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(一)in china the mid-autumn festival often comes in september or october,the moon is round and bright that es get together and have a big eat are small round tastes also drink chinese often tell the story of chang’e.() mid-autumn festival often comes ber


or b()es eat _____and kes ,coffee ,milk kes,chinese tea() often tell the story of ’e


yuan()n moon is ______that

and b() the mid-autumn festival a chinese festival? ,it is

,it isn’t

don’t know

(二)this is changsha south railway high-speed train called hexie hao is going to move out of the jun is going to go to will visit his uncle and is very likes to travel by train!a)阅读短文,将正确答案的序号填在括号内。() is the best title(标题)for this passage? travel

pic() is the name of the station? ha north railway ha south railway station.() the train called hexie hao go very fast? ,it ,it can’ wang jun very excited about the travel? ,he ,he isn’)阅读短文,回答下列问题。 is wang jun going?

wang jun is going to he visit his uncle and aunt?


christmas is shopping centres are very busy(忙碌的).some people are buying christmas people are buying gifts for their families or ’m going to buy a computer for my little can draw pictures on the family usually gets together(团聚)on christmas elder brother(大哥)lives in year,he didn’t come back because it was snowing very hope we are going to be together again this elder brother will drive here on christmas will decorate our christmas tree with colourful balls and will put the gifts under the don’t open them until christmas morning.() christmas , the shopping centres are

()’m going to buy a _____for my little er


bag() elder brother lives in


g() elder brother will come home

() put the gifts ______ the


daming and his friends will go for a pic next will go to the ne will bring some food and will bring some peanuts and will bring some ng will bring a few cans of ng will bring some cookies and about daming? he will bring a box of cakes and a they can play football in the will meet at the park at 9:30 ’re so excited about the pic next 判断正误,正确的打“√”,错误的画“×”。

() will bring some peanuts and candies for the pic.()ng will bring a few cans of coke.() will bring a basketball and some 根据短文选择正确的答案。

() will daming and his friends go for a pic? sunday.() will tom bring for the pic?


s and apples

() they excited about the pic? ,they ,they aren’t

3.根据短文,回答问题。 will they go for a pic?

they time will they meet at the park? they will tingting bring for the pic? she will__________________________.(五)dear peter,i’m very happy to receive your day i went to nanjiao park with my the park,the tress are green and flowers are birds are singing and dancing in the played many games in the had a happy time all i’m gong to answer some of your asked me about the weather in changsha in summer,it’s very hot in most of people in changsha usually go to the swimming pool(泳池)to like swimming , i’m a good like summer asked me when the best time to come to changsha think the best time to come to changsha is spring or ’s often too hot in summer and it’s too cold in have a finish this email e to changsha ,li ping 根据短文内容选择正确答案。() email is from________


() ping went to __________with her han

g park

o park() the park ,some _____are singing and

() most of people in changsha go to the _____to ,sea

ng pool() best time to come to changsha is or autumn

(六)it’s autumn now,the weather is sunny and ’m going to have a pic at the beach with my friends made some cookies for us this will bring i will bring some will bring some apples and ’re from his grandpa’s will bring two bottles of orange are going to play beach volleyball will have fun.() autumn,the weather had

good() will have a the beach

the park

school() made some_______for us this


s()’s grandpa has a

() will bring ______bottles of orange













































































短文改错专练:march 29th, dear diary, i’m writing this at my ’s almost midnight and i have to getting up early tomorrow, but i can’t ’m thinking about my future!every day, my parents asks me, “what do you want to be when you grow?” the problem is: i don’t know!my mom always says, “be a doctor!” and she doesn’t understand — to be a doctor, you have to study for a long, long time and that’s not her idea of i’m really bad at biology at the dad says, “be a pilot!” is he crazy? he knew i hate flying!

now i’m getting tiring, so i’m going to can think about my future in get my best ideas when i’m lain have known my friend rebecca for a long firstly met at a friend’s birthday party five years found out that we both liked singing and dancing, so i invited rebecca over to my listened to the music together and soon became best years ago, rebecca’s parents invited me go on holiday with is spent three wonderful weeks in a little a and i loved walking along the beautifully took a lot of photos and had a lot of year, rebecca’s father changed her job, and they moved to other then we haven’t seen each other very much, but we’ve talked in the phone and we’ve written emails to each joe, how are you? thanks to your post — good to know when you’re ’ve got news ’m going on holiday next weeks with my brother and anna, a friend from ’re going to stay on a farm with four days!we’re going to look after the animals and doing some ’m sure i’ll love know how crazy i am about the animals!i want to learn all about the cows or the hope i will have some times to go walking in the hills, , right now i’m going to finish homework — lots to do before the holiday!i’ll write to you when i get back to telling you about my , 4 nadia people had always been interested in interest may have begun with the honey what bees the fact, it has been found that people have been eating honey for thousand of the more recently past, people were interested in the way bees made admired the way bees seemed to working so languages even developed expressions about people working like english, for example, we talk with a “busy bee”.now scientists has a new reason to be interested in have discovered that bees able to communicate with each ch has revealed some surprised facts about this, but there are still many day afternoon, i took the bus to go was crowded on the bus, and i had listened to music by my ly i saw the name of the bus stop that i should get off, so i got off the bus in i arrived home, i realized that i had left my bag on the id card and ten books were in the was worried and eager to finding it, so i went to the bus companies for ate, at the lost and found, i see my wanted to thank the person who had found my bag, and the staff there said the person hadn’t left his a good man!

