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定语从句教案 定语从句教案【第一篇】





定语从句中引导词(who, whose,whom, that , which,when,where, why)的正确使用



the girl is my sister。

is my sister。




先行词(物) ?k引导词(that指代the music)

she is a 先行词(人)?k引导词(who指代a girl)

二、引导词who, whom, whose,that , which(表人、表物,作主语,宾语)

关系副词:when,where, why, (表时光、地点、原因,作状语)


分点练习:① he is a boy(______ is confident。)


② (介词提前)

③ he is the teacher ______ you are waiting for。)




小试牛刀:1。is this the man with ______ you went to the zoo yesterday?

a。 who b。 whom c。 which

2。he is a man _______ we can learn)。

a。 whom b。 from which c。 from whom

learn from

2013广东湛江25。 ―look! that is the woman i met yesterday。

―oh? she’s my aunt。

a。 whatb。 who c。 where d。 when

2013广东45。 the young lady ______ is interviewing lin zhixuan about the program i am a singer is from 21st century talent net。

a。 whob。 whom c。 whichd。 whose



a。 whichb。 whose c。 that





1。 i’m sure she has something ______ you can borrow。

a。 thatb。 which

⑴ 先行词为:that 2。 i’ve read ⑵ 先行词被all, every, no, some, any, little, much等修饰时

4。 this is the only book that belongs to him。

⑷先行词被the only, the very, the same, the best, the last等修饰时

6。 there is a book on the desk belongs to tom。 桌子上那本书是汤姆的


7 who is the girl ______ spoke to you just now?

which is the car ______ was made in china?

a。 thatb。 who c。 which

[7]。当主句 that

巩固练习: who is the man ______ i saw yesterday。

小试牛刀: i like the music _______ he writes。a。 b。 whoc。 why d when


1。this is the house in ______ he lives。a。 thatb。 whichc。 who


the school (______ my father works) looks very beautiful。

(my father works in the school)

a。 which b。 in thatc。 in which

比较:is this the man with ______ you went to the zoo yesterday?

a。 who b。 whom c。 which



he lives in a house, _______ has many trees around it。

a。 thatb。 whichc。 who

3。先行词为that, those时,用which

2011广州the story ______ i read the newspaper was about a mon problem among teenagers。

a。 whose b。 who c。 that d。 where

2011广东44。 the first thing _____ my brother is going to do this afternoon is to write a letter。

a。 whichb。 thatc。 why d。 who

2013安徽49。 i still remember the college and the teachers_____________i visited in london years ago。

a。 whatb。 who c。 that d。 which

(4)关系副词when, where,why的用法:

先行词是一个表示时光的词如:time, hour, day, month, year时,其所对应的关系词如在定语从句中作时光状语(不充当从句的主语或宾语),则用关系副词when。


2。 this is the factory ________ my father works。

拓展:当point, situation,conditions等词作先行词表抽象的地点,其后常由where引导

1。can you think out a situation ________ this word can be used?

2。 her illness has developed to the point ________ nobody can cure her。

3。 that is the reason (why) i did it。

do you know the reason(why)she has changed her mind?


the day when (=on which) she arrived was thursday。 她到的那天是星期四。

july and august are the months when (=in which) the weather is hot。 七八月是天气很热的月份 this is the hotel where =in which at which) they were staying。 这就是他们当时住的旅店 do you remember the place where (=at which) we had lunch? 你记得我们吃午饭的地方吗?

the reason why (=for which) i came here was to be with my family。 我到那里来的原因是要跟我的家里人在一齐

小试牛刀:this is the factory in ________ my father works。

解析:那里填which,in which=where


this is the city (whichthat) you visited last year。

(you visited the city last year)。先行词直接充当visited的宾语,缺的是宾语,所以用which或that

如:this is the city where you stayed last year。

先行词也是the city,将其放入定语从句中不能直接作成分,务必加上介词in,一齐做从句的地点状语,相当于in +which所以此处用where就务必要求;而系副词。)


1。 is this museum ___ you visited a few days age?

2。 is this the museum ____ the exhibition was held。

a。 whereb。 thatc。 on whichd。 the one

解析:例1变为肯定句: this museum is ___ you visited a few days ago。 所缺部分为主句的表语,从句的宾语,而where, on which都不能起到宾语的作用,而that只作从句宾语,还缺主句的表语, 只有the one既做了主句的表语,又可做从句的宾语,能够省略关系代词that,所以应选d。

例2变为肯定句: this is the museum ___ the exhibition was held。 主、谓、宾俱全,从句部分为句子的状语表地点,既可用副词where,又因 in the museum词组,可用介词in + which 引导地点状语。而此题中,介词on 用的不对,所以选a。

巩固练习:2 ill never forget the days______i spent in the countryside。

a。 whereb。 thatc。 on whichd。when

we visited last week。


① there are the twins who ______ in the next door。 a。 liveb。 lives c。 lived

② a。 tellb。 is telling c。 tells




1。do you live near the building ______color is yellow?

a。 that b。 which c。 whose d。 its

2。in the dark street ,there wasn’t a single person _____she could turn for help。

a 。thatb。 whoc。 from whom d。 to whom

3。the silk _______ is made in hangzhou sells well。

a。 thatb。 who c。 what d。

定语从句教案 定语从句教案【第二篇】







a beautiful girl a handsome boy a clever child

1、 定语是用来修饰名次或代词的。

this is the boy who is clever.

