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Last night, I and my friends to see the school first class, show is hosted by wang2 xiao3 ya aunt and uncle dena. The show's 2010 theme is "my dream, China dream". They invited to jet li, the grass, jack ma, liu wei, Yang Mengheng, jaycee chan, zhang ziyi and others.

What impressed me most is uncle li, his father died, on business depends on him for the family. He had a lot of dreams, and even once dreamed of going to beihai park watering the flowers. When he was 10 years old, has finally established his fighting for my life's dream, that is to take martial arts champion, uncle li so far have a dream is to see China's tai chi kung fu to foreign countries, but the purpose is very simple, that is to make mother happy. Dena host, said that the . President Richard Nixon has praised li kung fu, and asked him to do the President's private security guards, and said something very touching words: jet li, "I want to be the whole of China billion bodyguards!"

In the guest in the program, I remember wei and Yang Mengheng, they are all armless boy, a distinction, playing the piano with their feet a write with feet to go to the sun yat-sen university. And the grass is a life in the mountains, love to dance big sister, until one day, there was a dance teacher on the mountain to recruit students, her dream was to have the opportunity to achieve.



There is a kind of thing, carrying the people's desire for thousands of years, it is transparent, it has a pair of invisible wings, in people's hearts, quietly sprouting, it wants to share a, it was recited by generations of people, it has A beautiful name, it is called - dream. The following are the same as the "

Xi Jinping chairman nearly 25 minutes of speech 9 times mentioned "Chinese dream". What is the Chinese dream? Chinese dream, is to make every kind of young people to make unremitting efforts to get a better life. Through hard work, diligence, courage and determination towards prosperity. The following are the same as the "

For nearly a thousand years, China has a dream, we have a dream. Because of the dream, the dream of the Chinese nation Millennium dream come true; because the dream, Yuan Longping grandfather made a great achievement in agriculture; the same blue sky, the same dream, facing the sun to catch the sun is a test hero Li Zhonghua dream, Dreams have made millions of great success, dreams, great ones. The following are the same as the "

Dream is the compass of the ship; the dream is the compass of the traveler; the dream, like the sun, in the hearts of everyone forever, is the heart of the direction. The following are the same as the "

Everyone must have a dream, give a well-known character deeds, Yuan Longping grandfather said: "I have done a dream, dream of hybrid rice stems like sorghum as high, spike like a broom as big as rice The string, I and my assistant a walk in the rice fields, in the rice below the cool.

Filled with Yuan Longping's dreams and hopes, hybrid rice in China and the world's land on the planting and harvest, a dream to create such a fabulous miracle. The hearts of a dream, you will be in the hearts of the courage to move forward, and strive to overcome everything, maybe you will not succeed, but you behind the effort, you are more happy than others, you are a promising person, you have vitality, Ordinary people who spend a different life, regardless of success and failure, you experience a different life, you will fly dream, you will always be a successful person. There is no soul is no soul, there is a saying that the good: the poor do not mean penniless people, but that there is no dream of people. The following are the same as the "

Everyone has a different dream, when we fail, cheer up, accompanied by a firm belief in their own healing! Where to fall from where to get up! Insist that there is a dream there is success, step by step, go forward, when the other side of the victory to reach, you will find that every footprints are flashing golden light. The following are the same as the "

I want to be a doctor, save the dying, reduce the pain of the patient, while their own happiness. I remember forever that people who admire me - forever white warrior: Ye Xin. She put the risk to their own, the safety given to others, rescue SARS patients, in order to avoid excessive contact, she always consciously assume the work, and sometimes even off the door, not to allow other medical staff involved. That day, Ye Xin rescue patients unfortunately infected, but still did not forget the mission and responsibilities. After the first day of illness on the hospital to visit the leader said the first sentence is: "Dean, sorry, I did not complete the task, by the infection, to the hospital trouble!


