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Marriage is a life, one of the longest part of the journey, the basis of a good marriage is love. Tolstoy said: "love makes marriage holy." One of the most important causes of transnational marriage is both love each other. Love, marriage. Love can overcome all difficulties. In love on the basis of transnational marriage and other forms of marriage, there is no difference in essence, we can't talk about the pros and cons of existence. On the other hand, the transnational marriage can make both sides understand each other's countries to understand each other's culture, to promote more exchanges.

At the same time, transnational marriage, both sides is easy because of differences in nationality, habits, ideas, customs, language, resulting in no sense of identity and belonging. In fact, there is a higher risk compared with the transnational marriage marriage, its uncertainty is higher. Traditionally, Chinese more equal attention, and the multinational marriage, the lack of a common cultural circle, the two sides are great differences in language, custom, religious belief and other aspects, and these are the two sides must cross the barrier, but to overcome these obstacles, is a very difficult thing, therefore, the transnational marriage is very easily lead to divorce, which not only bring harm to both sides, but also will bring bad effects to the people around.


There is a heated discussion these days since Chinese on-campus students are legally allowed to get married before they complete their courses. Some people applaud this new development while others have expressed their concern about this.

On the one hand, college students will inevitably have less time and energy for their academic life because married students have more realistic problems to deal with than those unmarried ones. On the other hand, a number of students do have a desire for an ideal marriage. They are old enough to take the responsibility and if they handle it well, marriage can bring them happiness and a sense of security.

In my opinion, it is unnecessary to forbid on-campus students to get married; however, it shouldn't be advocated or encouraged, either. The reason is that, for on-campus students, their main task is to acquire knowledge. If they get married, the family chores might distract them from studying, thus they may not graduate favorably or may not be capable of future works. I believe almost all on-campus students would deal with the question reasonably. (180 words)


you are asking, is it possible to be married and to be free?

if you take marriage non-seriously, then yo-阿拉文库§ u can be free. if you take it seriously, then freedom is impossible. take marriage just as a game -- it is a game. have a little sense of humor, that it is a role you are playing on the stage of life; but it is not something that belongs to existence or has any reality -- it is a people are so stupid that they even start taking fiction for reality. i have seen people reading fiction with tears in their eyes, because in the fiction things are going so tragically. it is a very good device in the movies that they put the lights off, so everybody can enjoy the movie, laugh, cry, be sad, be happy.

if there was light it would be a little difficult -- what will others think? and they know perfectly well that the screen is empty -- there is nobody; it is just a projected picture. but they forget it the same has happened with our lives. many things which are simply to be taken humorously, we take so seriously -- and from that seriousness begins our the first place, why should you get married? you love someone, live with someone -- it is part of your basic rights. you can live with someone, you can love someone.

marriage is not something that happens in heaven, it happens here, through the crafty priests. but if you want to join the game with society and dont want to stand alone and aloof, you make it clear to your wife or to your husband that this marriage is just a game: never take it seriously. i will remain as independent as i was before marriage, and you will remain as independent as you were before marriage. neither i am going to interfere in your life, nor are you going to interfere in my life; we will live as two friends together, sharing our joys, sharing our freedom -- but not becoming a burden on each any moment we feel that the spring has passed, the honeymoon is over, we will be sincere enough not to go on pretending, but to say to each other that we loved much -- and we will remain grateful to each other forever, and the days of love will haunt us in our memories, in our dreams, as golden -- but the spring is paths have come to a point, where although it is sad, we have to part, because now, living together is not a sign of love. if i love you, i will leave you the moment i see my love has become a misery to you. if you love me, you will leave me the moment you see that your love is creating an imprisonment for me.



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