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a 知识目标:把握下列单词及短语:

cartoon take along in the hope of lose heart day after day unsuccessful character

b 能力目标:提高学生各方面的能力,加强学生语感方面练习,使学生能灵活运用所学英语进行口语表达。

c 德育目标:教育学生学习迪斯尼锲而不舍的精神,使学生具有良好的心理素质,形成好的学习习惯。

d 重点、难点




首先, 以课文为中心,以情景引路,以理解和运用为目的。力求做到情景,意含其间,以情激听,以景促解。使学生形成一种渴求把握知识的内在需要和强大动力。从而使学生加深对语言材料的理解,轻松获得外语语感和增强记忆力。






1、用动画片头导入。 目的是运用小电影式的开场,激发学生浓厚的爱好,为学习课文做预备。

2、背景介绍。 画面出现三张迪斯尼青年、中年和老年的照片配英语旁白。引导学生猜出照片上的人物迪斯尼,然后让学生谈谈他们所了解的迪斯尼。



5、放映有关课文内容的卡通片、图片、音乐及英语配音。 目的是激发学生爱好。使学生在享受画面的同时锻炼听力。使学生在脱离汉语干扰的情况下,直接用英语去理解画面。使学生真正用英语思维去理解课文。


7、讲解语言点(包括情景演示)。 目的是使学生把握重点词组及其用法。


9、根据画面及文字提示,用英语讲故事。为学生提供两套有文字提示的画面《白雪公主》 和 《灰姑娘》。学生可根据自己的爱好选择一个。目的是练习学生口头作文和口语表达能力。





Knowledge aims/objectives/target/goal/purpose

学生能够认读单词和短语。Students can grasp the following words&phrases.


Students can master the key sentence patterns.

学生能够了解相关话题的知识。Students can know more about the topic.

学生能够理解文章的大意。Students can grasp the general idea of the whole passage and be able to retell the passage.


Ability aims


Through this class, students can improve the four skills and be able to talk about topics they are familiar with.


Students can read for useful information in a passage and describe people or events.


Emotional Aims


Students can arouse their interest in learning English and build confidence.


Students can have the consciousness of_____.


Students can understand more culture about motherland and foreign countries.


Key points

根据教学目标确定,与知识目标保持一致。How to help students master the new words and the sentences.

05教学难点Difficult points

可以与技能目标和情感目标一致。How to help students improve integrated language skills(arouse students' learning interests)


Teaching and learning methods

任务型语言教学法(Task-based language teaching method (TBLT))

合作学习法(Cooperative learning method)

自主学习法(Independent learning method)


Teaching procedure

(1) 3P模式

Step 1: Lead in(导入)

1谈话导入(Free talk)

T: Hello, boys and girls. How are you? Are you happy today?

S: I am happy. And you?

T: I am great. Look. Today we are going to learn( my body).

2.图片导入(Showing pictures)


Teacher shows a picture about “body parts”, encourage students to tell what they can see.

T: Look at the screen, what can you see in the picture?

3.视频导入(Showing a video)

教师通过播放《head, shoulder, knees and toes》歌曲,引导学生观看并回答问题。

Teacher plays a video of “head, shoulder, knees and toes.” Ask students to answer questions.

T: Look at the video and tell me what can you see in the video?


[purpose]: Link the previous knowledge with new contents and build an English environment to encourage students to open their mouth, thus the learning interest, will be totally aroused.

Step 2: Presentation(呈现)

words teaching.


With the help of PPT, cards, body language etc…, introduce the new words and guide students to read and spell them. To correct pronunciation, do it as follows:

T: Look! This is my ear. Now, follow me please: “ear, e-a-r, ear. This is my ear.”

In the same way, teach the rest of the words: eye, mouth, nose, face.


Drill/Practice the new words using “high& low voice” game.

2. Key sentence teaching教学重卢句型


Showing the pictures in the book, let students describe the pictures.


Play the radio tape, students do actions ( exercise ) according to what they hear.


Students repeat after the tape, teacher puts the key sentences on the PPT or blackboard.


[Purpose ] Through various activities, the new knowledge is effectively introduced, The basic teaching principles are firmly followed and students are considered the real center of learning.

Step 3: Practice(练习)


Students work in groups to ask for information using the key sentences.

T: let's do a survey. I say“what can you do?“ You can say:“I can touch my ear”, then write it in the chart, OK?

学生在调查结束后找小组代表进行汇报。Students report the results at last.

S1: Guanxiaotong can touch her face. and Luhan can touch his nose.


[Purpose ] Tasks are meaningful ways to help students practice the keylanguage points, so as difficult points. Meanwhile, students improve theircooperation and communication.

Step 4: Production(产出)

教师带领学生根据指令进行绘画,如:Draw a big farm. And draw ten chicks...

Activityl. Draw a picture. Students draw pictures according to given instructions.

T: Draw a big farm. And draw ten chicks ....


Activity2. Emotional education. Teacher points out: keeping positive attitudeis the key to success. And take good care of farm animals.

T: Do you like the English class? I am happy to see you can mouth. Remember: Learning English is interesting! And take care of the animals!


Activitey3. Summary. Summarize the basic knowledge of this lesson andmake supplements if necessary.