关键词 《红楼梦》、狭义翻译过程、比较与赏析



伟大不朽的古典现实主义作品《红楼梦》是我国古典小说艺术成就的最高峰。提起我国古典小说《红楼梦》的英译本,大家最熟悉的恐怕就是我国著名翻译家杨宪益和戴乃迭夫妇的合译本《红楼梦》(The Dream of Red Mansions),以及前英国牛津大学教授大卫?霍克斯的《石头记》(The Story of The Stone)。这两种版本的共同之处在于译者们将原书得一百二十回都完整无缺的译出来,不同于其他的节译本或者选译本。两个译本都在中外译坛上名声显赫。杨世昌称杨译本是“目前几个英译本中最完备最正确的译本”,而霍译本也被称为“译文全是流畅的英文”。两个英译本的问世,达到了《红楼梦》翻译活动前所未有的高度。张培基高度赞扬杨译本和霍译本,并称赞它们“是两个值得推荐的英译本,两种新译本的诞生,今后必将为我们翻译界以及外语教学工作提供大量值得借鉴和揣摩的范例”。两个英译本的问世,更是重新激起了翻译界对《红楼梦》翻译的兴趣。


例1.题目 情中情以情感妹妹 错里错以错劝哥哥

杨译本:Moved by Affection,Baoyu Moves His Cousin. A Wrong Report Makes Baochai Wrong Her Brother.

霍译本:A wordless message meets with silent understanding , and a groundless imputation leads to undeserved rebukes.



杨译本:Half sleeping and half waking,he paid only scant then he left himself shaken and caught the faint sound of sobbing.

霍译本:in his half-dreaming,half-awake state he was having the greatest difficulty in attending to what they were saying,when suddenly he felt someone pushing him and became dimly aware of a sound of weeping in his ear.

在这一句的翻译中,杨译本比霍译本要简洁许多。“宝玉半梦半醒,都不在意。”这句话,杨译本生动又形象。上文提到金钏儿过来哭诉,宝玉半梦半醒之间不理会,杨译本只是简洁了用了pay scant attention这个词组,而霍译本却用了have the greatest difficulty in attending to what they were saying,我认为此处有些赘余了。翻译家叶君健提出“做翻译,要了解原作者的感觉,只能从他的作品的字面上去推测,去领悟字里行间所蕴含的精神和意义。”曹雪芹先生在表达宝玉这种感受时,应该是想表达宝玉在那种半梦半醒、迷迷糊糊、恍恍惚惚的状态之下,不在意周围环境的声音,这一感觉是不自觉的,是生理上的自然状况。没有宝玉的主观能动性在里面。但是霍译本给人的的感觉是,宝玉努力想听清,但因为梦境的打扰,不能听清,霍克斯教授在翻译时掺杂了宝玉的主观性。我觉得这一点和英国人的习惯表达密切先关。西方人在表达自我时,大体都有一种强烈的主观能动性在里面。


杨译本:Daiyu was not crying swallowed her tears in silence till she felt as if she would choke .

霍译本:Daiyu’s sobbing had by this time ceased to be audible;But somehow her strangled,silenting weeping was infinitely more pathetic than the most clamorous grief.





High school is regarded as the best time in a person's life. As a senior three student, I will graduate very soon. Now, I have many things to share with you.

Firstly, I would like to show my thanks to those people who help and care about me, especially my teachers, parents and friends Without their help and advice, my life would be different. Secondly, it's time to say sorry to classmates whom I hurt or misunderstood.

Communication and smiles act as bridges to friendship. Above all, I've made up my mind to make an effort to study, for I believe hard work is the key to success. Just as the old saying goes, "no pains, no gains."

Finally I hope that all the younger students can make full use of time, because time and tide wait for no men.

When someone asks me: What is your Chinese dreamI will answer it without thinking twice: to be a good doctor. The reason why I want to be a doctor is that I want to save people’s lives as possible as I can. When I was young, I had a terrible care accident. Thanks to the doctors, they brought me back to life. From then on, to be a good doctor has always been an inspiration to me. I will study hard to make sure that my dream will come true in the future.

Chinese dream is made up of every ordinary people’s dreams. We should do our best to make ourdream come true.

Recently we had a class meeting on the topic of My Chinese Dream. Inspired by President Xi’s Chinese Dream, everyone talked about his understanding of the Chinese Dream. We all believe that this dream will come true in the future.

I also talked about my own dream. I have always wanted to be a doctor. Not only can doctors save people’s lives but also they are doing a respectable job. Doctors can also help people to live a better life with their professional knowledge.

