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网友发表时间 636442



第一章 总则

第一条 为增进我国与世界各国人民之间的了解和友谊,促进高等学校的国际交流与合作,加强对接受和培养外国留学生工作的规范管理,根据《中华人民共和国教育法》、《中华人民共和国高等教育法》和《中华人民共和国外国人入境出境管理法》,制定本规定。

第二条 本规定所称高等学校,系指经教育部批准的实施全日制高等学历教育的普通高等学校;本规定所称外国留学生是指持外国护照在我国高等学校注册接受学历教育或非学历教育的外国公民。

第三条 高等学校接受和培养外国留学生的工作,应当遵循“深化改革,加强管理,保证质量,积极稳妥发展”的方针。

第四条 接受外国留学生的高等学校,应当具有必备的教学和生活条件,以及相应的教学科研水平和管理水平。

第五条 高等学校接受和培养外国留学生,应当遵循国家外交方针,维护国家主权、安全和社会公共利益。

第二章 管理体制

第六条 教育部统筹管理全国来华留学工作,负责制定接受外国留学生的方针、政策,归口管理“中国政府奖学金”,协调、指导各地区和学校接受外国留学生工作,并对各地区和学校的外国留学生管理工作和教育质量进行评估。


第七条 高等学校接受外国留学生,由省、自治区、直辖市教育行政部门会同同级外事和公安部门审批,并报教育部备案。高等学校接受享受中国政府奖学金的外国留学生,由教育部审批。

第八条 省、自治区、直辖市教育行政部门负责本地区高等学校接受外国留学生工作的协调管理。外事、公安等有关部门协助教育行政部门和高等学校做好外国留学生的管理工作。

第九条 高等学校具体负责外国留学生的招生、教育教学及日常管理工作。学校应当有校级领导分管本校的外国留学生工作;学校应当根据有关规定建立外国留学生管理制度,并设有外国留学生事务的归口管理机构或管理人员。

第三章 外国留学生的类别、招生和录取

第十条 高等学校可以为外国留学生提供学历教育和非学历教育。接受学历教育的类别为:专科生、本科生、硕士研究生和博士研究生;接受非学历教育的类别为:进修生和研究学者。

第十一条 高等学校应当制定外国留学生招生办法,公布招生章程,按规定招收外国留学生。

第十二条 高等学校招收外国留学生名额不受国家招生计划指标限制。

第十三条 高等学校应当按照国家有关规定确定并公布对外国留学生的收费项目及收费标准,并以人民币计价收费。

第十四条 高等学校接受外国留学生的专业应当是对外开放专业。为外国留学生单独设立新的学历教育专业,必须报教育部审批。

第十五条 申请到我国高等学校学习、进修的外国公民,应当具备相应的资格并符合入学条件,有可靠的经济保证和在华事务担保人。

第十六条 高等学校应当对申请来华学习者进行入学资格审查、考试或考核。录取标准由学校自行确定。对使用汉语接受学历教育者,应当进行汉语水平考试。

第十七条 外国留学生的录取由高等学校决定。高等学校应当优先录取国家计划内招收的外国留学生;高等学校可以自行招收校际交流外国留学生和自费外国留学生。

第十八条 高等学校可以接受由其他学校录取或转学的外国留学生,但应当事先征得原接受学校同意。

第四章 奖学金制度

第十九条 中国政府为外国留学生来华学习设立“中国政府奖学金”。



第二十条 教育部根据我国政府与外国政府签订的协议以及我国与外国交流的需要,制定享受中国政府奖学金外国留学生的招生计划。

第二十一条 享受中国政府奖学金来华学习的外国留学生应当接受享受奖学金资格的年度评审。评审工作由高等学校按照有关规定进行。对未通过评审的外国留学生,将根据规定中止或取消其享受中国政府奖学金的资格。

第二十二条 地方人民政府和高等学校可以根据需要单独或联合为外国留学生设立奖学金。中国和外国企业、事业组织、社会团体及其他社会组织和个人,经征得高等学校和省级教育主管部门同意,也可以为外国留学生设立奖学金,但不得附加不合理条件。

第五章 教学管理

第二十三条 高等学校应当根据学校统一的教学计划安排外国留学生的学习,并结合外国留学生的心理和文化特点开展教育教学活动。在确保教学质量的前提下,可以适当调整外国留学生的必修和选修课程。

