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网友发表时间 167847




从前,有个裁缝总爱吵架。 他的妻子善良、勤劳、虔诚,却不能得到他的欢心。

无论她干什么事,他都不满意,总是嘀嘀咕咕,又是打又是骂。 当地的官府最后知道了这件事,就传讯了他并把他关进了监狱,希望能让他改过自新。 他在监狱里只能靠面包和水度日,关了一段时间后,他就被释放了,不过要他发誓从此不再打老婆,要与她和睦相处,休戚与共,像夫妻应该的那样。 开始一阵子还好,随后他又旧病复发,老爱嘀咕争吵。 因为他不敢打她,便扯抓她的头发,女人挣脱了他,逃到外面的院子里,他就拿着尺和剪刀尾随其后,四处追赶她,并用尺和剪刀以及其他所能拿到的东西朝她摔去。 打着她时,他就哈哈大笑;没打中时,他就暴跳如雷,百般诅咒。 这样一直闹到邻居赶来帮他的妻子,他才罢手。 于是裁缝再次被官府传去,官府叫他想想他说过的话。 “亲爱的大人,”他说,“我信守了我的誓言,并没有打她,而是与她同甘共苦。”法官说,“这怎么可能?她可是再次严厉地控告了你。”“我没有打她,只是因为看见她怪模怪样,我想用手去给她理理头发,她却挣脱了我,恶意地跑开了。于是我就匆匆地去赶她,让她回来做她的事。我把手里东西向她扔,是作为善意的纪念。可我仍和她同甘共苦呀!因为我每次打她,我高兴,她痛苦;如果没打到她,她就高兴,我就难受。”法官对这种回答可不满意,给了他应得的惩罚。


Sharing joy and sorrow

There was once a tailor, who was a quarrelsome fellow, and his wife, who was good, industrious, and pious, never could please him. Whatever she did, he was not satisfied, but grumbled and scolded, and knocked her about and beat her. As the authorities at last heard of it, they had him summoned, and put in prison in order to make him better. He was kept for a while on bread and water, and then set free again. He was forced, however, to promise not to beat his wife any more, but to live with her in peace, and share joy and sorrow with her, as married people ought to do. All went on well for a time, but then he fell into his old ways, and was surly and quarrelsome. And because he dared not beat her, he would seize her by the hair and tear it out. The woman escaped from him, and sprang out into the yard, but he ran after her with his yard-measure and scissors, and chased her about, and threw the yard-measure and scissors at her, and whatever else came his way. When he hit her he laughed, and when he missed her, he stormed and swore. This went on so long that the neighbors came to the wife's assistance. The tailor was again summoned before the magistrates, and reminded of his promise. “Dear gentlemen,” said he, “I have kept my word, I have not beaten her, but have shared joy and sorrow with her.” - “How can that be,” said the judge, “when she continually brings such heavy complaints against you?” - “I have not beaten her, but just because she looked so strange I wanted to comb her hair with my hand; she, however, got away from me, and left me quite spitefully. Then I hurried after her, and in order to bring her back to her duty, I threw at her as a well-meant admonition whatever came readily to hand. I have shared joy and sorrow with her also, for whenever I hit her I was full of joy, and she of sorrow, and if I missed her, then she was joyful, and I sorry.” The judges were not satisfied with this answer, but gave him the reward he deserved.












