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英语所有类型作文 英语各类型作文篇1

spring is coming, the large red flowers, like in the game who the most beautiful colors and beautiful; the grass has grown out of the trees are green and tender; not so long, tall and strong. birds are singing in the trees, in the flowers bees in bustling about, for people to make sweet honey.


who here sigh? the birds, it is for the human sigh. because the forest of trees to be cut down. if the tree was cut down in the forest, the animal has no home. if the wind to help without trees, houses collapsed. if the trees were cut down, people can not hear the birds chirping, the world is only a human talking.


let us care for the environment.

英语所有类型作文 英语各类型作文篇2


issue 20

”most of the people we consider heroic today were, in fact, very ordinary people who happened to be in the right place at the right time.“

i agree with the statement insofar as our heroes tend to be ordinary people like us. however,i strongly disagree with the further assertion that people become heroes simply by being ”in the right place at the right time.“ if we look around at the sorts of people we choose as our heroes, we realize that heroism has far less to do with circumstance than with how a hero responds to it.

i concede that heroes are generally ordinary people. in my observation we choose as our heroes people with whom we strongly identify--people who are very much like us. in fact many of us call a parent, grandparent, or older sibling our hero. why? my intuition is that the more a person shares in common with us--my terms of experience, heritage, disposition, motives, and even physical attributes--the more accessible that persons heroic traits are to us, and the stronger their attraction as a role model. and few would dispute that we share more in common with immediately family than with anyone else.



i concede that...in my observation...in fact...why? my intuition is that...


the more...the more..., the more...

few would dispute that...


however, the statements further suggestion that...is simply wrongheaded.

however, the statements further suggestion that people become heroes merely as a result of circumstances not of their own choosing is simply wrongheaded. admittedly, circumstance often serves as a catalyst for heroism.



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