第二十四条 汉语和中国概况应当作为接受学历教育的外国留学生的必修课;政治理论应当作为学习哲学、政治学和经济学类专业的外国留学生的必修课,其他专业的外国留学生可以申请免修。

第二十五条 汉语为高等学校培养外国留学生的基本教学语言。对汉语水平达不到专业学习要求的外国留学生,学校应当提供必要的汉语补习条件。


第二十六条 高等学校组织外国留学生进行教学实习和社会实践,应当按教学计划与在校的中国学生一起进行;但在选择实习或实践地点时,应当遵守有关涉外规定。

第二十七条 高等学校应当根据教学需要,为外国留学生提供必要的学习条件。外国留学生在教学计划以外使用其他设备和获取其他资料,应当提出申请,由学校按照有关规定和程序审批。

第二十八条 高等学校根据国家有关规定对外国留学生进行学籍管理。高等学校对外国留学生作勒令退学或开除学籍处分时,应当报省级教育行政部门备案;如受到上述处分者为国家计划内招收的外国留学生,学校还应当书面通知国家留学基金管理委员会。

第二十九条 学校根据有关规定为外国留学生颁发毕业证书(结业证书、肄业证书)或写实性学业证明,为获得学位的外国留学生颁发学位证书。学校可以根据需要提供上述证书的外文翻译文本。

第六章 校内管理

第三十条 高等学校依照国家有关法律、法规和学校的规章制度对外国留学生进行教育和管理。学校应当教育外国留学生遵守我国的法律、法规及学校的规章制度和纪律,尊重我国的社会公德和风俗习惯

第三十一条 高等学校一般不组织外国留学生参加政治性活动,但可以组织外国留学生自愿参加公益劳动等活动。

第三十二条 高等学校应当允许、鼓励外国留学生参加学校学生会组织举办的文体活动;外国留学生也可以自愿参加我国在重大节日举行的庆祝活动;在外国留学生比较集中的城市或地区,有关部门和学校应当为外国留学生举办有益于身心健康的文体活动。


第三十三条 高等学校应当尊重外国留学生的民族习俗和宗教信仰,但不提供举行宗教仪式的场所。校内严禁进行传教及宗教聚会等活动。

第三十四条 外国留学生经高等学校批准,可以在校内指定的地点和范围,举行庆祝本国重要传统节日的活动,但不得有反对、攻击其他国家的内容或违反公共道德的言行。

第三十五条 高等学校应当为外国留学生提供食宿等必要的生活服务设施,并根据有关规定建立和公布服务设施的使用管理制度。

第三十六条 外国留学生在校学习期间不得就业、经商,或从事其他经营性活动,但可以按学校规定参加勤工助学活动。

第七章 社会管理

第三十七条 外国留学生的社会管理,由有关行政部门负责。高等学校应当配合有关行政部门,做好外国留学生的社会管理工作。

第三十八条 外国留学生可以在校外住宿,但应当按规定到居住地公安机关办理登记手续。

第三十九条 有关部门应当为外国留学生正常的学习和社会实践活动提供方便,收费标准应当与中国学生相同。

第四十条 外国留学生在我国境内进行出版、结社、集会、游行、示威等活动,应当遵守我国有关法律、法规的规定。外国留学生在我国境内进行宗教活动必须遵守《中华人民共和国境内外国人宗教活动的管理规定》。

第四十一条 外国留学生携带、邮寄物品入出境,应当符合我国有关管理规定。

第八章 入出境和居留手续

第四十二条 外国留学生一般应当持普通护照和“X”或“F”字签证办理学习注册手续。来华学习六个月以上者,凭《外国留学人员来华签证申请表》(JW201表或JW202表)、学校的《录取通知书》和《外国人体格检查记录》,向中国驻外签证机关申请“X”字签证;来华学习期限不满六个月者,凭《外国留学人员来华签证申请表》(JW201表或JW202表)和学校的《录取通知书》,向中国驻外签证机关申请“F”字签证;以团组形式来华的短期留学人员,也可以凭被授权单位的邀请函电,申请“F”字团体签证。

