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Sometimes, you may say “Whatcan trees do?”。 That is really a good question. Now, I am going to tell youwhat can trees do.

First, trees can clean theair and make the air fresh. They provide oxygen for us to breath. Second, wecan get many kinds of fruits to eat from trees. They are full of vitamins. It isgood for us. Finally, we use woods from trees to make pencils, books and even medicines.

Look, trees can help us inmany ways. They can do a lots.


On my way home on the bus, I saw an old man with his grandson of about ten get on the bus. The old man carried his grandson ’s schoolbag and a small violin. I looked around, the bus has no seats. So I gave my seat to the old man at once. But his grandson sat down first. The old man had to stand nearby. After that, the kid said loudly to his grandpa for water. When he saw the bottle was empty, he was very angry and dropped the empty bottle on the floor. I thought the kid was very impolite and rude. So I believed children should take care of and respect the old and keep the environment clean.


unit5 共 101 个单词

attract[ə'trækt]v. 吸引,引起

a great number of[ə ɡreit 'nʌmbə əv]许多,一些

fetch[fetʃ]v. (去)取(物)来;(去)

introduce[,intrə'dju:s]v. 介绍,引见

lie in[lai in]位于

province['prɔvins]n. 省,省份

fantastic[fæn'tæstik]a. 极好的,吸引人的,有趣的

hear of[hɪə ɒv]听说,知道

romantic[rəu'mæntik]adj. 浪漫的;充满传奇色彩

tale[teil]n. 传说;陈述

surround[sə'raund]v. 围绕;包围

tourist attraction['tuərist ə'trækʃən]旅游胜地

scenery['si:nərɪ]n. 风景,景色,自然景观

so...that...[səu ðæt]如此……以至于……

motherland['mʌðəlænd]n. 祖国

connect...with...[kə'nekt wið]与……相连接

be known as[bi: nəun æz]作为……而著称

gambling house['ɡæmbliŋ haus]赌场

island['ailənd]n. 岛,岛屿

various['veəriəs]a. 各种各样的,不同的

unique[ju:'ni:k]a. 独特的;罕见的;独一无二

enemy['enɪmɪ]n. 敌人;反对者

flat[flæt]a. 平的

roof[ru:f]n. 屋顶;顶部

cave[keiv]n. 洞,穴;地窖

below[bi'ləu]prep. 在……下面

freeze[fri:z]v. 结冰

thick[θɪk]a. 厚的;浓的

mild[maild]a. 温暖的,暖和的(天气,尤

sunshine['sʌnʃaɪn]n. 阳光

wheat[hwi:t]n. 小麦

flour['flaʊə]n. 面粉,粉

plain[pleɪn]n. 平原

pc[,pi: 'si:]=personal compu

license['laisəns]n. 执照,许可证

giraffe[dʒɪ'rɑ:f]n. 长颈鹿

break down[breik daun]损坏;分解;抛锚

neck[nek]n. 脖子,颈

pioneer[,paiə'niə]n. 创始人,先驱;倡导者

philosopher[fi'lɔsəfə]n. 哲学家;深思的人

pass away[pɑ:s əˈweɪ]去世,消失

unite[ju:'nait]v. 统一;联合,团结

defeat[di'fi:t]v. 击败,战胜

empire['empaɪə]n. 帝国

forever[fəˈrevə]ad. 永远;永恒地

come to an end[kʌm tu æn end]结束

captain['kæptin]n. 船长,舰长;(军)上校;

