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Dujiangyan is located in the town of dujiangyan irrigation mouth chengdu city, sichuan province, is China construction in the ancient and use of large water conservancy project, known as "the ancestor of the world water conservancy culture", is the national famous tourist resort. Usually think, dujiangyan water conservancy project is by the state of qin shu satrap bing and his son leads to built around 256 BC, is so far, all over the world s most long, the only thing left, is characterized by no dam diversion of water conservancy project, is also a national key cultural relics protection units.

Scenic spot dujiangyan water conservancy project makes full use of local geographical conditions of high northwest, southeast low, according to the mountain rivers in special terrain, water vein, water potential, return pattern, no dam diversion, gravity irrigation, the embankment, water, water, sand, curtains on interdependence, for system, to ensure the water flood control, irrigation, water transportation and social comprehensive benefits into full play. After the completion of dujiangyan, the chengdu plain lies thousands of miles, " from people, do not know famine, when no famine," tianfu ". Culture has a great development of the economy in sichuan province. Its greatest dam was built two thousand years enduring, and it plays a more and more big. Dujiangyan to create, in order to does not destroy the natural resources, make full use of natural resources for human services for the premise, change for profit. Hub of dujiangyan irrigation system is mainly composed of fish mouth, fly sand dam, BaoPingKou three major projects. All organic coordination and restraining each other, coordinated operation, water diversion irrigation fields, the flood disaster reduction, with the effect of "hexagon, flat flow drought". The best travel time dujiangyan annual temperature is higher, annual average temperature 12 ~ 20 ℃, in hot summer and warm winter, the four seasons is not obvious, the four seasons are suitable for tourism.

History and culture of dujiangyan to create, not to destroy the natural resources, make full use of natural resources for human services for the premise, change for profit, make the person highly synergistic, land, water, the world has so far only a great "ecological engineering". Ushered in a new era in the history of Chinese ancient history of water conservancy, marked the history of water conservancy in China has entered a new stage, wrote a glorious chapter in the history of water conservancy. The dujiangyan irrigation project, is the crystallization of the wisdom of ancient people in China, is an epoch-making masterpiece of Chinese culture. The dujiangyan irrigation project. Long after 2260 years, the world's very long time, the only thing left, is characterized by no dam diversion of water conservancy project. It is the most successful in the history of Chinese ancient water conservancy works, especially the ancient water conservancy project in use today, "the past", only the wonders. With the construction of roughly the same time than the irrigation system, the family of ancient Egypt and Cuba and China's shaanxi zhengguo canal and guangxi, the efficacious canal and the passage of time, because of the sea change or annihilation, or failure, only the town of dujiangyan, with the construction of long standing and well established, fertile land, white still moistens land of abundance.

By the dujiangyan with a strong local color of dujiangyan water culture including hydrology, water, water theology relics, such as "two Kings temple", "FuLong view" and "viewing" in cultural landscape; Bing of the eastern han dynasty unearthed stone mining and rebuilding fish mouth "shown" stone carving; Sing psalms to bing and his son dragon harnessing of folklore and has certain religious theology color ritual activities; And the resulting offering water, offering god, offering people the poem, ci, calligraphy and painting of hydrology and so on, forming the unique dujiangyan water culture. Dujiangyan, a stone tablet, engraved with "deep pan beach, low weir" words.


Ladies and gentlemen!

The scenic spot we are visiting now is Huangshan Huashan mystery CaveScenic spot. Huashan enigmatic grottoes are ancient grottoes. They arelarge-scale and enigmatic. They are rare in China. The four words "Huashanenigmatic Grottoes" were personally nominated by General Secretary Jiang Zeminduring his visit in May 20__.

Located between 29 ° 39 ′ 34 "and 29 ° 47 ′ 7" north latitude, Huashangrottoes are a group of grottoes on the mysterious line of 30 degrees northlatitude. Also on this mysterious line are: Bermuda Triangle of the NorthAtlantic, Egyptian pyramids and Sphinx, Atlantis, Noah's ark, dead sea, Saharadesert, Mount Everest, Qiantang River tide, mystery of Shennongjia savages,wonders of Huangshan, etc.

What's more amazing is that in the middle of this humble hill, which is nomore than one or two hundred meters high, there is a big mystery, an amazinggroup of caves. The cave has been hidden for many years.

