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网友发表时间 316629



1、 We'd like to express our desire to establish business relationship with you on the basis of quality, mutually benefit and exchange of needed goods 。


2 。In order to extend our export business to your country we wish to enter direct business relations with you.


3、 Our hope is to establish mutually beneficial trading relations between us 。


4、 We looking forward to further extensions of pleasant business relations.


5、 It’s our hope to continue with considerable business dealing with you.


6、 We looking forward to receiving your quotation very soon.


hope you see from the reduction that we are really doing our utmost.


hope to discuss business with you at your earliest convenience.


wish to express our desire to trade with you in leather shoes.


look forward to your early reply and trust that through our mutually cooperation we shall be able to conclude this transaction with you in the near further.


hoped we can do business together and looking forward to hearing from you soon.


hoped we can cooperate happily.


13、 I hoped we can continue our cooperation.


14 。We sincerely hope that this transaction will turn out to the satisfaction of both parties.


hoped that this market trend will continue.


16 。It is hoped that you will seriously take this matter into consideration and let

us have your reply soon.


17 。We hoped that you will deal with our request honestly.


18、 We hope to receive your immediate answer.


19、 We are looking forward to having your early reply to this matter.


20、 We hoped that this dispute can be settled through friendly negotiation without be submit for arbitration.


21、 We look forward to your settlement at early date 。


22、 Your early settlement of this case will be appreciated.


23、 We hoped you can settle the claim as quickly as possible.


24、 We hoped that there will be no repetition of this kind of trouble in the future 。


25 。We expect that you will offer us a lower price as soon as possible.


26、 We hoped that the matter can be brought to a satisfactory conclusion.


27、 I do hope this undesirable incident will not stand in the way of our future business.


hope this matter will not effect our good relations and future dealings.


29、 I wished this business will bring benefit to both of us.


30、 We hoped this incident will not bring any harm to our pleasant relations.


31、 This model of typewriter is efficient and endurable , economical and practical for middle school students.


32、 The computer we produced is characterized by its high quality, compact-sized, energy-saving and it’ also easy-to-learn and easy-to-operate.


are not only as low-priced as other makers, but they are distinctly superior in the following respects 。


34、 You will get a 30% increasing production upon using this machine and also it allows one people to perform the task of three people.


35、 This product will pay its own way in a year.


machine will pay back your investment in 6 month.


new type of suitcase card designed by our engineers is very ingenious and practical.


kind of bicycle can be folded in half and handy to carry around ,especially useful during traveling and traffic jams.


maximum speed of this kind of variable speed bicycle is 30 K/H 。


machines have few breakdowns and easy to maintain because of their simple

mechanical structure.


with other brands, this kind of tyre cost less per mile and wear much longer due to its topnotch rubber.


42、 This kind of tyre is characteristic of nonskid stop on wet road.


material has a durable and easy-to-clean surface.


kind of air-conditioning system is practical and economical for the needs of your company.


products are as superb quality as well as the typical oriental make-up.


silk garments are made of super pure silk material and by traditional skills.我们的真


47、 The garments are magnificent and tasteful and have long enjoyed great fame both at home and aboard.


our typewriters are made of light and hard alloy they are both portable and endurable.


hand bags we quoted are all made of the best leather and various the kinds and the styles in order to meet the requirements of all walks of life in your country.



our products have all the feature you need and 20% cheaper compared with that

Japanese made ,I strongly recommended to you.


cleaners of this brand are competitive in the international market and are the best- selling products of their kind.


52、 “Forever” multiple speed racing bicycles are sure to be sella ble in your market.


53、 Owning to its superior quality and reasonable price our silk has met with warm reception and quick sale in most European countries.


feel that our product is the best kind in Asia and we can very well compete against Japan in price.


