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Low carbon life is very simple. For example: washing, the faucet screw tightly, don't let the water escape; Water washing a face can be used to wash feet, wash clothes of water can also be used for polishing the floor, and then the wastewater is also used to flush the toilet.

Before, and my brother is watching TV with closed with the remote control, I said to the younger brother: "brother, do you turn off the TV with the remote control, in fact is still in power, only turn off the switch on the television, the television is no electricity. Brother listened to my words, hurried and switch off the television. From then on, my brother watching TV, will turn off the TV switch, see this scene, I was so happy, think brother also learned to" low-carbon life"

Want to talk about mom and dad 'low carbon' than a brother. Whenever something can be used again, my father and I were so happy, we used some cardboard and can make a pen holder, what can make a pencil case or wallet with some cloth; Mother is a fan of flowers, we looked at those green, green, suck, heart suddenly feel filar silk cool idea, has the good air and beautiful, really kill two bi rds with one stone!

Our family is low carbon life. How, carbon in enough!


低碳生活其实很简单。例如:洗好手,就把水龙头拧得紧紧的,不让水逃出来 ;洗脸的水可以用来洗脚,洗衣服的水也可以用来檫地板,然后这些废水还拿来冲马桶。




In order to provide a good guidance and reference for nearly 1000 senior high graduates in our school, the Student Union made a survey on the filling applications for the college entrance examinations among the previous year graduates. According to the statistics of the survey, half of the graduates accepted their teachers’ suggestions for the reason that teachers have a better understanding of their interests, specialties and schooling experiences. 35% of the graduates followed their parents advice as they are used to obeying their arrangements and trusted their decision. 10% of the graduates preferred to make an independent choice as they hold that nobody know them better than themselves and since it is their rights to fill applications they hope to win respect from teachers and parents. The remaining 5% just made their choices accordingly after they got the results of the final published scores and ranking.



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