The grottoes are distributed linearly at the foot of Huashan Mountain onthe Bank of Xin'an River, with a total length of about five kilometers. Thirtysix caves have been identified

In addition, Yancun, Shexian County, on the east side of Huashan Mountain,has also proved the existence of a group of grottoes, with 36 Grottoes in numberand similar in shape to Huashan grottoes. The seventy-two caves of the twoGrottoes correspond to the seventy-two peaks of Huangshan Mountain. I don't knowwhether it is a natural coincidence or the deliberate arrangement of theancients.

When it comes to the discovery of grottoes, it is very legendary. One dayin 20__, when the local farmer went up the mountain to collect firewood, heinadvertently stepped on the sand and soil under his feet, and the soil blocksfell one after another, exposing the unfathomable caves on the stone wall. Whenthe local government heard about this, it immediately organized a humanexploration, which led to the re emergence of this huge group of grottoes.

After more than a year of excavation, the Grottoes have begun to showscale. In front of the eyes of the world are Grottoes with a strange pattern andhuge internal space. Some of them have caves in them, some have stone pillars,some have empty valleys and pools, and there are no murals, Buddha statues orwords on the stone walls. In particular, there are two openings in the Xin'anRiver, which adds a sense of mystery to them. On the afternoon of May 20, 20__,during his inspection, President Jiang Zemin sighed: "it's amazing! It's amystery, it's a mystery forever! It's a treasure! If it's publicized abroad,it's really amazing!" and he named this place "Huashan mystery cave".

At present, only cave 2 and cave 35 are available for visitors.


This is cave two. The temperature inside the cave is pleasant. Comparedwith the temperature outside about 10 degrees, it is obviously warm. Cave 2,also known as the underground gallery, is a long and narrow cave

There are two highlights in cave 2, namely, the natural autumn color map onthe stone wall and the large slope on the top of the cave. In the autumn colorpicture, the whole picture is covered with yellow brown autumn leaves, and themountains, peaks and dwellings are black. Among them, the style of Hui stylearchitecture can be clearly seen in the folk houses. There is a white stream infront of it. There is no doubt that it is Xin'anjiang at the foot of themountain.

The large slope was found after dredging. When the foremen dug here, theythought that they had reached the end of the grottoes. However, with the removalof the mud, they found that the wall of the grottoes extended forward in aninclined plane, and another opening could be seen. The slope is about 45degrees, 15 meters wide and 30 meters long, which is consistent with the slopeoutside. On the inclined stone wall, you can see rows of fine straight-linechisel marks. The lines are straight and coherent, giving people a depressingoverall feeling. The appearance of this large slope raises a new mystery: inancient times, when science and technology were relatively backward, how did thecraftsmen accurately determine the slope of the slope and make it consistentwith the trend of the mountain?

Ladies and gentlemen!

We came to cave 35, which is the existing ancient man-made Grottoes inChina, known as underground palace and cool palace. The depth of the Grottoes is170 meters, the location is 18 meters, and the area is about 12000 squaremeters. There are 26 stone columns arranged in the shape of Pinyin, which play asupporting role. It can be seen that the ancient craftsmen are well versed inthe geometric principle of three points and one plane. There are many stonehouses, stone beds, stone bridges, stone buildings, stone troughs and stoneponds in the cave.

Here are a few surprises to remind you:

First, there is a green pool. This blue pool is unfathomable. It has beenpumped for three months, but it still can't be drained;

Second, the stone pillars, which are about ten meters long, form a "pin"shape, forming a reasonable force structure to support the roof of the tunnel,which shows that the application of the theoretical mechanics of the forefathersis very precise;

Third, there is such a big hole, in which there is no echo, which is verywonderful. Especially worth mentioning is the Tonghai bridge at the entrance ofthe cave. Under the bridge is a pool of clear spring water. The sound of thewater is loud, and it is likely that there is a living water source here.

We shuolu down to the cave, where the top of the stone wall clearly visiblecarved patterns. Although it is already 2 meters below the surface of Xin'anRiver, with a drop of 25 meters, the ventilation in the cave is good, so peopledon't feel uncomfortable at the bottom of the cave. In addition, the grotesquestructure of the cave makes the sound waves absorbed by the stone walls, so nomatter how loud the noise is, there is no echo in the cave.

