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First stop, nandaihe international amusement center.

Where we bought the ticket in Li Yunhao and I can't wait ran to the ferris wheel, soon we got on the ferris wheel in the "box"。 Slowly turn the ferris wheel, our "boxes" are slowly moving up, it took a long time to reach the top, I down a "look", the following are tiny, I estimate that we at least 60 meters high. Look to the distant sea and sky tightly together, can't tell which is the day which is the sea, the clouds like the fish in the sky. Crowded on the beach, "good people!" I can't help but make such feeling.

"Ah? There is a sliding field!" Li Yunhao said with a loud voice, I looked down he pointed to the direction, there really have a huge sand hill, "ah? There's a mountain over there!" Li Yunhao say of excitement. While speaking, gradually down the ferris wheel. The ferris wheel, we headed for sand pasture.

Ring park ride on the train, can soon to sand pasture. Waited in line for half a day finally got to the top of the hill on the mountain cable car, and then got grass skiing tools with the fastest speed. I sat on the "slide", both hands hold "skateboard" on both sides, "skateboard" rushed down the hill at breakneck speed, I dare not move, only feeling my before the curtain to rise, to the foot I picked out a "wonderful moment", prepared to back off, in the photo I stared at my eyes and eke out a tooth, grin. Before the curtain all fly, looks like wearing a big hat.

The second stop, the sea

In nandaihe played all morning, afternoon, we decided to go to the sea to swim. Back to the hotel a helter skelter finally ready for everything, "setting out to sea!" Father commanded, we ran to the sea together.

Alway ran down to the sea stood on the beach looking at the vast sea, the sea breeze blowing on my face, I can't help but YinChu "sea rich by diving, the days fly high as a bird." This is a historic lovers. I put on bathing suits under the water, the water is really cool! Swimming in the sea and there is a big difference in swimming in the pool, the buoyancy of the water particularly big, I'm standing in the water at a 45 degree Angle will not sink.

Play tired, I climbed up a big stone, I sat on it, the wind blowing in the face of the mountain, at this moment I discovered, originally the sea wind is not salty. Play enough, also appreciate enough, we will be happy together back to the hotel.

In qinhuangdao we play so happy these days! Qinhuangdao is a beautiful city!



Yangshan, nine mountain jiuhua mountain called ling, for nine peaks shaped like a lotus, began years (742 ~ 756) renamed the jiuhua mountain. For the three big mountains of inclined column in the south of anhui (one of the huangshan mountain and jiuhua mountain, b). Located in chizhou anhui province county territory, on the other side of the Yangtze river and the tianzhu mountain in northwest, southeast of the huangshan taiping lake and the happiness, is a "two mountain lake" in anhui, huangshan mountain and jiuhuashan mountain, taiping lake) gold tourist area north of the main entrance, the main scenic spots. 120 kilometers, the total area of 120 square kilometers, the highest peak 1342 meters above sea level, the center of jiu hua street geographical coordinates for longitude 117 °, 30 ° latitude.

Jiuhua mountain main body is composed of yanshan period granite, give priority to with peak, valley basin, mix water fountain. Ermeishan mountain rocky cragginess, a total of 99 peaks, of which tiantai, sky column, ten Kings, lotus, lohan, esteems, lotus and other nine peaks are most magnificent. Ten wang feng, highest elevation 1342 meters. Mainly concentrated in 100 square kilometers, within the scope of the scenery has nine son springs sound stream, five mountains, sea of clouds, flat, snow lotus peak, tiantai xiao day, month ShuTan seal, MinYuan bamboo sea, phoenix ancient pine trees, etc. High mountain monastery, cigarette smoke, and ancient towering, quiet, witty, known as the "lotus buddhist," said. Existing temple, 78, Buddha more than 78. The temples of the famous sweet dew temple, temple city, only garden temple, an ancient name for sandalwood, centenarians palace, meditation room, Lin hui ju temple, such as collection of thousands of pieces of cultural relics. In the mountains and money tree, jingle birds, giant salamander and other rare animals and plants.

In the mountain under well, cloud above the table, the different shape of overlapping peaks, the number nine, so the number nine mountain. Began years great poet-saint Li Baiceng number of jiuhua mountain, see the mountain show, nine peaks such as lotus, want to sing with my friends in the "change son nine mountain jiuhua interference and preface of yue:" miao have two gas, lingshan jiu hua ", so "nine mountain" instead of "jiuhua mountain". Li Baiyin jiuhua did: "yesterday in jiujiang (Yangtze river), far out at nine huafeng, tianhe hangs green water, showing nine lotus. I would like to a wave of his hand, who can phase from? Jun as the host, the lie chamaecyparis pisifera." "Tianhe hangs green water, show nine lotus" verse be depicted of the beautiful scenery of the jiuhua mountain song.

Liu yuxi in tang dynasty mountain at the praise: "qifeng saw surprised soul", "naturally endowed a stunner. "A river of wang wei painting, stone for Li Baishi". Jiuhua mountain, around a deep ditch canyon, hang down deep pools, the water flowing waterfall, spectacular, just like a picture of a pure and fresh and natural landscape picture scroll. The view is it everywhere, people moving scene change, the qing dynasty summed up there are ten views "9". After the opening to the outside world, the new monarch eight scenic spots, hundreds of new attractions. Old and new attractions in photograph reflect, natural xiuse accommodation with human landscape, combined with the four seasons, when the scene, sunrise, sunset, sea of clouds, rime, snow, sleet, Buddha's light and other wonders, beautiful, amazing, linger. Known as "southeast first mountain", "jiangnan first mountain" of reputation.


Everybody is good, as a changsha people I in changsha is familiar scenery,let me tell you tourists introduce civilization and beautiful changsha!!

Scenic spots one: capital city

Capital is the only one in changsha about mountain tourist into, it seems you can smell the breath of the mountain, the scent ofwater, saw the waving grass, flowers(差异网★) bloom. Trees surrounded by mountains, amongthe green world, you might as well sit in love late pavilion, watch thepicturesque scenery, listening to the singing of birds. Into the depths of themountains, not the noise of the people, also have no the chanting of the birds,everyone is silent looked at the one thousand ancient tree, feel the power oftheir survival. Got to the top of the mountain, you can let go of mind, to facethe trees at the foot of the mountain, say the secret of the heart, tell thenature, so it won't be oppressed in psychological and uncomfortable. Down themountain, you can also go to have a look, to steal some COINS to make a wish,perhaps return will come true.

Attractions 2: as cabinet

As pavilion is originally by the Japanese invasion in China used to fight afortress, as cabinet had only one floor, then build into three layers, it islocated in changsha is the central, standing on the top floor can seeeverything. Building with the anti-japanese soldier's legacy, and cabinetfurniture such as bed. There are three fort on the top floor, terrible standingon it. As cabinet of the north and the south side still have an attic, andrecords the other heroes of the story in south tower, north building plays theAnti-Japanese War film.

Three places are the orange continent park

There are a lot of trees in the orange continent park, a lot of oranges, alot of birds. Robin in the curved path,

Color ribbon like falling from heaven. Can hear birds singing into thegate, smell the fragrance of the flower is really charactizing a fine springday. Park is flowing around the xiangjiang river, the xiangjiang river thatmirror j, like a vivid landscape, is really beautiful. I want the orangecontinent park quickly become a continent of China.

This is a civilized and beautiful scenery of changsha.



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