2、定语从句(attributive clauses)定义:在主从复合句中修饰名词或代词的从句 定语从句的特点:


的引导词关系代词where (地点状语)关系副词

when (时间状语)

why (原因状语)


the handsome

the tall



1、 当先行词被形容词最高级修饰时。如:

2、 当先行词是不定代词everything, anything, nothing (something 除外), all, none, few, little, some等代词时,或当先行词受every, any, all, some, no, little, few, much等代词修饰时。如:

3、 当先行词被序数词修饰时。如:

4、 当先行词被表示“正是”的the very, the only修饰时。如:

5、 当先行词前面有who, which等疑问代词时。如:

6、 当先行词为人与动物或人与物时。如:

part 1.结合课文例句,找出先行词和关系词

1、 but the one million people of the city, who thought little of these events, went to bed as usual that nigh.

2、 it was heard in beijing, which is one hundred kilometers away.

3、 a huge crack that was eight kilometers long and thirty metres wide cut across houses, roads and canals.

4、 the number of people who were killed or injured reached more than 400,000.

5、 the army organized teams to dig out those who were trapped and to bury the dead.

6、 workers built shelters for survivors whose homes had been destroyed.

1、 he laughs best who laughs last.

2、 he who makes no mistakes makes nothing.

3、 he that gains time gains all things.

4、 he who nothing questions, nothing learns.

5、 he that cannot ask cannot live.

6、 a friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you.

7、 god helps those who help themselves.

8、 he who does not reach the great wall is not a true man

9、 he who does not advance loses ground.

part3 practice

1、 do you know the girl _____ is talking with your mother?

a. who b. which c. whose d. /

2、 this is the kite _______ billy fisher gave to tom

a. who b. which c. / d. both b and c

3、 he was the only one ______ was saved in the earthquake.

a. who b. that c. which d. a and b

4、 this is the only present _____ i like.

a. who b. that c. which d. b and c

5、 this is the most beautiful place ______ i have ever seen.

a. which b. who c. where d. /

6、 all _______ i can do is to give him some money.

a. that b. which c. who d. what

7、 is there anything else _____ you need?

a. which b. that c. who d. what

8、 the museum _____ we visited last week isn’t far from here.

a. where b. which c. what d. who

9、 most of the people ____ lost their lives in the earthquake are sichuan natives.

a. when b. who c. how d. which

10、 the boy ____ you saw just now is tom’s brother.

a. which b. whose c. when d. /

11、 the bike and its rider _____ had run over an old woman were helped up by the policeman.

a. which b. that c. it d. whom

12、 is this the factory _____ you worked five years ago?

a. in which b. in where c. in that d. that

1、 do you like the present _______ i bought you yesterday?

2、 the storybook _______ was written by his uncle is quite interesting.

3、 the boy _______ computer doesn’t work well needs your help.

4、 this is the best movie _______ we have seen this year.

5、 the doctor _______ we met in the street is from america.

6、 the passengers and the suitcases _____ were in the waiting room had to wait for another plane.

7、 who is the girl _______ you want to make friends with?

8、 this is the last lesson _______ mr. smith taught us.

9、 i, _____ am your friend, will help you out.

10、 the building ___________ wall is white is my uncle’s house.

11、 the boy _______ john spoke with is my brother.

12、 will you please lend me the very picture _________ you bought yesterday?

13、 the students ________ the teacher praised at the class meeting is our monitor.

14、 the season _________ comes after spring is summer.

15、 this is the first museum __________ we visited last saturday.

16、 the girl ________ leg was broken in the earthquake was taken to the hospital.

17、 i found some photos of interesting places _________ were not far away from our city.

18、 there is a boy downstairs _________ want to see you.

19、 the river ________ banks are covered with trees is very long.

20、 i’m going to meet tom ______ they say is a good boy.

定语从句教案 定语从句教案【第三篇】




1、 出示各种电话机,引导幼儿观察。

2、 幼儿讲述:给谁打过电话?怎么打的?

3、 幼儿模拟打电话的过程:拨号、问好、询问、讲述、道别。

4、 小结:想念好朋友的时候,可以打个电话问候一声;家人生日的时候可以打个电话表示祝贺;有事晚回家也可以打个电话告诉家人别担心,电话的用处真大!














定语从句教案 定语从句教案【第四篇】

















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