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新标准小学英语教案 小学英语教学教案(精选4篇)

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Part B and D of Unit 11 A boy and a girl, Fun with English.


1、 Enable the Ss to understand, read and say the new words “boy, girl, Chinese, thin, fat, tall, short.”

2、 Enable the Ss to use the sentence in their daily life.

3、Develop the Ss' abilities of listening, speaking, and writing English.

4、 Train the Ss' abilities of cooperation.


1、 The pronunciation of some new words “girl, thin, tall, small”

2、 Enable the Ss to say and use the sentences“My name is xx I'm xx”to introduce themselves to others.




Communicational Approach


Step1、 Warm—up

1、 Sing a song “Hello”。

2、 Free talk

T: This is xx Her name is Helen.

What's your name? Nice to meet you.

Step2、 Presentation & practice

1、 Present and practice the new sentence “My name is xx”

2 T: Do you want to know my name?

Ss: xx

T: My name is xx (T presents the new sentence “My name is xx”)

T: My name is Zhu Xiaoyan. How about your name?

S: My name is xx xx

2、 Present and practice the new words “boy, girl, Chinese, I'm from xx”

T: (Show the Ss the picture of Liu Tao) Look, this is xx

Ss: Liu Tao. T: This is Liu Tao. So we know his name is Liu Tao.

T: How about his sex?

T: What's this?

T: This is a Chinese flag. (Present and teach the word “boy, Chinese”)

T: (point to one of them) this is a xx Liu Tao is a Chinese boy.

How about...? T: (point to one of them) xx is a xx

T: Who's she? (Present the new word “girl”)

T: Miss Zhu is a girl. I'm a Chinese girl. And I'm from Rudong.

T: Where are you from? xx (Present the sentence “I'm from xx”)

Do you know where is Liu Tao from?

3、Present and practice the new words “fat, thin, tall, short”

T: We know Liu Tao is from Shanghai. Shanghai is a beautiful city. Let's go to Shanghai.

Ss: OK. T: Where is it?

Ss: It's a zoo.

T: Let's see what are in the zoo. (Present some pictures of animals)

T: Look, this is a xx (monkey) And this is a monkey. (Present and practice the word “fat, thin”)

T: (Present the picture of LiuTao and Yao Ming) This is .

T: Yao Ming is . (Present and practice the new word “tall, short”)

4、 Present and read the text

T: Now, how much do you know about Liu Tao? Say it out!

T: Let's read and learn Liu Tao's self-introduction.

(Ask the Ss to read after the tape )

T: Close your books, please. Look , This is Liu Tao's self-introduction, and this is me, can you help me correct it? (Ask the Ss to correct the self-introduction, and learn the example.)


T: Now, boys and girls.

Try to introduce yourselves.

You have 30 seconds to do it.

Step4、 Homework

1、 Make your self-introduction card.

2、 Introduce yourselves to five people and ask them to sign on the back of your introduction cards.


Unit 11 A boy and a girl

My name is xx I'm a

Chinesexx boy girl I'm fromxx

I'm xx (年龄) tall short

I'm xx (特征) fat thin

新标准小学英语第四册Module1 Unit1教案【第二篇】

module 3 pic

unit 1  will you take your kite ?


we’re going to have a pic.

will you take your kite ?   yes, i will. / no, i won’t.




单词卡片,课文磁带和cd-rom ,小调查表,郊游物品和书包。

教学过程: x k

1. warmer

say a chant : can i have some fruits?(复习一首跟食物有关的chant)

2. presentation and lead in

game: look at pictures and say words.

由图片导入新单词pic的学习,并设置大情景 we’re going to have a pic on saturday.在此处学习新单词saturday。

3. new teaching

t:what will you take ?will you take your bread ? (学习新单词 will和 take)

 yes, i will. (操练肯定回答)

will you take your pencil ? no, i won’t . (操练肯定回答)

t:i will take a big bag. can you guess what i will take ?(实物展示)


4. text study

on saturday , amy and sam are going to have a pic.

will amy take her kite on friday ? will amy take her ball on friday ?(学习新单词friday) let’s listen !


5. task-fulfilling


1> 学生分小组讨论并调查野餐将要带什么。

will you take …?

yes , i will.  /  no , i won’t .







2> write a letter to your friend.给你的朋友写一封信,问问他/她将要带什么东西。

dear _______,

we’re going to have a pic on saturday. i will take _____________.will you take ______? will _____________________?



6. homework:

repeat the text and act the text out.

