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The Introduction of the teaching plan

for section B(1-2c) unit 5 (go for it)

I have the honor to reveal my analysis of English lesson

here. I’d like to say I’ll try my best not to let all of you down. As teachers ,if you want to have an excellent class of English ,especially an open class to many experts like all of you, we should have to dig into the teaching material ,analyze the teaching material. However, I think we should take these parts

into consideration. ①Teaching material and the students ②teaching methods ③learning methods④procedures ⑤blackboard design and assessment 。Ok, let me say something about my teaching plan for unit 5 section B. Today the first I’ll talk about is the first part “Analysis of the Teaching Material and students”

Part One: Analysis of the Teaching Material and students

(一) status and function

The topic of this unit is about decision making. Such topic is related to daily life of students, so it is helpful to raise learning interest of students and it will be helpful to improve their spoken English. This unit is divided into two parts: Section A and Section

B. Section B is divided into two periods. This period is the first lesson of Unit5 section B. It introduces new vocabulary while recycling the language presented in Section A. All activities help students integrate the new target language with the language studied in Section A. This recycling reinforces previous language learning while providing additional practice with newly learned language. It also increases the students listening and speaking ability by listening practice and pair work talking

(二) Teaching Aims and Demands

The teaching aims basis is established according to Ju

nior School English syllabus provision. In accordance with the analysis of teaching material and the requirements of “go for it" English teaching syllabuses. The focus of teaching should be laid on grasping key vocabulary and structures, and developing the students’ ability of communication. So I’vedesigned the following aims and demands

1、 Knowledge objects

Key vocabulary: agent; make money;

travel around the world; get an education

Target language:

I think you should go to college

But if I go to college, I’ll never become a great

soccer player.

2、 Ability objects:

To train students’ ability of listening and speaking

To train students’ ability of communication

3、 Moral objects:

Money isn’t everything.

To be interested in taking part in activities in English class

(三)Teaching key points and difficult points

1、 Key points:

key phrases:

travel around the world; make money; get an education key structures: I think you should …。If I… I’ll never…

2、 Difficult points:

how to train and improve students’ listening ability.

(四) Analysis of the students

The Ss has learned English for about two years so far. Although they are all from the rural area, they can understand some words and some simple sentences. The Ss have taken a great interest in English now.

1、 The students don’t have large vocabulary.

2、 The students seldom communicate in English

in normal times.

3、 The students are lacking in listening and speaking skills.

4、 The gap of the Ss’ knowledge level in the same class is quite wide

(五) Teaching aids

Multi-media computer, Tape recorder, some money and so on. They will be needed in this lesson.

Part Two The Teaching Methods

1、 Communicative teaching method

2、 listening and speaking methods

3、 Task-based teaching method

As we all know,the main instructional aims of learning English in the Junior Middle School is to train students’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading, writing and their good sense of the English language So in this lesson I’ll mainly use “Communicative teaching method” ,“listening and speaking teaching method ” and “Task-based” teaching method. That is to say, I’ll let the Ss get a better understanding of the key structure of the dialogue. I’ll give the Ss some tasks and arrange some activities: free talking, listening and answering , oral practice, acting out and having a competition. Above all, I will let the Ss learn in real situations, finish a task by making a survey to help the Ss to get a better understanding of the key structure of the conversation.

Part Three The Learning Method─cooperation

The students will finish some tasks in limited time to improve their listening and speaking skills. The students will take part in some activities like working in pairs, discussing in pairs. Each unit in “Go for it” contains pair work, group work and games. The students who sit at the same table and groups can make a discussion and learn each other. It makes each student be relaxed. They needn’t worry about making can arouse students to think and to say what they want to say. Study will become more relaxed and pleased in this kind of environment.

Part Four Teaching Procedure

一Teaching steps

Step 1 Leading in

T: Good morning, boys and girls!

Ss: Good morning, sir!

T: (Take out a piece of bill) Look! What’s this?

Ss: Money.

T: Who likes it? Hands up?

Ss: (Ss all put up their hands)

T: (kiss the money) me, too. (Put the bill in the pocket)

Ss: (Ss all laugh)

T: (Show a man who is holding plenty of money)

Ss: Wow.

T: If I have so much money, I will give some to the poor students in our class, and if they work hard, I will give them more. If you have so much money, what will you do? Work in pairs and talk

about it.