第四十三条 持外国外交、公务、官员或特别护照和中国外交、公务或礼遇签证来华者,如需到高等学校学习或进修,应当持本国外交机构出具的、声明在华学习期间放弃特权与豁免的照会,向中国省部级外事部门提出申请,经批准后凭外事部门的同意函到公安机关出入境管理部门改办“X”或“F”字签证;持外国外交、公务、官员或特别护照根据双边协议免签证来华者,如需到高等学校学习或进修,应当换持普通护照,到公安机关出入境管理部门办理“X”或“F”字签证;持普通护照但非“X”或“F”字签证来华者,如需到高等学校学习或进修,应当到公安机关出入境管理部门申请改办“X”或“F”字签证。外事和公安机关出入境管理部门受理上述人员的申请时,应当查验申请人的《外国留学人员来华签证申请表》(JW201表或JW202表)、学校的《录取通知书》和《外国人体格检查记录》。

第四十四条 外国留学生家属可以凭接受学校的邀请函,向我驻外使(领)馆申请“L”字签证来华陪读。公安机关出入境管理部门凭接受学校的公函,为外国留学生陪读家属办理签证延期,陪读家属在华停留期限不得超过外国留学生居留证的有效期限。

第四十五条 学习时间在6个月以上的外国留学生来华后,必须在规定期限内到卫生检疫部门办理《外国人体格检查记录》确认手续。无法提供《外国人体格检查记录》者,必须在当地卫生检疫部门进行体检。经检查确认患有我国法律规定不准入境疾病者,应当立即离境回国。

第四十六条 持“X”签证入境的外国留学生必须在自入境之日起30日内,向当地公安机关出入境管理部门申请办理《外国人居留证》。在学期间,如居留证上填写的项目有变更,必须在10日内到当地公安机关出入境管理部门办理变更手续。

第四十七条 外国留学生转学至另一城市时,应当先在原居留地公安机关出入境管理部门办理迁出手续。到达迁入地后,必须于10日内到迁入地公安机关出入境管理部门办理迁入手续。

第四十八条 外国留学生在学期间临时出境,必须在出境前办理再入境手续。签证或居留证有效期满后仍需在华学习或停留的,必须在签证或居留证有效期满之前办理延期手续。

第四十九条 外国留学生毕业、结业、肄业、退学后,必须在规定的时间内出境。对受到勒令退学或开除学籍处分的外国留学生,学校应当及时通知公安机关出入境管理部门。公安机关出入境管理部门依法收缴其所持外国人居留证或缩短其在华停留期。

第九章 附则

第五十条 实施全日制高等学历教育的普通高等学校以外的教育机构接受外国留学生,由教育部负责审批,有关管理办法另行制定。


Chapter l General Provisions

Article 1 These Rules are formulated in accordance with the provisions of the relevant laws and decrees for the purpose of strengthening the administration of employment of foreigners in China

Article 2 The term “foreigners” in these Rules refers to the persons,who under the Nationality Law of the People's Republic of China, do not have Chinese nationality. The term “employment of foreigners in China” in these Rules refers to acts of foreigners without permanent residence status to engage in remunerative work within Chinese territory in accordance with the laws.

Article 3 These Rules shall apply to employed foreigners within Chinese territory and their employers. These Rules shall not apply to foreigners who enjoy diplomatic privileges and immunities employed by foreign embassies or consulates,or the offices of the United Nations and other international organizations in China.

Article 4 The labour administrative authorities of the people's government of the provinces,autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government and those at the prefecture and city level with their authorization are responsible for the administration of employment of foreigners in China.

Chapter II Employment License

Article 5 The employer shall apply for the employment permission if it intends to employ foreigners and may do so after obtaining approval and The People's Republic of China Employment License for Foreigners(hereinafter referred to as the “Employment License”).

Article 6 The post to be filled by the foreigner recruited by the employer shall be the post of special need,a post that cannot be filled by any domestic candidates for the time being but violates no government regulations. No employer shall employ foreigners to engage in commercialized entertaining performance, except for the persons qualified under Article 9(3)of these Rules.

Article 7 Any foreigners seeking employment in China shall meet the following conditions:

(1)18 years of age or older and in good health

(2)with professional skills and job experience required for the work of intended employment;

(3)with no criminal record;

(4)a clearly-defined employer;

(5)with valid passport or other international travel document in lieu of the passport(hereinafter referred to as the “Travel Document”).

Article 8 Foreigners seeking employment in China shall hold the Employment Visas for their entry(In case of agreement for mutual exemption of visas,the agreement shall prevail.), and may wok within Chinese territory only after they obtain the Employment Permit for Foreigner(hereinafter referred to as the “Employment Permit”)and the foreigner residence certificate.

