习的过程中不应该仅局限于课本知识,所以我又根据实际情况,拓展了与同学生活贴近的词组kick shuttlecock和play badminton. 在教授这两个词组的时候,我运用了实物教学,因为贴近生活,同学学的很积极。为了让同学容易记住这两个词组,我把词组和句型联系起来,编了一个简单的chant,这个倒让同学很感兴趣。同学都跃跃欲试。因为简单易学,同学最后也能将自身的喜好编成chant.这样一来,同学就有了学习的成绩感。


我在这节课中还拓展了与生活比较贴切的句型:What do you like best? 并让同学进行操练。在这节课中,我还为同学布置了一个动笔的机会。让同学在课前发的星星上写下自身的名字和他们的喜好。最后我又创设了一个真实环境,让同学选择自身喜欢的俱乐部。并扩展了句型:What club are you in?最后将课堂推向高潮。

回顾这节课,我也看到了一些缺乏。首先我觉得自身要加强自身的专业素质,同时也要加强自身的课堂驾驭能力。比方在教授What do you like best?这个环节中,由于教者急于求成,导致同学并没有完全领会到这句话的意思,在操练这个句型的时候,同学显得有点手足无措。而在最后一个环节中,时间显得有些过紧。我觉得在前面几个环节中,还可以压缩时间,让同学在最后一个环节中得到更多的锻炼。另外,我觉得我这节课还可以增大容量,让同学增加语言的输出和输入量。



Teaching Objectives:

By the end of the unit, students will be better able to

1. understand the varied parts friendship plays in one's life and be better friends themselves;

2. use about 30 new words and 10 new phrases and expressions in brief conversations, translation and preliminary writing tasks;

3. use the subjunctive mood with implied condition in real life communication;

4. read material of a similar topic and degree of difficulty;

5. Know how to write concisely by avoiding overstated, pompous words and redundant phrases.

Teaching Methods:

Audio lingual Method; Presentation; Discussion; Question-answer.

Important/Difficult Points:

New words and expressions: chat, turtle, model

Pick up, happen []to, CD player, out of touch, put in perspective, betrayed confidence on the planet, get rid of, in good/bad shape

Some sentences in the text are difficult to understand, such as I was thinking about how everybody can’t be every thing to each other, but some people can be something to each other, but some people can be something to each other; Wherever, whenever, there’s that spark of recognition; They have beautiful homes filled with special handmade things presented to them by villagers in the remote areas they have visited in their extensive travels.

Teaching Procedure:

Step 1. Warming Up (30 mints)

1) Work in pairs or groups, and discuss the following questions.

1. Do you have different kinds of friends? How do you classify them?

2. What is so great about friends?

3. Under what circumstances can one lose a friend?

4. Is it possible to love and hate a friend at the same time? Give examples.

2) Ask students to skim the text for the 8 kinds of friends mentioned in the text.

Buddies/ Relative Friends/ Work Friends/ Former Friends/ Friends You Love to Hate/ Hero Friends/ New Friends

3) Introducing the main idea of the article

It is said that friends are the best gift god has given us. Now that we have eight kinds of friends from the text, what kind of happiness or benefit can each of them bring us? That’s exactly what the text is about.

Step 2. New Words and the Notes (20 mints)

Learn new words and expressions of text A

Explain some important and difficult words and expressions.

cement n. 水泥,粘合剂 v 巩固,粘牢

nostalgic a.—nostalgia n.—nostalgically ad.

subdivision n.—subdivide v.—divide v.

inopportune a.—(opposite) opportune a.

invisible a.—(opposite) visible a.

Look at the Notes on page 116

1. Marion Wink: poet, essayist, and regular commentator on National Public Radio’s. The author made up the capitalized expressions in the text such as “Faraway Friend,” “Relative Friend,” which would make no sense at all out of context, with the latter in particular.

2. You quit doing drugs, you’re not such good friends with your dealer anymore: This is not meant to be taken seriously. Possession or sale of illegal drugs can result in long prison terms.