The old man made young again

There were once two brothers who both served as soldiers; one of them was rich, and the other poor. Then the poor one, to escape from his poverty, put off his soldier's coat, and turned farmer. He dug and hoed his bit of land, and sowed it with turnip-seed. The seed came up, and one turnip grew there which became large and vigorous, and visibly grew bigger and bigger, and seemed as if it would never stop growing, so that it might have been called the princess of turnips, for never was such an one seen before, and never will such an one be seen again. At length it was so enormous that by itself it filled a whole cart, and two oxen were required to draw it, and the farmer had not the least idea what he was to do with the turnip, or whether it would be a fortune to him or a misfortune. At last he thought, “If thou sellest it, what wilt thou get for it that is of any importance, and if thou eatest it thyself, why, the small turnips would do thee just as much good; it would be better to take it to the King, and make him a present of it.” So he placed it on a cart, harnessed two oxen, took it to the palace, and presented it to the King. “What strange thing is this?” said the King. “Many wonderful things have come before my eyes, but never such a monster as this! From what seed can this have sprung, or are you a luck-child and have met with it by chance?” - “Ah, no!” said the farmer, “no luck-child am I. I am a poor soldier, who because he could no longer support himself hung his soldier's coat on a nail and took to farming land. I have a brother who is rich and well known to you, Lord King, but I, because I have nothing, am forgotten by every one.” Then the King felt compassion for him, and said, “Thou shalt be raised from thy poverty, and shalt have such gifts from me that thou shalt be equal to thy rich brother.” Then he bestowed on him much gold, and lands, and meadows, and herds, and made him immensely rich, so that the wealth of the other brother could not be compared with his. When the rich brother heard what the poor one had gained for himself with one single turnip, he envied him, and thought in every way how he also could get hold of a similar piece of luck. He would, however, set about it in a much wiser way, and took gold and horses and carried them to the King, and made certain the King would give him a much larger present in return. If his brother had got so much for one turnip, what would he not carry away with him in return for such beautiful things as these? The King accepted his present, and said he had nothing to give him in return that was more rare and excellent than the great turnip. So the rich man was obliged to put his brother's turnip in a cart and have it taken to his home. When there he did not know on whom to vent his rage and anger, until bad thoughts came to him, and he resolved to kill his brother. He hired murderers, who were to lie in ambush, and then he went to his brother and said, “Dear brother, I know of a hidden treasure, we will dig it up together, and divide it between us.” The other agreed to this, and accompanied him without suspicion. While they were on their way, however, the murderers fell on him, bound him, and would have hanged him to a tree. But just as they were doing this, loud singing and the sound of a horse's feet were heard in the distance. On this their hearts were filled with terror, and they pushed their prisoner head first into the sack, hung it on a branch, and took to flight. He, however, worked up there until he had made a hole in the sack through which he could put his head. The man who was coming by was no other than a travelling student, a young fellow who rode on his way through the wood joyously singing his song. When he who was aloft saw that someone was passing below him, he cried, “Good day! You have come at a lucky time.” The student looked round on every side, but did not know whence the voice came. At last he said, “Who calls me?” Then an answer came from the top of the tree, “Raise your eyes; here I sit aloft in the Sack of Wisdom. In a short time have I learnt great things; compared with this all schools are a jest; in a very short time I shall have learnt everything, and shall descend wiser than all other men. I understand the stars, and the signs of the Zodiac, and the tracks of the winds, the sand of the sea, the healing of illness, and the virtues of all herbs, birds, and stones. If you were once within it you would feel what noble things issue forth from the Sack of Knowledge.” The student, when he heard all this, was astonished, and said, “Blessed be the hour in which I have found thee! May not I also enter the sack for a while?” He who was above replied as if unwillingly, “For a short time I will let you get into it, if you reward me and give me good words; but you must wait an hour longer, for one thing remains which I must learn before I do it.” When the student had waited a while he became impatient, and begged to be allowed to get in at once, his thirst for knowledge was so very great. So he who was above pretended at last to yield, and said, “In order that I may come forth from the house of knowledge you must let it down by the rope, and then you shall enter it.” So the student let the sack down, untied it, and set him free, and then cried, “Now draw me up at once,” and was about to get into the sack. “Halt!” said the other, “that won't do,” and took him by the head and put him upside down into the sack, fastened it, and drew the disciple of wisdom up the tree by the rope. Then he swung him in the air and said, “How goes it with thee, my dear fellow? Behold, already thou feelest wisdom coming, and art gaining valuable experience. Keep perfectly quiet until thou becomest wiser.” Thereupon he mounted the student's horse and rode away, but in an hour's time sent some one to let the student out again.





































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