Foreigners who have not been issued residence certificate ( holders of F,L,C or G-types visas),and those who are under study or interim programs in China and the families of holders of Employment Visas shall not work in special cases,employment may be allowed when the foreigner changes his status at the public security organs with the Employment License secured by his employer in accordance with the clearance procedures under these Rules. Foreigners changes his status at the public security organs with the Employment License and receives his Employment Permit and residence certificate.

The employment in China of the spouses of the Personnel of foreign embassies, consulates,representative offices of the United Nations System and other international organizations in China shall follow the Provisions of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China Concerning the Employment of the Spouses of the Personnel of Foreign Embassies,Consulates and the Representative Offices of the United Nations System in China and be handled in accordance with the clearance procedures provided for in the second paragraph of this article.

The Employment License and the Employment Permit shall be designed and prepared exclusively by the Ministry of Labour.

Article 9 Foreigners may be exempted from the Employment License and Employment Permit when they meet any of the following conditions:

(1)foreign professional technical and managerial personnel employed directly by the Chinese government or those with senior technical titles or credentials of special skills recognized by their home or international technical authorities or professional associations to be employed by Chinese government organs and institutions and foreigners holding Foreign Expert Certificate issued by China's Bureau of Foreign Expert Affairs;

(2)foreign workers with special skills who wok in offshore petroleum operations without the need to go ashore for employment and hold “Work Permit for Foreign Personnel Engaged in the Offshore petroleum Operations in the People's Republic of China”;

(3)foreigners who conduct commercialized entertaining performance with the approval of the Ministry of Culture and hold “Permit for Temporary Commercialized Performance”。

Article 10 Foreigners may be exempted from the Employment License and may apply directly for the Employment Permit by presenting their Employment Visas and relevant papers after their entry when they meet any of the following conditions:

(1)foreigners employed in China under agreements or accords entered into by the Chinese government with foreign governments or international organizations for the implementation of Sino-foreign projects of cooperation and exchange;

(2)chief representatives and representatives of the permanent offices of foreign enterprises in China.

Chapter III Application and Approval

Article 11 The employer when intending to employ a foreigner,shall fill out the Application Form for the Employment of Foreigners(hereinafter referred to as the“Application Form”)and submit it to its competent trade authorities at the same level as the labour administrative authorities together with the following documentations:

(1)the curriculum vitae of the foreigner to be employed;

(2)the letter of intention for employment;

(3)the report of reasons for employment;

(4)the credentials of the foreigner required for the performance of the job;

(5)the health certificate of the foreigner to be employed;

(6)other documents required by regulations. The competent trade authorities shall examine and approve the application in accordance with Articles 6 and 7 of these Rules and relevant laws and decrees.

Article 12 After the approval by the competent trade authorities,the employer shall take the Application Form to the labour administrative authorities of the province,autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government or the labour administrative authorities at the prefecture and city level where the said employer is located for examination and clearance.

The labour administrative authorities described above shall designate a special body(hereinafter referred to as the“Certificate Office”) to take up the responsibility of issuing the Employment Certificate Office should take into consideration of the opinions of the competent trade authorities and the demand and supply of labour market,and issue the Employment License to the employer after examination and clearance.

Article 13 Employers at the Central level or those without the competent trade authorities may submit their application directly to the Certificate Office of the labour administrative authorities for the Employment License.

The examination and approval by the competent trade authorities is not required for foreign-funded enterprises to employ foreigners,and such enterprises may submit their applications directly to the Certificate Office of the labour administrative authorities for the Employment License,bringing with them the contract, articles of association, certificate of approval, business license and the documents referred to in Article 11of these Rules.

Article 14 Employers with permission to employ foreigners shall not send the Employment License nor the letter of visa notification directly to the foreigners to be employed and they must be sent by the authorized unit.

Article 15 Foreigners with permission to work in China should apply for Employment Visas at the Chinese embassies,consulates and visa offices, bringing with them the Employment License issued by the Ministry of Labour,the letter or telex of visa notification sent by the authorized unit and the valid passport or Travel Document.

Personnel referred to in Article 9(1)of these Rules should apply for the Employment Visas by presenting their letter or telex of visa notification by authorized unit;personnel referred to in Article 9(2) should apply for the Employment Visas by presenting their letter or telex of visa notification issued by the China National Offshore Oil Corporation;

personnel referred to in Article9(3)should apply for the Employment Visas by presenting their letter or telex of visa notification issued by the foreign affairs, office under the people's government of provinces, autonomous regions or municipalities directly under the Central Government and the relevant documents of approval of the Ministry of Culture (addressed to the Chinese embassies,consulates or visa offices).

