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A、学习并掌握指示代词: this、that;



D、学会句型:---How do you spell pen? P-E-N.














第一课时Section A 1a-1c

第二课时Section A 2a-4b

第三课时Section B 1a-2c

第四课时Section B 3a-4 Self-check 1-3

Period One





Step One: Warming up.(通过复习形容词性物主代词,把学生引入学习英语的情境中。)

Learn the chant.

T:Lets sing the chant together.


Step Two: New words.(利用实物教学,使得教学过程自然、形象。)

1、 Present the new words.

T: Boys and girls,look at this please. Whats this in English?

(Teacher holds a pen in the English.)

S1:A pen.(Ss may say it in English.)

T: Yeah. Its a pen. And whats this?

(The teacher holds an eraser in the hand.)

S2:Its an eraser.

(Teach the other words such as “pencil,book,eraser,ruler,pencil case,backpack,pencil sharpener,and dictionary” in the same way.)

2、 Practice the new words.

T: Now,please look at the pictures in your books. Can you put the words with the objects in the right pictures? Write the letters next to the words,please.(Give Ss about two minutes to finish 1a.)

T: OK,lets check the answers. Who can tell us the answers?


Step Three: Present the drills.

1、 Present the drill “Is this…?Yes/ No,it is/isnt.”(利用实物引入句型,使用不同人的物品来引入形容词性物主代词和名词的搭配的用法。)

(Hold the teachers pen.)

T:This is my this your pen?

S1:No,it your pen.

T:(Hold the students pen.)This is your pen. Is this your pen?

S1:Yes,it is. Its my pen.

T:(Hold a girls pen.)This is her pen. Is this your pen?

S1:No,it isnt. Its her pen.

T:(Hold a boys pen.)This is his pen. Is this your pen?

S1:No,it isnt. Its his pen.

T: Thank you.

2、 Practice the drill “Is this your…?” in pairs with your own school attention to the use of my,your,his or her.(利用学习用品操练句型,并加深对物主代词的理解。)



1、 Ability goals 能力目标

To help the Ss develop their reading ability by skimming for main ideas and car eful-reading for details with the teacher’s guidance.

To get The Ss to master some key words such as witness, abandon, yell, drag, flee and so on.

2、 Learning ability goals 学能目标

To enable the Ss to talk about animals under the sea.

To help the Ss know the importance of the relationship between animals and humans.



Teaching important points 教学重点

Help the Ss know more about animals under the sea as well as the animals’ loyalty and help to human bein gs.

Teaching difficult points 教学难点

1、 Help the Ss get the main idea and some detailed information by fast-reading and careful-reading.

2、 Help the Ss tell apart from Before, During and After in the story.


Step1. Warming Up : Talk about animals under the sea.

1、 Have you ever seen some marine animals?

2、 What have you seen, and where have you seen them?

I have seen a/some/many…… in/on/from……

amazing marine animals: seal, turtle, dolphin, sea-horse, sea-star, shark, angelfish, jellyfish, lobster, coral

Step2. Fast-reading:

1、 Find out the Background Information of the story : writer, career, writing style, time, place, main character.

2、 Find out the Main Idea of the passage: What’s the first story mainly about?

Step3. Careful-reading:

1、 Clancy had heard of the killer whales that every year killer whales would help whalers catch baleen whales. Did he believe it at first? When did he believe it was a true anecdote?

2、 How many paragraphs are there all together in story1? The hunt can be divided into 3 stages.

Stage1: before the hunt: (para. 2-6):

Old Tom’s doing: throwing itself out of … and crashing down again… Why? to tell the whalers…, …by the boat…, circling back to …Why? to lead the whalers…

Whalers’ reaction: Another whaler __________. George _____ ___ _____ Clancy, and Clancy ______ after him. They __________ the boat and ______ ____into the bay.

Stage2&3: Dur ing and after the hunt: (para. 7-9):

Killer whale’s doing: The killers over there are ________ themselves on the top of the whale’s blow-hole to stop it __________; and some others are stopping it _______ out to sea. The killers started ________ between our boat and the whale just like a pack of ____ ___ dogs. When the baleen whale was dead, its body wa s _______ down into the depths of the sea.

Whalers’ reaction: The man in the bow of the boat aimed the harpoon at the whale and then let it go to hit the spot.

Conclusion: They have amazing relationship. They work as a team

Step4 : Summary

Working at the _______station, I had the chance to _________ a baleen whale being attacked by a ______ of k iller whales.

On the afternoon I arrived at the station, as I was __________ my accommodation, I heard a loud noise coming from the bay. I ran down to the ______ in time to see an enormous animal _________ itself out of the water and then _______________ again. George told me it was Old Tom, who announced there would be a ___________.

Using a _________, we could see a baleen whale _______________ by about six killers. Some are ________ themselves on top of the whale’s __________to stop it breathing; and some others are stopping it _______ out to sea. The whalers aimed the ________ at the whale and then let it go to hit the spot. Being badly ________, the whale soon died. Very soon, its body was ________ by the killers down into the _______ of the sea.



Deal with Exercise 3 in Comprehending 。 Let the Ss work in groups and do some discussion:As a matter of fact, whales are now an endangered animal. Many people are trying to protect them from being hunted. The last whaling station in Australia closed in 1978. But some countries oppose the ban. An d there are still people who hunt whales. What’s your opinion? Are you for or against the banning whaling? Consider the problem carefully and we’ll have a discussion tomorrow.


课题Unit Five Where is my ruler?