The charm of grottoes lies in a series of mysteries. How were they built?Why did they build these caves? Where did millions of quarries go? How were theymined and transported in those years? There were a few quarried stones in thecaves, why were they not transported out? There were many 10 cm thick walls inthe caves. Why didn't they cut and let them stand in the middle of the stonehall? What are the use of the square and round blind holes on the pillars in thecaves? For example Why is there no historical record of this large-scaleGrottoes? Experts have made all kinds of speculation and analysis, but still cannot find a unified and definite answer.

According to research, the Grottoes have a history of at least 1700 present, there are 15 theories about its origin and function, which are: thetheory of garrison troops in Grottoes; the theory of salt in Huizhou merchants;the theory of prehistoric civilization; the theory of hills; the theory ofquarries; the theory of imperial mausoleum; the theory of Taoist land welfare;the theory of function transformation; the theory of huashigang; the theory offangladong; the theory of building a temple in Lin'an; the theory of Huizhougovernment and yuliangba; the theory of murdering dock; the theory of giantstone culture architecture.

There are two main arguments: one is that it was used as a garrison andammunition depot. It is recorded in Xin'an annals: "in the Eastern Han Dynasty,Sun Quan sent Weiwu Zhonglang to garrison Heqi on the stream in order to flattenshe, she and other places, and later changed the upper reaches of Xin'an Riverto Tunxi. This not only explains the origin of the place name "Tunxi", but alsoprovides an answer for the grottoes. This view can be supported by the spears,axes, a large number of unused stones left in the cave, and the traces of smokeleft on some rock walls.

Another theory holds that the grottoes were built by Hui merchants to storesalt. In ancient times, the geographical location of Huizhou was closed, and theonly shortcut to the outside world was Xin'anjiang. As a result, it became amaterial distribution center, where Huizhou salt merchants dug caves to buildsalt depots. This view can well explain why the caves in the grottoes group havedifferent sizes and styles, because they belong to different salt merchants.

What Huashan mystery cave left to later generations is endless reverie,which aroused people's curiosity and made scholars and tourists come in anendless stream. If one day these mysteries will be explained one by one, willthe grottoes be as tempting as they are now?

This is the charm of Huashan mystery cave. It will leave you suspense andmake you have endless Association and aftertaste!

Let's stop here for the introduction of Huashan riddle cave. We will alwaysremember the riddle like "Huashan riddle cave". Life is a riddle!

thank you!


Is Indonesian island, Bali (Bali) located at the western end of the lesser sunda islands is roughly a diamond, spindle for east-west. Occupies an area of 5623 square km and a population of about million. East west high low terrain, mountains across, has more than 10 volcanic cone, argonne volcano, 3140 meters above sea level in eastern, is the island's highest peak. Sunny, in most of the annual rainfall of about 1500 mm, dry season about 6 months. Developed economy, population density is second only to Java, the second in the nation. Residents are mainly Balinese hindus to temple architecture, sculpture, painting, music, textile, singing and dancing, and is famous for its scenery. As one of the tourist destination in the world. Land reclamation rate more than 65%, the yield of rice, corn, cassava, coconut, coffee, tobacco, peanuts, cabbage, onion, fruit and palm oil, etc. Cattle, coffee and coconut as the main export products. Bali on the east side of lombok strait is the dividing line between mainland and Macao two part of typical animals, has special significance in biology.

Or Indonesia Bali famous tourist area, is one of the lesser sunda islands east of the island of Java, covers an area of about 5560 square kilometers and a population of about million. Bali west about 1000 kilometers from the capital Jakarta, and in the capital, Jakarta Java island facing each other across the sea, only kilometers. Due to the island is located in the tropical and influenced by ocean, warm and rainy weather, soil is very fertile, four seasons green water of castle peak, million flowers, towering trees. Bali sex life of flowers, everywhere decorated with flowers, therefore, the island is "flower island", and enjoy "the south China sea paradise", "fairy island" reputation. Mostly mountain on the island, island mountain horizon, the topography of the east west high low, four, five mountain conical complete fire, the argonne volcano (Bali) 3142 meters above sea level, is the island's highest point, near eruption in 963 Mr Is an active volcano.

