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网友发表时间 1758587



As we know, the nature is the most important to human. People depend on the nature to live and human need fresh air, water, vegetable, which al come form the nature. The industry need fuel, raw material, which also root form the nature. What’s more, human also belong to the nature, he is high animal existing in nature. As a consequence, if we destroy the nature, in some extent, we will diminish ourselves.

However, human beings haven’t paid more attention to this argument. They upset the ecological balance and destroy the environment surrounding. For example, smoke stacker have disgorged poisonous gases into the atmosphere; factories have dumped waste into rivers and streams; forests have been felled out; citizens haven dumped rubbish everywhere; groundwater have been drawn out unrestrictedly. As the scientists predict, it become dangerous to us if we continue to do so. And in some day, human being will destroy the whole earth and can’t to live any longer.




People often say that man can conquer the nature or human being is the king of the nature The truth shows we can win the nature because we cannot live without the clean water and to breath fresh air.

Harmony between man and nature is a harmonious socialist society is important 。 In order to achieve harmony between man and nature, it is necessary to correctly understand the relationship between man and nature. The mid-19th century, Engels had the relationship between man and nature to carry out a thorough study and a large number of expositions, the basic point of view it seems today is not only correct, but some words have become the classic expression of our people correctly understand and handle with the natural relationship has important practical significance.


Man is a member of the nature, and is a part of the whole ecosystem. However, we use the wisdom of mankind to the endless development of natural, which destroyed the ecological balance and resource allocation.

The exploitation of resources has influenced the living environment of other animals. like the swans. In fact, people can appropriate sacrifice some benefits to the animal a chance of survival. Strictly abide by the moratorium, let the fish can breed. Stop the wanton killing, maintain the ecological balance. We just need to give them a little help, because the wildlife is surprisely resilient. Each year,almost the entire world population of these ciryically endangered birds make a 9000-kilometre roundtrip to spend the winter at Poyang.

Given the right help, even the rarest creatures can return from the brink, which means if we show the will nature will show the way.


Can People Live in Harmony with Nature Man and nature are interactive(相互作用的)forces. Looking back along the river of history, we may find that harmony used to exist between people and nature. At that time nature was pure field to be ploughed, sown and harvested. Man respected nature and was one part of nature. It seems that people today are masters of natureg Nature is torn into pieces.

While we are disrupting(破坏)the order of the natural world, we are the ultimate victims, for nature is seeking its revenge(报复)。 Disappearing forests, drying rivers, polluted soil and worsening climate ha。



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