(Students are talking about it in pairs; they have enough words to say)…

(Talk about the question with many students.)

T: S1, If you have so much money, what will you do?

S1: If I have so much money, I will give some money to my


T: You are so kind. Don’t you want to travel around the world?( translate into Chinese if necessary; Teach: travel around the world)

S1: I think I will.

T: S2, what about you?

S2: If I have so much money, I will buy some new clothes for my parents. They are very hard-working.

T: That’s a good idea. Don’t you want to get an education? (Translate into Chinese if necessary; teach: get an education) S2: Yes, I am sure I will go to college.

T: If you work hard, I think you will go to college.

S2: I think so.

T: S3, if you have so much money, what will you do?

S3: I will open up a company and make more money.

T: That’s great. May you success!

S3: Thank you.

( Ask more students to talk about it )…

T: If we have so much money, we will do a lot of things with the money. So money is very important for us; S4, do you think money is everything? (Translate into Chinese if necessary)

S4: I think money isn’t everything.

T: I agree with you. Money isn’t everything.

Purpose of my designing: I think it is important to form a better English learning surrounding for the Ss and at the same time it is necessary to provide situations to review learned knowledge for the next step and present some new words and phrases.

Step 2 Study the phrases

T shows the phrases in Activity 1 and let Ss read and learn.

Step 3 Circle and survey

1、 T: Look at the things in Activity 1, which of the things are the most important to you? Circle three things.

(Ss circle. Wait for a moment)

T: What is the most important thing to you?

S5: To go to college.( help if necessary)

T: What’s the second?

S5: …

T: What’s the third?

S5: …

(Ask more students to say)

2、 T: Please work in groups of six, and count up the number of

Show the most students in each item.

_____ think _____ is the most important thing to them, ______ think _____ is the second important thing to them, and _____ think _____ is the third important thing to them.

Purpose of my designing: To provide situations to review learned knowledge for the next step listening and make sure the Ss can grasp the key words and phrases and learn to express their own opinion

Step 4 Listen and write “A” or “P”

T: Look at the pictures in Activity 2a, we can see two pictures, the first picture is about Michael and a soccer agent (teach: agent), and the second picture is about Michael and his parents. And we will hear two conversations, Conversation One is about Michael and the soccer agent, Conversation Two is about Michael and his parents. Listen to the recording and write “A” or “P” in the blanks.

A----- a soccer agent

P----- Michael’s parents

(Make sure they know the letters’ meaning)

(T plays the recording for the first time, Ss listen. T plays the recording for the second time, Ss write “A” or “P”)

Correct the answers with the students.

Purpose of my designing: to give students practice n the target languages in spoken conversation

Step 5 Listen and complete

T: Look at the sentences in Activity 2b, read the sentences first. (Students read loudly)

T: Listen to the recording, Listen to the first sentence as a model. (Play the recording; let them know the first sentence) now.




本课是初中牛津英语8B第七单元Water Talk课文的教学。这篇课文是1篇较长的阅读文章。初二的英语教学突出了阅读文章的教学,而长篇文章的阅读也恰是同学们学习的难点。如何处理好此篇阅读文章的教学,如何让学生对文章有整体的把握与理解以及对部分生词有初步的掌握,将是本课着重解决的问题。本课虽是阅读教学,但是在教学中,本课也有针对性地对学生的听, 说, 读, 写进行了一定的操练, 以便提高学生综合运用语言的能力。本课课文所涉及的内容为水的旅程,联系了生活实际,是学生较为熟知的话题;同时将水拟人化,增加了文章的趣味性。本堂课将着眼于课本,充分挖掘文章的知识性以及趣味性。


Teaching objectives:

1、 Language objectives:

To learn the new words: precious, vanish, a sewage plant, a water treatment works, thorough, etc.

To get to know water’s journey.

2、 Skill objectives:

To find out the information according to the given questions.

To improve the students’ skills in using some verbs to describe facts.

