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网友发表时间 1778086



One day, my classmate and I were walking in the street. An old lady was afraid to cross the traffic lights. I thought she was too old to cross the traffic lights.

So I told her and asked her, ^v^do you need help?^v^ She replied, ^v^yes,^v^ I do. ^v^When I started walking with her, the traffic lights turned green, and my classmates came forward, holding her across the street. The old lady was very happy and said,^v^ thank you very much for your help.

^v^ My English teacher, Mr. Wen, told us that we must help people when they need help. We will help.




When I was walking on the street, I found an old woman standing in front of the traffic lights to think about the road. She was too old to cross the road alone. So I went up to help her.

She was very happy to thank me. I replied, ^v^I'm glad^v^ to help others.





Today, I was walking in the street and found that an old blind man could not cross the road by himself, so I decided to help him. I ran over to help him. I took his hand carefully and slowly crossed the road with him.

When we got to the other side of the road, he thank me again and again. I was very happy because I helped people in need.




Time flys. A week has been gone. This week I have nothing sepecial except helping an old lady across the road. I left home for school in a hurry on Monday morning, because I had flag-raising ceremony on that morning. When ][I was nearly arrived at school, I saw an old lady whose hair is all white and she seemed didn’t move smoothly. I worried about that she would have accidents without help. So I help her to go through the road. As a result, I was late for school, but I was very happy.



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