[Purpose ] Build confidence and practical skills. Review the main contentand give ongoing assessments.

Step 5: Summary(总结)

Step 6: Homework(作业)

(2) PWP模式

Step 1: Lead in

Step 2: Pre-(前)

Step 3: While-(中)

Step 4: Post-(后)

Step 5: Summary(总结)

Step 6: Homework(作业)


Blackboard design


SBIA Unit 6 Good manners



考点1. interrupt vt.& vi. 打断;中断;插嘴

May I interrupt you for a moment?

Don't interrupt me when I speak.


interrupt vt. & vi. 阻断;中断

interrupt vt. & vi. 打岔;插嘴;打断(别人谈话)

get in 插嘴

disturb vt. 打扰

(1)I apologized for ______________(打断)you.

(2)He _____________(中断)college to serve in the army.



(4)I had to _______ the meal to answer the phone.

A. disturb B. puzzle C. get D. interrupt

D。interrupt 此处的意思是“中断”。disturb用作及物动词,意思是“打扰”。



He interrupted our talk rudely.

考点2. apologise vi. 道歉

Learn to apologise to people.

Ladies and gentlemen, I do apologise for the delay to your service.


apologize to sb. for (doing) sth. 向某人为某事(为做了某事)道歉

apologize for oneself 为自已解辩或辩护

make/offer an apology to sb. for sth. 为某事向某人道歉

(1)I __________(道歉)to her for stepping on her foot.

(2)I have come to __________(道歉)to you.

(3)I'd shoot myself before I apologized to him.(英译汉)


(4)我因迟到向老师道歉。(写作小练笔:主谓+介词;be late)


考点3. forgive vt.(forgave, forgiven)原谅;饶恕

Forgive me. I'm very sorry.

She never forgave him for his lies.



I apologized to the teacher for being late.

forgive vi. 原谅

forgive sb. /sth. 原谅某人/某事

forgive sb. for sth. 原谅某人某事

forgive one's debts 免除债务等


Teaching aims and demands:

1. Enable students to understand the passage better.

2. Develop students' listening, reading, writing and thinking ability.

3. Enable the students to prepare and present an oral report on a Chinese medicine.

Teaching Approaches:

Task-based approaches

Form of Activities:

Individual, pair or group work and topic discussions.

Teaching Aids:

The multimedia and the blackboard

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 Revision


1.麻疹 7.流感

2.疟疾 8.病房

3.水痘 9.糖尿病

4.中风 10.霍乱

5.伤寒 11.急诊室

6.诊室 12.重症监护室

Step 2Lead-in

1. Show a picture of acupuncture treatment on the screen and ask the students a question:

Have you ever experienced an acupuncture treatment?

2. Show another two pictures about different tools used for acupuncture treatment in the past and now.

Step 3 Fast Reading

the text and find which of the topics is not mentioned: history, past uses, current uses, disadvantages in the West, benefits and disadvantages

(The disadvantages of Chinese disadvantages are not mentioned.)

2. What medical problems can acupuncture treat?

Bad pains, headaches, injuries, stomach problems, blood pressure problems, addiction to cigarettes, drugs, alcohol and food.

3. How does acupuncture reduce or relieve pain?

It is unclear now. One theory suggests that acupuncture blocks pain signals from reaching the spinal cord or brain. Another theory suggests acupuncture promotes the production of chemicals in the body which reduces pain.

Step 4 Further Reading

1. Listening for further informationPara 11. Ask the students the main idea of the paragraph.

(The history of Chinese acupuncture).

2. Ask the students to retell the history of Chinese acupuncture (magic needles).

began-the Stone Age

be practised-4,000 years

be developed-2,000 years agoParas 2 -31. Ask the students the main idea of the paragraph.

(The development of Chinese acupuncture).

2. Ask the students to retell the development of Chinese acupuncture.

In the pastNowadaysstone or pottery needles

metal needles

make holes on swollen areas

put needles into the skin at certain points

365 acupuncture points

about 2,000 acupuncture pointsPara 5Ask some questions in detail:

1. How does an acupuncturist examine a patient?

(First ask the patient's medical history and lifestyle. And then look at the color of the patient's skin and tongue, listen to his breathing and check his pulses.)

2. How many pulses are there and what are they connected with?

(There're twelve different pulses, six on each wrist. Every one is connected with a major body organ or function of an organ.)

3. Why will an acupuncturist check pulses?

(This will help him/her find out which energy channel doesn't have enough energy.)

Step 6 More information

Show some pictures on the screen to introduce more information about Chinese acupuncture.

1. Different tools for acupuncture

2. Now it is popular that acupuncture is used to help people lose weight .

3. The traditional Chinese acupuncture is becoming more and more popular with foreigners. For example, Oscar king Adrien Brody was keen to try acupuncture treatment. William's hair is becoming less and less. He is eager to try Chinese acupuncture treatment.

4. Dae jang Deum in the TV play series once used acupuncture to treat patients. But some experts said the plot was not true.

5. Pets also follow the fashion.

Step 7 Discussion

1. What are your thoughts on acupuncture?

2. What are the possible benefits or disadvantages of acupuncture over other treatments?

Step 6 Homework

1. Write an article about traditional Chinese medicine (one herb or treatment).

2. Finish the exercises of this unit.



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