新标准小学英语第四册Module1 Unit1教案【第三篇】


本课是新标准英语三年级起点 第四册  module  10   unit  1  sam  fell  off  the  bike :daming和sam外出骑自行车,又饿又渴了,便路边买西瓜,结果sam从自行车上摔下而daming却被sam车上的西瓜砸了头;所发生的情节简单风趣,吸引力强。


知识目标:能听、 说 、读、写并正确使用单词“happen, ride, thirsty, watermelon, carry, bump,

fell/fall off, went/go, bought/buy ”。

能理解并灵活掌握句型:we went for a bike ride/were hungry and thirsty/bought a watermelon/fell off/carried…. 。

能力目标:1.在知识目标的基础上,要求学生在实际生活中运用动词过去时态句型we went for a bike ride/were hungry and thirsty/bought a watermelon/fell off/carried….来谈论或描述过去发生的事情




句型:sam and i went for a bike ride. and then…



stepⅰ warm-up

1、  sing a song.

t: let’s sing a song. 《we walked and walked》ok?

ss: ok!


2、speak sentences.

t: what did you do yesterday? one student answers and asks next one.(板书规则动词的过去式)

3、play a game.

t: do as i say ,not as i do. stand up, if you have mistakes, sit down . point to your arm (head,feet,nose,hand,……)

s: 按指令做动作。(进行小组评价)

stepⅱ new words

1、teach”fell off”

(1)t: put your book on your arm. oh! what happened?


(2)t: put your book on your head. oh! what happened?


(3)t: put your book on your finger. oh! what happened?


t:the book fell off your arm.( head ,finger)多做同样的几组练习,教授生词happen ,fell off

2、教学watermelon, carried, bumped。

t: what’s the weather like today?

s: it’s hot.

t: yes ,it’s very hot, i feel thirsty.(表现出口渴的样子) i want to eat a watermelon.(简笔画教学watermelon) yesterday, i went to supermarket ,i bought a ball.(边说边做动作) look ,i carry a ball. just now ,i carried a ball. oh! sorry, the ball bumped…(情境教学carried bumped)


3. practice

(1) 将板书单词领读。

(2) 抽读卡片单词。(分组)

make a sentence with the word.

stepⅲ text

: yesterday, i went to supermarket. i bought a ball and a watermelon. and then i went home. i felt thirsty. so i ate a watermelon.解释 and then… so …

so 因果关系  and then 承前启后

: look, this is daming. look here! what happened? do you want to know?

(1) t:listen to the answer the question. what happened?

s:sam fell off his bike. the watermelon bumped daming’s head.

(2) t:listen to the tape and repeat one sentence by one.(underline the words you don’t know )

(3) read by themselves.

(4) perform. 分组评价

step ⅳ

tell a story about this text .

i will give the students key words.

went for a bike ride , hungry thirsty, bought a watermelon, carried, fell off ,bumped .

stepⅴ homework



新标准小学英语第四册Module1 Unit1教案【第四篇】

module1  unit 1


1、掌握以下单词的读写,并能熟练使用:nice,a bit,shy,clever,naughty,

2、熟练使用句子:this is . he/she is very +adj.






一、 greetings.

二、duty report.

三、warming-up and reviewing.

1、sing songs.

2、ask and answer.

如:   t: thin.  s: fat.

复习(fat,thin,old, young,tall,short,bit,little/small)

3. (出示图片)t:this is my friend ms smart. she’s a nice teacher.   she’s tall and thin. à 引出课题 module 1 friends unit 1 she’s a nice teacher.

四: presentation


t: look, this is my family. this is my father, he is very nice. this is my mother, she is nice too, but she is a bit shy. this is my little sister, she is thin and very clever. this is my cousin, he is very naughty . we’re happy in the spring festival. (教师把绘制的“全家福”图画贴在黑板上。)

(教读新单词)nice.强调“i”的发音。“nice” 还可以表示好的,友善的意思。

clever. “c” 发/k/ “e”读/e/. a bit shy. 强调”i”和”y” 的发音,反复操练。

(1)big voice and small voice.

(2)listen say and do the actions.教师把每个单词配上相应的动作,学生边听,说边做

(3)look the actions and say the word.

(4)whisper the words /sentences: 传话贴图

事先把maomao, ms smart, xiaoyong, parrot等人物分组贴在黑板上, 然后把相关的特征轻轻告诉各组第一个学生, 要求他们用悄悄话的形式传下去, 最后一个上来选择正确的卡片贴在该组的图片下。看谁又快又准,分组加分。新课 标第 一网


五、text learning.

1、listen to the tape and answer questions.

who is shy/nice/clever/naughty?

2、read the passage after the tape.



unit 1  she’s a nice teacher.


he /she /  is  very  +  nice





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