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新闻与传播 英语5篇

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新闻与传播 英语篇1

chinese vice premier stresses production safety

vice premier zhang dejiang underscored the scientific outlook on development and production safety during an inspection tour to northern shanxi province on wednesday and thursday.

zhang visited the site of the sept.

8 landslide in xiangfen county on thursday morning, where an unlicensed iron ore tailings pond burst and killed at least 262 people.

_the september 8 landslide was a very serious production safety incident, causing great losses, having a bad impact and leaving a deep lesson, _ he said.

the vice premier said a thorough investigation into the cause of the incident should be conducted and that those responsible for it should be punished seriously in accordance with law.

a lesson should be drawn from the incident and people should be put first, he stressed, adding that more efforts should be exerted to crack down on unlicensed production and corruption behind production safety incidents.

he also demanded local authorities have a scientific outlook on development.

production safety should be strengthened through more investment, scientific and technological progress and better management, the vice premier said.

新闻与传播 英语篇2

the birth of computers has brought with it a new set of opportunities for mischief and crime. today,

the birth of computers has brought with it a new set of opportunities for mischief and crime. today, computers are easy to come by and many people know how computer technology 11 . more importantly, the growing use of computer networks can multiply the violation of security, making large numbers of people more vulnerable than would be the case if they were using 12 , stand-alone computers.

whats more, computer experts agree that despite recent widespread publicity-computer viruses are 13 one of the many computer security problems facing the nation.

the u. s. defense advanced resea rch project agency has requested that the research councils science and technology board 14 the security problems posed by computer technology, see what 15 may already exist, review research efforts 16 at avoiding security problems in the future, and evaluate existing policies 17 to computer security. the study committee will examine the 18 of security for a broad spectrum of users, including the business, national security, and academic communities, as well as the 19 public.

david. clark, senior research scientist, laboratory for computer science, massachusetts institute of technology, will chair the 20 of experts in electronic security, net-work security, computer law, software engineering ? and operating systems. the committee will also include computer users from the defense and banking industries.


新闻与传播 英语篇3

when no single party can get enough mps to form amajority on its own in a general election, parliamentis said to be _hung_. this happened at the 2010election. the leader of the party with the most seatsis given the opportunity to try to form agovernment. this can take two forms: a formalcoalition with other parties or a more informalarrangement, known as “confidence and supply”,in which the smaller parties agree to support themain legislation.


the uk looks set to have a hung parliament with the conservatives as the largest party, withmost general election results now in.


it means theresa may faces the humiliation of ending with fewer seats than when she calledthe election.


the tories are projected to get 318 seats, labour 261 and the snp 35.


labour leader jeremy corbyn called on mrs may to resign - but she said the country neededstability and her party would _ensure_ it was maintained.


labour looks set to make 29 gains with the tories losing 13 seats - and the snp down by 22seats in a bad night for nicola sturgeon, with her party losing seats to the tories, labour andlib dems.


ukips vote slumped dramatically but rather than moving en masse to the tories, as they hadexpected, their voters also switched to labour.


mr corbyn, speaking after being re-elected in islington north, said it was time for mrs may to_make way_ for a government that would be _truly representative of the people of thiscountry_.


he said he was _very proud_ of the results so far, which he said were a _vote for hope for thefuture_ and said people were _turning their backs on austerity_.


the conservatives have said that in the event of a hung parliament, mrs may would get theopportunity to form a government first.


speaking at her count in maidenhead, theresa may said the full picture had yet to emerge, butadded: _at this time more than anything else, this country needs a period of stability.


_and if, as the indications have shown and if this is correct that the conservative party has wonthe most seats and probably the most votes, then it will be incumbent on us to ensure wehave that period of stability - and that is exactly what we will do._


speaking on itv, george osborne, who was sacked as chancellor last year by mrs may, said: _theresa may is probably going to be one of the shortest serving prime ministers in ourhistory._


he added: _hard brexit went in the rubbish bin tonight._


dup mp simon hamilton said his partys votes were going to be _incredibly important_ in thenew parliament and they would push to get _a good deal for northern ireland as we leave theeuropean union_.


新闻与传播 英语篇4

the central military commission xxxcmcxxx will cease allpaid services provided by the military by the end ofjune 2018, jiang luming, professor at the nationaluniversity of defense technology, said in aninterview with xinhua.


jiang believes that services in 10 fields will be cut atthe end of this month, including pre-schooleducation, press and publications, culture andsports, communications, personnel training,barracks projects, storage and transportation facilities, militia armament repair, repairtechnology and driver instruction, he said.


projects in another five fields - real estate rentals, agricultural and sideline production,accommodation services, medical care and scientific research - are likely to finish by the end ofjune 2018, he said.


in february 2016, the cmc issued a circular urging the end of all paid services by the armedforces and armed police in three years.


新闻与传播 英语篇5

_ i guess she overheard her grandfather and me talking about how we’re worried about how we’re going to get to houston, for my grandson’s heart surgery,” said allred. she decided to go outside and have a lemonade stand and make some drawings and pictures and sell them.”

that’s when addison and her friends erika and emily borden decided to sell lemonade for 50 cents a cup and sell pictures for 25 cents each.

before allred knew it, new mexico state police officers were among the many, stopping by helping them reach a total of $568. the family turned to social media expressing their gratitude saying, “from the bottom of our hearts, we would like to deeply thank each and every person that stopped by!”

q1: who did addison raise money for?

q2: how did addison raise money?



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