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网友发表时间 1535914



Dear Editor-in-Chief,

Congratulations on the 5th anniversary of Global Mirror!

I’m a regular reader of your I like it so much that I hardly miss any

There are many advantages of Global Firstly, Global Mirror covers both national and international By simply turning the pages, I can know all important things that have happened both home and Besides, the success stories of world-famous people are also attractive to me, which help me learn a lot from In a word, thanks to Global Mirror, we are well-informed and keep up with the changing

As a young student, I wish that I can be a master of English Therefore, I suggest that Global Mirror provide articles about English learning for

Finally, I hope that Global Mirror will become more and more Thank you for your time!

Sincerely yours,

Li Hua


More media coverage is being paid to the HIV/AIDS situation in China, especially after a gathering of leading officials, scientists, medical workers and activists in the field occurred in Beijing on November 10. By official estimates, China has 840,000 people carrying HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, and about 80,000 AIDS patients. Despite the fairly large groups of HIV carriers and AIDS patients, the epidemic is mostly confined to high-risk groups, such as drug users, prostitutes and users of blood products.

And it has yet to spread widely in the rest of the nation. The Chinese Government is well aware of such perspectives, and the central and local governments have allocated billion yuan (US$822 billion) to establish and improve disease prevention and control mechanisms in provinces. Each year a special fund of more than 200 million yuan (US$24 million) is channeled into HIV/AIDS prevention, care and treatment. Since April, free medicine to poor AIDS patients has been delivered in regions hit hardest by the virus. Just as the impacts of AIDS reaches social and economic fields of society, effective prevention also requires united efforts from virtually all sectors. Key factors needed include public education, affordable drugs, medical training for healthcare workers in hospitals and the public health system, monitoring and evaluation, care for orphans.

measures to stop mother-to-child transmission, a comprehensive care framework and research into vaccines and a cure.

None of these things can be achieved with the single hand of any institution — not health officials, not medical workers or the government. The fight against HIV/AIDS requires the participation of as many parties as possible. As former US President Bill Clinton said as a co-chair of the advisory board of International AIDS Trust, the AIDS problem is “manageable and preventable” though we must wage it on all fronts with tenuous determination, utmost patience and tactful skills.


People always confuse about the meaning of happiness, they don’t know how to define it. Some people think that when one has the successful career or does something that makes contribution to the society is the happiness. It is common that great acts are admired by the public and people are easy to feel the happiness. While in my opinion, happiness is very easy to achieve. When I stay with my family, we have the nice talk and I feel very happy. When I eat the delicious food that is cooked by my mother, I feel moved and happy. Happiness is around everywhere, we can feel it if we treat it right.


With the development of science, Internet is more and more common in our life. However, our parents or some other adults always keep telling us get away from Internet, because it will do harm to our study.

I don’t think so. If we are addicted in it, like playing games all the time. It may be right. But we can also use it to study. There are many information about study on the Internet. It is helpful for us. I think our parents are too one-sided.


There are four seasons in a year. They’re spring, summer, autumn and winter.

I like spring. Spring is a pleasant season. Everything comes back to life. I feel warm. I can fly my kite and go boating in spring. I am very happy.

I like summer. Summer is a hot season Everything is like the heat. I feel very excited. I can eat ice creams and go swimming in summer. I am very energetic.

I like autumn. Autumn is a harvest season Everything is mature. I feel cool. I can pick pomegranates go climbing in autumn. I am very relaxed.

L like winter. Winter is a freezing season. Everything is snowy. I feel cold. I can make snow men and go skating in winter. I feel very comfortable.

Four seasons alternate year by year. I enjoy fantastic life in changeable seasons.



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