教学重点 学习单词bus, taxi, bike, jeep

教学难点短语“Look out!”的理解和连读。


1、 教师准备教材配套的录音带。

2、 教师准备Let’s learn 部分的教学课件。

3、 教师和学生都准备所学单词的玩具。

4、 教师准备所学交通工具类单词卡片和图片。

5 、学生按小组准备眼罩。


1、 热身、复习 (Warm-up/Revision)


(2)学生俩人一组,表演Let’s talk 部分的对话。


Simon says

教师发出指令,学生执行指令。规则是:如果指令前有Simon says ,学生执行指令,否则被罚下,如:

T: Simon says, put a pencil-box on your desk.。学生将铅笔放在书桌上。如教师只说:Put a pencil-box on your desk. 学生则不做任何动作。指令语以介词为主。

2、 呈现新课 (Presentation)


a、 教师首先画两个圆形, 问:What is it? 学生回答: It is a bike.

b、用同样的方法出现其它交通工具bus, jeep, taxi 。

(2)让学生看动画, 学习Let’s learn部分的词汇。


3、 趣味操练 (Practice)

(1)学生俩人一组,每次一人戴上眼罩,另一个同学手举玩具,让戴眼罩的同学摸摸玩具的一小部分,进行问答练习:What is it? It is a bike(…)。

(2)游戏:Where is it?

教师将玩具准备好,请一位学生面对黑板,然后将一个玩具如:taxi放在某处如: in a desk ,全班学生问: Where is the taxi? 让前面的同学猜在哪?

(3)四人一组,说说51页Let’s play 部分的图片上各物品的位置。

4、 课堂评价 (Assessment)


5、 扩展性活动(Add-activities)



Teaching Aims and Demands

Words and Phrases

Four Skills: stomach fever ought ought to examine plenty plenty of diet keep up with make a right choice short of fit gain now and then

Three Skills: energy soft bar fuel chemical balance tasty boil mixture

Spoken English:

In the clinic / seeing a doctor:

What’s wrong with you?/What’s the matter with you?

Lie down and let me examine you.

Let me have a look.

Where does it hurt?

Drink plenty of water and get some rest.

I’ve got a pain here. This place hurts.

There’s something wrong with back/my knee/my arm.

I don’t feel well.


Use of Language:

1、 Master the function use of language as defined above.

2、 Help the students to finish the tasks of listening, reading, writing, speaking presented in the book and the exercise book through using what the students have learned.

Learn the text about healthy eating. Get the students know about the basic knowledge of how to eat healthily.

Important points:

1、 Talk about different kinds of food that one favorites.

2、 learn the basic knowledge of healthy eating.

3、 learn how to say in the clinic.

4、 Grasp the language points and grammar in the text.

Difficult points: The use of modal verbs --- had better, should and ought to.

Teaching aids: computer or slider-projector

Way of Teaching: Communication way of teaching, discussion and group work.

Lesson 1Step 1 Warming-Up

First show the students some pictures of dishes and so to introduce the topic of this unit.

And then show the pictures on their text books and let them to decide what is junk food and what is not.

Here the students may have a short ask and answer in pairs to themselves more engaged in the topic.

Step 2 Listening

Let the students listen to the tape and be prepared to answer the questions below.

Step 3 Speaking

Show the students the three situations as on P2. Then ask the students to prepared a dialogue according to the examples in pairs. Ask several pairs of students to present their dialogue

that list the useful expressions in their dialogue.

Step 4 Homework

Prepare for the next class.

Collect some menus if possible for the next class.

Lesson 2

Step 1 Introduction

Using the questions on P3 to introduce the new text.

Step 2 Fast-reading

does the “fuel ” mean in the first paragraph?

(It means different kinds of materials, such as protein, Calcium that we need to keep healthy.)

do we have to consider when we choose to buy or eat?

(What kinds of nutrients that the food contain.)

made our eating habit changing?

(Many things: what people believe, advice from companies and stores.)

4、 How can we feel and look fine?

(We ought to learn about our body and the fuel it needs to keep fit.)

Explain the language points if necessary.

Step 3 Carefully-reading

How many parts can be divided into?

(Three parts.)

What’s the main idea of each part?

( eating habits are changing. the eating habits are changing best way to develop healthy eating habits.)

Step 4 Talking

Ask the students to take out their menus and read them carefully. Then prepare a dialogue that may happen between a customer and a waiter/waitress.

Step 5 Homework

Finish the exercise --- Vocabulary on P5. and P72-73

Lesson 3

Step 1 Revision

Check the homework.

Step 2 Grammar

First present the students the modal sentences with Modal Verbs and ask the students to make some sentences with them.

Step 3 Consolidation

(1) Finish the exercise on P5 and on P74

(2)Take out a piece of paper with the column “Ask ###” in order to make the students understand when you are giving advice it is better to use some sentences with had better (not), and ought(not) to, should(not)。 Then read a passage as an example and afterwards list the points you have to pay attention to when you give advice.

advice that will really help the person.

2、 be polite and sincere

at last get the students to finish the following practice.

Step 4 Homework

Finish the exercise 3 on P74 in the students’ workbook.

Lesson 4

Step 1 Revision

Let some students read their reply to the letters on P74.

Step 2 Reading

Read the text on P6 and then get the students to find the main idea of it (Snacks is also important 。 we need to learn something about snacks and the way to prepare it.)

Step 3 Writing

Ask the students to work in pairs to write the recipe for their favourite dish.

We may first give the tips on P7 as a guide.

Step 4 Discussion

First ask the students to read the passage on P75 and then give the following questions as the topic for the students to talk: What is a couch potato?

What does one have to pay special attention to in order to keep healthy? (food and exercise etc.)

Step 5 Homework

Do a general survey in order to learn about the differences between people’s eating habits and try to find which is healthier.



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