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karaoke is a welcome and popular source of entertainment. people all over the world are familiar with it. it enjoys popularity in get together (聚会) and evening gala(联欢晚会。 common folks (平民百姓) can simply sit in the living room and sing songs that best suit their tastes. thus it enriches people's lives in a simple but creative way.

being an inepensive and convenient source of entertainment, karaoke is of various functions. firstly, it enlarges our social circle and strengthens our bond (纽带)。 secondly, karaoke can remove the ban of social walls between people. thirdly, it helps channel enthusiasm (热爱) into enjoyable and instructive pastimes (消遣)。 the list does not stop here.

however, it can also be a nuisance. for instance, some fans sing loudly late at night, which disturbs others. for another instance, some sufferfroma sore throatfromecessive practice. karaoke, in the final analysis, should be for the overall improvement of social civilization. itsenduring appeal should lie in the high quality of entertainment, not noise pollution.


When talking about the course which impresses me the most, I will certainly choose Basic Chemical Experiment. As a student of science, I am always fascinated with the magic in test tubes, and from this course I gained more than pure knowledge.

To begin with, this course provides us opportunities to put theories into practices. The experiments helped us testify and better understand what we have learned in books. Besides, by designing experimental procedures of own, we became more flexible and innovative.

Moreover, I also developed other skills that required outside labs through this course. For example, to be focused and careful when proceeding a task, to be patient and calm when facing failures, and to communicate properly when you need someone else to cooperate. These can be very valuable assets to your life.

Basic Chemical Experiment influenced me not only on academic field but also on daily affairs, therefore it’s the most impressing course to me.





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The Moonlight Clan

Nowadays, more and more people, especially the young are joining in the army of the moonlight clan. These people exhaust their earnings every month without any savings. Many people think this is a fashionable life style, while more other people object to this kind of consumption style.

Those who support the moonlight clan think that those people know how to enjoy life and have a higher life quality. However, more other people criticize the moonlight clan. They say that the consumption habit of the moonlight clan is unhealthy and sometimes wasteful. In addition, no savings will place the moonlight clan in a difficult position in case of unexpected expenses.

Weighing these two arguments, I prefer to the latter one. In my eyes, though the moonlight clan may acquire temporary satisfaction from their consumption, in the long term, it is unfavorable to their family and career. Just as a proverb says, one should always prepare for a rainy day.


This line chart shows the different crime rates that occur in different seasons. We can see that there is a surprising link between changes in the seasons and patterns of different crimes such as murder and robbery.

As shown in the chart, the crime rate for murder varies greatly throughout the whole year. It starts to grow steadily from about 15 in January and reaches a high of about 70, 77, and 66 in July, August, and September, with August as its highest point. Then it begins to decrease sharply to a Iow of about 15 in December. This means that there are more crimes of bodily harm in the summer months than in the rest of the months of the year, which may be attributed to the hot and humid weather. In this kind of weather, people can easily get irritated and angry. Robbery, on the other hand, has a different cycle. It varies very little in the year and begins to decrease slowly from its peak of abou(阿拉文库☆)t 55 in January and reaches its lowest of about 30 in the summer months of July, August and September. Then it starts to go up from October and reaches its peak of about 55 again in December. So we are likely to be robbed in the winter months, which can be explained by the fact that it gets dark earlier and the nights are longer. During this time of the year, robbers have longer time to commit crimes at night.

From the above analysis, we can come to the conclusion that different crimes seem to have different patterns in the year. We should take measures to be on guard for different crimes in different months.



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