i read an interested piece of news on a newspaper ing to professor richard wiseman, only less than a quarter of the british achieved their new year goals because they do it in the wrong studied 700 volunteers who made a wide ranges of new year goals, including quitting smoking, losing the weight, or gaining a 22 percent of the participants managed to meeting their goals or described their progress like “very successful.” the reason so much failed was that they took the wrong approach and led by self-help books in the wrong tended to spend a lot of time on thinking about the “bad things” what would happen if they did not achieve their goals instead of taking weekends, i went shopping by was a sunny day and i feel very i had bought anything i needed, i went to the bus stop to take a unately, there were too much people at the bus it was my turn to get on, there was no had to wait the next ly, it started to had no choice but to call a way through the journey, the taxi was broke was filled with angry when i saw an emptier bus go y, i decided to walk home in a an unlucky day!

my name is li hua and i wanted to be class am responsible, sociable, or enjoy serving onally, i have vary love singing and playing the drums as well am also a good listener and be always open to different am confident that i can do the job a student myself, firstly, i will create an academic atmosphere so that everyone in our classes can improve their those students who is falling behind, i will find ways to help them to catch ly, i will serve as a bridge among teachers and y, i will arrange parties so we can believe i am the right person to this sarah, i’m writing because i want to apologize to what i did last ’m really know we said 8:30, and i would’ve gotten here on time if everything hadn’t gone was late because my watch broke and i didn’t know what the time it you see, i would’ve arrived on time if my watch hadn’t i have to walk because i’d missed the b then i fell over and my trousers got dirty, so i had to go home and get i decided to catch another buses, but it was too would have phoned you and my brother had taken my mobile , i hope you aren’t too angrier with to hear you , jack

today my classmate and i went to a farm for a get up at six o’clock and we set off by the bus, some of us sang, and some of us all had good hours late, we arrived at the gate of the farm, that the farmers were waiting to give us a warm we were shown around the big farm, they began to plant was really a good way to getting close to nature and protect the environment at the same , we had a pic and it was great fun to eat on the open y, we went home at half past gh all of us was tired, our trip was really very more my father and mother has been wanting me to study think that it’s natural to master a foreign language in an english-speaking country and that studying abroad at early age will enable me to be er, it will be easier to me to gain advanced knowledge of technology, that will prepare me for a brighter er, my good friend, zhang hua doesn’t agree with thought my english is too limited to communicate with s, the cost is too much for his my opinions, i should continue to study in long as i study hard at now, i’ll make great achievements in the ising informs consumers about newer products available on the gives us information with everything from shampoo to toothpaste to computers and there is one serious problems with information are actually very often tells us the products’ benefits but hides its ising not only leads us to buying things that we don’t need and can’t afford, but it confuses our sense reality.“zoom toothpaste prevents bad teeth and gives you the white teeth!” the advertisement tells it doesn’t tell us the complete truth that a health diet and a good toothbrush will have the same grandfather had had enough of his was tired of her scratching all the furnitures and made a he gave her to a friend, who lived on the other side of told his friends that he was getting so old to look after week later, in a very cold winter day, my grandfather returned home from shopping and surprised to see the cat on his grandfather was moved by the fact that his pet had found his way back from the other side of town in such a cold took the cat outside and gave her lots of loving decided he will never give her away n, the arab people who live in the desert, living in a traditional means they live on much the same way as their ancestors who live in traditional societies has strong ties to the s and beliefs have changed very fear that when changes will make their lives worse rather than are passing on with little changes from one generation to the changes do take cultures change, but they change much quickly at some periods than at very recent years, changes have taken place very quickly everywhere, including deserts of southwest asia and north uncle and aunt come home one evening and discovered huge hole in their also found that their dog was dead and their furniture were covered in horrible-smelling by which they saw, they phoned the the police looked into the problem, they were told what had happened seemed that the container holding the wastes from the toilets on a passing plane had burst contents froze in the atmosphere as it fell towards the the resulting block of ice crashed through the roof and broke into piece, killing the dog after melting in their parts in recreation activities help us keep are various kinds of activity in our daily life, for example, listening to music, watching tv, playing chess, or going to i think we’d better to have more outdoor students, we usually sit too longer in the classroom, and as a result our eyes and brains getting it’s a good idea to play basketball, football, table tennis, go swimming, do some runnings, or even go for a brains also need changes to make it smart and a word, exercise is good for the sandra, you’ll never guess where i’m writing this cave!you know we’re on holidays in , we spend a few days in barcelona had a good time there, though one day i didn’t feel very think i ate too much ice cream the day , when i left barcelona, we came to spend a few days in r, we couldn’t get a hotel — too many tourists and not enough bed!then the hotel owner said, “why don’t try the cave hotels?” we thought he were in caves? but there we are and it’s ’re enjoying it much that we don’t know when we’re going to ’re never going to have enough time to explore for care!


