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Once I heard my mother singing and thought it was very pleasant. I asked her, "Mom. What song are you singing? " "My mother said:" I sing a Chinese song, the title is "I love you China". We are in Italy now, but we are still Chinese. We can't forget our motherland. "


Listen to my mother's words, I think, I also want to learn from my mother, to love our own country.


Perhaps autumn is the most pleasant season of the year. The weather is neither too hot nor too cold. It is the best time for going on a trip.

Last Sunday we went to the countryside. There was golden wheat all over the fields/The fields were covered with golden wheat. Large and colourful apples and pears were hanging on the trees. We could see some peasants were busy getting in the crops in the fields, and others were picking fruits under the trees. All the baskets were full of lovely fruits. It was also the fruit of the peasants labour. No pains, no gains. What a magnificent/beautiful picture(it was)! It seemed as if we were wandering in a splendid/wonderful world.

I love love the harvest time.


bicycles are very popular in china. in this country you can see bicycles almost everywhere. when you walk on the road, you will find a lot of people riding bicycles to school, shop, and wherever the riders want to go. therefore, china is known as "the kingdom of bicycles", where on the average every family has one or two with cars, bicycles have many advantages. first, they are much cheaper than cars, which most chinese cant afford. secondly, bicycles are small enough to park anywhere, while cars need a large piece of land to be parked. whats more, with lower speed, bicycles are safer than cars.

however, bicycles create some problems. some riders dont abide by traffic regulations and some dont take others safety into consideration while riding too fast. during rush hours, too many bicycles may cause traffic jams. thereforet we have a long way to go to solve the problem.


When we ask a foreigner what’s his impression about China, then he tell you about the delicious food and Chinese Kongfu. Chinese Kongfu has been a symbol, the first person that make the world recognize China by his Kongfu movie is Bruce Lee. Though he died, he still got a lot of fans today, everybody knows him well. Then Jackie Chen make Chinese Kongfu famous all around the world, his movie is very funny by all kinds of actions. Many Hollywood directors havee to China to seek for cooperation, they want to film the movie that contains Chinese Kongfu. Kongfu is part of our culture and the world is knowing us by it.


Chinese kung fu in China called the martial arts, in a foreign country is called Chinese kung fu. Many of the Chinese wushu weapon, such as knife, sword, spear, qi ā ng weapons, etc. Of Chinese martial arts kung fu: nine Yin bones palm, omega supreme refers to, and Yang refers to, drunken master, a the alkaloids, wing chun, a dragon 18 zhangs... There are many branches, such as: I set putuoshan, shaolin, the quartet. Boxing has a variety of, such as taijiquan boxing (or shadow boxing), long fist, xingyi quan, bagua, wu...... Chinese martial art originated from the ancient war. Legend yanhuang era, the east has a buffalo as family crest human-god tribe, advocating wushu, brave fight, they are good at catching twist and the fall. With the development of productivity, the martial arts also entered a new stage. During the warring states period, the governors, frequent war, the soldiers in the war to master some fight athletic skills through the development and evolution of the slowly, Chinese martial arts are formed later..

中国功夫在我国叫做武术,在外国才叫做中国功夫。中国武术中有许多武器,例如:刀、剑、矛、qiāng等兵器。中国武术中的功夫有:九阴白骨掌、、一阳指、醉拳、一指神功、、降龙十八掌……还有许多的门派,比如:峨嵋派、少林派、四方派。拳术也有多 种,如太极拳、长拳、形意拳、八卦掌、南拳……中国武术起源于古代战争。传说炎黄时代,东方有个以野牛为族徽的部落,崇尚武技,勇猛善斗,他们善于抓扭、摔跌。随着生产力的发展,武术也进入新的阶段。,诸侯纷争,战争频繁,士兵们在战争中掌握的一些搏击竞技技巧经过慢慢的发展与演化,就形成了后来的中国武术。



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