Personnel referred to in Article 10(1)of these Rules should apply for the Employment Visas by presenting their letter or telex of visa notification by authorized unit and the documentation on projects of cooperation and exchange;personnel referred to in Article 10(2)should apply for the Employment Visas by presenting their letter or telex of visa notification by the authorized unit and the registration certification issued by the administrative authorities of industry and commerce

Article 16 The employer should,within fifteen days after the entry of the employed foreigner, take to the original Certificate Office the Employment License, the labour contract with the said foreigner and his passport or Travel Document to receive his Employment Permit while filling out the Foreigner Employment Registration Form. The Employment Permit shall be effective only within the area specified by the Certificate Office.

Article 17 Foreigners who received their Employment Permit should,within thirty days after their entry,apply for the residence certificate with the public security organs bringing with them their Employment Permit. The term of validity of the residence certificate may be determined in accordance with the term of validity of the Employment Permit.

Chapter IV Labour Administration

Article 18 The employer and its foreign employee should,in accordance with law,conclude a labour contract,the term of which shall not exceed five years. Such contract may be renewed upon expiration after the completion of clearance process in accordance with Article 19 of these Rules.

Article 19 The Employment Permit of the employed foreigner shall cease to be effective upon the expiration of the term of the labour contract between the foreigner and his renewal is required,the employer should,within thirty days prior to the expiration of the contract,submit an application to the labour administrative authorities for the extension of term of employment,and after approval is obtained,proceed to go through formalities for the extension of the Employment Permit.

Article 20 The foreign employee should,within ten days after obtaining the approval for extension of his term of employment in China or the change of his employment location or his employer, go through formalities for the extension or change of his residence certificate at the local public security organs.

Article 21 After the termination of the labour contract between the foreign employee and his employer,the employer should promptly report it to the labour and public security authorities,return the Employment Permit and the residence certificate of the said foreigner,and go through formalities for his exit from China

Article 22 The wage paid to the foreign employee by the employer shall not be lower than the minimum wage in the locality.

Article 23 The working hours,rest and vacation,work safety and hygiene as well as the social security of the foreign employees in China shall follow the relevant provisions of the state.

Article 24 The employer of the foreign employee in China shall be the same as specified in his Employment License. When the foreigner switches employers within the area designated by the Certificate Office but stays in a job of the same nature,the change must be approved by the original Certificate Office and recorded in his Employment Permit. If the foreigner is to be employed outside the area designated by the Certificate Office or switch employer within original designated area while taking up jobs of a different nature,he must go through formalities for a new Employment License.

Article 25 For foreigner whose res1dence status is revoked by public security organs due to his violation of Chinese law, his Labour Contract should be terminated by his employer and his Employment Permit be withdrawn by the labour administrative authorities.

Article 26 Should labour disputes arise between the employer and its foreign employee, they should be handled in accordance with the Labour Law of the People's Republic of China and the Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Settlement of Labour Disputes in Enterprises.

Article 27 The labour administrative authorities shall conduct an annual inspection of the Employment Pemit within thirty days prior to the end of every year of employment of the employer should go through formalities of the annual inspection at the Certificate Office of the labour administrative authorities. The Employment Permit shall automatically cease to be effective when the deadline is passed. In case of loss or damage of the Emp1oyment Permit during the term of his employment in China the foreigner should promptly report it to the original Certificate Office and go through formalities for the issuance of the Employment Permit.

Chapter V Penalty Provisions

Article 28 Violatlon of these Rules, Foreigners who work without the Employment Permit or employers which hire foreigners without the Employment License, shall be handled by the public security organs in accordance with Article 44 of the Rules Governing the implementation of the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Entry and Exit of Aliens.

Article 29 For foreigners who refuse to have their Employment Permit inspected by the labour administrative authorities,change their employers and professions at will or extend their term of employment without permission, the labour administrative authorities shall withdraw their Employment Permit and recommend that their residence status be canceled by the public security organs. In case of deportation, the costs and expenses shall be borne by the said foreigner or their employers.

Article 30 For foreigners and employers who forge, alter, falsely use, transfer, buy and sell the Employment Permit and the Employment License, the labour administrative authorities shall take over the Employment Permit and the Employment License in question, confiscate the illegal proceeds and impose a fine between ten thousand and one hundred thousand RMB Yuan. In serious cases which constitute a crime, their criminal responsibility of the perpetrators shall be looked into by the judicial authorities.