To realize my dream, I must try to work hard from now on. I must learn as much as I can so that I can get into a good medical college, where I

can prepare myself hard for the job of a doctor. Only in this way can I achieve my goal。


关键词 双关语 平行研究 平行文本 《红楼梦》人名

中图分类号: 文献标识码:A


曹先生可谓将双关语运用到了极致,这种信手拈来的娴熟在让人拍案叫绝的同时,也给《红楼梦》的英译造成了不可避免的遗憾,应该说,在遥远的大洋彼岸,无论是 A Dream in Red Mansions 还是 The Story of the Stone,都无法在所谓的“红楼梦舞曲”的规则下从容起舞,其中,人名双关语的翻译便是一个不算小的障碍。本文从平行研究角度,对《红楼梦》人名双关语的英译进行初步探析。

双关语作为一种特殊的修辞现象及文化现象,广泛存在于英汉语中。而说起“平行研究”这一概念,其属于比较文学美国学派的主要理论观点之一。通俗地说,平行研究是把并无直接关系的不同民族文化,在主题、题材、文体、情节、人物形象、风格特点等文学内部的诸多方面实际存在的类同和差异作为研究重点。而在本文中,笔者拟将《闪灵》(Shining,史蒂芬·金著)、《红字》(The Scarlet,霍桑著)作为平行文本,通过与《红楼梦》人名双关语进行对比研究,从而进一步开辟其英译策略。

1 REDRUM 与 回文句

“REDRUM”一词出现在《闪灵》中。小男孩丹尼在酒店期间,不断看到奇异的幻觉,然后便在母亲的房间门口写下含义不明的“REDRUM”一词。其实,这个词并不是英文单词,所以温迪(丹尼的妈妈)看了之后也不明白;后来,在丹尼大叫“REDRUM”时,正值失去理智的杰克(丹尼的爸爸)拿起斧头砍向妻子的房门,温迪从镜子中看到丹尼写下的“REDRUM”,反过来竟然是“MURDER”(谋杀)!(注:REDRUM 的音标为 [redr m],若换做中文,即使知晓字的含义,也未必会读,原因在于,英语是字母文字,一个字母代表一个音素,只要懂得 48 个音标,基本上便可读出单词,而汉语是由偏旁部首合成的象形文字,会写未必会念。)


2 《红字》中的“拆白道字”



而在霍桑的《红字》中,同样可以找到与之相同的地方。其男主人公亚瑟· 丁梅斯代是一位才华横溢的神学家,如果把他的姓氏 Arthur 与名字 Dimmesadale 的首字母 A 和 D 放在一起,我们会发现,两个字母 AD 正好是 Adltery(通奸罪)的两个首字母。这也就是预示丁梅斯代将会是一个犯了通奸罪的人。

另外,对于《红楼梦》中的贾府“四春”,元春、迎春、探春与惜春,其寓意“原应叹息”我们都是明了的。因此,或许我们可以依照上述这种拆白字的方式定义“四春”的英文姓名,其中“春”字可遵循粤语的发音 chuen(因许多汉语文化词均依照粤语规则音译为英语,如 tea、coolie、及 tofu 等等,这里作如此处理,既保留了汉语风韵,又能够最大程度地贴合英语构词形态),依次为 Sychuen、Ilychuen、Gychuen 及 Hychuen,如此一来,四人名字的首字母组合到一起,即为“SIGH”,叹息之意。

3 《红字》中的谐音双关语


《红字》中的女主人公海丝特·白兰年轻懵懂时嫁给了嫁给了年老体衰、畸形阴郁的奇林沃斯,而后与激情澎湃的牧师丁梅斯代偷食禁果,产下珠儿。从她的名字 Hester Prynne 的构思中可以发现,其中 Hester 是 Haste 的谐音词,Haste 意味着草率、轻浮,而 Prynne,则与 Prurient(渴望的、的)发音相近。再者,请看Roger Chillingworth(罗杰·齐林沃斯),这个人的道德素质实在不敢恭维,而他的名字 Roger,则与 Rogue(无赖、恶棍)发音相近。


4 总结


与此同时,我们也应注意到,因英汉语言构词差异,很多有趣的双关语依旧无法在两种语系中完好地转译,如《搜神记之二五三》中,写道:“禾失为秩,虽曰失之,乃所以禄也。”而丁往道教授也只能按照字面翻译成:“loss” and “rice”form the word “salary”。英语读者难免会生出疑惑,为什么“大米”加上“失去”就成了“薪水”呢?




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