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In this glorious summer, we will say goodbye! Who have experienced life in high school people would say, three years of high school time is very impressive, very profound. This is not only due to the tension of living under high pressure; Chengshan the pile, the examination paper to fly sky; and when the results fall the tears flow and the development plan. Life in the future, we will be thinking slowly, slowly tastes will appreciate the deep spiritual growth of high school three years away, will always cherish the memory of his life the first time all the hard work!

As your teacher, over the past three years, we have day and night together, together we have the honor to accompany you through life's most beautiful season of youth. We are willing to remember each bright smiling faces and those flowery sun everywhere, in the early morning Shusheng Lang. In this three-year period, we can not give you more things, only doing all, tomorrow you sail for the voyage helped. In the meantime, the harsh criticism and the harsh requirements of hard training, you may be hard to accept once, but we believe that everyone can understand, because as a teacher he has done everything for their own students to do something , in order of their outstanding students.

Today, we are here the successful completion of the studies, however, the long road of life, and did not know the road to poverty. Secondary education is only the starting point in life, it only teaches you the basis of general knowledge and basic skills. Tomorrow, you will enter the new schools, more beautiful on the knowledge of waiting for you to capture, but also the vast ocean of knowledge awaiting you to travel, but also broad knowledge of the fertile soil in the waiting for you to work, more rugged knowledge of the risk in waiting for passers-by you to conquer!

Therefore, today's graduation is not only a summary of yesterday, it is the call for tomorrow is all your teachers and friends for your campaign and bolstering departure tomorrow! The journey of the future, accompanied by flowers and thorns, with setbacks and success; I speak on behalf of the graduating class of all teachers, most would like to say is:

Each person's lifetime can not be winners, General, it is impossible not to encounter setbacks and difficulties that, a critical moment should be to muster the courage to face the grim reality of courage. Said a war hero saying: on the battlefield, even if I fall, I have looked at the front of the eyes. So today, I do not wish you every success in the future; I wish you even after the fall of 9999 times, 9999 times still stand up!







I am a student from Xinhua High School in Chongqing,China. Informed that you have a vacancy for a student to serve as the spokesman for animals, I cannot resist my inner excitement,hoping to seize the opportunity to do something for animals .

In my mind,nothing can delight me so much as caring for animals. Wherever I go and whatever I do, I usually keep in mind that animals are angels from the heaven, which bring us endless comfort and pleasure. I have been a panda lover since my childhood. Panda is so lovely that brings fun to people and they are regarded as the treasure of our country. Unfortunately,such a rare species is now faced with the danger of being extinct。What I am eager to do is to raise people’s awareness of animal protection and appeal to more people to care for our earth companies.


So many people under estimate the power and importance of a smile, that simple little facial expression characterized by an upward curving of the corners ofthe mouth.

A smile has many meanings: pleasure, friendliness, welcome, amusement, and many more; and it is part of a universal body language that doesn’t need any extrainter pretation.

Plus a smile, with all its simplicity and beauty, can be a very important factor in many aspects of our lives:

You fall in love with a new country you visit because its people greet you with a welcoming smile everywhere you go; other countries you just don’t like even though they might have more history, nature, entertainment and what not because their people don’t seem so friendly or accepting.

You feel like buying from a certain store when the vendor welcomes you in with asmile, sometimes even if you wouldn’t initially have bought anything; and in other stores, even though they have exactly what you need or better, you decide to walk away because the vendor doesn’t look welcoming at all.

You want to give a waiter a good tip when he serves you with a smile, even if the food turns out not that good; on the other hand, sometimes you’ll have some of the best food ever, but you won’t feel like giving the waiter a tip, even if you do, because he was grumpy.

More and more examples from our everyday life show how much a simple smile can change everything.

Forever engraved in my mind will be the smiling faces of the people of Thailand, the friendly pizza delivery boy, the welcoming supermarket vendor, the nice cashier at the bank, … etc.

It is these smiles that keep me wanting to go back, and that keep us all wanting to go back; looking at it from another view, if we break it down using business sense, a smile is one of the most effective means to generate sales and develop customer loyalty.

On top of all that, a smile is a very simple and easy thing to do, so it amazes why no one bothers to do it, it not only makes the person in front of you better, but it also makes you feel better as well, and I’m not making this up,it has been psychologically proven.

Personally, I’d like to see more smiling faces in this world; in the airports when I enter a new country, in companies, government agencies, restaurants, hotels, banks,everywhere; and I think it is up to governments to campaign about this, and even make it obligatory in certain important places like airports, hospitals,hotels … etc.

Let’sall simply smile.





























此时此刻,我百感交集,仿佛又回到几十年前。坐在你们中间,我顿感青春与活力。荣幸之余,我少不了几分紧张,因为在座的不仅有我十分尊敬的老师,更多的是祖国的未来,未来的精英!如果我今天的发言能够给同学们留下点滴印象,那将是我毕生的荣幸和难忘。 记得,三年前开学的第一天,我欣慰的和女儿来到松山湖,不知不觉中踏入校园门口,肃然起敬的保安礼仪,热情洋溢的教师风范,让我顿觉家长的尊严,那几分担忧立霄云外。自那一刻起,作为家长的我由衷感慨:松山湖学校就是不一样!名校就是名校啊,我们的选择一定不会错!












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