Sand island nur, noosa dole and the library of the place such as the beach, is the most beautiful beach in the island scenery, here fine sand beach width, the clear blue water. Visitors from all over the world come here for sightseeing every year. Bali, wood carving statues of the Hindu temple Bali because of the history of Indian culture and religion, the influence of the residents mostly Hindu, Indonesia is the only local Hindu beliefs. But the Hindu here with Indian Hindu not the same, is the combination of the Hindu teachings and Bali customs, known as the Hindu Bali. Residents three main worship god (brahma, Vishnu and shiva) and Buddhism sakyamuni, also worship the sun god, water god, fire, wind, etc. Jiamiao catholics have a home, family composition of the communities temple in the village of the village temple, the temple island has more than 125000 seats, therefore, the island called the "thousand temple island" laudatory name. Temple is most notably in the one thousand - year - old hundred ShaJiLing temple, ling temple built in known as "the world's navel" argonne volcanic slopes, to the worship of this intermittent eruption of the volcano god. Ling temple the hierarchy of stone buildings, similar to Angkor Wat in Cambodia.


Hong Kong situated at the south-eastern of China, with a total area of 1 104 square kilometers, it covers Hong Kong Island, Kowloon Peninsula, and the New Territories.. Hong Kong's population was about million in 20xx. The population density was 6 420 people per square kilometer.

Hong Kong famous for its beautiful harbor, mountains, Disneyland, Sea world and so on, specially for its commerce. Hong Kong today is a flourishing international metropolis, which is well run, clean and beautiful. In the commercial towers and shopping centers, you will find exquisite merchandise. It looks as if international fairs of merchandise from various countries throughout the world were held here everyday.

Hong Kong’s communications are highly developed, subway and ground railway, highway, undersea tunnels, motorway interchange, viaduct, ferry, airport radiating in all directions, like a piece of huge network knitting the whole city together.

Hong Kong is located in Southern China in East Asia and and facing the South China Sea ,wellknown international city.

The territory's 1,104 km2 land area consists primarily of Hong Kong Island,Lantau Island,Kowloon Peninsula and the New Territories as well as some other islands.

Hong Kong became a dependent territory of the United Kingdom for 99 years and remained to the People's Republic of China in on 1 July 1997.

Hong Kong is one of the asia's leading traveling capitals,named shopping heaven.


At a distance of 50 km northwest of Beijing stands an arc-shaped cluster of hills fronted by a small plain. Here is where 13 emperors of the Ming dynasty (1368-1644) were buried, and the area is known as the Ming Tombs.

Construction of the tombs started in 1409 and ended with the fall of the Ming Dynasty in 1644. In over 200 years tombs were built over an area of 40 square kilometres, which is surrounded by walls totalling 40 kilometres. Each tomb is located at the foot of a separate hill and is linked with the other tombs by a road called the Sacred Way. The stone archway at the southern end of the Sacred Way, built in 1540, is 14 metres high and 19 metres wide, and is decorated with designs of clouds, waves and divine animals.

Beijing served as the national capital during the Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties. Unlike Ming and Qing rulers who all built massive tombs for themselves, Yuan rulers left no similar burial grounds. Why the difference?

This has to do with people's different views on death. Beijing nomads came from the Mongolian steppe. Mongols who established the Yuan Dynasty held the belief that they had come from: earth. they adopted a simple funeral method: the dead was placed inside a hollowed nanmu tree, which was then buried under grassland. Growth of grass soon left no traces of the tombs.

By contrast, during the Ming Dynasty established by Han Chinese coming from an agricultural society in central China, people believed the existence of an after-world, where the dead "lived" a life similar to that of the living. Ming emperor, therefore, has grand mausoleums built for themselves. Qing rulers did likewise.

The stone archway at the southern end of the Sacred Way, built in 1540, is 14 metres high and 19 metres wide, and is decorated with designs of clouds, waves and divine animals. Well-proportioned and finely carved, the archway is one of the best preserved specimens of its kink in the Ming Dynasty. It is also the largest ancient stone archway in China.

The Stele Pavilion, not far from the Great Palace Gate, is actually a pavilion with a double-eaved roof. On the back of the stele is carvedpoetry written by Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty when he visited the Ming Tombs.

The Sacred Way inside the gate of the Ming Tomb is lined with 18 pairs of stone human figures and animals. These include four each of three types of officials: civil, military and meritorious officials, symbolizing those who assist the emperor in the administration of the state, plus four each of six iypes of animals: lion, griffin, camel, elephant, unicorn and horse.