3、 Emotional objectives:

To arouse the students’ awareness of the importance and necessity of saving




1、在课前设定阅读任务, 让学生带着任务进行阅读, 增强阅读的。目的,对文本有一个整体把握

2 、在教学中, 指导学生掌握阅读的步骤和方法,加强泛读与精读的训练。

3、在教学中, 注意启发和引导学生质疑问题。

4、在教学中, 指导和训练学生掌握阅读的基本技巧, 比如教给学生圈点、划线﹑改写等方法。



Teaching procedures:

Pre-task 环节,激发兴趣,做好铺垫。

1、 Let students read a poem and guess to elicit the topic—Water. (引发兴趣)

2、 Ask students to say something about water to elicit a new word— precious.(以旧带新)

3、 Ask the students to finish Water’s talk in groups. Check whether the students understand the main idea of the passage.(旨在对文章的整体把握)


1、 Introduce Daisy’s bathroom and teach some words--- tap, sink, drain. (由图片引出课文生词,处理文中的开头部分)

2、 Read aloud the rewritten reading part on the slide and tell why water was angry.(阅读被改写过的段落后,同学们就水为什么会生气这一问题进行思考。)

3、 Ask the students to read the first part of the passage and use the new words to replace the expressions in the rewritten part. (对照被改写的段落,在书上圈出不同的地方,看似简单的任务,却很好地调动了学生,让学生轻松地掌握了生词的英语释义。)

4、 Play the recording of the second part and let the students find out the places water passed in order. (听段落,把握大意,筛选信息。)

5、 Show the students some pictures and let them tell what water did and what happened to water. Students are required to use the key verbs.


6、 Get the students to know the end of water’s journey and learn the new word --- a sewage plant. Make sure the students know water’s cycle.(问题设问,铺垫下文)

7、 Prepare some questions about water’s journey and have them wok out the questions in groups.(小组问题竞答,检查与巩固课文内容。)

Post-task 环节,总结与拓展。

1、 Get the students to have a competition. They take turns to write a flow chart of water’s journey in four and one of them read it out after completing it.(小组比赛,完成水旅程的流程图,更进一步地检测并巩固所学内容。)

2、 Let the students watch a flash on water’ cycle and tell what they think of the journey.

Try to arouse their awareness of the importance of saving water.(情意升华,珍惜水资源。)

Homework 作业布置

1、 Read the passage after the tape.

2、 Use the given words to finish a short passage at least 60 words with the topic of ‘Water’s journey’。(写话练习是对所学内容的复习与巩固)




















大家好,今天我说课的内容是《新编实用英语》第一册第二单元的精讲课文部分,课文的题目是:Different Attitudes to Gift Giving.在此,我希望和大家分享我的授课心得,希望大家多多指教。





一、本课的教学目标中最基本的是知识目标:学生能掌握基本的词汇,句子结构,相关语法,能够理解文章意思 ,了解相关文化信息。










2. 任务教学法:在学习文章之前我都会先提出相关的问题,并呈现在黑板上,让学生带着问题自己先阅读一下整篇文章,找到相关答案。这种方法使学生能够快速进入自主学习的氛围中,快速获得文章信息,理解文章大意,也划出自己不会的词汇,不理解的句子,使学生参与到课堂中来,也激发了学生的学习兴趣。

3. 举例教学法:英语学科的教学是语言的教学,英语作为第二语言,学生必须有模仿学习的过程,因此举例教学对英语教学非常重要。老师要列举英语句子,告诉学生语法词汇的用法,并及时给出中文句子,让学生模拟的写出英文句子,让学生学会运用。

4. 提问启发法:这个教学方法要贯穿于整堂课的教学中,要启发式的教学,随时提问学生,了解学生对新知识的掌握程度,及时补充并纠正学生在学习中出现的问题。运用这个方法有效的增加了课堂中学生与老师的互动,使学生自主的学习。同时,提问的方法也很多,可以是口头提问,也可以以书写的方式提问。以前在讲课时我存在的问题是课文讲的很详细,但课后练习讲的不到位,学生练的很少,在督导老师的提议及启发下,我改进了教学方法,在课后习题的练习部分,请学生到黑板写答案,这样我可以直观的给学生订正语法,词汇甚至是单词拼写上的错误,同时会叫到不同班的学生,可以说是小型竞赛的方式,这助于学生对习题部分增加兴趣,准确获取答案。同时,英语的教学目标还与A,B级考试相关,因此在我讲完文章后,会让学生做1篇A,B级水平的阅读理解,我会提问答案,及提问相关句子的理解,经过教材中整片文章的学习,学生再去自己做A,B级阅读题,都会感到得心应手,这也提高了学生学习英语的成就感,也将A,B级考试恰当的融入课堂教学中。















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