my uncle buys a satellite dish, which is a large round piece of metal that receives satellite decided to set up climbed up the ladder and attached the dish with the side of his he finishing, he and my aunt relaxed for the evening in front of the next day was very much hot, and they decided to stay at home and watch afternoon they heard lots of shouting they went outside, they saw that the house opposite were on ately, the fire was putting turned out that the fire had started because my uncle’s satellite dish had been concentrating the sun’s rays on the curtains of her neighbor’s house but had caused the mas is supposed to be a time express our love and goodwill towards is supposed to be a time which we perform acts of kindness for people less fortunate to do we think of the other people when we sat down to our christmas dinner? of course not — we’re too busy eating those delicious foods related with are too busy wondering that the presents we gave were as nice or better than the one we forget to think of the sick and the whole idea of christmas has complete a shame!

a thief broke into our house and filled his bag by our possessions when he suddenly feeling a pair of eyes on g up, he sees an eagle staring at him with cold, merciless first the man was too frightening to move, but after ten minute he tried moving quietly towards the ore, the eyes just followed him and he couldn’t ally, my parents returned to and found the thief in our my father turned the light, the thief could see that the eagle was just a it was too late and she was father said that the toy eagle were better than any

nowadays more and more students were found cheating in copy from each other;some copy from their text books, reference books or prepared note;others use modern communication tool such as mobile ng in exams will cause some worse one thing, it will result unfair competition and destroy the creativity of bright another, students who often cheats in exams will develop bad habits and won’t be able to meet the needs of society in the how can cheating in exams be stopped? on my opinion, severe punishments should be put into the effect to prevent students from the same time, great efforts should be made to make students understood what kind of person society needs or try to build up their jack, i’m glad to learn that you will come beijing to learn about chinese culture as an exchange the moment, i am studying english in my school but i always get better grades in my ’m good at the spoken english, so i’m sure i will communicate with you , my parents are open and kind and is friends with many of my believe you will be one of their friend ore, i invite you to live in my home during you stay in ’m willing to helping you as much as i wishes!

yours, li hua


mei was a very famous pop singer in hong er her mother, she began to perform in the age of the early , she took part in a local singing competition but won the first song “bad girl” made her following years see play in many movies and made many of her songs very was always ready to help others, she made lot of good sars hit hong kong in 2004, they zed several pop concert with other pop stars, calling on hong people to bravely face the , anita died of cancer december, brave and the beautiful lady will always be ered by joe left university, he got a good work in a bike . but after he had been worked there for some years, he decided 77. to have change, so he put a notice in several newspapers, 78. saying what experiences he had and the kind of job he would 79. like to of the answers he accepted was from a man 80. was looking for a job, man wrote to him, “dear, sir, 81. when you get a new job, be kind enough to give your name and 82. address to you present boss as i have been trying to find 83. a position like yours for a long time.” after he reads the letter, 84. he suddenly realized that what he had done was real .

day john goes to work by always 76.___________ buys a piece newspaper to read on the train, so he feels 77.___________ that the time pass more day on the train he 78.___________ was reading a report about important football ___________ the report was such interesting that he forgot to get off 80.___________ at his didn’t know it until he saw the ___________ he got off at the next station, and wait a long time for 82.___________ a train to go arrived very lately at the ___________ his boss was angry to him when he told him why he 84.___________ was late.“work is more importance than football!” 85.___________ the first day when i went to work in a very famous 76.___________ restaurant, my boss complained that there were very a few 77.___________ people coming for i am “invited” to have a meal in 78.___________ the ordering two french dishes and some food, 79.___________ i began to look frequently at watch timing the serving of the 80.___________ ile, i looked around to see that there was anything 81.___________ else wrong wrote something improper down 82.___________ meal was not serving looked at my watch :32 minutes 83.___________ passed!i realized that wait too long for service was the main 84.__________ reasons why the business was i wrote a report about 85.___________ my findings and presented it to the month we bought our two-year-old daughter a little are not many children of her age there we live, 76. and we thought a dog would make her less were 77. play together happily all daughter now 78. smiles and laughs a lot more than she a way it 79.

