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动物英语故事 精编4篇

网友发表时间 674986

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Today, the sky is high. Mother rabbit let small white rabbit and little grey rabbit go to the other side of the river to collect watermelons.

The two of them went out happily, but when they met a small river on the road, they stopped. The two of them thought and thought. There's no good way to think about it for a long time. After a while, a little squirrel came, and the little white rabbit and the rabbit hurried to ask the little squirrel for help. Say: "squirrel big brother, quick help us to think a way to cross a river!" The little squirrel thought to say: "have, have!" The little white rabbit and the little gray rabbit hurriedly ask: "what method did you come up with?" The little squirrel said, "each of you will find a stick, and you can cross the river with the stick." The two rabbits happily said, "great! Thank you, brother squirrel. The little squirrel said, "you're welcome." The little white rabbit and the rabbit crossed to the other side of the river. They came to the watermelon field and were busy, and soon they were finished. On the way home, I met the river again, and the little white rabbit came up with a solution. It said, "we cut the big watermelon in half and ate the insides inside, so we can sit inside and not be able to cross the river." "That's a good idea," said the little grey rabbit happily. That's how they got through.

I think little white rabbit and little grey rabbit are really clever!


The little cat, the little squirrel and the rabbit brother are going to play on the other side of the river. By the river they were in trouble. "How do you cross the river?" said the little cat. "We can call the elephants behind us and let the elephants carry us across the river." The little squirrel had a brainwave, and everyone said happily, "that's right! That's a good idea.

They came to the elephant and said to the elephant, "uncle elephant, we can't cross the river. Can you carry us back?" The elephant agreed.

The elephants carried them on their backs and carried them across the river. "Thank you," the animals said gratefully. Elephant uncle."


The horse was not convinced after the 12 zodiac signs, because the short rabbit had run a fourth, and he ran seventh! So he decided to compare it with the rabbit tomorrow.

The next morning the horse went to the rabbit. He walked east and west, and finally found the rabbit in the garden. "Rabbit!" cried the horse. The rabbit looked back and saw the horse. I was so bad yesterday that I came to see you today.

The rabbit agreed to the horse's request. The horse said, "let's take this as the starting point, and make your home as the destination, okay?" The rabbit agreed.

With a "start", the horse and rabbit race into the track. The horse took the lead at the beginning. He said to the rabbit, "I thought you were good. The original also is that two son!" The rabbit again say: "now lead does not mean you can achieve victory, later have you good-looking!" With that, he went at full speed ahead of the horse. The horse said, "it's not easy to catch up with me, but I want to beat me. You're far away! The sound had just fallen out of the roar of the wind. He looked back and saw no sign of the rabbit. He decided to take a break. But he had just sat down for less than five minutes when he saw a shadow pass by. What a surprise! The rabbit is catching up! The horse didn't even think about it, and ran away with his long legs, but he never caught up with him again.

At the end, the rabbit said, "big brother, I admit you run faster than me, but where did you lose this time?" The horse listened and bowed his head.


Every day the little bird busied itself with its branches to build its own house.

A fly came up and sneered at him and said, "you are such a man who can't enjoy life and don't know how to be happy! Look at me, living in a lazy pig's house, the wind is not blowing, the rain is not in the rain, singing and dancing all day, enjoy life happily, how comfortable!"

The bird looked at the fly scornfully and continued to build the house.

The lazy pig was inspired by the birds and worked hard. He cleaned the room, put on a beautiful screen, and drove the flies out of the door.

When it rained, the homeless flies were caught in the rain and ran away. And the little bird sang happily in the house he had built.

The fly finally understood: it is the fruits of your hard work that make you truly happy.

Sister squirrel's love.

The sky was overcast as if it were going to rain. The little bird was playing with the little frog, the little bird sang, and the little frog danced. They had a good time. Soon it began to rain, and the little frog jumped into the river with his umbrella and the little bird flew under the tree to shelter from the rain. Then sister squirrel came to this place and saw the bird say to her, "sister bird, come to my house and shelter from the rain!" "Thank you, sister squirrel," said the bird. So they went back to the tree house together.

The rain stopped, and a beautiful rainbow appeared in the sky. Birds and squirrels came out of the hole to look at the beautiful rainbow. They looked at each other and smiled.

Squirrel sister's love is like a beautiful rainbow!



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