55、 Our goods are greatly appreciated in other markets similar to your own.


virtue of its super quality ,this product is often sold out in many areas.


products are superior in quality and moderate in price and are sure to be sellable in your market.


items are most sellable in our market.


have been a steady demand in our market for this kind of toy.


have the pleasure in recommending you the goods similar to the sample you send.


Unit three 业务范围介绍

61) We wish to introduce ourselves to you as a sate-owned corporation dealing exclusively in light industrial goods.


62) We are introducing ourselves as one of the leading exporters of the same line of business


63) We have the pleasure of introducing ourselves to you as a state corporation specializing in the export of canned goods.


64) We introduce ourselves as dealers in bicycles and spare parts. We have been in this line for over two decades.


65) Our corporation is specialized in handling the export business of textiles


66) The main products our corporation deals in are electrical appliances.


67) Our company is mainly engaged in agricultural products.


68) We specialize in the export of table-cloths.


69) Our company mainly deals with the export business of silk goods.


70) Our specialization is the exportation of Chinese silk garments


71) We are engaged in the import and export of machinery.


72) We are now doing a large import business in fruits from Southeast Asia.


73) We specialize in handling clocks and watches of all sorts.


74) We also take on a variety of silk piece goods


75) Our activities cover a wide range of commodities, such as ties, belts and shirts.


76) We are in a very good position to supply most grades of canned fish at competitive prices and for good delivery


77) We are in a position to accept orders against customers samples specifying design, specifications and packaging requirements.


78) We are now exporting straw and willow products, embroideries, porcelain wares, jade carvings, antiques, Chinese paintings, silk flowers and various kinds of toys and gifts.


79) Our corporation is a major producer of technically advanced machinery and chemicals for industry and agriculture.


80) Electronic products fall within the scope of our business activities


81) We also do export business of hand made woven articles.


82) We have been engaged in the glass business with many Asian countries for many years


83) Our company is mainly in the line of exporting Chinese art objects to European markets.


84) We also do import and export business in chemicals and agricultural products


85) We have been importing and exporting all kinds of metals and minerals for 30 years and have many customers and friends in over 80 countries and regions


86) Our corporation is a group enterprise integrating scientific research, business, production and service.


87) As a joint venture, our corporation has won a prominent position in the fields of home electronics, computers and telecommunications in China


88) We are prepared to accept orders for goods with customers’ own trade marks or brand names


89) We have been handling leather shoes and gloves for more than 20 years


90) We have been engaged for two decades in the manufacture of such equipment.


Unite four 承诺

assure you that such things will not happen again in our future deliveries.


’d like to avail ourselves this opportunity to assure you of our broad attention in handling your future order.


products are always good as the samples we send ,I can promise there will be not debasement of quality.


guarantee that there is not difference in quality between the products we send you next month and what’s samples you saw just now.


can promise you that the product we send you will be of A-one quality.


products are surely of standard quality.


give you my word that the payment will be made not later than the end of June.


promise I will check into these problems and find out if they were our fault.


can make sure that goods avoid been damaged during the transit.


will provide a fresh guarantee for the protection of the equipments repaired.



why Measure Life in Heartbeats?

Hemingway once wrote that courage is grace under pressure. But I wouldrather think with the 18th-century Italian dramatist, Vittorio Alfieri, that"often the test of courage is not to die but t0 1ive." For living with cancerengenders more than pressure; it begets terror. To live with it, to face up toit-that's courage.

Hope is our most effective "drug" in treating cancer. There is almost nocancer (at any stage) that cannot be treated. By instilling hope in a patient,we can help develop a positive; combative attitude to his disease. Illogical,unproven? Perhaps. But many doaors believe that this must become a partof cancer therapy if the therapy is to be effective.

I have had the joy of two beautiful and wonderful wives, the happiness ofparenthood and the love of eight children. My work was constantly chal-lenging and fulfilling. I have always loved music and books, ballet and thetheater. I was addicted to fitness, tennis, golf, curling, hunting and fishing.

Good food and wine graced my table. My home was a warm and happyplace.