is like having two children in the of them are 80. very untidy, but they cry when they do not get what they 81. dog is easy to look after than my . he always eats up all his food and we don’t have piles of 83. dirty clothes to wife is also happy because of 84. i have given up dog doesn’t like the .

went shopping with my have a lot of things to 1._________ buy drove to the center of the city and stopped 2._________ our car in front of the hour late, we came back 3._________ to the it was strange that we couldn't open 4._________ the we asked policeman for was 5._________ glad to help few minute later, he got the door _________ just then a man came up and shouted angrily.“how are 7._________ you doing with my car ” we were surprising and went to 8._________ see the number of the you think we did then 9._________ we had to speak sorry to the man again and _________ my opinion, there are advantages and disadvantages 76.______ traveling both by plane and by by plane is 77.______ time-saving, comfortably, and you can have a good rest 78.______ on the it is too you travel by 79.______ train, it is not expensive and quite safety and you can 80.______ appreciate the beautiful sceneries on both sides of the 81.______ r, it was too crowded and time-wasting, 82.______ and we can take a good you can see every 83.______ coin has two 'd better to choose either of 84.______ them depending on your own interest or ______

worried, i have accepted your letter and i'm glad to give you some 76.__________ in all, don't be students 77.__________ find it difficulty to write my opinion, if you want to 78.__________ improve your writing, and you can do several , 79.__________ do some study with phrases and sentence , 80.__________ read as much as are many things can't be 81.__________ must see it in books many you'll 82.__________ be able to use them correctly , in order to write 83.__________ well, you must learn to read y, you'd better to 84.__________ recite some good luck for you in your cousin and i usually stay out late with some friends on saturday evenings, left grandpa alone at ___ it was so cold yesterday, however, that none of us wanted 72.____ to suffer from the frozen wind after dinner we 73.____ stay at home sitting around a fire and listening to grandpa 74.____ tell his experiences in second world fact they 75.____ sounded familiar to us, so we were still listening attentively 76.____ so as to make him be and then we asked grandpa 77.____ some questions, that he answered in a humorous 78.____ burst out laughing from time to time and he laughed ____ full of joy, we all felt especially warm in the cold ____ is known to all that the internet is playing 76________ a more and more important part on our daily ________ on it, we can not only read news at home or abroad 78_________ but also get much information as instance, 79_________ we are often send e-mails or make telephone calls 80 _______ to our families as well as our r, 81 _______ we can go to school on the net, read different 82 _______ kind of books and even teach ourselves can also enjoy music, watching sports and play computer can even do shopping without left our _______ 84 ________ 85 _______ ⑴ 76.√ ---and ---saw ---make 81.∧and/so 82 they—she t—concerts ⑵ 76.job 77.去掉been 78. a 79.experience 80. received 81. 去掉was/加who 82.your-my 83.√ 84. read 85. really 改为 train 77.去掉 piece。 改为 passes。ant 前加 an 改为 so。81.此行无错。 改为 waited。 改为 late。 改为 with。ance 改为 important。

--on 77 a / 78 was 79 right the /my 81that--whether /if 82 secretly 84 waiting ⑸ 76.there改为where 77.alone改为lonely 78.days改为day 79.used改为used to 80.all改为both 81.but改为and 82.easy改为easier 83.无错 84.去掉of 85.smoke改为smoking 改为had 去掉 改为later 4.正确 后加a 改为 minutes 改为what sing改为surprised 后加do 改为 say —in —travelin9 tably--comfortable --if --safe 81.正确 —is 后加not 84.去掉to --and ⑻ed→received →of ulty→difficult 79.去掉and 80.对 后加that →them →so 84.去掉to →to

-leaving -neither -freezing -stayed 后面加the -but/yet 去掉 -which -on ⑽ →it →in →and ⌒much as r →besides 82.∨ →kinds ng →watch →leaving

⑾ ed→received 77.去掉more, e后加of, →another →said →or两,三天用two or three →soon fast指动作的迅速,soon指时间“尽快地”.84.√ y→happy

⑿ 76.√→are →feel ore→however 80.∧little→a a little boy 81.去掉not 后的to →playing →as →grades“分数”, →in

⒀ →had 77.√ 78去掉but 79.去 掉him ers →shoulder → taken 后加 not →i n后加to ⒁ g—called —or ——died 6.√—both 8.去掉not 前加a —dance




《 共工怒触不周山》选自《》,《淮南子》又名《淮南鸿烈》,是西汉淮南王刘安及其门客集体撰写的一部著作。我们在七年级上册学过他的1篇寓言《》,就选自这里。答案:《山海经· 海外北经》;神话故事; 《淮南子》;《塞翁失马》





答案:xīzhuānxū lǎo渭泽zhé





























































48 914932