Article 31 In case of abuse of power, illegal collection of fees, and fraudulent practices on the part of official personnel of the Certificate Office or other department, they shall be investigated in accordance with the law for their criminal responsibility if crimes are committed, or they shall be subject to administrative disciplinary measures if the cases do not constitute a crime.

Chapter VI Supplementary Provisions

Article 32 The employment in the mainland of the residents of Tai Wan, Hong Kong and Macao regions of China shall follow the Rules for the Administration of the Employment in the Mainland of Residents of Tai Wan, Hong Kong and Macao.

Article 33 These Rules do not apply to the employment of foreigners in China's Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao regions.

Article 34 Individual economic organizations and private citizens are prohibited from employing foreigners.

Article 35 The labour administrative authorities of the provinces,autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government may formulate their own rules for implementation of these Rules in conjunction with the public security and relevant authorities in the locality,and report it to the Ministry of Labour,Ministry of Public Security, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation for putting on record.

Article 36 The Ministry of Labour shall be responsible for the interpretation of these Rules.

Article37 These Rules shall enter into force as of 1 May .The Provisions Concerning the Employment in China of the Foreigners Who Have Not Yet Obtained Residence Certificate and Foreigners Who Study in China jointly promulgated by the former Ministry of Labour and Personnel and the Ministry of Public Security on 5 October 1987 shall be annulled simultaneously.







第八条 在中国就业的外国人应持职业签证入境(有互免签证协议的,按协议办理),入境后取得《外国人就业证》(以下简称就业证)和外国人居留证件,方可在中国境内就业。




第九条 凡符合下列条件之一的外国人可免办就业许可和就业证:




第十条 凡符合下列条件之一的外国人可免办许可证书,入境后凭职业签证及有关证明直接办理就业证:



第三章 申请与审批

第十一条 用人单位聘用外国人,须填写《聘用外国人就业申请表》(以下简称申请表),向其与劳动行政主管部门同级的行业主管部门(以下简称行业主管部门)提出申请,并提供下列有效文件:








第十二条 经行业主管部门批准后,用人单位应持申请表到本单位所在地区的省、自治区、直辖市劳动行政部门或其授权的地市级劳动行政部门办理核准手续。省、自治区、直辖市劳动行政部门或授权的地市级劳动行政部门应指定专门机构(以下简称发证机关)具体负责签发许可证书工作。发证机关应根据行业主管部门的意见和劳动力市场的需求状况进行核准,并在核准后向用人单位签发许可证书。

第十三条 中央级用人单位、无行业主管部门的用人单位聘用外国人,可直接到劳动行政部门发证机关提出申请和办理就业许可手续。


第十四条 获准聘用外国人的用人单位,须由被授权单位向拟聘用的外国人发出通知签证函及许可证书,不得直接向拟聘用的外国人发出许可证书。

第十五条 获准来中国就业的外国人,应凭劳动部签发的许可证书、被授权单位的通知函电及本国有效护照或能代替护照的证件,到中国驻外使、领馆、处申请职业签证。



第十六条 用人单位应在被聘用的外国人入境后十五日内,持许可证书、与被聘用的外国人签订的劳动合同及其有效护照或能代替护照的证件到原发证机关为外国人办理就业证,并填写《外国人就业登记表》。


第十七条 已办理就业证的外国人,应在入境后三十日内,持就业证到公安机关申请办理居留证。居留证件的有效期限可根据就业证的有效期确定。

第四章 劳动管理

第十八条 用人单位与被聘用的外国人应依法订立劳动合同。劳动合同的期限最长不得超过五年。劳动合同期限届满即行终止,但按本规定第十九条的规定履行审批手续后可以续订。

第十九条 被聘用的外国人与用人单位签订的劳动合同期满时,其就业证即行失效。如需续订,该用人单位应在原合同期满前三十日内,向劳动行政部门提出延长聘用时间的申请,经批准并办理就业证延期手续。