But when I became aware of my imminent mortality, my attitudes changed.

There was real meaning to the words, "This is the first day of the rest ofyour life." There was a heightened awareness of each sunny day, the beautyof flowers, the song of a bird. How often do we reflect on the joy of breath.

ing easily, of swallowing without effort and discomfort, of walking withoutpain, of a complete and peaceful night's sleep?

After I became ill, I embarked upon many things I had been putting offbefore. I read the books Ihad set aside for retirement and wrote one myself,entitled TheArt of Surgery. My wife Madeleine and I took more holidays.

We played tennis regularly and curled avidly; we took the boys fishing. WhenI review these past few years, it seems in many ways that I have lived alifetime since I acquired cancer. On my last holiday in the Bahamas, as Iwalked along the beach feeling the gentle waves wash over my feet, I felt apart of tlie universe, even if only a minuscule one,like a grain of sand on thebeach.

Although I had to restrict the size of my practice, I felt closer empathy withmy patients. When I walked into the Intensive Care Unit there was an awe-some feeling knowing I, too, had been a patient there. It was a special satis-faction to comfort my patients with cancer, knowing that it is possible toenjoy life after the anguish of that diagnosis. It gave me a warm feeling tosee the sparkle in one patient's eyes-a man with a totallaryngectomy-when I asked if he would enjoy a cold beer and went to get him one.

If one realizes that our time on this earth is but a tiny fraction of that withinthe cosmos, then life calculated in years may not be as important as wethink. Why measure life in heartbeats? When life is so dependent on such anunreliable function as the beating of the heart, then it is fragile indeed. Theonly thing that one can depend upon with absolute certainty is death.

I believe that death may be the most important part of life. I believe that lifeis infinitesinially brief in relation to the immensity of eternity. I believe,because of my religious faith, that I shall "return to the Father"in an afterlifethat is beyond description. I believe that though my life was short in years, itwas fullin experience, joy, love and accomplishment; that my owriimmor-tality will reside in the memories of my loved ones left behind, mother,brother, wife, children, dear friends. I believe that I will die with loved onesclose by and, one hopes, achieve that great gift of God-ileath in peace, andwith dignity.











Excellence is not an act, but a habit

Our character, basically, is a composite of our habits. “Sow a thought, reap an action; sow an action, reap a habit; sow a habit, reap a character; sow a character, reap a destiny,” the maxim goes.

人的品德基本上是由习惯组成的。 俗语说;思想决定行动,行动决定习惯,习惯决定品德,品德决定命运。

Habits are powerful factors in our lives. Because they are consistent, often unconscious patterns, they constantly, daily, express our character and produce our effectiveness or ineffectiveness.

习惯对我们的生活有绝大的影响,因为它们是一贯的。 在不知不觉中, 经年累月影响着我们的品德,暴露出我们的本性,左右着我们的成败。

As Horace Mann, the great educator, once said, “habits are like a cable. We weave a strand of it every day and soon it cannot be broken.” I personally do not agree with the last part of his expression. I know habits can be learned and unlearned. But is also know it isn’t a quick fix. It involves a process and a tremendous commitment.


Those of us who watched the lunar voyage of Apollo 11 were transfixed as we saw the first men walk on the moon and return to earth. But to get there, those astronauts literally had to break out of the tremendous gravity pull of the earth. More energy was spent in the first few minutes of lift-off, in the first few miles of travel, than was used over the next several days to travel half a million miles.


Habits, too, have tremendous gravity pull- more than most people realize or would admit. Breaking deeply imbedded habitual tendencies such as procrastination, impatience, criticalness, or selfishness that violate basic principles of human effectiveness involves more than a little willpower and a few minor changes in our lives. “Lift off” takes a tremendous effort, but once we break out of the gravity pull, our freedom takes on a whole new dimension.


