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浅析SQL 的Change Data Capture功能【第一篇】

基于Quick Capture技术的摄像头驱动方案

摘要:介绍一种高速高质量的嵌入式摄像头传输技术――Quick Capture技术;详细叙述其设计思想和工作流程,并用可编程逻辑器件Bulverde板卡予以实现。

关键词:嵌入式系统 驱动程序 快速捕捉 摄像头

随着嵌入式处理器的普及和硬件成本的不断降低,具有拍照和摄像功能的手机逐步走进了人们的生活。但由于嵌入式处理器的速度有限,在处理图形和多媒体数据方面显得力不从心,导致嵌入式系统的。摄像头分辨率低、色深低、数据传送速度慢,无法满足人们即时捕捉高质量图片和视频的需求。Quick Capture技术是一种专为手持设备设计,用来改进图像质量和传输速度的技术。本文基于Quick Capture技术,就摄像头驱动程序和图片信息传输问题,提供一种解决方案。

1 硬件介绍

本人选择的嵌入式微处理器是20底Intel公司刚刚推出的一款专门面向移动电话和掌上电脑的专用处理器,PXA27x系列,代号为Bulverde。该处理器采用了Quick Capture技术。Quick Capture为成像设备与无线设备提供接口,有助于改进图像质量以及降低产品整体成本。该项技术包括快速浏览、快速拍照和快速视频拍摄三种操作模式。该技术使得Bulverde可以支持400万像素数码镜头,并能提供最大416Mbps的数据传输速率。

集成在该开发板上的是Agilent公司的型号为ADCM-2650-0001的摄像头感应器。在VGA(480×640)分辨率下,每秒传输的图片能达到15帧,具备自动曝光和白平衡功能,并且针对嵌入式应用做了很多优化处理,所以非常适合嵌入式领域的应用。ADCM-2650-0001内含3个独立的FIFO条目,存储从感应器捕捉到的视频或者图片数据信息。连接处理器和摄像头感应器的是Quick Capture Interface(快速捕捉接口),它提供了以下几种类型的寄存器:

①QCI(Quick Capture Interface)控制寄存器0~4;



④QCI FIFO控制寄存器;



摄像头感应器与Intel XScale处理器之间的连接,如图1所示。

2 接口的实现



[1] [2] [3] [4]

Rotor wake capture improvement based【第二篇】

Rotor wake capture improvement based on high-order spatially accurate schemes and chimera grids

Abstract:A high-order upwind scheme has been developed to capture the vortex wake of a helicopter rotor in the hover based on chimera this paper,an improved fifth-order weighted essentially non-oscillatory (WENO) scheme is adopted to interpolate the higher-order left and right states across a cell interface with the Roe Riemarm solver updating inviscid flux,and is compared with the monotone upwind scheme for scalar conservation laws (MUSCL).For profitably capturing the wake and enforcing the period boundary condition,the computation regions of flows axe discretized by using the structured chimera grids composed of a fine rotor grid and a cylindrical background the background grid,the mesh cells located in the wake regions are refined after the solution reaches the approximate the interpolation characteristic of the WENO scheme,three layers of the hole boundary and the interpolation boundary are performance of the schemes is investigated in a transonic flow and a subsonic flow around the hovering results reveal that the present approach has great capabilities in capturing the vortex wake with high resolution,and the WENO scheme has much lower numerical dissipation in comparison with the MUSCL scheme. 作者: 徐丽[1]  翁培奋[2] Author: Li XU[1]  Pei-fen WENG[2] 作者单位: School of Mathematics and Physics, Shanghai University of Electric Power,Shanghai 90, P. R. China;Shanghai Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics,Shanghai University, Shanghai 200072, P. R. China 期 刊: 应用数学和力学(英文版)   EISCI Journal: Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 年,卷(期): , 32(12) 分类号: Keywords: hovering rotor,vortex wake    Navier-Stokes equation    chimera grid    weightedessentially non-oscillatory (WENO) scheme    机标分类号: TP3 O1 机标关键词: background grid    upwind scheme    WENO scheme    numerical dissipation    boundary condition    conservation laws    helicopter rotor    high resolution    transonic flow    capabilities    performance    comparison    interface    improved    approach    results    three    paper    cells    based 基金项目: the National Natural Science Foundation of China Rotor wake capture improvement based on high-order spatially accurate schemes and chimera grids[期刊论文]  应用数学和力学(英文版) --2011, 32(12)徐丽  翁培奋A high-order upwind scheme has been developed to capture the vortex wake of a helicopter rotor in the hover based on chimera this paper,an improved fifth-order weighted essentially non-oscilla...




1、 Swanson persuaded Hubley to work undercover to capture the killer.


2、 To capture his equity, Murphy must either sell or refinance.


3、 The photographers managed to capture Jane in an unguarded moment.


4、 His paintings capture the essence of France.


5、 His treachery led to the capture and imprisonment of his friend.


6、 We convert him, and we capture his inner mind ; we reshape him.

我们要改造他, 从思想上把他争取过来,让他 脱胎换骨。

7、 The company is out to capture the European market.


8、 With the capture of the escaped tiger, everyone felt relieved.

逃出来的老虎被捕获后, 大家都松了一口气。

9、 The easiest way to capture a fortress is from within.


10、 California is vying with other states to capture a piece of the growing communications market.


11、 The marines went ashore as a spearhead this morning to capture key targets.


12、 He managed to evade capture because of the breakdown of a police computer.


13、 The shooting happened while the man was trying to evade capture by the security forces.


14、 He was able to deal with his captivity by maintaining a high degree of anger about the unfairness of his capture.


15、 Radio and television have made it possible for advertisers to capture the attention of millions of people in this way.




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