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网友发表时间 1196907



In the entire world there's nobody like me. Since the beginning of time, there has never been another person like me. Nobody has my smile. Nobody has my eyes, my nose, my hair, my hands, or my voice. I'm special.

大千世界,芸芸众生,没人与我相同。自创世伊始,从未有过像我一样的人。没人拥有和我一样的笑容;没人拥有和我一样的眼睛、鼻子、头发、双手或声音。 我就是我。

No one can be found who has my handwriting. Nobody anywhere has my tastes - for food or music or art. No one sees things just as I do. In all of time there's been no one who laughs like me, no one who cries like me. And what makes me laugh and cry will never provoke1) identical laughters and tears from anybody else, ever. No one reacts to any situation just as I would react. I'm special.

我的笔迹独一无二。我的品味与众不同--不管是对于食物、音乐还是艺术。对于世间万物,我拥有独特的视角。无论何时,都没有人欢笑如我,哭泣如我。让我开心和流泪的事物不会引起他人相同的。反应,绝对不会。面对各种处境,我也有自己独特的应对方式。 我就是我。

I' m the only one in all of creation2) who has my set of abilities. Oh, there will always be somebody who is better at one of the things I'm good at, but no one in the universe can reach the quality of my combination3) of talents, ideas, abilities and feelings. Like a room full of musical instruments4), some may excel5) alone, but none can match the symphony6) sound when all are played together. I'm a symphony.

Through all of eternity no one will ever look, talk, walk, think or do like me.

I'm special. I'm rare.


亘古恒远,没有人会像我一样地观察、交谈、行走、思考或行事。 我就是我。 独一无二。

And, in all rarity7) there is great value. Because of my great rare value, I need not attempt to imitate8) others. I will accept - yes, indeed, celebrate9) - my differences. I'm special.

And I'm beginning to realize it's no accident that I'm special. I'm beginning to see that I have been made for a very special purpose. There is a job for me that no one else can do as well as I. Out of all the billions of job applicants10), only one is qualified, only one has the right combination of what it takes. That one is me. Because.。.I'm special. 而且,独特中蕴含着巨大的价值。因为这独特而又巨大的价值,我不需要去模仿他人。我会欣然接受--更确切地说是赞美--我的与众不同。我就是我。 我渐渐理解,我之所以独特并非机缘巧合。我开始明白,造物主为我创设了一个特定的目标。有一份工作是为我量身定制的,他人无法胜任。在数以亿计的求职者中,只有一个人是合格的,只有一个人具备恰如其分的条件。那个人就是我。因为……我就是我。


We are always educated to be kind and helpful, so when we see others in trouble, we should give them a hand. But nowadays, some the bad guys make use of people’s kindness to do criminal things. Recently, an article about a father called on people to help her sick daughter was widespread in Wechat. Most people had transported to let more people know. But later the media exposed the fact that the father was rich and he wrote this article just to catch more fans.

Until then people were angry as they were cheated. The public condemns the cheating behavior. The warm hearts should not be used of. It needs to be cautious when people see the information about asking for help.


Communicating with others is a big problem in daily people are easy to talk to oters,but some others you want to talk to someone,firstly you should find some topics to talk about,but the topics should not included the privacy,such as age,marriage or ,pay attention to your attitude that do not make others feel is the basic of ,pay attention to your body language can transmit much information,such as your attitude,manners or something you do not ,focus on your 't talk too fast or too slow.


There are many animals in the world. I think most of them are very lovely. But many people don’t think so.

They put the animals into the cages. I think it’s bad for animals.

Animals are our friends. If there are no animals in the world, men will die. So let’s help the animals and let’s help ourselves.


When I was in middle school, I heard the English song Baby One More Time. Then I saw the music record, the girl was so sweet and pretty. She danced so well in the record, she was full of energy. Since then, I fell in love with Britney Spears, every girl wanted to be her. She was not only beautiful, but also could sing and dance so well. Britney Spears was my early idol, her energetic image attracted me so much. I was so crazy about her at that time. I believe that in every teenager’s dream, they will have an idol.



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