1. maxim ['mksm] 座右铭

2. Our character, basically, is a composite of our habits.


composite[kɑm'pɑzt] n. 组合,组成物,adj 组合而成的

composite material 复合材料

China is a great composite of various nationalities.

3. Because they are consistent, often unconscious patterns


consistent[kn'sstnt] adj. 始终如一的, 坚持的, 一致的

Running is my only consistent habit.

Losing weight is her consistent slogan.

4. It involves a process and a tremendous commitment.

tremendous[tr'mnds]adj.极好的, 极大的, 惊人的

The city has taken place a tremendous change these years.

commitment [k'mtmnt]n. 承诺, 保证, 承担承诺, 献身

Don't offer any commitment if you can't fulfill it.

5. Those astronauts literally had to break out of the tremendous gravity pull of the earth.

gravity['ɡrvti]最喜欢的一首歌《Defying Gravity》 没听过的一定要去听哦!

deeplyimbeddedhabitual tendencies such as procrastination, impatience, criticalness, or selfishness.


imbedded[m'bdId] adj 嵌入的

My whole life is imbedded in teaching English.


Why do leaves change color in the fall? asks Patricia Brown, of New York City.

Autumn's cool days are trimmed with deep blue skies and golden light, and brilliant leaves of yellow, orange and red. Leaves changing color in the fall are a tree's way of preparing for long winter, rather like we put up storm windows and pull warm clothes and blankets out of storage.

In summer, the leaves on trees like pin oaks and sugar maples are green because they are chock-full of the green pigment chlorophyll.

Trees need sunlight to produce chlorophyll. In turn, chlorophyll uses sunlight's energy to split water (H2O) into hydrogen and oxygen. Meanwhile, leaves also absorb carbon dioxide gas from the air. The end products of leaf chemistry: carbohydrates (homemade plant food for the tree), and oxygen, released into the air (the gas we need to breathe)。 The whole process is called photosynthesis.

Along with green chlorophyll, most leaves also contain yellow, orange and red-orange pigments celled carotenoids. Trees don't need light to make carotenoids. Botanists call them "helper pigments," because carotenoids absorb some sunlight and (nicely) pass the energy along to chlorophyll. We don't see much of these deputy pigments (carotene, lycopene, and xanthophyll) in summer, because they are masked by abundant green chlorophyll.

But the ever-shortening days of fall mean less daylight and colder weather. The average tree is rushing to save all the nutrients it can for its winter hibernation. Nitrogen and phosphorus are pulled from leaves for storage in branches. A layer of corky cells grows between the leaves' stems and their branches, reducing the leaves' supply of nutrients and water.

With diminished sunlight, water, and nutrients, chlorophyll synthesis slows. Old, worn-out chlorophyll breaks down at the usual rate--ironically, sunlight destroys it--so each leaf's stock gradually dwindles. And as the green fades, yellow and orange emerge from hiding.

Unlike the green and yellow pigments, red and purple pigments (anthocyanins, part of the flavonoid class) actually form in leaves in the autumn, tinting leaves scarlet and burgundy.

Botanists have long wondered why some trees are genetically programmed to manufacture anthocyanins in the fall. New research indicates that anthocyanins may be a tree's own sunscreen.

Anthocyanins are made in a leaf's sugary sap, with the help of lots of sun and cool temperatures. Botanists think that anthocyanins shield the leaves' fading photosynthesis factories from too much sunlight, rather like the pigment melanin protects our skin from the sun. While the red pigments act as a shield, the tree feverishly breaks down and pulls nutrients out of leaves and into its limbs and trunk before leaves drop or die.

Anthocyanins may also act like Vitamin C or E, scavenging so-called "free radicals" before they can do oxidizing damage to a fall leaf's fragile structure.

Upper and outer leaves tend to be reddest, since they are most exposed to sunlight and cold. In some trees, like sugar maples, the reds of the anthocyanins combined with the yellows of the carotenoids make especially brilliant orange leaves.



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