第二十条 外国人被批准延长在中国就业期限或变更就业区域、单位后,应在十日内到当地公安机关办理居留证件延期或变更手续。

第二十一条 被聘用的外国人与用人单位的劳动合同被解除后,该用人单位应及时报告劳动、公安部门,交还该外国人的就业证和居留证件,并到公安机关办理出境手续。

第二十二条 用人单位支付所聘用外国人的工资不得低于当地最低工资标准。

第二十三条 在中国就业的外国人的工作时间、休息休假、劳动安全卫生以及社会保险按国家有关规定执行。

第二十四条 外国人在中国就业的用人单位必须与其就业证所注明的单位相一致。



第二十五条 因违反中国法律被中国公安机关取消居留资格的外国人,用人单位应解除劳动合同,劳动部门应吊销就业证。

第二十六条 用人单位与被聘用的外国人发生劳动争议,应按照《中华人民共和国劳动法》和《中华人民共和国企业劳动争议处理条例》处理。

第二十七条 劳动行政部门对就业证实行年检。用人单位聘用外国人就业每满一年,应在期满前三十日内到劳动行政部门发证机关为被聘用的外国人办理就业证年检手续。逾期未办的,就业证自行失效。


第五章 罚 则

第二十八条 对违反本规定未申领就业证擅自就业的外国人和未办理许可证书擅自聘用外国人的用人单位,由公安机关按《中华人民共和国外国人入境出境管理法实施细则》第四十四条处理。

第二十九条 对拒绝劳动行政部门检查就业证、擅自变更用人单位、擅自更换职业、擅自延长就业期限的外国人,由劳动行政部门收回其就业证,并提请公安机关取消其居留资格。对需该机关遣送出境的,遣送费用由聘用单位或该外国人承担。

第三十条 对伪造、涂改、冒用、转让、买卖就业证和许可证书的外国人和用人单位,由劳动行政部门收缴就业证和许可证书,没收其非法所得,并处以一万元以上十万元以下的罚款;情节严重构成犯罪的,移送司法机关依法追究刑事责任。

第三十一条 发证机关或者有关部门的工作人员滥用职权、非法收费、徇私舞弊,构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任;不构成犯罪的,给予行政处分。

第六章 附 则

第三十二条 中国的台湾和香港、澳门地区居民在内地就业按《台湾和香港、澳门居民在内地就业管理规定》执行。

第三十三条 外国人在中国的台湾和香港、澳门地区就业不适用本规定。

第三十四条 禁止个体经济组织和公民个人聘用外国人。

第三十五条 省、自治区、直辖市劳动行政部门可会同公安等部门依据本规定制定本地区的实施细则,并报劳动部、公安部、外交部、对外贸易经济合作部备案。

第三十六条 本规定由劳动部解释。

第三十七条 本规定自5月1日起施行。原劳动人事部和公安部1987年10月5日颁发的《关于未取得居留证件的外国人和来中国留学的外国人在中国就业的若干规定》同时废止。


第一章 总 则

第一条 为加强外国人在中国就业的管理,根据有关法律、法规的规定,制定本规定。

第二条 本规定所称外国人,指依照《中华人民共和国国籍法》规定不具有中国国籍的人员。


第三条 本规定适用于在中国境内就业的外国人和聘用外国人的用人单位。


第四条 各省、自治区、直辖市人民政府劳动行政部门及其授权的地市级劳动行政部门负责外国人在中国就业的管理。

第二章 就业许可

第五条 用人单位聘用外国人须为该外国人申请就业许可,经获准并取得《中华人民共和国外国人就业许可证书》(以下简称许可证书)后方可聘用。

第六条 用人单位聘用外国人从事的岗位应是有特殊需要,国内暂缺适当人选,且不违反国家有关规定的岗位。



第一章 总 则









第二章 就业许可

























第三章 申请与审批


用人单位聘用外国人,须填写《聘用外国人就业申请表》 (以下简称申请表),向其与劳动行政主管部门同级的行业主管部门(以下简称行业主管部门)提出申请,并提供下列有效文件:

















凡符合本规定第九条第一项规定的人员,应凭被授权单位的通知函电申请职业签证;凡符合第九条第二项规定的人员,应凭中国海洋石油总公司签发的通知函电申请职业签证;凡符合第九条第三项规定的人员,应凭有关省、自治区、直辖市人民政府外事办公室的通知函电和文化部的批件 (径发有关驻外使、领馆、处)申请职业签证。







第四章 劳动管理
























第五章 罚 则









第六章 附 则












本规定自1996年5月1日起施行。原劳动人事部和公安部 1987年10月5日发布的《关于未取得居留证件的外国人和来中国留学的外国人在中国就业的若干规定》同时废止。



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