Step 3. Key Points (60 minutes)

1. cry on sb.’ s shoulder: get sympathy from someone when you tell them

your problems 向某人诉苦以寻求安慰(或同情)

At least she hadn’t cried on his shoulder again.

If you ever need a shoulder to cry on, just call me.

2. in return (for sth.): as payment or reward for something作为报答或回报

He is always helping people without expecting anything in return.

We offer an excellent all-round(全面的,多方面的) education to our students. In return, we expect students to work hard.

3. They hold out through innumerable crises before...: They are always

reliable(可靠的,可信信赖的) and nice when you are in difficult times even though they don’t like what you are doing...

4. While so many family relationships are tinged with guilt and


While so many people may feel something of a sense of guilt or responsibility in dealing with family relationships...

5. Company gossip, once an infallible(绝对可靠的) source of

entertainment, soon awkwardly accentuates the distance between you: Office chat used to be an effective way of amusement for you; however, it makes you feel uneasy since you do not work together anymore and therefore increases the feeling of distance between you.

6. Work Friends share certain memories which acquire a nostalgic glow after about a decade:

Memories of your Work friends makes you happy after ten years, so you

somehow wish that you could return to those days.

7. dead end: a street with no way out at one end or a situation from which no more progress in possible

He realized that the job at which he had been aiming all these years seemed to him to be a dead end.

He thinks they have reached an evolutionary(逐渐发展的,演变的) dead end.

8. When you feel you’ve hit a dead end, come to a confusing fork in the road, or gotten lost in some cracker-box subdivision of your life:

Whenever you feel helpless, confused or at a loss(困惑的,不知所措的) in the complicated journey of your life...

Notice that “cracker-box division” is not a general expression, but is rather made up by the author. cracker: 薄脆饼干;咸饼干

9. in possession of sth.: formal owning or having obtained something from somewhere 占有(或拥有)某物

She was found in possession of stolen goods.

How did the painting come into your possession (=how did you get it) ? 10. to death: informal used to emphasize that a feeling or emotion is very strong

be bored / scared / frightened etc. to death

She was scared to death of what might happen next.

I’ m absolutely sick to death of it (=very angry, bored, or unhappy about something) .

bore / scare / love etc. somebody to death

He drove at a speed which frightened Leonora to death. She used to worry me to death.

11. make me/you sick: spoken

a) make you feel very angry

People like you make me sick!

b) indicate a feeling of jealousy — used humorously

You make me sick with your “expenses paid” holidays!

12. Wherever, whenever, there’s that spark of recognition(认识):

When you meet a “New Friend” for the first time you instantly feel a connection with each other.

Step 4. Assignment (5 minutes)

1. Read the article repeatedly and try to remember the new words and expressions in text A

2. Finish the Study and Practice on page 118-130.

The Teaching Plan of Unit 5 What Are Friends For? (College English 2)

English Department Sun Xiaofang



Part A Let’s talk & Point and say


1、能够听懂、会说、会认读句型:Who’s that man? He’s my father. 并能够在具体的语境中灵活运用。

2、 让学生学会询问他人的身份并知道如何应答。


1、 正确运用句子:Who’s that man? He’s my father.。

2、 单词who’s的发音,以及单词that和father中th的发音。。




Step 1 热身(Warming-up)

1、 教师播放P8的Let’s chant,学生跟着录音哼唱。

2、 活动:介绍自己的朋友。

引导学生介绍自己的朋友。如:Hi, I’m Sam. I’m from China. This is my friend, Tim. He’s a boy. He’s a student. He’s from China/ the UK/ Canada/ the USA/ Australia.

Step 2 新课呈现(Presentation)

1、师生观察Let’s talk的教学课件,利用与教材内容相同的教学课件,使学生既了解了对话的含义,又了解对话运用的情景。

2、 教师提问:Who are they?What are they doing?

教师播放录音,学生静听。再次播放录音,学生跟读。教师注意带读学生不易掌握的读音,如:who’s, that, father等。


Step 3 巩固与拓展(Consolidation and extension)


1、教师呈现课本中Point and say部分教学挂图。





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