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Visiting a Museum

Key Words: General History,decorate,charts,ancient,exhibit,dynasty,present,narrator,development,Chinese history,divide,vivid lesson,review,diversified

On a Saturday afternoon the lecturer who taught us General History took us to visit a museum.

The exhibition hall was decorated in an antique and pictures were hung on the ancient utensils,curious weapons and arms,robes,coins,ornaments,books and farm tools as well as recently unearthed relics were of different dynasties were presented in separate rooms,along with written and pictorial teacher served as the narrator,giving us a detailed lecture on the development of Chinese history,and explained his new viewpoint on how to divide Chinese history into different stages.

We were happy to have such a vivid lesson,one that made us not only review what we had learned in class but also feel proud of our country’s diversified traditional culture.


Museums have are no longer places for the privileged few or for bored vacationers to visit on rainy and democracy are words used in descriptions of museums now.

At a science museum in Ontario, Canada, you can feel your hair stand on end as harmless electricity passes through your the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City, you can look at 17th century instruments while listening to their the Modern Museum in Sweden, you can put on costumes provided by the Stockholm these examples show, museums are reaching out to new audiences, particularly the young, the poor, and the less educated members of the a result, attendance is increasing.

More and more, museums directors are realizing that people learn best when they can somehow become part of what they are many science museums, for example, there are no guided visitor is encouraged to touch, listen, operate, and experiment so as to discover scientific principles for can have the experience of operating a spaceship or a can experiment with glass blowing and paper purpose is not only to provide fun but also to help people feel at home in the world of theory is that people who do not understand science will probably fear it, and those who fear science will not use it to best museums now provide educational services and children s addition to the usual displays, they also offer film showings and dance of being places that one should visit, they are places to enjoy.



Last Sunday, my mother and I, Zhu Yunxians mother, Zhu Yunxian and his sister went to the museum with five people. We went to a Wenzhou folk museum first, and saw many things long ago. Some people were doing farm work, and there was a big dragon boat. It was amazing. Later, we went to visit the world of conch, which has many beautiful shells and conch.


I visited a famous museum with several of my classmates another day. in the museum,i saw many valuable historical items rediscovered by archiologists. what i am most insterested in is ancient sword made of brass. its handle looks like a dragon. archiologists estimated that it probably belonged to a king of the ancient times. looking at those ancient items, i felt i were traveling in ancient times after going through the time-spacial tunnel.



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