sail[seil]v. 航行;起航

coast[kəʊst]n. 海岸;海滨,沿海地区

pride[praɪd]n. 自豪,骄傲

unfortunately[ʌn'fɔ:tʃənitli]adv. 不幸地;不巧地

die of[dai əv ]死于……

compass['kʌmpəs]n. 指南针,罗盘;圆规

trade[treɪd]n. 贸易,买卖,交易

prize[praiz]n. 奖赏,奖品

hybrid rice['haibrid rais]n. 杂交水稻

revolution[,revə'lu:ʃən]n. 革命

president['prezidənt]n. (共和国的)总统,国家主

overseas['əuvə'si:z]adj. 外国的,海外的

bring down[brɪŋ əˈraʊnd]打垮,击败;减少

(be) full of[ful ɔv]充满……的

leader['li:də]n. 领袖,领导人

lecture['lektʃə]n. 讲座,讲课;演讲

chairman['tʃεəmən]n. 主席,会长,议长;董事长

wipe[waip]v. 擦;擦净,擦干

wipe out[waip aut]彻底消灭,全部摧毁

safety['seifti]n. 安全场所;安全,保险

attack[ə'tæk]n.&v. 攻击,袭击

fear[fiə]n.&v. 害怕,恐惧;担心

pupil['pju:pl]n. (小)学生

instruction[in'strʌkʃən]n. 说明,须知;教导

owner['əunə]n. 拥有者,物主

private['praɪvɪt]a. 私人的,私有的;个人的

grand[ɡrænd]adj. 宏伟的

imperial[im'piəriəl ]a. 帝王的,帝国的

carve[kɑ:v]v.刻, 雕刻

tail[teɪl]n. (动物的)尾巴

correct[kə'rekt]a. 正确的,对的;恰当的

column['kɔləm]n. 柱;(书、报纸印刷页上的

promise['prɒmɪs]v.&n. 答应,允诺

chess[tʃes]n. 棋,国际象棋

thirsty['θə:sti]a. 渴的;缺水的,干旱的

hungry['hʌŋɡrɪ]a. (饥)饿的

snack bar[snæk bɑ:]快餐部,小吃部

peasant['pezənt]n. 农民;佃农

memory['memərɪ]n. 回忆,记忆

in memory of...[in 'meməri əv]为了纪念…

major['meidʒə]a. 主要的;较大的

cocoa['kəukəu]n. 可可饮料;可可粉

porcelain['pɔ:səlin]n. 瓷,瓷器

export['ekspɔ:t]n. 出口产品;出口

sauce[sɔ:s]n. 酱油;酱汁;调味汁

vinegar['vɪnɪɡə]n. 醋

dismiss[dis'mis]v. 解雇,开除;把(某人)打

gunpowder['ɡʌn,paudə]n. 火药

sailor['seilə]n. 水手,海员

discovery[di'skʌvəri]n. 发现

firework['faiəwɜ:k]n. 烟花;焰火

bark[bɑ:k]n. 树皮;狗叫声

rag[ræɡ]n. 破布,抹布

clay[kleɪ]n. 黏土


A Pleasant Memory of My Childhood I am already 18 years old, but the memory of my childhood is still like an unforgettable sweet dream. One day, all my family went to climb a mountain. There father told my elder sister and me that the first one to get to the top of the mountain would be given a toy. Hearing this, we began to run up. At first I kept ahead, but a few minutes later my sister was ahead of me. However, I didn't give up. That toy attracted me to run forward, In the end I reached the top first. On the top we enjoyed the beautiful scenery and had a pic. At dusk, we went down the mountain happily. I was the happiest one, because I not only got a toy train but also knew that one shouldn't give up readily.。


Roth is a designer in an America bottle factory. One day, his girlfriend wore a skirt, which was a little narrow above the part of the knee and the waist is very attractive. On the way she came to see him, people look back to appreciate this skirt frequently.

Roth was attracted by the skirt and he felt very nice by its line increasingly. He thought it may be a good market if he followed this skirt shape into bottles. So he turned back and ran to the design room and began to draw up.

After the bottle was manufactured, the bottle not only has a beautiful appearance, but also the actual capacity looked more that it should be. It wasnt long before; the United States Coco Cola Company was interested in the bottle and bought the patent at the high price of $6000000.

There are not necessary associations between the skirts and bottles. However, if you make use of abundant thinking, you will have a surprising harvest.



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