Yongling, built in 1536, is the tomb for Emperor Shizong, Zhu Houcong (1507-1566). He stayed in power for 45 years.

The Dingling Tomb is the tomb of Emperor Wanli (reigned 1573-1619), the 13th emperor of the Ming Dynasty, whose personal name was Zhu Yijun, and of his two empresses, Xiao Duan and Xiao Jing. The tomb was completed in six years (1584-1590), it occupies a total area of 1,195 square meters at the foot of Dayu Mountain southwest of the Changling Tomb.

At a distance of 50 km northwest of Beijing stands an arc-shaped cluster of hills fronted by a small plain. Here is where 13 emperors of the Ming dynasty (1368-1644) were buried, and the area is known as the Ming Tombs.

Construction of the tombs started in 1409 and ended with the fall of the Ming Dynasty in 1644. In over 200 years tombs were built over an area of 40 square kilometres, which is surrounded by walls totalling 40 kilometres. Each tomb is located at the foot of a separate hill and is linked with the other tombs by a road called the Sacred Way. The stone archway at the southern end of the Sacred Way, built in 1540, is 14 metres high and 19 metres wide, and is decorated with designs of clouds, waves and divine animals.

Beijing served as the national capital during the Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties. Unlike Ming and Qing rulers who all built massive tombs for themselves, Yuan rulers left no similar burial grounds. Why the difference?

This has to do with people's different views on death. Beijing nomads came from the Mongolian steppe. Mongols who established the Yuan Dynasty held the belief that they had come from: earth. they adopted a simple funeral method: the dead was placed inside a hollowed nanmu tree, which was then buried under grassland. Growth of grass soon left no traces of the tombs.

By contrast, during the Ming Dynasty established by Han Chinese coming from an agricultural society in central China, people believed the existence of an after-world, where the dead "lived" a life similar to that of the living. Ming emperor, therefore, has grand mausoleums built for themselves. Qing rulers did likewise.

The stone archway at the southern end of the Sacred Way, built in 1540, is 14 metres high and 19 metres wide, and is decorated with designs of clouds, waves and divine animals. Well-proportioned and finely carved, the archway is one of the best preserved specimens of its kink in the Ming Dynasty. It is also the largest ancient stone archway in China.

The Stele Pavilion, not far from the Great Palace Gate, is actually a pavilion with a double-eaved roof. On the back of the stele is carvedpoetry written by Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty when he visited the Ming Tombs.

The Sacred Way inside the gate of the Ming Tomb is lined with 18 pairs of stone human figures and animals. These include four each of three types of officials: civil, military and meritorious officials, symbolizing those who assist the emperor in the administration of the state, plus four each of six iypes of animals: lion, griffin, camel, elephant, unicorn and horse.

Yongling, built in 1536, is the tomb for Emperor Shizong, Zhu Houcong (1507-1566). He stayed in power for 45 years.

The Dingling Tomb is the tomb of Emperor Wanli (reigned 1573-1619), the 13th emperor of the Ming Dynasty, whose personal name was Zhu Yijun, and of his two empresses, Xiao Duan and Xiao Jing. The tomb was completed in six years (1584-1590), it occupies a total area of 1,195 square meters at the foot of Dayu Mountain southwest of the Changling Tomb.

Emperor Xianzong, Zhu Jianshen, and his three empresses are entombed within Maoling. Zhu Jianshen (1447-1487) was the first son of Emperor Yingzong. He stayed in power for 22 years.

We have covered some of the most significant tombs of the 13 Ming tombs in the tour. If you are also interested in the other tombs, the best way is to come and experience yourself.

Changling is the tomb of emperor Yongle (reigned 1403-1424), the third emperor of the Ming Dynasty whose personal name was Zhu Di, and of his empress. Built in 1413, the mausoleum extends over an area of 100,000 square metres. The soul tower, which tells people whose tomb it is, rests on a circular wall called the "city of treasures" which surrounds the burial mound. The "city of treasures" at Changling has a length of more than a kilometre.

The underground palace at Dingling Tomb consists of an antechamber, a ceniral chamber and a rear chamber plus the left and right annexes. One of the pictures shows the central chamber where the sacrificial utensils are on display. Two marble doors are made of single slabs and carved with life-size human figures, flowers and birds. More than 3,000 articles have been unearthed from the tumulus, the most precious being the golden crowns of the emperor and his queen.



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